The Colosseum 2

Level by Gerbil (July, 2004)

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

Turn around
and pick up the crowbar from the ground. Then use the crowbar to open the door at the end of the tunnel. Go west and enter a cave. Go to the north-east corner for a small medipack. Dive into the water and then pull back up and wait for a crocodile to get within range. Go to the south-west corner for flares and a shotgun.  Get back to the water and swim to the south. There are red shotgun shells in a bottom corner. Pull up in front of the colloseum and kill a wild pig. Go to the south-east area and kill a wild pig. Go to the south-east end corner and pull up to a column. Go west and see a hole under the ledge. Get into that hole to pick up the laser sight. Get out and then pull up to the second ledge of the colloseum. Follow along the ledge top the west end and pick up a large medipack. Go back to the south-east corner and use a block to jump to the east wall for flares. Stand next to the wall and you can stand jump to a higher block to the north. Then jump west to the third ledge of the colloseum. Again follow the ledge and jump a gap to the west end.


Do not use the ladder yet. Jump north to a column. Continue north and climb down a ladder. Jump to a north-east block. Then run and jump to the north to grab a block. Go north into a tunnel. Watch out for wall darts and go to the end for secret #1, crossbow explosive ammo and the crossbow. Exit and slide back to the ground. Enter the building and pick up red shotgun shells from a platform. Jump back quickly because of the steam. You can go up the east stairs to kill a wild pig but the exit inside is blocked. Go up the west stairs and pick up a Horseman's Gem. Exit and climb back up to get to the same west corner on the third ledge. This time, climb the ladder and drop into the west opening.


Go south and shoot two crocodiles in a pit. Jump onto a block at the east wall and climb down a ladder into the pit. Go to the south-east corner for a small medipack. Light a flare and find a crawl space in the east wall. You get secret #2, red shotgun shells, blue shotgun shells, and the Uzi's. Climb back up to the starting ledge. Go to the west wall and jump up to grab a crevice. Shimmy to the left to drop onto the other side of the pit. Go to the east corner and climb down a ladder to enter a tunnel. Continue in the tunnel and go east to use the crowbar to open the gate. This leads back to the entrance in case you need to go back. Go south up the stairs and get a flyby of the arena. You are overlooking the arena with four wild pigs. They can be killed from the ledge if you wait for them to get close.


Then drop onto the arena floor. Go to an opening in the south-east corner and shoot the barricade. Slide down the slope and kill two wild pigs. Enter the north-east cage and pick up crossbow explosive ammo from the water in the corner. Walk on the mound at the south wall and get a cut scene of a gate opening. Go north and notice a receptacle on the wall.  Use the Horseman’s gem and get a cut scene of a gate opening. Go down the north tunnel and into a pit. Pick up crossbow normal ammo from the north-east corner. Pull up into the arena and destroy three skeletons and a pig.


Go to the south-west corner between the rocks to find the open gate. Slide down the slope into another room. Go to the north-west section and step on a dark tile in the corner. Jump back as a rock will drop. Go to the south-west section and step on a dark tile and get a cut scene of two timed gates opening. Run into the north-east room and step on the north-east tile. The opposite corner tile next to a wall hook opens the gate in case it closes and you are still inside the room. Exit and run to the south-east room and into the timed gate at the south corner. Pick up the Pharos Knot and you hear a gate open. Exit and pick up a small medipack. Step on the dark tile in the corner to open the gate. Exit back to the room and go into the north tunnel.


Follow the tunnel to another pit. Go to the south-east corner for crossbow normal ammo and crossbow explosive ammo. Enter the tunnel in the west wall. Follow the tunnel by climbing rocks and eventually climb up two ladders. At the top of the second ladder, turn around and jump north. Climb onto the rock in the north-east corner beside the wall. You get secret #3.  Jump north over a spike pit and pick up Uzi ammo, red shotgun shells, and crossbow normal ammo. Note that you have to get up on the rock at the wall. Any other rock does not register the secret. Get back and go the south-east corner rock and pick up Uzi ammo.


Jump the gap and get into the south ledge. Climb the seats and go east. Pass a closed gate and enter a room. Kill the three skeletons that awake. Go east and use the crowbar to open the gate. Step on the dark tile and the end and get a flash cut scene of a gate.  There is a locked gate to the south. There is another closed gate to the north but you need two items for it. Go north and kill two skeletons on a balcony. Safety drop into the arena. Be careful of the pit as you go to the north-west corner. Climb the rock to get back to the seated area.


Climb the seats to the west for flares. Go down and enter a north-west room. Go to the north wall for the open gate. Follow the tunnel and turn to the west. Stop and wait while a rock rolls and drops into a pit in front of you. Continue up the ramp and loop around the corner and an earthquake happens. Go east to step on a dark tile and get a flash of a cut scene. Go south-east and slide down the slope back to the room.


Go east and kill a wild pig. Continue and enter a north-east room for another open gate. Follow the tunnel into the next room and shoot the barricade in the east wall and notice a fire. Jump the pillars to get to a high ledge and enter a room to the north. Go to the north-west corner and pick up the torch. Get back to the fire and light the torch. Carry the torch and jump the pillars back to the room. Jump up near the rope to set the rope on fire. Get out of the way as the rock falls. Get into the crawl space and crawl onto the dark tile for another cut scene flash of a gate. Get down and exit this room back to the ground floor.


Enter the seated area and go south. Kill a skeleton and continue to the south-west corner for Uzi ammo.  Then go to the south-east room and climb up into the open gate. Climb the block and go down the tunnel. Jump over a spike trap and emerge onto a ledge. A gate opens to your west and reveals a target. Save the game now before you shoot the target. Shoot the target and get a cut scene of a gate opening. Try not to save and then die until the level ends. If you die and reload, the screen stays frozen in a cut scene format with the black bars. And you can do nothing. You will have to reboot the computer and start the game again. Then reload to the point before you shoot the target. I tried a few weapons and they all have the same effect.


Get down by the tunnel over the spike trap. Enter the room and kill a skeleton. Go back to climb the rocks by way of the timed gate room and the tunnel in the spike pit. Go back south and east to see an open gate. Go inside for a second Pharos Knot. Exit and go east. Look south to see that a gate is open. Enter for secret #4, blue shotgun shells and Uzi ammo. Exit and go north to use the two Pharos Knots to open the gate.  Kill the crocodile and enter the water. Swim north into the underwater tunnel as the level ends.

