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Lara's Raiding Again


release date: 07-Apr-2005

average rating: 7.85
review count: 15
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file size: 23.70 MB
file type: TR4
class: Egypt

author profile(s):

Lara travels to Egypt (again), where she has discovered a temple ruin which she suspects to be an unknown residence of Nefertiti, the legendary wife of the Egyptian pharaoh Echnaton. The name 'Nefertiti' means: 'The beautiful has arrived' and some records indicate that Nefertiti's beauty was mainly based on her seemingly not getting older. One rumor stated that she was in possession of a special concoction that stopped her from aging; another suspected her drinking from the fountain of youth but archeologists classify the existence of such a fountain as mythic tales. Lara begins her journey to be the first archeologist searching for the secret of Nefertiti's eternal youth. She secretly hopes to learn more about the special concoction which is mentioned in several scripts and to bring more light to Nofretete's story: how old she was when she died, when and how she died (It is widely believed that she met her death before her husband did). A famous limestone bust, which was found in Tell Al Amarna is the only historical legacy of her life so far. Lara hopes to change this.