Lost City Of Tinnos 2

Search For The Hand Of Rathmore

By Chris Radford


Walkthrough by Moonpooka

Colour Code

Weapons ~ Ammo ~ Health

Secrets ~ 9


Quick Jump To

Level One ~ The Tinnos Caves

Level Two ~ Temple Zanreth

Level Three ~ The Deserted Temple Of Tinnos

Level Four ~ The Temple Compound

Level Five ~ Return To The Meterorite Caverns

Level Six ~ The Arctic Caverns

Level Seven ~ The Darkest Caverns Of Rathmore

Level Eight ~ Falls Of Obeacon

Level Nine ~ The Darkest Caverns Of Rathmore ~ Revisited

Level Ten ~ Falls Of Obeacon ~ Revisited

Level Eleven ~ Escape From Tinnos



Level One ~ The Tinnos Caves

4 Secrets

You begin with Lara standing at the top of a slope and lethal steam vents are stealing her health. Quickly roll and slide down the slope backwards, then catch the end of the slope. Shimmy to the left until you can pull up to the rocks, and then jump to the rocks to your left. From here you can see a lever at the east wall, so jump over and use it to open a door below.
Drop down to ground and enter the new room.


Three bats attack!!! Pick them off and take the Shotgun Ammo from the side of the pool. In this room are five levers and you need to use the central one first, then far right, near right and then use the central lever again, finally use the near left lever and a door will open in the cave outside. Leave this room and go out to the newly opened door at the west wall; but take care as steam emitters will take health from you.

As you enter the new room, take a left turn, and find the Shotgun ~ Flares at your feet. Continue through the tunnel; taking care as blade balls will activate. At the end of the tunnel you will come to a slope with another pack of Flares, take them and then slide down the slope. Be careful of the deadly water hole at the bottom. Nip into the alcove to your right and use the lever there to make the water hole safe, and then drop into the water and take the Uli Key. Now make your way back through the tunnel to the to the first room.

Use the Uli Key on the lock at the east wall and the nearby double pink doors will open. Head through to the new room and something nasty arrives behind you!!! See off the enemy, then climb the right side of the north balcony and jump over to the nearby rocks. From here you can pull up onto the bridge and take a
SMP, which will cause the two blue gates to open; but beware of poison darts that will now hinder your way. Go to the lever inside the south gate and use it to open the pink doors below, then drop down and jump the water pool to get to the newly opened gate. As you drop down you can take some more Flares before crawling through to the next room.

Take a look around in here. You will see a bridge, a swinging blade with a key hole behind it, and an area in the west wall with a pillar and a lever behind a closed black cage, and some other nooks and crannies which we will deal with later. For now, look behind the pillar and you will see a key on a burning pedestal, and of course you need to put the fire out before taking the key, so  nip back to the bridge and dive into the water. Swim into the crawl space in the NE corner of the pool for the
1st Secret ~ Uzis, and then climb the ladder on the east wall to get to the rocks above. >From here you can see a lever above the north door. Make your way to the lever, but do not save you game until you have completed the key pick up because some players had a bug here and the fire tile was still alight. Once the lever is used you can go down and pick up the Lost Room Key from the now extinguished pedestal. Use the Lost Room key in the key hole behind the swinging blade, and one of the gold gates at the south wall will open. Drop and hang below the bridge, shimmy to the crawlspace for 2nd Secret ~ Normal Shells ~ Wideshot Shells ~ Uzi Ammo. Climb back.

At the lever cage area, run through the passage and trigger a boulder before picking up the SMP, and then enter the small alcove opposite the lever/cage and drop into the water below. There is a jump switch on the wall which you can reach by climbing onto the corner of the fire tile, and this will extinguish the fire so you can collect another SMP. Now climb the ladder; but beware of another bug here and don’t climb too high or you will get stuck above an invisible floor,  so saving at the bottom of the ladder is a good idea! From the ladder, back flip into a passage behind you and go through to find The True Puzzle Tablet on a pedestal; but do save your game before taking it because something nasty is about to be triggered!!!  As soon as you take the Tablet flip to one side to avoid a boulder that comes crashing down ahead, and now spikes will be eating away at your health, so quickly jump into the north passage, and then climb the steps to the top. You are safe now, and ahead is a movable object. Push the object forwards twice to reveal the 3rd Secret ~ LMP ~ Shotgun Ammo, and then from the top of the stairs, find the ladder and climb to the alcove above. There's a lever here,  use it to open the cage back at the bridge room, then drop back down and find the blue door to the west is now open. Go through the door and use the lever in the wall hole to open the gate to your left, then carefully slide down (avoiding the fire tile) and arrive back in the bridge room. Pick off the waiting Tinnos wasp before using the caged lever, and the final gate at the south wall open. Enter the newly opened gates and make your way into the next room.

In the main hall of this large room, you will see a scrambled picture on the floor and two sets of closed pink gates. You need  two Oceanic Masks to open the gates, and the True Puzzle Tablet will give you clues for the floor puzzle later.

Head through to the south hall. Make a note of the two wall symbols above a water pool for the puzzle later, and then drop into the pool and dive to the bottom for the 1st Oceanic Mask. Now swim up to a room with a LMP and some Flares, and then return to the main hall. Enter the east passage, and find a room at the top with a closed gate and a passage in the NW corner. Go through the passage to find the 2nd Oceanic Mask, and then nip behind the pedestal and collect some Shotgun Ammo ~ Uzi Ammo. As you leave the passage, you will notice that a circular tile you step on opens the gate at the east wall. This is a timed run!!! Be quick, and get through the gate to use both levers in the small room and reveal your next set of symbols. To leave here, you have to re-use the south wall lever, and then you can return to the hallway.

Go straight across to the west passage, and at the top, jump to the right of the lava pit to enter the next room. You can now see the complete picture of the scrambled floor puzzle down stairs. Make a note or a screen-shot of the intact picture to use as a reference for when you are down in the floor puzzle room, but make sure you are facing east when you do it. There is also a timed lever in this room on the north wall, which opens the west wall gate. Use the lever, then sprint through the gate, kill the waiting spider, and climb the rocks for a hole with 4th Secret ~ Crossbow with 20 arrows. Drop down and make a note of the next set of symbols on the south wall. At the south end of the room, go up into the hole in the ceiling and enter a room with two levers. Each lever opens a timed gate in the room below. Use both levers to reveal two more sets of symbols, then re use the right side levers in each room to leave. As the exit gate is now closed, drop down the hole nearby and use the lever inside to open the black gate to get out.

Note: This door has a delay action and you might think it’s not going to open, so wait for a bit and it will eventually open!

Return to the main hall downstairs and use the 2 Oceanic Masks to open both pink doors, and reveal some movable objects. Now you have to place the movable objects on the appropriate tiles on the floor puzzle picture. The first symbol in each set represents the object, and the second symbol represents the tile; but I advise you not to save until all tiles are placed because some players had a serious bug here and the next gate didn’t open after placing all the objects.

Floor Puzzle Solution

Once the objects are in place the SE gate should be open. Nip over the lethal water and enter the new tiny room. Use the lever in the room, and then return to the south hall and re-enter the west passage. At the top, jump to the left of the lava pit, and then carefully jump the spike trap to get to the lever. Save here if you wish, but DO NOT save after using the lever or another bug could stop you from proceeding. Using the lever activates a cut scene showing the lethal water outside changing to safe water, but for some players this didn’t happen if they had saved after using the lever.

Return to the main hall. Surprise!!!! Some green skeletons have shown up to greet you!!! Quickly dive into the now safe water and swim to the central hole to enter the next level.


Level Two ~ Temple Zanreth

1 Secret

Swim through the tunnel and up into the first temple area. Go forwards to the north wall, then take a right and climb the ladder for the Diamond. Return to ground and head to the west gates, then take a right turn into the bridge room. Be careful in here because blades will hinder your way, so step lightly and wait for each set of blades to pass before moving on. A bat will also show up to annoy you, so pick him off then place the Diamond in the receptacle at the east wall to open the gates in the other room. Before you leave, take a trip down to the end of the bridge and find a LMP in the hole in the wall.

Return to the first room and the west gates are now open, so head through and watch the following flyby for clues. Gun down the Tinnos wasp that shows up, then take a large stash of
Flares from the ground nearby. Temptation will lure you to the water now, but before you go wading in, wait for four crocodiles and a huge spider to show up and take the beasts out. Now jump the water to the west doorway under the small waterfall.

In the new room there are three closed blue gates (all timed) and your next task will involve a few trips over a deep lava pit which is to your left. Jump the lava pit and see a closed blue gate, a wall lever and a coloured tile on the floor. The wall lever is going to open the north gate on the other side of the lava pit, and the coloured tile is going to open the west gate. Use the tile and lever to get through each blue gate, and then use the levers you find inside.

Note: there are actually two levers behind each gate but no one found a use for the ones through the crawl spaces, so let someone know if you do actually find a use for them.

When the two levers have been used the final blue gate over the lava pit will open, so quickly make your way over there and get  through the gate before it closes.

Be careful in the new room and don’t stand too near the edge of the alcove or blades will steal Lara's health. You now have to swim through those blades, so take a deep breath and dive down beneath the blades and into a watery room below.

There are various tunnels down here, and you can see some gold tiles on the floor. The tiles are deadly and need to be deactivated so that Lara can swim over them, and five underwater levers are going to do this.

1st:  Swim East and take a right turn to see the 1st lever to your left. Next to the lever there's a gold wall tile that you can swim through and find an air hole.

2nd: Swim out of the air hole and to the right, then take a left turn and you will find yourself below the hole you entered here by. Swim north to collect a LMP, then turn and swim immediately right, then right again to find the 2nd lever.

3rd: Swim out from the 2nd lever and go left - right - left- right - right - left, and there is the 3rd lever.

4th: Grab some air from the east wall hole, then swim out to the right. Take the next right and swim forwards to collect a SMP before using the 4th lever.

5th: Swim out from the 4th lever and head right. You can see the Revolver waiting for collection at the west side of the chamber. Swim out to the right, then go right again to find 5th lever. You can also grab some air from the wall hole here.

Swim back out and head left. Continue on to the north wall, then swim left and through the crawl space in the west wall. Climb out and use the wall lever here to lower a cage in another area, then swim back out and go up through the hole you entered here by.

Swim up through the blades as carefully as you can, then swim through the right side of the south wall. Floor spikes will pop out as you pass stealing a small amount of health and you will return here after lowing the cage to the left of you. Swim down the south tunnel, and at the bottom you can go left or right into pitch black passages; both ways have to be tackled in order to use two wall levers to lower the cage by the floor spikes you passed a moment ago. When both levers have been used, return to the spike area and use the revealed lever behind the lowered cage, then turn and see a gate has opened behind you with another lever inside. More spikes will nip at you, but once that’s done you can come out of here and head left; but don’t swim back into the blade room, go right and you will see a statue under the water and a ceiling hole near by. Swim up the hole and out into a small room, then climb up to the right and jump over to the bridge to use the final lever in this area. The gold gates are now open back at the first main room. To leave here, stand on the right side of the bridge facing the north wall, and look down to see a gap in the wall. Jump forwards with action so that Lara glides into the gap, and arrive back at the lava pit room.

Jump the pit and return to the pool outside, and then look south and see the newly opened gates and a waiting crocodile. Pick the crocodile off from safety, then do a running jump over the slope in the water to get to the other side of the pool. Swim through the pool, and as you reach the end you will get a fabulous scene of four crocodiles looming up from the waters ahead. Climb out of the water on either the north or the south bank, and shoot those grisly beasts before entering the north door.

A bat will greet you as you enter the new room, and as you run towards the left side of the lava pit the gates will open at the north wall; allowing access back to the first main room. Don't go back there just yet though!!! Notice four wall levers in this room (two on each side) and use each lever to open up the gate to the next lever. Also, look on the walls by the right side levers for holes, and use action on the holes to grab
LMP x 2. Now leave via the south door and jump over to the newly opened gate across the water.

Go through and to the right, then jump the lava pits and use the lever at the end before returning to the doorway. Notice ahead of you there is a rock blocking the door, but this is no ordinary rock!!! The rock is movable but not from this side, so you need to get to the room on the other side. Nip out of here and jump into the water, then swim right and into a large water filled chamber. Swim to the north and east alcoves and find two levers to use, then swim over to the south alcove and enter the newly opened gate. Head through to see the movable rock to your right, and pull it towards you once. Go back around to the room on the other side of the rock and look right of the rock for the 5th Secret ~ Shotgun Ammo x 3. Now push the rock through once to the other room, and then go back around to see a circular tile near the door where the rock has to be placed. Place the rock to open the gate to your left, then go through and climb the ladder ahead. Half way up the ladder, do a back flip to land in an upper passage where you will find the Crowbar. Return to the water pool area and jump the water to the north door. Head through and go back to the first main room and collect Torch from the NE corner.

Make your way over to the burning statue nearby and light the torch on it. Take the torch and head north to a new room at the end of the pool. Light the three statues at the north wall to open the pink door at the west wall; but don’t go through the new door yet!!! Drop the torch and go to the east pink door. Use the crowbar to open the door and go through to a new room. Flip backwards and forwards over the lava pool ahead to reach a wall lever on the other side, and then use the lever to open a gate nearby. Go back over the slopes, and enter the north door. Head up the steps, and about half way up you will see a hole in the wall to your left where you can collect a
SMP from. Continue to the top of the steps and drop down the hole at the end of the passage. You will arrive on a bridge with two other bridges either side, and a lever behind a cage that needs to be lowered. First jump to the west bridge and move the face block out from the wall, then enter the passage and make your way through until you can see a cage ahead; but be sure to stop just before it for a multi trap alert!!!! Notice a fire symbol tile on the floor and jump over it to the right, and as you drop into the passage below, two boulders will be heading your way... and as if that’s not enough, two Tinnos wasps are also ready to attack!!!! So run into the passage to the left, jump the lava hole to avoid the boulder, then from here you can pick of those Tinnos wasps. There's a ladder here, climb it and find the lever to lower the cage at the lever by the fire tile, then head back there and use the lever to open a gate in another passage. Return to the central bridge and jump to the east bridge. Move the face block out from the wall, and enter the new passage.

Go right, and at the end of the short passage, stop!!! There are fire symbol tiles scattered throughout this next area, and you need to make your way over the tiles to the west area of the central room, and as you land on an outer safe tile a gate will open at the end of the passage to the north. Go through the gate and up the steps to the top. Walk south and the camera will change showing you a lever at the end of the passage. Beware of poison darts as you make your way through the passage, and use the lever to lower the cage on the bridge. Now draw guns and shoot a Tinnos wasp that arrives from the dark cave nearby.

Go back to the bridge via the fire tile room and use the newly revealed lever. Jump to the west bridge, then jump the bluish rocks to the west so you land safely by the lava pit below. Return outside and go through the pink door you opened with the wall torches earlier, and at the bottom of the steps you will see a lava room to your right; but don’t go in there yet!!! Nip around into the left alcove at the bottom of the steps, and collect the
Elements Key. You can now go to the lava pool room.

There are floating platforms on the lava pool with letters on them, and sitting on the platforms are movable blocks. There are also three words written on the wall; Teeth, Monument and Trophy. You need to figure out a word that is associated with these three words, and then move the blocks onto the letters to spell that word and open a gate at the west wall. The word is PLAQUE. Spell the word out using the blocks, and then enter the gate that opens. Use the Elements key on the lock in this new room, and a pole will appear in the first main room. Make your way back to the first main room, and climb the pole and back flip off to the high bridge.

Two Tinnos wasps appear, see to them and then head to the south end of the bridge. Collect a SMP, and then climb down the ladder and find the Star Of Ora on the wall near the waters edge. Return back up the ladder and go to the north end of the bridge to use the Star of Ora. Go half way along the bridge where you see a gap, and jump over to the small west wall waterfall. Climb the ladder to the top and enter the passage above. Your first crystal is here!!! Take the Eye Of Isis and the cage will lower ahead for you to exit the level.


Level Three ~ The Deserted Temple Of Tinnos

1 Secret

Slide and land (losing a small amount of health). Head forwards until you come to a watery trench  running from one end of the room to the other, and go right. Wade through the water until you come to a hole you can swim down, and then swim east while keeping  your eyes peeled for a passage to the right which will take you to the 6th Secret ~ LMP. Continue on east and climb out at the end of the trench. Turn and see the Torch laying by the bamboo door but, don’t take it yet!!! Jump into the south passage and find the Tinnos Head, and then go and get the torch.

Note: There is more than one torch in case you fall into the water and lose it.

Jump to the north passage and go through; but don’t go all the way into the room ahead, stop at the alcove to your right and see there is a face block to your left up on a step. Leave the torch here for now and push the face block twice so it's moved onto a gold tile in the other room. You are now in the next room and there are two closed pink doors at the north wall and a lever. Open the right side pink door with the crow bar, and then use the lever to open a pink door elsewhere; we will go there later!!! For now though, leave this room via the west door, and head around the passage to the right. You will see a floor torch to the left of you where you will light the torch later on, but for now head on around the passage until you come to another alcove with a face tile in it. Push the tile through twice so it is placed on a gold tile in the other room, and then make your way to the left pink door which is now open. Go through the door and shimmy around the lava hole to a lever, and use it to open a blue gate in the passage through the right pink door. Leave here now, and enter the right side pink door. Head down the passage to a ceiling ladder, then climb up and use another lever to conjure up a  pole in another area. (You will see a shot of the pole) Drop down the other side of the ladder and shimmy left to collect some Flares ~ Uzi Ammo, then return to the room outside.

Collect the torch and light it on the floor torch you saw earlier in the west passage, then take the burning torch out to the pool area. Head west a little way and you will see the double pink doors now open. Leave the torch here and continue on up the pool to the end where you see a small bamboo door to your right, and a crawl space in the wall to your left. Go through the crawl space; but make a note of that bamboo door because you will return here in a short while. Through the crawl space, head up the stairs and a cut scene will show hints of where to go next. Missed it? Well here’s where to go!!! Use the lever to your left and the fires on the pillars in the pool will extinguish, but not for long!!! You don’t have to make it all the way over, just do a running jump to the first pillar and then jump to catch the edge of it and shimmy all the way around the other side of the pillar... and it's more than likely the fires will be back on by now, so climb up onto the corner of the pillar, (keeping away from the central flame) then turn and jump to the final pillar, catch its edge and shimmy around to the safe ledge where the cage is.

Go right of the cage and you will see the pole. Kill the Tinnos wasp that shows up show up, and then climb the pole. Back flip off into a new room.

Collect some Shotgun Ammo from the floor, and then use the lever at the east wall. Now, make a note of where the face blocks are in this room because you are going to have to replicate their position in the next room. Head back down the pole and go over to the east. Find a ceiling hole to pull up into, and find yourself in a room similar to the previous one with the face blocks.

Warning: There were reports of a bug here, so I suggest not saving until the block moves and levers have been completed, and then make sure the cage below has lowered. If you do have an issue with this, load a previous save game from before entering this room.

First take some more
Shotgun Ammo from the floor, and then use the lever at the west wall to open a pink door outside. Now move the face blocks into the same position you saw them in the previous room. The block near to the blue gate only needs to be moved once to the north, and the other block needs to be placed against the wall and to the left of the doorway you entered here by. The blue gate in the NE corner will now open, and you can use the lever inside to lower the cage in the room below. Go back down and collect the Tinnos Body from the pedestal, and then return to the outside. Go to the small bamboo door opposite the crawl space, combine the Tinnos Head and Tinnos Body to make The Tinnos God, and place it on the stand in front of the bamboo door. You will now see a cut scene of a lava pool, and on it there is now a safe ledge which you can use to cross the lava pool.

Head east up the pool, and near the end you will see another small bamboo door. Go right here into the hallway, and then go up the slope ahead to a crawl space in the wall. Go through the crawl space and drop down to the tile in the lava pool. Jump over to the SE rocks, and then jump to the slope at the south wall. Jump to the next slope, then jump again to land on a spike tile and then quickly jump to the safe tile to the right. Now simply jump the next tiles to get to the wall lever at the north wall and use  the lever to elevate the floor in another area.

Leave here via the west passage, and go back to where you left the torch. Pick up the torch and go through to the room beyond the double pink doors. Light the two grates (you need to stand on the grates to light them) to open a gate below ground, and  then drop down the hole nearby. Go through the crawl space and use the lever at the end to lower two face blocks either side of you. Drop down which ever side you wish because either way will take you through to your next destination, which is a large lava room.

Drop down to the safe tile in the lava pool, then do a standing jump onto the slope to your left. Jump and press left to land on the grey tile over the lava, and then jump over to the west wall alcove (where the fire statue is). Pull up to the left to arrive above the closed pink door, and find a wall lever.  This is a tight timed run, so save game before using the lever!!! Make a note of what the lever does. It will open a gate over on the far side of the north wall and that is where you need to make your way to. ( You will need a bit of practice getting there in time). Use the lever then turn and jump to the bridge to your left, do a long jump down to the floor, landing as near to the grey tile by the slope as possible. Now take a running jump over and around the slope and land below the timed gate. Hopefully you made it in time and can then pull up inside the passage beyond the gate.

At the end of the passage, drop down the hole and arrive above another hole. Drop down this next hole and head down the next passage. Stop at the central lava pit and then turn, drop back and catch the edge of the passage, then drop and grab the crawl space below. Go through the crawl space and use the lever inside, then crawl back out and shimmy to the crawl space to the right. Pull up and go through to the end of the passage, and then climb up into the south passage. Make your way up the ladder and climb off to the right. Use the wall lever you find here, and then use the crowbar on the red floor lever at the end of the passage. Take note of the south room between the levers, there is no need to enter there now but you will be back here shortly. For now though, go back down the ladder and through the crawl space, then climb up into the north crawl space and make your way through. Turn then drop back and grab the edge of the crawl space, then shimmy to the east passage and climb up.

When you used the lever up the ladder the fires in this passage were extinguished, so it's now safe to go through and use the lever at the end of the passage to open an under water gate elsewhere. Now back to the central lava pit and jump over to the west passage. Go through the passage and you will come to a water hole; but don’t jump in yet!!! Look beyond the water fall and you can just see a ledge to jump up to, then turn and see a sneaky jump switch up on the wall ahead. Use the jump switch then swim down the water hole to an underwater chamber with four levers inside a cage. The door is open to the cage so swim through and use both levers at the south, wall but only use the right side lever at the east wall, the other lever is a trap!!! You will now see a cage lower in the room at the top of the ladder. Swim out of here and up to the top of the water hole. Climb out and head back to the central lava pit, then turn and drop back so that you can shimmy to the south crawl space. Pull up into the crawl space, and at the end, climb the ladder again and enter the south room.

In this new room you will see some tiles on the floor, but only three of these tiles are safe!!!  Go to the west end of the path and collect the
Uzi Ammo x 2, and then step onto the first NW tile. Now jump to the south (missing one tile) and then jump in a SE direction to land on the tile in front of the cage. Nip up into the alcove here and go around the cage to find a lever at the south wall, and use it to open the pink door back at the large lava pool room. Make a note of the other cage here which holds a Trident because you will have to come back here for later, but for now, leave via the same safe tiles as before, and go back out to the passage. Go left and see the red floor lever and a hole in the wall, and step up through the hole to arrive back at the lava pool room.

Jump down to the west alcove where the fire statue is, then stand on the edge of the tile facing out over the lava pool. You need to take one step back and then jump with action to land on the tile ahead; otherwise Lara will grab the bridge above and get stuck!!! Once you have arrived at your destination, take a running jump into west door and go through the passage.

You will now see a cut scene of what I called the Trident Room, and a horseman is mounting his horse ready to attack. Run into the room with guns blazing and shoot the horseman until he drops from his horse. He will still be standing though, so shoot at his chest and he will eventually die; leaving you your
1st Horseman's Gem. Take the gem and go to the NE corner of the room. Jump up to the rocks, then jump to the top of the waterfall and jump over to the bridge with six levers. Two of the levers are traps so only use the left and right levers on the north wall, and the left and central levers on the south wall to open a blue gate in the main area of the Trident Room. Now take a look down to the west and you will see the receptacles for the Horseman’s Gems. Slide back down to the main area of the room, and head south towards the newly opened south gate; Collecting Flares x 3 on the way.  inside the south door, climb up to use the pole inside and climb to the next passage. Back flip from the pole, and notice to the right there is another short passage with a closed blue gate and a Trident behind it; we will be back later for that!!! For now, head out onto the balconies and jump over to use the lever in the east alcove, and then grab a SMP and make your way over to the north alcove and use the lever there. Jump to the west room and a cut scene will show another Horseman arriving, so nip down into the room and kill him to get the 2nd Horseman's Gem he was carrying. Now go and use the lever at the north wall, and then pull all three chains in this room once. You will see the blue gate by the pole open, and you can now go and collect the 1st Trident. With the Trident tucked safely away, slide half way down the pole and back flip off to get back into the Trident Room.

Go back over to the Trident Statues and to the waterfall. Dive in the pool and swim under the floor and into a long passage. You will arrive at room with yet another Horseman and you know what to do!!! After the battle, take the
3rd Horseman's Gem, and then return to the Trident room.

Head up to the bridge again and slide down on the other side to the Horseman’s Gem receptacles. Use all three Gems to open the two blue gates (one at each end of the Gem receptacle path). and then go to the left gate. A bat will attack as you collect a LMP, so gun it down and head through the right gate and into a new room.

Take out the giant spider that attacks, then look near to the entrance door for a crawl space in the north wall. Climb through to a sloped lava pit room with a raised cage and a Trident behind it, then turn around and use the jump switch up ahead to lower the cage. Use the slopes of the pit (and not the bridge because its fire trapped) to get over to the 2nd Trident, and then use the slopes to return to the entrance of the room. Now go back through to the previous room.

There are a few things to do in this room. You need to lower some cages and release some movable face blocks, and at each side of the room on the west wall there is a lever behind a fence. First jump the fences to use both of the levers and the cages will lower. You now have to do a block move puzzle involving the symbol tiles in the centre of the room; you can see the blocks are near to their element names so it’s easy enough to decipher which tile the blocks must rest on. Still not sure? Well first notice by the closed blue gate at the south end of the room there is a lone block, and that block belongs on the central tile of the five. Face the tiles so you are looking north, and then place the
Mountain block on the tile in front of the central one. Place the Water block on the tile behind the central block, and place the Wind block to the right of the central block. The final Fire block goes to the left of the central block. The blue gate will now open and you can collect the 3rd Trident. Now return to the main Trident room and go back to the statues.

Place the three Tridents, then leave via the east door to get back to the lava pool room. Jump to either the left or right safe tiles over the lava, then nip into the alcove where the fire statue is. Climb to the lever as before; but there's no need to use it this time as a gate is now open inside the bridge passage to your left. Jump over and go back through to the hole in the ground, then make your way back down to the central underground lava pit. Jump straight across to the south crawl space, then head through and climb the ladder to get back to the upper south room. See the rows of symbols on the floor, each row has one unique symbol. These are which you need to stand on in order to lower the trident cage.

Note: Players had different results when using the symbol tiles to lower the Trident cage. The first time I played, I used the tiles I had jumped to when I used the lever behind the Trident cage earlier, but this time I had to jump from the tile near the cage to another tile two tiles out into the room, so it may be that you have to experiment a bit and see what works for you.

When the cage has lowered, take the
4th Trident and leave this room. Go left at the door to get back to the lava room. As before, nip down below and jump to the pink door's entrance, and make your way back to the Trident room. Use your final Trident on the remaining statue and a gate will open at the bottom of the pole. Pick up Element 115. Go south and use the pole again, but this time slide to the bottom and see the newly opened gate. Run through to the new underground room and the gate will close behind you. Now to escape from here!!!!

Look over the first fenced area to your left and see a jump switch to use, and there are two more to use in the alcoves to the left and right of the south closed gate. Now drop down the hole in the floor and use the jump switch at the end of the passage. (you will have to turn to see it). Now return up top and jump over to the west central fenced area where you can see a hole in the wall. Climb through the hole and use the lever at the end of the passage to open the blue south gate outside, and then climb back out and head through the newly opened gate to exit the level.


Level Four  ~ The Temple Compound

2 Secrets

Run through the passage ahead, and near the end you will come to a raised cage and a face block. Push the face block forwards once, and then go through the passage right of the block until you have a lava pit to your left. Jump the lava pit to enter the left passage, and then use the lever ahead to lower the cage to your left. Now use the lever that has been revealed behind the cage, and then go to the face block you moved moment ago. Pull the block back once, then go around to the back of the face block and use the newly revealed lever to open a gate in the east passage. Go through, and slide down to a ladder at the bottom of the passage. Jump to the ladder and shimmy to the right hand side. Lower Lara to near the bottom of the ladder, and then back flip with a turn to land on a slope behind. Slide and jump, hitting the left key so that you land on another slope, and then slide and grab the ladder ahead. Climb to the bottom of the ladder, then back flip and enter the passage behind you. Run through to the next room and jump to the north hall over the lava pool. Now go through to the main lower room.

Stop before the arches to the main room, and look right to see a jump switch on the arched wall. Use the jump switch then go into the central area, and head straight over to the north rooms across the lava river. Find a second jump switch on the arched wall, and use to open a gate elsewhere. There is a Vulture lurking and you can hear it but it's uncertain when it will swoop down, so beware at all times. Go back out to the main area and head into the east rooms. Go through to the back room, find a lever at the South wall, and use it to lower a cage in another area. Now turn and head to the north wall, and move the face block out to reveal the
7th Secret ~ Uzi ~ LMP.

Return to the main room and head over to the west rooms behind the water fall. Go north until you see a small lava pool with a flame emitting from it, then judge the flame and jump to the other side of the lava pool. Go behind the red and white pillar ahead, and see a lever that you can’t use until you have raise the floor. Look above the lever, see a hatch to open and climb up via the ladder. Back flip off to the passage above, then stand on the gold tile in the passage to raise the floor below the lever. Now drop back down and use the lever to lower a cage in another area. Leave this place, but don’t return over the lava pool yet!!! Go west, and enter the gates to the mirror room.

Watch the cut scene as you arrive, then jump to the two face tiles ahead. From here you can see the gold safe tiles showing in the mirror at the South wall. All gold tiles must be jumped to, and then you will get a shot of a gate opening elsewhere. Leave the mirror room and jump back over the small lava pool.  You will see ahead of you (at the south end of the hall) the gate you just opened; but you don’t need to go there yet, so head back out to the main room and make your way over to the north arches.

 Enter the back of the room and see a ladder at the north wall, and a slope in front of it. Catch the edge of the slope but beware as the music spells danger!!! A spike ball is heading down from above, so quickly jump to the ladder then step down one ladder rung and quickly back flip to an alcove behind you. Nip back one step to avoid the incoming spike ball from catching Lara, and also beware of a lava pit behind you. Jump back to the ladder, and go to the top for the 8th Secret ~ Flares ~ Revolver Ammo, and then drop back down the ladder and back flip into the alcove again. Jump the lava hole and climb the ladder, then make your way to the upper bridges area.

Enter the passage over the south bridge, and go through to find a pole and a closed gate. Use the pole to back flip off into a passage above, and then walk to the small lava pit at the end of the passage. Turn around at the small lava hole, and use the jump switch up on the wall ahead to open a gate below. Go back down the pole, and back flip off to the newly opened gate in the south passage, and then go through to a large lava and slopes room.

Grab the ceiling ladder and swing over to the sloped pillar ahead. Judge the flame on the corner ledge, then drop to the slope and jump to the south wall ledge. Get out of the way of the flame, then take a long running jump over the flame to get to the sloped pillar in the middle of the lava pool. Time the fire emitter on the slope and jump over to the east wall balcony; but don’t run along it because its spiked trapped!!! Shimmy past the spike tiles to get to the east door, then go through the door and use the lever inside to open an under water gate. Jump down to the safe tile in the lava pool and leave via the west door. Drop down and arrive back in the lava pool at the start of the level, and then make your way back to the main room.

Head over to the east alcoves again and dive into the pool at the east wall. Swim under the newly opened gate and go around the passage to use an under water lever. The gate will close now, so swim through the rest of the passage to a blue gate, then swim through the gate and arrive back at the pool. Climb out and go back to the main room.

Go back over to the west alcoves and two blue gates have opened at the east wall. Use the levers inside both new rooms to lower another cage in the bridge room, and then head back to the main room. Go to the north rooms and use the sloped ladder again to get back to the bridge room; but this time take the right south bridge.

Your are now in a muddy passage. Take a right turn, and go around the passage until you see a face block to your left. Pull the block towards you twice, then go to the other side and push it forwards so that it sits in the corner of the south passage. Turn and see another face block, and pull it towards you twice. Go back around to where you entered this area, and see a blue gate ahead and a lever in an alcove to the left of it. Use the lever in the alcove to open the gate, and then head through to a ladder. Climb the ladder to the top, then grab the ceiling ladder and swing over to use the lever on the other side of the lava pool. Now return to the bridge room and take the Rose Of Zareth from the pedestal at the south wall. Another Vulture will attack so take it down, and then make your way to the east alcove and climb the pole. Back flip off into the north alcove, then turn and jump to the ledge above to use a jump switch. Let Lara fall and slide, then jump to catch the wall ladder at the bottom of the slope. You arrive back down near the pole, so climb up and back flip into the north alcove again, then turn and jump to the south alcove. Climb up to find another jump switch to use, then slide down and make your way back to the pole area. Now return to the bridge room.

Leave via the right side north door and go through the passage. Drop back down the gap, catch the ladder and then shimmy left to get off the ladder. Get onto the next ladder and shimmy to the very left or right of it. Climb down the ladder to a slope below, then drop to the slope. Use either left or right key as you slide so that Lara lands on a safe side of the slope, and then return to the man room. Head south to the small lava pit area, then jump the lava and head left to the next lava pool room. Jump over and use the Rose of Zareth in the receptacle at the west wall, then return to the bridge room via the slopes and ladder at the north side of the main room.

Carefully enter the west alcove because floor blades are activate, and take a trip up the pole. Go to the top and back flip off into the NW corner, then go through to the new passage.
Ahead is a small water hole and three passages leading off from it. First jump the water hole, then turn and jump up into the crawl space above the passage. Use the chain inside the wall, then return to the passage below. Now take the west passage, and drop through the muddy floor into a water chamber below. Climb out at the NW corner, then turn and use a jump switch on the west wall. Return to the water chamber and leave via the east tunnel. Swim up and climb out at the end, then enter the south passage. Jump right of the slope, then jump the lava pit and climb the ladder. Back flip off the ladder, then jump to the alcove to your right to use a jump switch on the South wall. Drop down and enter the north passage, then head on until you see a statue torch to your left. There's a lever to your right; use it to open a timed gate in the north passage, then sprint through the gate before it closes. When you are through the door, climb the ladder and find the
Revolver at the top and then enter the next room.

A Vulture will attack as you enter the new room; gun it down and then take a look at the sloped structure leading to a central hole, and you need to turn a fire off inside the hole. Head over to the east room and you will come to some high pillars. The pillars are spike trapped, except for the ones that are wood textured. Jump to all wood textured pillars and a cage will lower at the north wall revealing a lever. Jump over to use the lever, then enter the crawl space in the east wall and find the
Laser Sight. Leave via the safe pillars, and return to the central room. Face SE, combine the Revolver and Laser Sight and shoot the gold ball hanging from the ceiling to open a door to the south. Jump over to there now and drop down the hole at the end of the passage. Slide backwards down the west slope, then catch the edge and drop to the lower crawl space. Go through, and use the lever inside to extinguish the fire in the hole outside. Now crawl out and shimmy left to enter another crawl space. Climb the ladder ahead, and at the top, climb off to the right. A blue gate will open to take you back to the central room.

Jump into the central hole, and a door will open in the north passage. Go through to collect the
Infada Stone and a cage will lower revealing a lever. Use the lever to open a pink door in the east wall of the passage, and then head through to exit the level.


Level Five ~ Return To The Meteorite Caverns

Run through the snowy passage until you come to a slope. Slide down, and as you slide you can jump and catch an alcove in the north wall and climb in for some Shotgun Ammo. Return to the slope and slide down backwards so that you can catch the edge of the slope, and then do a safety drop to the passage below. Enter the south passage and jump the hole for some Revolver Ammo, then climb the icy west wall ladder nearby and use a lever at the top to lower a cage elsewhere. Drop to ground, head back over the hole and enter the north passage. Go forwards and see a closed grey door to your left, then head on down the slope until you arrive at a cage, and a pink door to the left. Take a right turn and collect a LMP from the corner of the next room, then make note of the crawl space in the south wall; but don’t go through yet!!! Climb the block near to the crawl space, then climb up into the east passage and see a gap in the wall. Draw pistols and shoot a shatter ball through the gap, then return to the crawl space below and head through for a SMP. Continue up through the passage and go left at the top. Light a flare and go into the dark passage to the left to collect a LMP, then enter the passage to the right and use the lever at the end to open a gate in another area. Now head back down and through the crawl space to get back to the snowy passages.

Go south up the slopes to find the grey door is now open in the west wall, and go through to use a lever at the end of the passage. The cage at the bottom of the north slope has now lowered. Slide down the north slope again and enter the upper balconies of the main room. Watch the cut scene for clues, and then shoot the gold ceiling ball across the room. Turn and safety drop to ground, and arrive in a lower area of the cavern.

Run straight ahead into the south arched hall, then take a right at the mask receptacle. Enter the gates to the next room and shoot the bats that attack; but there is also a huge Willard is on its way!!! Wait for him to come through the door, then take down the enemy with your finest weapon. Take the
Crossbow ~ Arrows x 3 from the floor, then shoot the ceiling ball to lower a cage at the SW corner of the room. Head to the lowered cage, and hang drop from the east ledge. Let go of the ledge and grab a jump switch below you; and then as you fall, there are two slopes to negotiate before landing in the east wall alcove. Use the lever inside the alcove, then jump to the central platform where a cage holds an Oceanic Mask. Run to the south side of the platform, then jump into the alcove and use the lever there to lower the cage. Nip back and take the 1st Oceanic Mask, and then go to the wall ladder and climb to the top. You will have to shimmy right as far as you can above the fire without catching light, and then back flip while hitting the right key so that Lara lands on the upper ledge. You can now go and place the 1st Oceanic Mask in the receptacle outside.

Run to the east arched hall, and as you approach the next Oceanic Mask receptacle another Willard will attack from behind, coward! See him off and enter the south gold gates. There is a cage to be lowered to your left, and two movable face blocks at the south wall. Pull the blocks out to reveal a room with two levers inside, then avoid the grated floor tiles and use both levers to lower the cage outside. Enter the lowered cage area, and use the ceiling ladder to get over to the far east wall. Drop to the slope below, then slide and jump to catch the ladder pillar ahead and shimmy around to the right. Back flip onto a slope behind you, then slide and jump to grab the next ladder pillar. Shimmy around to the left, then back flip with a turn to catch the alcove behind. Use the lever inside the alcove, and then return to the west ladder pillar and shimmy left until you can back flip to an upper balcony with a raised cage and another Oceanic Mask. Turn and hang drop from this ledge, then use the jump switch and drop to the slope below. Grab the ladder pillar ahead, shimmy left and then climb back into the east wall alcove to return to the cage on the balcony. The cage is now lowered for you to take the
2nd Oceanic Mask.

With Mask in hand, drop onto the slope below (like you did before) and catch the ladder pillar again. This time, shimmy right and climb around to where a fire statue is now extinguished. Nip into the south passage, and head through the crawl space to some steps. There is a cage ahead and it will lower as you approach, thus giving you access to the ceiling ladder area. Jump from this passage around to the left, and go back to the movable block area. You can now place the 2nd Oceanic Mask, and then make your way back to the south side of the room.

Enter the arched hall, climb the west wall ladder and back flip to the upper passages. Go back out to the upper balconies of the main room, and jump over to the huge statues. Make your way over to the West where you see a room over in the West wall, and then jump over to enter the room. The camera angle will change; just walk on and you will get back to normal view. In the new room there is a central cage, and in each corner there are coloured platforms with faces on. Look carefully at each platform and notice one face is pointing in a different direction to the others. Jump to all four of these different face tiles to lower the central cage. Jump in and take the
Meteorite Diamond, and then leave via the east door and go back out to the upper balcony.

Jump to the statues again and make your way over to the north side of the room. Jump over to the crawl space in the north wall and crawl round to the right. Use the lever in the alcove and floor blades will steal some health!!! Now crawl out and around to the right to use another lever. Crawl through to the west passage and a spike ball will drop down the hole in front of you with no risk to Lara what so ever. Shimmy around the hole to get into the north crawl space, then enter the water pool in the next room.

Swim to the NE corner and find a hidden passage in the north wall. Go through and use an under water lever to open a gate down in the cavern. Swim out, and then climb the ladder on the waterfall to get back to the balcony outside. A Willard is lurking below this ledge, so do a safety drop to ground and be ready to blast him away!!! Now enter the north arched hall and go through the gold gates to your right for the 3rd Oceanic Mask, and then place the mask in the receptacle by the gates.

Make your way to the west arched hall and you will see some closed gold gates to your right. Look in the south wall for a crawl space, then go through and shimmy around the hole ahead. Pull up into the west alcove to use the Meteorite Diamond, and then return through the crawl space. The gold gates are now open.

Go through to the new passages and head right for Flares x 3, then go to the end of the passage and wait for a spike ball to fall into the lava pit ahead. Slide down the slope and jump without using action, to glide Lara into the north wall alcove, and then use the lever here before returning to the passages. Use the lever on the south wall, then jump into the south passage and slide/jump to use the next lever. Now make your way to the west passage and go through to the room ahead.

Shoot the bats and take the 4th Oceanic Mask from the pedestal. Go back outside and a Willard is lurking nearby; wait for him to show then blast him away before placing the 4th and final Oceanic Mask in the receptacle at the west wall. Now prepare for a deadly showdown as a four headed dragon appears from the meteorite pit behind you!!!

Save your game before heading towards the dragon. He doesn't start attacking until you move nearer to him, but when you do he will blast you with deadly fire balls and swarms of locusts, so you need to move fast and make it to the top of the cavern. (This could mean a lot of reloads so be prepared!)

Approach the dragon, and then run around him to enter the east arched hall. Climb the south wall ladder, and then climb off to the right. You will now see the higher cavern area outside. Run out and take a long running from the jutting ledge over to the NW ledge, and then pull up to the ledge above. Roll, and then take a long running jump across the cavern and through the meteorite to land on the far west ledge. Pull up to the higher west ledge and Lara should be safe now.

Make your way down the snowy south passage and shoot the beast that shows up to greet you. Run into the building area and kill the two Storm Troopers, and then use the button on the wall of the far south building to open the door to the small building. Another Storm Trooper is released, but the building is empty so this could just be a red herring and you can leave this room alone. Now simply go through the south passage between the buildings, and enter the helicopter area. Another Storm Trooper will appear here, so gun him down then run through the fence (the gate never opens so just run through the fence) towards the helicopter, and fly off to the next location.


Level Six  ~ The Arctic Caverns

The helicopter has dropped Lara in the icy caverns of the arctic, and her first task starts through the west passage. Head down the snowy slope and jump into the freezing water, then climb out into the north room and use the button on the back of the box to open a door in the room behind the fence to your right.

Go back to the pool and jump to the west passage. Head into the small green room to your right and use the button on the south wall. Return outside and enter the south passage. You will come to a hole in the floor and an ice wall ladder to your right. Use the ladder to get down to the passage below, then turn and see a face block behind you. Pull the block towards you once, then go into the north passage and continue on until you come to the face block. Push the block through once, then return to the other side and push it forwards as far as it will go. There is a button on the wall to your right now, use it to raise the block up into a room above, and then climb back up the ice ladder and get off to the left. Enter the south room, and slide carefully down the pole (back flipping off before you reach the fire below.)

In the new room you will see the block you have just raised. Head into the south passage and find the button on the north wall to raise a floor tile by the pole. Go back out to the block and move it onto the tile beneath the west wall doorway. Now jump to the pole and climb to the room above, and then enter the north passage to get back to the water pool area.

Jump to the north room again and see a block has risen by the box, and you can now climb up to a button in an alcove in the ceiling. Use the button to raise the face block back at the pole room, then return to ground and go back to the pole room; but don’t use the pole this time!!! Head through the west passage and notice a raised cage to your right, then continue on to a rock path and drop down a hole into the passage below.

Face east and you will see the face block. Move the block back four times, then return to the passage above. Go east to get back to the pole room, then slide down the pole and climb up to the west passage. You will see the face block ahead. Push the block through once, then go back to the pole and make your way to the room above. Leave via the north passage and go back to the pool area.

Head west this time, and go to the bottom of the slope. Go straight over the frozen river and enter the west passage carefully because there is a fire emitter just around the corner!!! There is also a lever on fire in the next passage, and when the fire emitter goes out so will the lever fire, so be quick to use the lever, and then return to the pool area outside.

Go back through the south passage and through to the pole room. Enter the west passage and you will  see the cage to your right has now lowered revealing a button. Use the button, then look west to see the face block has appeared in the passage; but you can’t move it from this side. Enter the south passage and make your way through until you come to the face block in the passage to the east. Pull the block towards you once, then nip back around the passage and push the block forwards as far as it will go. The block will now be resting on a grated tile and a pole will appear in another area.

Return to the pool room and take the west passage again. Go down to the frozen river and head right to enter the frozen north river room. The camera angle will change here, so run left to get back to normal view, and you can now see the new pole at the west wall. Climb the pole and back flip off at the top, then crawl under the fire statues to get to the east side of the ledge. Jump to the NE icy rocks, then head through the arched doorway and go down to the bottom of the slope. There is a deep and dangerous chasm here so take care now to slide off into it. Go to the left side of the chasm, then turn and grab the ice ladder. Climb down to the spike trap tiles, (you know not to drop onto those) back flip to the slope behind you, then slide and jump to the next slope. Slide down the next slope until you arrive at a lever, then save your game for a hideous timed escape!

Use the lever and immediately back flip to the rock behind you to avoid some spikes that pop out of the ground, then quickly jump up to the west rock and then to the north rock. Jump to the slope at the west wall, then jump and catch the ice ladder and climb back up to the top of the chasm. Return to the frozen river room by dropping down from the upper icy rocks, then head to the pole and see a newly opened door behind it. Enter the new door, go through to the new room and kill the vulture that shows up.

In this new room there are spike tiles, and in the walls next to them are four levers. Avoiding the spike tiles,  make your way over to the west wall alcove and use the ice ladder to get to ground. Use the two levers in the small room below, and then go back up the ladder to the spike tile and lever room. The spike tiles are now safe!!! Use the levers in the crawl spaces; but only use the right side levers at the north and south walls, the other two are traps. You have now lowered two ropes at the top of the room. Go back to the ice ladder, climb to the top, and see the two ropes ahead. Swing over to the east passage, then go through and jump to the iceberg ahead. Take the Yeti Sanctuary Key from the south wall crawl space and you will see some Storm Troopers getting restless down below. Go to the NW corner of the iceberg and drop down to the ice rocks below. Now drop down again to get back to the frozen river room, then head out via the south door to get back to the pool area.

A Storm Trooper will show up, so take him out then jump to the north room over the pool. Go behind the box and a new area has opened up in the north wall, go through and the gold gates will open for you. Head into the new room and a Yeti will attack from the right, blast him away then go into the south wall cell and kill the next angry Yeti. Use the button on the cell wall, then leave and make your way around the east side of the room. Enter the east cell and use the button on the wall to open a door in the upper area of this room; but you don’t need to use that door yet, so collect some
Shotgun Ammo from the floor, and then leave the cell and face another angry Yeti. Now head to the north side of the room and drop into the water. Swim up the north channel and climb out onto the grey ledge to your right. Kill a couple of noisy Yetis, then dive back into the water and swim on to the crawl space in the north wall of the channel.

Enter the crawl space and swim up into a new room with a closed grey door. Take the
SMP from the south alcove, then light a flare and enter the dark west passage. Jump the various fire holes to get to the end of the passage, and then find a lever at the end. Light a fresh flare and save your game because there is now a hideous timed run to the grey door (In fact it has to be the hardest timed run I have ever encountered). Use the lever, then sprint through the dark passage and into the grey door.

Through the timed door, use the Yeti Sanctuary Key on the lock and a gate will open back at the Yeti cells area. Use the button on the west wall twice to open the door out of here, then drop back into the water hole and swim south. Go all the way to the end of the channel and you will see the newly opened gates in the water ahead. Swim through to the water chamber and look on the west wall for an odd textured tile to swim through. make your way through the hidden passage and use the under water lever at the end, and then swim back out of the chamber and return to the north channel. Climb out onto the grey ledge to your right (where you killed the two noisy Yetis earlier) and head down the steps to the closed gold gates. Look right, and see a passage with a button at the end and use the button to open the gates to the Yeti sanctuary.

Cautiously enter the new room because a Yeti will attack from the right, and another from the right east wall. When the coast is clear, go to the part of the wall that the Yeti appeared from and find a movable block. Push the block forwards twice onto an activation tile and a cage will lower in the east wall cell. Another Yeti is released, gun him down and then enter his cell and collect the Roof Top Key. Now Leave via the west door and go back up the hall. Drop into the water channel again and swim south. Take a right turn at the end, and then climb out on the south ledge. Enter the first cell on the right, climb the ice ladder on the west wall, and then back flip off at the top to get to the upper balconies.

Walk out to see a wooden central structure and a raised cage over to the south. Jump to the nearest outer balcony at the north wall, and then look on the central structure for a key hole. jump over and use the Roof Top Key on the lock to lower a cage at the south wall, then jump back the way you came and make your way to the south wall to collect the Ora Dagger. Taking the Ora Dagger has opened a door at the east wall, so make your way there and slide into the next level.


Level Seven ~ The Darkest Caverns Of Rathmore

Run forward and take the Hand Of Rathmore from the pedestal. A cage will lower for you to enter the next area, so take the Flares x 3 and go through to the next room. Stop at the water channel ahead. There’s a SMP to the left of the water channel and a passage to the right, ignore the passage for now and drop into the water channel. Climb out at the end and run towards the dark passage to exit the level.


Level Eight ~ Falls Of Obeacon

Run forwards, and cross the bridge to place the four elements in the receptacles at the west wall. Watch the flyby, and then head through the lowered cage between the element receptacles and go through to the passage. There is a closed grey door at the end of the passage and two faced push blocks in the north and south walls. Push the north block through three times; making sure   you do this without stopping after each move or Lara will catch light on the grated tile that you push the block over, and then go into the west alcove and use the button on the wall. Return to the passage and push the south block through twice only; or you will go over a fire tile and catch light! A blue door to your right will now open, so nip through the door and use the button inside to open the grey door back in the passage. Now return to the passage and enter the newly opened west door.

 At the end of the passage, drop down into the water hole ahead and climb out into a new area. Go east, and time the fire emitters in both fire holes to collect some Shotgun Ammo x 2, and then continue on to the edge of the balcony.

Jump over to the east room and enter the passage behind the pole for a
LMP, and then use the pole to get to ground. Make your way through the watery passages to the far west room, and just before you go up the steps into the room, look nearby to your right for a hole in the water pool floor. Remember this hole because you will be back here later!!! For now though, go up the steps to enter the west room, and then go to the lever on the west wall. The lever is timed and it extinguishes a fire on a chain that’s up on a ledge above the door you entered here by. Use the lever then jump up to the south rocks and make your way over to the chain ledge. Jump to the chain, and use it once to lower a cage in the passage outside. Drop to ground and head out of this room, then take a right turn and run up the watery passage until you see a lever on the west wall. Use the lever to lower a cage in the water hole back by the steps, and then swim through the water hole and climb out into a new room.

Head north until you see a closed door ahead, and then enter the passage to the left and kill the Storm Trooper that shows up. Carefully enter the passage the Storm Trooper appeared from because a spike ball will drop as you approach the lava hole ahead. Jump to the button in the alcove and prepare for another timed run!!! Use the button then nip into the passage and go right, left right, then right again, and get through the timed gate. Go up the steps to the west and see a cage with a button behind it and a fire statue burning fiercely. Go into the passage to the right and use the button to lower the cage, and then go back out and time the fire to use the revealed button; but side flip to the right immediately because although there is now a cut scene, the fire will still ignite again Lara will die!!! Now use the button in the passage again to open the door back to the previous passages, and go through. At the end of the passage you will see the newly opened door at the north wall, so go through and stop on the gold tile just past the door. There is now a nasty timed run to do!!

Notice a fire goes out under the button on the wall ahead when you stand on the gold tile, but as you step off the gold tile your time begins and there is literally seconds to get to the button and use it before the fire ignites again. In order to make it on time, use the sprint plus jump key to get to the button, and then as you push the button, immediately take a step to the right to avoid the fire which will ignite again in a very short space of time. When the button is finally used a door will open to the right of you, so nip in and use the next button to lower two cages in another area. Now go back outside, head over to the south, drop down into the water hole you arrived here by and swim back through to the previous area.

Make your way east and enter the room behind the pole. Swim around to the right and climb out on the low east ledge to kill the bats that are hovering above. Jump to the pedestal to the north for the
Internal Rathmore Key, and then go back out to the pole. Climb to the upper room and see a key hole in the east passage. Walk towards the key hole and a fire will ignite obstructing the key hole. There is obviously something else to be done here, so head back to the previous level and make your way west. Jump over to the other side of the room and go past the fire holes to the pole at the end of the room. Climb the pole and back flip off into the upper passage, then head back into the elements room and cross over the bridge to exit this level.


Level Nine ~ The Darkest Caverns Of Rathmore ~ Revisited

Drop into the water, and then climb out and enter the north passage. Run through and use the Internal Rathmore Key on north wall lock, then enter the north passage which will take you to the next room.

Jump to the south ledge and pick up some Uzi Ammo, and then use the lever at the south wall. Turn and see a grated floor tile behind you and move the face block at the north wall onto it. You will see a shot of a chain in a room below and a fire is now extinguished enabling you to use the chain. Jump over to the west ledge and drop down the hole in the floor. You will land in a tiny mud room and you can see the chain in the alcove to the east. Use the chain once only to lower a cage in a passage in the west wall, then jump the lava floor to get into the passage. At the end of the passage, drop down into the water.

Make your way north and kill the Storm Trooper that shows up, then head into the east passage and go through to the next room. Collect some
Flares and then stand on the green tile between the two burning chains. Standing on the green tile puts a fire out in front of the closed north door, and the next task is timed from when you leave the green tile. There are two slopes either side of the door and above them are two jump switches. You have to make it from the green tile to the grey door, and then back flip on the slopes to use the jump switches before the fire ignites again. Do the switches one at a time and, and after the first one you can nip onto the black safe tile nearby and jump back up to the green tile. Do the second switch the same way, and then enter the newly opened door.

Light a flare, and walk carefully through the passage because you can fall through certain parts of the floor and die in the murky waters below. Jump the danger spots to get into the north passage, and then you come to a face block. Push the block forwards twice (without stopping or Lara will burn as the floor ignites!) and then nip into the west alcove and use a lever there. Now jump over the newly ignited fire tile behind you, and go back to the previous room.

A cage has now lowered at the south wall, and you can use a lever to extinguish the fires on the two chains in this room. Use both chains once only and see a fire go out under a lever in another room. Leave this room and head out to the water area. Run over to the west room and kill the bats that show up, and then use the lever at the west wall and get a shot of a pink door opening. Go back out to the water area and head south to get back to the wooden textured structure. Climb inside the passage and jump back to the to the tiny mud room, and then face the west wall and see on the right side there is a wooden textured panel; this is a ladder which will take you back to the upper ledges, so make your way up and back flip off at the top.

Jump to the north balcony and you will see the pink door you just opened. Crawl under the fire emitters and enter the new room. In this room there are several raised cages over coloured floor tiles. There are also six buttons on the walls, three on the east wall and three on the west wall. You have to lower all of the coloured floor tile cages by using the buttons on the walls, and fires will hamper your way if you use the wrong combination. I believe there are a few ways to do this but this is how I did it.

1st ~ west wall - Right button
2nd ~ east wall - Right button
3rd ~ west wall - Central button
4th ~  east wall - Central button
5th ~  east wall - Re use - Central button
6th ~ west wall - Left button
7th ~  east wall - Re use - Central button

When all of the coloured tile cages are lowered, stand on every coloured tile and the cages at the north wall will lower. Use the button at the north wall to extinguish the fire at the pedestal, and then take the
Cube Of Obeacon from its resting place. As you take the Cube, another cage will lower in the west passage. Go through and take the External Key Of Rathmore, and then return to the ledges outside.

Jump to the south balcony and head through the east door. Make your way through the passage until you arrive back at the water channel, then jump in and swim west. Climb out into the passage ahead and go through to re enter the Falls of Obeacon.


Level Ten ~ Falls Of Obeacon ~ Revisited

Run forwards over the bridge and into the passage ahead. Use the pole at the end of the passage to get back to the lower rooms, and then head to the west wall and place the Cube of Obeacon to extinguish the fire by the key hole. Now make your way east and jump over to the far east room where the other pole is. Go into the passage behind the pole, and use the External Rathmore key on the lock to open the door to your left. Kill the Storm Trooper who is waiting behind the door, and then run through the passage to exit the level.


Level Eleven ~ Escape From Tinnos

1 Secret

Arrive in the eerie passage of this final level, and jump the lava pit ahead to get to the next passage. There’s a closed blue door to your left and a slope ahead, so turn and drop down the slope and grab the edge. Drop and grab the crawl space below, then climb inside and go through to the next area. Jump the lava pit to the right, and use the lever on the wall before heading up the ladder. At the top of the ladder, turn and see a blue door has opened for you, and jump into the new passage. Go left and your back at the slope, but this time slide and jump into the left hand passage and go through. You will see a lever on the wall here and it opens a door to your left which will take you back down the ladder if you missed the lever in the crawl space, so move on and head through the passage and go left to enter a new room.

In the new room you will see some steps leading down, but they are for near the end of the level so ignore them for now and go into the east room. Go to the pole by the three burning levers and climb to the top. Back flip off, avoiding the fire below, and then enter the east passage. There are two buttons here and a door at each end of the passage. The buttons are timed!!! Use each button and make it through to the rooms, then use the two levers. Use the other lever by the door twice to open the door out and return to the pole.

A flame is out by the west wall lever, so use it and then slide down the pole one level and back flip off to where the three levers are. The flames are out now and you can use all three levers. Now get back on the pole and slide to the lowest room. Back flip off to the non sloped path, then head through the north passage and stop at the first ledge ahead. Take a jump back so that you can do a standing jump up to the ledge as soon as the fire emitter dies down, and then take another jump to reach the highest ledge. There’s a closed door here and two levers to the left. The first lever extinguishes the fire beneath the second lever, but the fire is timed and it takes split second timing to do this next task so save your game before attempting it. Now use the first lever; but don’t try to flip or roll for speed, simply run to the lever and make sure you arrive directly at the lever so that no time is wasted lining Lara up, and then use the lever and immediately flip sideways to avoid the fire that will certainly have ignited again by now. The second lever has now opened the timed door and you need to jump through it before it slams shut on you, so be quick and make it inside the new room.

You now find yourself standing on a bridge and a few bats are flapping about in the room. Take out the bats, then make your way to the pedestal ahead and take the
Cave Stream Key. Now go to the other end of the bridge and jump to the lever on the east wall and use it twice to open the door out of here. Leave the room, drop down past the fire emitter and return to the pole. Climb back up to where the three levers are, and leave via the west door. Go straight over to the west room and kill the two huge spiders that are waiting for you inside, then go up the steps to the north and see some fire tiles at the entrance of a new room. Look on the left side of the doorway (where the statues are) for a jump switch to extinguish the fire tiles, and then enter the room.

Note: For some reason the secret bell will chime again as you leave a secret passage in the new room, and your secret count will rise to something like 207 secrets found, so make a note of your secret count before entering the area behind the movable block.

Go to the far north wall and light a flare to see a movable face block, and pull the block out to reveal a passage with the 9th Secret ~ Grenade Gun ~ LMP inside. Now go to the skeleton in the east room behind the fence, grab the Torch and take it outside to the north room. Go right and you’ll see a fire burning under a key hole and you can light the Torch here then take it through to the East room. Light the torch on the south wall sconces and the fire will go out by the key hole. Return to the keyhole and use the Cave Stream Key to open the gates. Take the Revolver Ammo, and then enter the new room.

In this room there is a blue pyramid and a gold ball above it. Combine the Revolver and Laser Sight, and shoot the ball to open one of the gates at the south wall. There’s another gate behind it though and to open that you have to jump on the various symbol tiles that run round the edge of the room. This is how to do it!!!  Take the east side first, and stand on the second tile from the left. Walk onto the next tile to the south, and then jump over the next tile to land on another fire symbol tile. Walk onto the corner tile, then side flip to the right to land on the fire symbol tile in front of the gates, and then nip down into the water and go to the west side tiles. Stand on the first tile on the right, and then walk onto the next tile to the north. Jump over the next tile and the tile you land on will open the final gate at the south wall.

Head through the gates and you will come to a timed lever, and my oh boy is this a tight!!! Save your game and then use the lever and sprint out of the pyramid room. Go right then left, then right again and jump into the passage ahead. Run through and jump with a left turn to land on the steps, and then head down and jump left to land in the north passage under a small waterfall. Now run through and round to the right to make it through the timed door!

Through the timed door, slide down the slope, then at the bottom turn and slide backwards on the right side of the west slope to land on a safe tile in the lava pool below. Go through the south passage into the new room and look through the fence to see some coloured tiles. Some of the tiles are alight, so make note of the colours on the fire tiles and avoid these as you make your way to the left side of the fenced area. Go on towards the statue and the double doors will open, and also some tiles will ignite on the central floor. Go back, and carefully nip through the central tiles to get to the statue in the NW corner and climb up into the crawl space above the statue for the
Stone Of Khepta. Now return to ground, nip through the central fire tiles, and go through the double grey doors to the next room.

Carefully make your way up the long flight of stairs; and beware as you near the top because three spike balls will fall. Race back down and jump to the right side slope on the stairs and let the spike balls pass. Remain on this slope and go down to the bottom where you see a blue block with an obelisk on top. Look on the right side of the blue block for a lever, and use it to open the gates at the top of the stairs. Now head back up the stairs and enter the next room.

Take the
SMP from the skeleton, then head out of this small room and go left, then left again. Kill the waiting Storm Trooper and use the button on the fence. Head into the left side of the west wall (you can stop to pick off another Storm Trooper who’s firing at you from an upper ledge to the north if you wish) and crawl through to the next room.

Look at the coloured tiles on the walls, these will show you the tiles on the floor NOT to stand on, but all other colours are safe. Stand on all of the safe tiles to lower the cage and you can place the Stone of Khepta in the receptacle.
Return to the previous room and pull up to the bridge above. Go to the west wall alcove and use the left side button to turn off the fire under the second button. Use the second button and then drop to ground and find the gates are now open in the west hall. Go through and kill the lurking Storm Trooper, and then dodge the fire emitter to use the button on the north wall to lower a cage up in the wall outside.

Return to the bridge, pull up and run south. Go left at the end, and keep going until you can see a gap in the north wall of the central room. Jump over and make your way around the outer alcoves until the doors in the east wall open, and then jump into the doors and climb the ladder. Back flip off at the top of the ladder and walk to the edge of the balcony. Look right and you will see a jump switch, so take a running jump to catch and use it, then Lara will fall into a water pool below. (There is an audio problems here and you will get a very strange noise when Lara swims) Climb out of the water and you will be back in the skeleton room. You now have to go back up to the bridge and through that gap in the wall again. Go around the alcoves again to get back to the ladder, and then make your way to the top of the room as before. Walk out on the balcony and use the rope that has now appeared to swing over to the west room. Slide down the slope to a room with a closed blue door and light a flare. Go to the dark SW corner and find the button to open the timed door to your right. Head through to the next room and you will hear the comforting sound of the helicopter waiting outside.

There’s a bit more work to do yet though, so frisk the two skeletons laying on either side of the room and collect the
Grenade Gun ~ Grenade Ammo x 2 ~  Revolver Ammo x 2 ~ LMP x 2 ~ SMP, and then stand on both grey platforms to open the pink west door to access the final room.

At the west side of the room there is a table to place a scroll; but you don’t have it yet!!! Run onto the blue mosaic floor and two doors will open at each end of the room and several Willards will invade your space. Let the battle begin and blast away until all enemies are dead, and then go through the south lava wall for the
Scroll Of The Scorpion. Place the Scroll on the table to open the west wall door, and then climb up through the door.

Say good bye to the Lost City of Tinnos, with its horrors and glories, its tricks and traps, its beautiful rooms and wonderful adventures. You have The Hand of Rathmore in your back pack and the helicopter is waiting, so head through the passage and go get your ride home!