Levels by Josefina Tamareu (Cuqui)

Authorized walkthrough by Phil Lambeth



Draw your pistols immediately to deal with the ninja to your left and the two scorpions in front of you. You can then explore the sand dunes to your right for some revolver ammo and to your left for a large medi-pack. Then take a standing jump into the pyramid's opening and kill another ninja about halfway down the tunnel ahead. There's a closed gate at the end of the tunnel, so turn into the passageway to your left. Enter the next room, where you lose camera control, and shoot the large vases for some flares and a large medi-pack. Back into the tunnel to restore camera control, and look into the room to your left. There's an opening in the dark wall, so go there and vault up into the alcove. Throw the floor lever, then jump straight up and out of the corner of your eye you can see the crawl space up on the wall to your right. Pull up into the crawl space for SECRET #1 and pick up the REVOLVER.

Leave this room and run back down the connecting tunnel. Turn to your left to find that the gate you saw earlier has been raised. Kill the ninja and go into the anteroom where he was posted. Shoot the large vase for some revolver ammo, then go up the stairs toward the closed door, which opens upon your approach. Go inside and greet the trio of mummies that stagger forward to shake your hand. Search the slate ledges (the mummies won't follow) for some flares and two stashes of shotgun ammo, then approach the closed doors on the opposite side of the room. They open as well, but go inside only far enough to trigger the two spike balls at the top of the facing ramp. The menacing music gives you ample warning, so simply reverse roll and run back out of harm's way.

After the spike balls have come to rest, run up the ramp to the north. In the green torch-lit room at the top you'll see a closed gate in the far right corner. In the dark left corner of the wall ahead is an opening. Pull up into it and throw the floor lever to open the gate down below. However, don't be so quick to hop back down, as there's more work to be done in this area. Step forward around the floor lever and run through the green wall ahead into a tunnel. Use the crawl space and turn left at the intersection. Pick up the shotgun ammo at the next intersection and look to your right. There's a flame trap at the other end of the tunnel, so don't bother going that way.

Instead, crawl back toward the east until you hear the distinctive sound of a dart gauntlet to your left. Keep crawling forward, making a slight dogleg to the left, until you reach the revolver ammo at the next intersection. To your left is another flame trap, so turn to your right and crawl through another gossamer green wall. Stand up and step onto the gold pad, whereupon a cut scene shows a gate opening elsewhere. Pick up the large medi-pack and back out of this area. Crawl back to the west and turn right at the intersection. Keep the crouch key depressed so that Lara won't stand up and be injured by the darts, then crawl forward until you reach the LASER SIGHT. Pick it up quickly, then continue crawling forward under the crawl space.

Continue forward at the intersection, as the flame traps are all you'll find to your right and left. Crawl through another gossamer green wall and stand up. Turn to your right and use the climbable wall to reach the corridor above. Shift to the left, drop down and run forward into SECRET #2. Pick up the SHOTGUN and go back to the alcove with the floor lever by crawling straight through. Hop down into the room below and turn left to go through the new opening. Draw weapons to kill the ninja, and be sure to pick up the small medi-pack that he drops. Wind your way through the tunnel until you reach the dark drop-off at the end. Turn around, hop back and grab the edge, and climb down the shaft to the bottom. Draw weapons and hop back when you reach the bottom, and shoot the scorpion that was waiting for you.

Turn around and step forward onto the designer tile, then vault up onto the next one and turn to your left. You're facing a ramp that leads up to the next area, but don't step onto it unless you want to fry. Instead, jump up to grab the ceiling, then monkey swing over the deadly ramp until you reach the top. When you drop down the doors ahead will open automatically, so step forward onto a ledge overlooking a pool of water far below. Turn around, hop back and grab the edge and shimmy to the right past the stone statue. Pull up and use the ladder ahead to reach the upper ledge. Shift to the left and drop down. Turn to the left and run along the upper ledge until you get a fixed camera angle, then turn to your left and jump straight up to grab the ceiling. Monkey swing to the other side and drop down. When you drop down and approach the plinth, you get a cut scene showing an underwater gate opening.  Take the BA CARTOUCHE from the plinth.

Monkey swing back to the other side, drop down and turn to your left. Run to the end of the ledge, turn around, drop back to grab the edge, and drop down to the ledge below. Jump and grab the ladder in the east wall, and climb down toward the pool level. Shift to your right when you reach a dark area where you can no longer see the ladder, and continue climbing down until you reach the pool ledge. Turn to your left and pick up the uzi ammo (but go no further or you'll trigger a hidden spike trap), then turn back and walk slowly west along the south ledge until you trigger a similar spike trap.  Jump into the water and pull up onto the south ledge on the other side of the spikes, then pick up the revolver ammo. The central portions of the other two walls also hide deadly spike traps, but there are no more pickups on those ledges in any event.

So simply jump into the water and find the small medi-pack (SE corner) and some flares (NW corner), then exit via the NE opening. Go down, then swim along the corridor until you reach an opening where you can pull up. Immediately draw weapons and kill the ninja and scorpion that are awaiting you.  The nearby large vase is empty. The NE gate opens as you approach it, so go inside the tunnel and turn to the right. Go to the ivy-covered wall as you lose camera control, then jump straight up to grab the climbing wall. Climb up, pull up into SECRET #3 and pick up the UZIS. Turn to your left and pull up into a higher corridor. Take running jumps across the two fire pits and push the floor lever. A cut scene shows a gate opening elsewhere.

Reverse roll, go back to the ivy-covered wall and lower Lara back down to the first tunnel. Turn to the right and you'll get a view of the area beyond the gate you just opened. Run into a room with another pair of friendly mummies. Dodge them long enough to pick up the uzi ammo in the NE corner (avoiding the E depression in the floor, which hides an unmarked spike trap).  Use the Ba Cartouche in the receptacle in the south wall to open the adjacent gate as you momentarily lose camera control. Pick up the shotgun ammo in the W (safe) depression before you leave, then wind your way through the tunnel until you reach a closed door at the end that doesn't open as you approach. Hmm, must have missed something. Sure enough, if you'll reverse roll and turn right at the intersection, you'll run through another gossamer green wall. Throw the floor lever to open the large door, and come back out to find a deep and narrow lava room with a series of three ropes ahead to give you access to the other side.

Use the ropes to get across, and draw weapons as soon as you drop down to deal with two scorpions in the corridor ahead. Then run forward and turn right (losing camera control again) toward an opening with a pole that leads to a new area below. Slide down, step forward and draw weapons to kill the ninja. Then continue forward to another closed gate that opens as you approach. Turn to your right, step through and find yourself transported to the next level.


If you turn around and try to go back, the door will slam shut rudely in your face. So run forward down the tunnel and the door ahead will open upon your approach. When you enter the next room, it will then close behind you. Go to the middle of the room and take the MUSIC SCROLL from the plinth on the raised tile. Then shoot the orange vase that you'll see on a block in each of the room's four corners. Saving the near left, or SW corner for last, climb up into the upper room located at each corner and shoot an assortment of pots and pick up an assortment of goodies along the way. You'll notice each time a closed door barring your further progress. When you've finished harvesting the first three corner rooms, climb up into the SW room and shoot the vase for some shotgun ammo. Then vault up onto the platform to pick up the flares, and a cut scene shows a door opening. The door is on a timer that's activated when you step off the platform, so turn to the west and face the open passageway. Light a flare so you can better see where to make the turn, then jump off and sprint down the corridor. Turn left and sprint through the doorway ahead before the door can close in your face.

In the small room beyond, dive into the water hole (the nearby pot is empty) and swim down the greenish tunnel, stopping long enough to pick up the large medi-pack. The tunnel will curve upward and bring you to a room where you can pull up. Go to the NW corner for SECRET #4 and pick up the CROWBAR, then shoot the shatter bones near the east wall for fun. Push the face tile to open the door at the end of the west corridor. Go there, passing a corridor to your right with a closed door at the end. Enter a room sprinkled with holes occupied by deadly fire traps and spike traps. Shoot the vase to your right for some grenade gun ammo, then jump carefully to the other side of the room and push the face tile. Go back across the room to the corridor and turn left, and you'll see that the door is now open.

Go inside and turn to your right. Jump to the ladder, grab and climb down. At the bottom, turn left and go down the torch-lit corridor. If you then turn right at the intersection you'll come to an alcove with a closed door at the end. If you turn left, you'll awaken a skeleton, so run quickly around it while it's still groggy and use the ladder to climb up to an upper level. Yikes, another skeleton. Ready your shotgun and maneuver the skeleton around until you're able to blast it down the ladder shaft. Then step on the nearby ornate tile, and a cut scene shows the door opening downstairs. Go back down quickly, as the door appears to be on a timer (so you needn't bother with the ladder), and dodge the waiting skeleton while running through the open doorway. Thankfully, the skeleton won't follow; otherwise, you'd risk being pushed into the toxic water in the next room.

If you go either to the right or the left along the opening ledge you'll alert a wraith. To get rid of it, stand left or right of center and take a standing jump to grab the upper central platform and pull up. Step onto the raised tile there (which also acts as a trigger to open a timed door in the east wall) and take a standing jump and grab to the south ledge. Pull up, turn to your right and shoot the vase to give you some running room. Then go over and take a running jump to the ledge in front of the west opening. Go inside and wait until the wraith implodes against the bird statute on the platform. Shoot the shatter bones and the nearby vase for a large medi-pack. Then go outside and make your way along the ledges on this level for some crossbow arrows and some shotgun ammo.

Jump back down to the central platform. If you want some extra fun, you can go over to the west side of the central platform to awaken three skeletons. One is on the platform with you; after you blast it into the toxic pool, the other two that are prancing about on the NE and SW corner ledges will eventually decide to jump over toward you. Hopefully they won't make this decision simultaneously. When each makes its jump toward you, blast it while it's still in mid-air. Don't bother to investigate these corner ledges where the skeletons materialized, as they were not guarding any pick-ups. Avoid the other corner ledges as well, as otherwise you'll be spiked.

Step onto the raised platform and face east. You'll see the door opening high up on the wall. It's on a timer, so quickly negotiate a running jump and grab to the ledge. Pull up and run through the open doorway. Shoot the nearby orange vase for a large medi-pack, then run to the end of the west corridor and use your crowbar to pry off the first GOLDEN STAR. Hop back and turn to your left. Follow the corridor until you come to a door that opens as you approach. In the next room is a water hole. Jump into the water and follow the tunnel until you reach an opening where you can pull out.

You have several choices in this room. Ahead is a moveable piece, and there's a closed door in the east wall. Pull up onto the lower ledges for some grenade gun ammo and a floor lever to push. A cut scene shows a door opening elsewhere. Opposite the floor lever is a ladder in the south wall. Take a running jump and grab to it, and climb above the ledge to your right. Shift over and drop down to the ledge, whereupon you'll lose camera control. Step out to the edge of this ledge and jump up to grab the ceiling. Monkey swing over to the other side and drop down onto the ledge in front of the face tile. Push the face tile, then safety drop to the floor. The door in the east wall is now open, but before leaving this area push the moveable piece all around the room so that it comes to rest on each of the five designer tiles. When you push it into the alcove next to the green vase, a cut scene shows a door opening elsewhere. Now go inside the open doorway in the east wall.

Shoot the vases in the alcoves to your right and left for some revolver ammo and a large medi-pack. Then continue east and follow the corridor until you reach a closed door that opens upon your approach. Drop down through the hole in the floor of the next room, and you find yourself back in the music scroll room. Climb up into the upper room in the SE corner, and you'll find the east doorway that you opened with the moveable piece. Go down the corridor and find a closed door at the end (that doesn't open upon your approach). Go back to the south opening and you'll see a hole with a ramp beyond it. If it smells like a boulder trap to you, the burst of action music indicates that you're right. Jump over the hole and run up the ramp a short distance, then reverse roll and run back down and jump over the hole while the spike ball falls harmlessly into the hole.

Jump back over the hole and run up the ramp until you reach the next room. You'll awaken a skeleton, so draw your shotgun and blast it down the shaft where you see the pole. Shoot the vase for some grenade gun ammo, then push the floor lever. A cut scene shows the door opening at the end of the corridor below. Slide down the pole and back flip away from the fire at the bottom. Run to the end of the corridor for SECRET #5 and that GRENADE GUN to go along with the ammo you've been finding. Jump back to the pole, climb up and back flip to the upper level. Run back down the spike ball ramp and jump over the hole near the bottom. Turn right and run down the corridor into the new area.

The water in the next room looks clear and pure, but it's deadly stuff. You can use the side ledges and take running jumps to get to the other side, but all you'll find there is a closed door. What's more, there's a skeleton clanking around on the upper levels. Step to your right and take a standing jump to the sloped pillar ahead. Keep the jump key depressed and jump off the other side, and grab the edge of the block. Pull up, and you'll awaken a second skeleton on the higher ledge ahead. Turn to your left and take a standing jump to the next sloped pillar. Again, keep the jump key depressed so you'll immediately jump off and grab the ledge ahead. Pull up and pick up the flares, then stand on the middle stripe facing east and jump up to grab the ledge above. Pull up and pick up the revolver ammo, then ready your grenade gun and take out the skeleton that's on the way over to greet you.

You'll see a flaming ledge over in the NW corner, so turn around and take a running jump to the opposite ledge in the NE corner. Turn right and take another running jump to the ledge in the east wall. From here you can reach the safe ledge in the south wall (with the empty vase on it) with a long running jump (but you'd better save first). Shoot the vase to give yourself some running room, then take a running jump to the larger ledge along the west wall. Push the floor lever to raise the lower door in the south wall down at water level. Take a running jump back to the ledge in the south wall, then face south while standing at the back edge. Hop back and, when Lara clears the ledge (so she won't grab it) hit the action key so she lands safely on the ledge below. Step forward, jump up and grab the opening, and pull yourself inside. Collect the second GOLDEN STAR from the wall of the alcove ahead, then drop back down to the ledge. (You will have noted the rope dangling from the ceiling, which you caused to be lowered when you shot a vase earlier, but its only use is to afford an alternate means of reaching the balcony with the floor lever.)

Take a running jump to the NW back to the beginning ledge, then repeat the jump sequence to return to the block in the center of the toxic pool. Take a running jump and grab to the ledge in the east wall, and pull up quickly to deal with the skeleton. Push the face tile to open the door directly below. The hop-back-and-hit-action-key trick doesn't work here, so pick up the large medi-pack and take a standing jump back down to the block in the pool. Turn around and take a standing jump with grab to glide down onto the east ledge at water level and enter the open doorway.

Shoot the orange pot on your left for some shotgun ammo. On either side is an opening leading to a water hole, each of which will bring you down to a water maze where you need to find some essential pickups, and for your assistance the author has graciously provided a map in her download. Jump first into the hole to your right (the one to the south) and swim down the shaft. When you reach the horizontal section, swim to the very end (passing an opening to your left) and turn left at the juncture. At the end is a lighted alcove where you can pick up a large medi-pack. Flip turn and go back down the corridor. Turn right into the opening you went by earlier, then make two left turns in succession to find an air hole.

Now go back the way you came, heading south, and turn left when you come to the intersection. Swim all the way to the end (passing an opening to your left) and pick up the crossbow arrows in the lighted alcove. Flip turn and return to the air hole. Now swim east from the air hole (past the near crossing) and turn right at the intersection. Take the next left and swim to the end to find an alcove to your right and the first HORSEMAN'S GEM. Go back the way you came and make two right turns. Pick up the flares in the lit alcove and quickly return to the air hole (back the way you came and taking a right turn). Now swim north from the air hole, take a right and then a left, and keep swimming straight past an intersection. Pick up the second HORSEMAN'S GEM in the lit alcove. Flip turn and go back the way you came. Take the first left to find another air hole if you need it. Swim west from the air hole, take the second right, and you'll come to a shaft leading up to the exit.

Pull up, eliminate the skeleton that rises up to greet you, shoot the orange vase and pick up the large medi-pack. Head down the west corridor, where you'll lose camera control again. Step forward carefully and take three standing jumps over three spike traps. When you cross the last one, camera control is restored briefly and the door in front of you opens automatically. Run up the stairs and turn left at the juncture. The closed door at the end opens upon your approach, and out pops a mummy to greet you. Use your grenade gun to blow it away, then enter the next area. To your left is a nearby ladder, to your right a longer corridor with a closed door at the end. Go down that corridor and turn left into the connecting passageway. When you walk over the scarab tile it erupts into flames.  Push the nearby floor lever, and a cut scene shows a door opening elsewhere. Then shoot the vases in the two adjoining alcoves, and stand in the corridor opposite the east alcove and face the flaming tile. Step on the scarab tile in the east alcove to shut off the flames, then turn around and take an angled back flip onto the formerly burning tile. Back flip again to safety, then turn around and run back down the corridor.

The door to the left is still closed, so turn to the right and use the ladder to climb up to an upper room. Shoot the orange vase for some revolver ammo, then locate the floor lever in the alcove around the corner and push it to open the door at the end of the corridor below. Go there and enter the new room. Drop down the hole to find yourself back in the music scroll room. The door in the north wall is now open, so go on inside. There's a shaft overhead with a climbable wall, so go up to the higher room for SECRET #6 and the CROSSBOW. Shoot the white pot for some crossbow arrows, and the orange vase to release a wraith. Run to the other end of the east corridor, where the wraith will implode upon the bird statue. Step onto the nearby scarab tile to open the timed door at the end of the connecting passage. Sprint down the corridor, turn right and continue sprinting to get into the next area.

You come to a picturesque room with a waterfall. Jump into the water for some revolver ammo, then pull out and use one of your golden stars in the receptacle in the north wall. The door to your left opens, but once inside beware of the areas to your right and left, which are cleverly disguised death pits. If you're curious, you can jump over the pits and climb up into the adjacent alcoves. All you'll find in the one to the east is a flaming death tile, and a skeleton in the one to the west. Use your remaining golden star in the receptacle, and the nearby door opens. Go inside, the door closes behind you, and there's a minor earthquake.

Step onto the translucent yellowish square in the center of this new room, and you can see all kinds of goodies below. You'll find a smaller square against the east wall. It has a fake covering, so drop back and grab the edge. Drop down from the corner to avoid the flames below, then carefully turn and head into the adjoining room to pick up all those goodies. (If you can't do this without being set aflame, read to the end of this paragraph to find out how to shut off the flames, which the builder probably intended that you do first anyway.) Go back to the flaming tile and very carefully jump up, grab and pull up to the main floor level. Go to the translucent column near the middle of the west wall. There's a climbable surface on the west face, so climb up and back flip into an upper corridor. Turn around and run to the other end, where you'll find a floor lever. When you throw it, the door below opens, revealing a welcoming committee of two mummies. Step on the nearby corner tile, which gives you a static cut scene of the flames being shut off down below.

Climb back down, eliminate the mummies, and go inside the open doorway to the north. The door behind you closes, the one ahead of you opens, and there's another minor earthquake. Step forward through the doorway ahead and you'll slide down a long ramp into the next level.

Level 3: NO WAY OUT

Your first order of business upon arrival is to deal with the demigod and the harpy. After you've done that, inspect the far corner tiles for a small medi-pack and some grenade gun ammo. Activate the jump switch in the NE corner to open an underwater face door, then jump into the water hole in the central platform and swim down into a large underwater chamber. Pick up the crossbow arrows and grenade gun ammo in the SE and SW corners, and enter through the open SE doorway. Pick up the flares on the floor of the next room, and quickly open the doors on either side. Swim through the east opening and up to an air hole. Pull up and quickly draw your grenade gun to blast away the demigod that's awaiting you to your left. Pick up the grenade gun ammo he drops, and note the artifact on the corner pedestal that's guarded by several flames.

Go into the NW alcove where the demigod was hiding and activate the jump switch to open the face door in the opposite corner of this room. Go there and take a standing jump from the landing (after taking two steps back from the edge) to the first submerged ledge. From there, use the ropes to swing over to the other side of the toxic pool. Pick up the crossbow arrows and uzi ammo, then step on both designer tiles at the south wall to turn off the flames guarding the artifact in the other room.  Turn left into the passageway. Carefully jump over the fire hole at the juncture, and take running jumps (because of the low ceiling) over four more fire holes in the north corridor. Turn left and go down the stairs, and the face door ahead will open as you approach. Go to the pedestal and pick up the ORNATE HANDLE. Return to the water hole at the west wall and take another swim, this time through the west opening. Pull out south and take care of the harpy, then shoot the coffin in the NW corner for some grenade gun ammo. You'll see another artifact on a pedestal being guarded by a ring of fire. Look for the opening in the south wall behind the plant and pull up inside, where you'll lose camera control. Ahead is a closed face door; to your right is another opening.

Use your crowbar to open the face door, then go inside and step on each of the three tiles to turn off the flames guarding the pedestal down below. Go back there and take the HATHOR EFFIGY from the pedestal. Now return to the tunnel in the south wall and pull up into the opening to the right. Stop near the other end of the corridor for some flares. Just beyond it is another one of those false floors; so turn around, hop back and grab the edge of the shaft. Climb down the ladder to the corridor below and reverse roll. Step forward into a small room being guarded by four skeletons. Let them get together in a bunch so you can take them all out with a single grenade, then look around the room and pick up the large medi-pack and the crossbow arrows. There's a jump switch on the west face of the pillar near the west wall, so activate it to open the other face door in the underwater chamber you explored earlier.

Climb back up the ladder and return to the room where you collected the effigy. Jump into the NE water hole and return to the junction. Swim through the north opening along the passage until you reach the underwater chamber, then continue straight across (unless you need to pause for air) into the opening in the north wall. The first opening you come to is an air hole, so continue forward and swim up the long shaft until you can pull up into a room where another demigod waits. After disposing of him, venture further into this room and alert a harpy. Deal with it, then go up the ramp toward the shotgun ammo to alert a second demigod. When you've killed him, you'll have a little peace and quiet to go around the room and pick up the rest of the goodies (flares, crossbow arrows, small medi-pack).

Note the closed face door above the ladder in the west wall. Locate the jump switch near the SE corner (in the south wall to the left of the column) and activate it to open the face door. Climb up the ladder and pull inside, and take the revolver ammo from the west alcove. Be sure to step on all three tiles while you're there, to turn off the flames protecting the area you'll visit next. Now jump down and locate the floor holes on either side of the throne landing. Drop down either hole, then walk past the now-safe flame tiles onto the stairway leading to a room with a small pool.  A skeleton is awakened to your left, so dispose of it. Get the uzi ammo and the small medi-pack from the nearby south alcoves, then pull up into the passageway in the dark east alcove. The door ahead opens automatically, so time a run past the blade trap into the next room. The door closes behind you. Go over to the right and pick up the PHAROS KNOT, whereupon the flames go out in the adjacent alcove. Go there and step on the tile to open the exit door for just a couple of seconds. Dash through the blades and the open doorway down the corridor to the previous room.

Go up the stairs to your right and use one of your Horseman's Gems in the receptacle. The door to your left opens, so go inside and draw your grenade gun to blow away a skeleton that awakens. Turn around and activate the jump switch in the dark corner next to the door (a cut scene shows a door opening elsewhere), then reverse roll and go down the stairs into the blue-tiled room. Eliminate another skeleton, then go through the opening and pick up the revolver ammo from the alcove to your right. Reverse roll and use your remaining Horseman's Gem in the receptacle to open the face door. A harpy has been alerted in the reddish room beyond, so go there and deal with it. You lose camera control when you venture further into this room, but raid the tomb to your left for a large medi-pack. Shoot another skeleton.  The large door to the south opens as you approach, so go on inside.

Two skeletons are awakened, one ahead and the other to your left. After dealing with them, pick up the shotgun ammo in the east anteroom and go to the other side of this area to note the closed door and the gem receptacle to its left. However, you're fresh out of Horseman's Gems, so you need to go exploring for another one. A demigod is stalking about in the room down below, so jump down and kill him with explosive ammo. Run down the ramp and pick up the grenade gun ammo in the nearby alcove, then run into the other alcove for that HORSEMAN'S GEM you were seeking. Pull back up into the previous room and use the Horseman's Gem to open the tall door. Go inside and run down the stairs into a small room where you see a pole device. There's also a wooden container that's empty. Combine the Ornate Handle and the Hathor Effigy to form the PORTAL GUARDIAN, then use it on the pole device to open the exit door.

In the next room you need to deal simultaneously with two skeletons and a demigod. When that task is complete, shoot the wooden container for some crossbow arrows and go up the north ramp. Jump over what looks like a solid tile, but isn't, and pick up the large medi-pack. Then hop back onto the phantom tile and fall down a very steep shaft into a pool of water. Swim down and along the north corridor, pick up the large medi-pack at the end, and swim straight up until you reach a large pool with a flowing fountain in the middle. Pull up on the west side and shoot the coffin in the SW corner for some grenade gun ammo. Then reverse roll and draw your grenade gun to kill two harpies that are attacking you. Head north and pick up the large medi-pack, and two skeletons will be awakened nearby. Blow them away, then quickly pick up the flares near the stairs while a demigod picks up the attack from above. Kill him as well, pick up the crossbow arrows he drops, then run up the stairs to alert no less than five more skeletons. Dispose of them singly or in a clump, as you prefer, then use the Pharos Knot to open the door in the north wall. (The nearby coffins are empty.) Go inside, pick up the small medi-pack and run forward to warp to the next level.

Level 4: THE JEWEL

Again, if you turn around and try to retreat, the door closes as you approach. So head north and eliminate the skeleton at the juncture as a door opens behind it. Continue forward and run up the ramp until you reach a subterranean area with a hole leading down to a larger area below. Stop to pick up the grenade gun ammo near the torch, then safety drop into the lower area. Shoot the crocodiles swimming about in the pool (not very sporting; it's like shooting fish in a barrel), then vault up onto the ledge for the grenade gun ammo, losing camera control and spooking a number of bats in the process. After killing them all, turn to the east and vault up into a hidden area to pick up the first GUARDIAN KEY. Then go over to the north side to alert a couple of scorpions. Exterminate them, hop into the NW alcove for shotgun ammo, then jump into the water and swim through the south opening. Pull up into a dimly lit room and shoot two more scorpions. Pick up the large medi-pack and go over to throw the floor lever, alerting a pair of skeletons in the process. A cut scene shows a gate opening outside.

Swim back to the main room and pull up out of the water. Jump up a slope to the NW for some flares, but be careful not to trigger the spike ball trap to the left of it. Then turn to your right and climb to the top of the pillar to spook a bunch of bats. After killing them all, pick up the large medi-pack. Now jump down, go over to the block near the west wall and pull up onto it. Take a standing jump to the opening in the west wall and blast the assassin that lopes up to greet you. Pick up the grenade gun ammo from the alcove to your right, and the revolver ammo from the depression ahead. Jump down into the hole opposite the depression, shoot the scorpion and throw the floor lever to open a door elsewhere. Pick up the uzi ammo on the ledge, then continue up the ledge toward the block and listen for a warning burst of music.  Pull up onto the block, then immediately hop back as a spike ball comes crashing down.  When the coast is clear, pull back up onto the block for a large medi-pack.  Get down, climb back out of the hole and continue west down the slope. Two bats come out of hiding, so shoot them.

Go to the bottom of the ramp, passing the large opening to your left, and jump down into the shallow south hole. You'll lose camera control down there, but stand in the middle of the hole, hit the action key, and Lara will pick up the second GUARDIAN KEY that you couldn't even see.

Pull up out of the hole, run back up the ramp and jump down into the large hole to your left. Avoid the large medi-pack in the alcove to your left because of the spike ball trap (which never seems to stop moving after you trigger it, making it impossible for you to jump out to safety). Instead, head down the south passageway and kill the assassin who tries to follow you.  Run up the ramp and take a right at the charcoal grill through the open doorway. Enter the next area, and just before you reach the ramp, turn left and jump up to grab the wall. Climb up into the upper level and throw the floor lever. A cut scene shows a door opening elsewhere. You can hear the whines of a jackal, so climb back down, draw weapons and head up the ramp. Sure enough, the jackal comes down to meet you, so kill it and continue up the stairs. Go through the open doorway at the top and enter a new area.

A door opens to your right, so first pick up the flares and go on inside. Follow the stairs and ramp until you come to another charcoal grill where a skeleton is awakened. Blast it away, then walk toward the door and watch it open as you approach. Pick up the small medi-pack and use one of your Guardian Keys in the receptacle to open the large door. As you enter, two assassins scramble to your right to take up position, so shoot them before they can get settled. Collect the revolver ammo and crossbow arrows on the east ledge (the vases at the corners are empty), then go over to the gold-laden west ledge and pick up three BLUE GEMS (which look pretty, but serve no real purpose). Use your remaining Guardian Key to open the large door to the south, and enter a dark subterranean room with a large stone block in the middle.

Avoid for now the west side of the block, as there's a hidden hole just on the other side of the sloped rock at the NW corner. Instead, go over to the east side and enter through the doorway that opens up upon your approach. Go up the stairs and shoot the bat and skeleton inside, then go down the ramp to your left and throw the floor lever to open a door you'll reach later from the west side of the room above. Reverse roll, go back up the ramp, shoot another bat, turn left and use the ladder in the north face of the pit to climb down to a ledge below. Continue descending until you reach the bottom, where you pick up a WINGED ARTIFACT that's described only as "load" in your inventory. Climb back up out of the pit, run north down the stairs and return to the main room.

Shoot the large vase near the south wall and climb up onto the nearby blocks. You can jump over and look through the grate at a pedestal over which is a suspended Ankh, but it's for show only. You can't get to it. So turn around and take a running jump and grab over to the large central block. Pull up and turn to your left. Take a running jump over toward the west wall. You'll start sliding down, so hit the action key to grab the edge of the phantom hole referred to earlier. Drop down into the wide shaft, then turn and hop down into the smaller hole. You'll lose camera control, so turn to face south and run down the sloping corridor until you slide down to the open doorway at the end.

Shoot the two jackals, then step forward and take the AMULET OF HORUS from the central pedestal. Pick up the grenade gun ammo in the corner for good luck, then use the winged artifact in the receptacle beside the door. When the door opens, run into the underground tunnel and deal with the skeleton. Turn right at the intersection and pick up the crossbow arrows next to the charcoal grill. Then reverse roll and run the other way, up the stairs and blow away one final skeleton. Turn left at the juncture and slide down the ramp toward the closed door as Lara's theme music plays. You'll run into the finish trigger on the way down.

A beautiful set of levels by a beautiful lady.