NOTE: I have not listed any of the pickups except the keys you need, nor have I listed any of the secrets; these are for you, the player, to find.

The level starts with Lara underwater, with air running out. Turn to your left and swim towards the ship's upturned hull, with two hammerhead sharks hot on your tail. Then swim to the north til you see an opening, swim down the opening then turn right and use the underwater wall lever to open the door around the corner. Swim through the open door, surface, exit the water by the crate to your left.

Now run/jump/grab/pullup on to the crates in front of you and go through the opening to your left. Go down the passage til you come to an opening leading down to the next room. Climb down the ladder (or you can just run down the passage and fall down to the next room, taking very little damage), turn around and enter the next room. As you enter this room you are attacked by three thugs, so deal with them. Continue on through this room and through the opening and watch a flyby. After the flyby, head to the steps on your right and go down into the water.

Swim to your right and next to the closed door use the underwater wall lever to open it. Go through the now open door, surface, get some air, then head over to the floating crate ahead and slightly to your left. There is another underwater wall lever there, go use it. Now swim back through the door and to the other end of the passage through the open door there. Swim down this new passage to the next room. In this room head to your right over to the closed door and use the underwater wall lever next to it. Once the door is opened, head through it and down the passage to the next room.

As you enter this next room head to your right towards the closed door and use the underwater wall lever next to it to open the door. Go through the door and surface in the air pocket to get some air. Now continue on to and through the next room, surface and exit the water into the next passage. Follow this passage til you come to a closed door with a wall lever next to it, use the wall lever and go into the next room.

Once you are in the next room, turn right and go to the crates in the corner and climb them to the catwalk. Once you are on the catwalk, turn to your left and run/jump to the catwalk across from you. Now go into the next passage and use the floor lever in the alcove to your right. Next, head back to the catwalk and run/jump back across to the other catwalk and through the open door.

Now go and dive into the water in the next room and use the underwater wall lever next to the closed door to your left. Go through the open door into the passage, swim til you can surface and exit the water, once you exit the water watch the flyby. Once the flyby is over, head over to the crates in the northwest corner and pull out the two moveable crates to reveal a wall lever hidden behind them. Use the wall lever and then head over to the southwest corner and the door you saw closed in the flyby, which is now open.

Go into the next room and through to the next room. Next jump to the sloping ledge to your right and shimmy all the way to your left to the ledge on the other side of this room. Once there go through the opening and get the living room key. Now head all the way back to the area where you saw the first flyby.

When you surface and exit the water, head up the steps. At the top of the steps turn right, go around the corner and use the living room key to open the door to the living room. Once you have opened the door take out (and, not on a date) the two thugs that come out to play. Once they are gone go through the open door into the living room. Now head up the ramp to your right and open the door there. Go through the door and up the stairs to the next room. In this room go and open the door to your left. In the next room go up either of the ramps to the next room. In the next room deal with the two thugs, then go to your right and get the round key.

Now head back to the room with the wall lever that was behind the moveable crates and go through the door in the southwest corner. Next use the round key to open the closed door next to the keyhole. Once the door is open use the floor lever and watch the flyby, then head back out to the crate room and climb up to the opening you saw in the flyby. Once through the opening head to the next room. Go through to the next room and deal with the thug in the corner, next climb up upon the crates and face the south bulkhead. Jump/grab the crevice and shimmy right, then drop down onto the crates; turn around and go use the wall lever next to the opening on the north wall across from the crates. Head down the passage til you come to a floor lever. Continue on down the passage back to the catwalks. Once you have jumped from one catwalk to the other and have gone through the door, jump down to the room below (this room was filled with water before, but it has been drained out). There is an opening on the east wall, so go there and go through it. In the next room go through the opening to your right into the next room.

In this room is a closed door to your left and an opening to your right, there is also a machine that looks like it needs some parts to make it work. So, let's head off down through the opening to the right, through the passage to the cavern beyond. When you reach the cavern, take out the three hammerhead sharks in the water, then dive into the water and swim to the underwater tunnel ahead of you and get the first power generator key. Once the key is in Lara's possession leave the tunnel, surface and exit the water to your right. You are now standing in front of another cavern opening, so head on into the cavern. Climb up to the next area of the cavern and turn left. Go up the sloping passage to the next area, then turn right and go to the next area. In this area go over to the crates to your left and pull out the moveable crate and go into the room beyond and get the second power generator key.

Once the second key is in Lara's possession head back to the room you need to use the keys in. Once you have placed the power generator keys in their receptacles the door to your left will open. Go through the door and into the next room. In the next room deal with the three thugs, one will drop the luggage area key, so pick it up. Next go and use the floor lever in the northeast corner of the room, then head over and through the crates on the southeast side of the room through the open door there. Go through the door and use the luggage area key to open the closed door leading to the luggage area. Go into the luggage area and get the wind stone. When you pick up the wind stone the level ends.