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BtB2010 - No Warehouses in Venice?


release date: 01-Jan-2010
difficulty: medium
duration: medium

average rating: 7.35
review count: 36
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file size: 49.18 MB
file type: TR4
class: Venice

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Pretty soon it will be carnival time again in Venice. The city is gearing up to this huge festivity that attracts tourists from all over the world. Folks at the town hall are panicking, as the famous Carnival Mask that should be on display in the town hall, has been stolen. A note was left behind that the thieves wanted a large sum of money before this Sunday. Having not much time and knowing that Miss Croft was in town, they asked her help in this grave matter.

The mayor and the chief of police showed her the letter and all they could tell is that it the suspects of this hideous crime probably lived in the rundown areas of Venice. Now it is up to Miss Croft to find this Mask so this festival can start on time.