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Welcome to the Dino Island


release date: 12-May-2006

average rating: 6.50
review count: 16
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file size: 35.60 MB
file type: TR4
class: Jungle

author profile(s):

Lara regained the 'Blue Stone of Life'. Although, 2 weeks later she found a poison-pen letter in her library. To the south of Australia there is a small island where still live dinosaurs and noone knows about this. The savages named it as Dino Island. These animals maintained their existence until these days, but Sophia's men has settled down there and they are exploring the island from a base. One of the people found a mysterious map at the savages, but he kept it in secret. This map leads to the 'Stone of Power'. The one who touches its interior will be able to destroy the Earth and rule nature. Lara took is serious and it didn't have to be told twice to her - she took a plane and began her journey.