Ship of the Night

Author: Mark Lunney (Croft Storm)

Walkthrough by OBig of (and thanks to Treeble of Lara's Home for pointing out its availability)


Well, this level is quite short but I was looking for the Revolver for a while till I managed to find it climbing up in the right-hand corner of the low room where the hideout was invisible. The story may take place in a ship. In the end Lara gets on a motorbike and jump off the ship. But there are no other objectives or artifacts. This level seems to be a demo, in virtue of the flat walls and empty rooms. The author would have furnished a bit these rooms, so the level must have gotten a better score. Although there are puzzles and ideas. Unfortunately there are no added sounds and secrets. It may will be continued. Find the walkthrough, pictures and savegames here:


Climb up the block behind you, and get the Shotgun from the other side. Climb back, over to the other side, jump over to the lever and pull it. The gate has opened below. Shoot the armed man and head to the right. In the next room climb up the block to the right, jump to the opposite side, and jumping on the sloping area get on the other side. Having stepped on a floor switch a block has risen. Return to that place, standing on the block jump toward the wall. Jumping to the right grab the gap, shimmy to the left and push the lever. Exit the room and head to the right. In the next room take a look at the ceiling and notice the places where you MUST NOT step, otherwise the machine gun shoots Lara. Collect the Laser Sight and leave the room where you came.

In the large room head to the right again. Now you can’t shoot the sphere so continue your way. In the next room find some Shotgun Ammo and an armed man. In the next room climb up in the corner find more Ammos. Climbing up in the right-hand corner find the Revolver. The ceiling is a camouflage here. Now return into the large room and shoot the sphere. Another gate has opened. Get the Nitrous Oxide Feeder here which will be needed for speeding up the bike. The gate has opened at the beginning of the level, climb onto the roof. Heading towards the door 3 armed men attack Lara. Kill them. One of them drops the Crowbar. Force the door open with it. Gear the nitro into the bike, speed up before the slope, jump over and the level finishes.

Walkthrough by OBig of
Translated by Petunia of