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LB Advent Calendar 2020 - Marooned


release date: 10-Dec-2020
difficulty: challenging
duration: short

average rating: 8.48
review count: 14
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file size: 51.70 MB
file type: TR4
class: South Pacific

author profile(s):

This is a 2015 scrapped intro level from an unfinished WIP game "Marooned" that I worked on back in 2015-2017. This level acted as a teaser of sorts before starting the main game, which was going to be a hub-based tropical island with temple ruins, villages, and a day/night progression system with new moves. This level was built in NGLE back in 2015 and I hit the box limit and had to compromise gameplay and cut many ideas short for this particular level. As a result, this is an intro level that shows Lara making her way along the coastal bluffs into the tropical island while getting used to her new wall jumping moves.

I plan on completely rebuilding this level in Tomb Editor to fit my original vision when I eventually revisit this project. Rather than letting this sit on my hard drive unused, I figured I'd share this scrapped level anyway, and a tropical getaway sounds about nice during these times.