Temple Ruins

Unauthorized Walkthrough: Dutchy (with help from Dear Kristina).

CS= crawlspace, MS= monkeyswing, UW= underwater, Jmp= jump, Have fun!

A Gloomy Vault

Follow the passage up blocks and stuff, through a CS to a big Cave with a ruined Temple Complex. You’ll need 2 Stars to open a door up in the E.

The Yellow Star.

Go E and just besides the structure, past a ledge with Spikes up in the air S, you can climb the S rockfall, go L into the lower passage and follow it till you come to a sloped ledge with a Ceiling Spiketrap, jmp on when the Spikes are about to retract and run off the other side, go L in a small room and outside, just around the l corner you’ll find a switch, which will open a door and lower a block in the W side of the cave, drop from the ledge and go over to the SW block, enter and turn L, Spikes, switches and a Spikewall. The exit closes behind you, go to the Spikewall and drop into a lower passage, follow up to the Pillar room.

The Pillar room.

A Secret sounds, pick up Secret #1, the MP and the Flares and drop to the ground next to the entrance, after you spotted the switch there, pull it and get back up the entrance pillar again (you may have to lure the Skeletons away to get up to that pillar). Now jmp to the 3rd pillar on the S wall, face W and stand R, back up as far as possible into the corner and standjmp to the SW corner pillar, so you land on the exact corner, you will not get burnt then, the flame on the NW pillar (with the next switch) will be off now, turn around and jmp back, stand with your back against the S wall and standjmp/grab to the pillar N of you, shimmy L around the corner and pull up in the next, turn NW and standjmp to the pillar next to the one with the switch, jmp to it and pull, the door in the E opens. Drop to the floor run to the entrance pillar and go up, to the door and get out through a CS, you’re back in the Spikewall room.

The Spikewall room.

Look for an alcove up in the E wall, behind some Spikes just L of the closed entrance block, this is where you have to climb in when the Spikewall comes at you, stand at the switch opposite the switch behind the Spikes and pull, roll run over to the next switch and then run to climb into the E alcove, a bit forward so the wall doesn’t harm you and drop back down after all doors closed. Stand on the Tile opposite the entrance block and a block will raise where the Spikewall came from, allowing you to climb into the now opened small door up in W wall.

The Star.

Follow through a CS to the room where the Yellow Star is kept on a pedestal, shoot a vase up on a slope to get the ˝ MP and shoot a Hellhound, drop through the door which opened next to the slope where you shot the vase and slide to a flame that will turn off, pull the switch to reopen the entrance to this place and go out to the Cave, to the NW corner where the opened door is.

The Red Star.

Enter carefully here and stop at the crossing, there are Spike Balls everywhere.

Spike Ball Alley.

A door opens L, hop backwards into that passage and quickly run back, into the W alcove, let the Ball go by and follow it into the passage, stop a bit before and walk up to it, as soon as you see the Ball in front of you start moving, hop back and runjmp/grab to the ladder over the pit as soon as it dropped in, the last Ball will drop in behind you. Climb up and shoot the 2 Hellhounds in the dark room, climb up in an alcove and use the switch to open a set of trapdoors, go to the back of this room and climb down the ladder.

Breakable Bridge.

Slide down and follow the passages to a slide where you see Spikes and a wooden breakable bridge, slide, jmp to the bridge, turn R and run to the end, turn L and runjmp to the other side, turn L and runjmp/grab straight to the wall in the end of this bridge, climb up and R into the CS, follow to the Blade room.

The Blade room.

Use the Jmpswitch to the R to get rid of the Spikes, the Blade starts turning, stand R on the entrance block and do standjmps to the opposite alcove when the Blade comes to you, there are some Flares on a pillar, you can standjmp there from the pillar at the alcove, where you can stand safely, drop to the floor as soon as you got them and jmp over again, follow the passage up the blocks and slide into the Spikeball alley. Go over the block L and find that trapdoor you’ve opened before, swim into a small W tunnel.

UW Labyrinth.

Follow to a wider tunnel with a wooden fence in the end, go into the R hand tunnel, R at crossing/ L and down/ L into the long tunnel, L at crossing/ up and R to a small room with a fence, L and up to a room with precious air, throw the switch to open a trapdoor in the beginning of the Labyrinth.

Dive in and go back to the long tunnel, go L when you get there and L in the end, up and get the Shotgun between the plants, swim back for air in the room with the switch. Now swim R into the long tunnel, up and R, L and L into the open trapdoor in the end. Throw the switch to open an UW door.

The Red Star.

Get back into the water and get the ˝ MP in the W tunnel from the trapdoor and swim back to the long tunnel= R at the crossing, down and L, L into the tunnel to the small room, but when you go up, go L this time and R into that open door, R in the second part of the wide tunnel, in the tunnel in the end you will find the room with the Red Star. Swim back through the UW door, the long tunnel, the wide tunnel and to the double trapdoor at the Spike Ball Alley.

Get some air and swim E in the big tunnel, into a room where you can climb out W, climb the centre block on that wall, climb up N and runjmp to a ledge on a N pillar, turn L and see a ledge down just R of the big tunnel, runjmp with a grab to land on the ledge and use the MS to go over to the other side, climb up and throw a switch in the upper passage to lower a block in the lower passage, a new block raised too, just around the corner of the passage you’ve visited before.

Climb it and go up into the room above, walk to the centre of the slope that ends in a lava pool and turn around, slide backwards, grab the edge and pull up, backflip to a ledge on opposite side, follow up to where you get a flyby of the top of the Cave.

The Top of the Cave.

Jmp over to the ledge at the breakable wooden bridge and look S, run over the bridge and jmp just L besides the sloped block on the bridge in front, then turn R to land behind that block. Shoot 2 Vases in the far SE corner to release the 3 Wasps and start shooting them from far away, so they will die before they come to you, they might push you off the bridge, one is coming from behind, so be careful how you move around. Then go to the SE corner and R, jmp around a pillar to a ledge behind it on S wall. Notice the MS on the ceiling, turn around so you face SW and backflip onto a sloped block against the E pillar and jmp/grab the MS from it, go W around the corner L and face the pillar on S wall, drop and grab the edge, go R and pull up on the thin ledge, go E and into a CS for Secret #2, ˝ MP and Ammo. (There are different ways to get to this Secret, this is how I did it.)

Go out, look down L and shoot the Hellhound on the ledge below the thin ledge, drop to it and look SW and down to spot a lone dark ledge below, standjmp down to it and turn SW, jmp into an alcove and hop back, grab the edge and go around R to a climbable surface at a break ledge, hang R and backflip, turn R fast and jmp to the ledge on W wall. Climb into a CS and down into a hole to get Secret #3, Ammo. Climb back up and go out of the CS, from the ledge you’re on now, you can do a long runjmp N, with a L curve to a ledge on W wall, past the Wooden Gate. Follow to a gap, jmp N over the gap onto a slope and jmp again, so you land in a passage with a switch in the end. It will open a trapdoor in a place we will go next, turn around, jmp to the slope on the other side of the gap and slide down to ground floor, go to the S wall and use the passage you used the 1st time for the switch to go up to the top of the Cave.

To the top again.

You know, down the hole in S wall, follow to the Spiketrap, up the raised block, down the slope in the lava room and when you reach the cave again, turn L to use the ledge where the Spikes went down to get to the stone bridge, follow to where it goes W, jmp over to the W ledge and then N, to the NW corner, where you see a hole in the sandy rock face, runjmp to the small ledge over the hole and use the MS to go into the NW corner, L and to an alcove with Secret #4, Ammo.

The Snake Stone.

Drop out of the alcove and down to the lower ledge, stand in the NE corner of it and aim for the corner of the hole in the N rock face, hop back and runjmp with a grab in the last moment and you will get in. (If not, change your position a bit and try again or do a jmp with a L curve.) Inside you will find that trapdoor you opened. Drop down and shoot the Big Scorp in the next room. Go to the E side to use the Jmpswitch, a block raised in the centre of the room, get on it and shoot Scorp 2, jmp off the block, go to the W and into the passage, follow to a room with Burner pillars.

Runjmp to the first, a running jmp to the next and 2 standjmps to the switch. Throw it to open the door in the beginning of the room, jmp in the water and get out at the door, follow through the Can opener (sidejmp) and slide down a slope, the next slope has a trap below, sprint R and stay on the L side of the room, where some spikes are missing, so you are safe till you can step on the higher floor, go down into lower passage and get the MP R, follow to a room with an adjacent small room with a door and 2 switches, as soon as you go in, the Spiked ceiling comes down. Throw the switch next to the door first and roll, throw the opposite one and roll/duck, get to the opened door and enter. Follow the passage to a door, R of it you will find the Snakestone.

Get it and go into the open door, climb the l side of the ladder, to one square from the top, backflip/roll/grab and climb R, backflip/roll/grab and go up, L and to one square from the top, backflip/roll/grab and climb R, backflip/roll/grab and go up into the passage, shoot the Hellhounds and slide into a familiar room.

Place the Snakestone.

Go slide and backflip over to the ledge again and make your way back to the NW of the Cave, where you can jmp into the Scorpion room again. Climb the block and follow up to a ledge with a pillar and receptacle on the wall, place the Stone and see a bridge roll out in the green room in the SE of the cave. Go back down to the trapdoor, up into the passage you just entered from and stand with your back to the Cave, backflip, grab the edge of the rock face and pull up/backflip to land on a sandy ledge, from this ledge you can runjmp onto the ledge in the NW corner, the one you jmped into the hole from before, climb up into the alcove the Secret was in and use the MS to go to the small N ledge over the hole.

Grand Finale.

Runjmp to the grey ledge and go all the way back to the E side of the Cave, drop down from the bridge at the big doors and open them with the 2 Stars, go in and up into an alcove where you will be attacked by a Lizard, shoot it and from the ledge under the entrance, you can runjmp onto a centre block, turn R and see another Lizard on a edge, shoot it and standjmp/grab up to that ledge, go around and runjmp over to the corner ledge, jmp up and grab the MS, go over to the other side and drop/grab the CS, go follow to the Green room. Go over the bridge and up into the exit, walk up the pillar alley and end this excellent level…
