Back to the Basics: Level 18

Level by Loren Golden

Walkthrough #1 by the author, #2 by Dutchy and Gerty

After the opening flyby, enter the main hall and turn north. Run up the stairs and shatter the pots, finding the Flares. Continue through the opening to the west into the collapsed room. Climb up to the upper floor and jump across to the ledge in the northeast corner. Enter the room and step on the pressure pad in the northeast corner, opening a timed door. Run to the edge and do a safety drop to the floor. Immediately roll around and dash through the hall and run up the stairs at the south end. Dash through the room with the pillar and through the open portcullis before it closes. Shatter the red pot and collect the Normal Shotgun Ammo. Shimmy up the pole and jump off into the upper room. Shatter the pot on the south side of the room (not under the overhang) and collect the Shotgun. Run through the opening and around into the room with the plinth. Take the Pharos Pillar.

As you take the Pillar, a wraith will immediately fly out of a nearby room to pester Lara. Run to the edge and do a safety drop to the floor. Dash back through the hall to the north and run up the stairs. Climb back up to the ruined upper floor in the collapsed room and place the Pharos Pillar to open the door. Slide down the pole into the room below with the bird statue. While the wraith extinguishes itself on the statue, shatter the pots in the corners and collect a Small Medipak and some more Normal Shotgun Ammo. Shimmy back up the pole and throw the lever switch opening the double doors at the west end of the main hall. Slide back down the pole and find the portcullis open. Return to the main hall and exit through the now-open doors.

Follow the steps down to the north. In the first corner, light a flare and look up to find a high passage. Climb into the passage and run to its end. Climb the surface on the western wall to the top and backflip off to collect the Lasersight. Jump over the pit into the tunnel leading south. Monkey swing over the pit and run to the far alcove to collect Secret #1: the Crossbow. Monkey swing back across the pit and climb down the climbable surface in the southern pit to return to the stairs. Follow the stairs on down to a tall hallway. Three skeletons emerge above. At the north end of the hall is a closed portcullis. Note its location then backtrack to the central hallway leading from the main hall.

Follow the steps down to the south, winding your way into a large cavern with a pool in the middle of it. Run to a high alcove in the southwest corner and climb up to collect another Shotgun and some Wideshot Shotgun Ammo. Jump in the pool and swim into the large water-filled room to the south. Swim through the arch in the southwest corner and around into a low passageway. Emerge into a small room with a pressure pad. A camera will show you a door opening on the opposite side of the large water-filled room, but this is not the only door that the pressure pad opens. Jump back into the pool and return to the large water-filled room. Swim through the arch in the center of the west wall. Quickly swim through and climb the steps to run through the timed portcullis before it closes. Inside, pull the moveable pillar one square until it supports the floor of the room above.

Swim back to the room with the pressure pad and step on it again. This time, swim back through the large water-filled room and through the second arch from the south on the east wall and into the room with the steps. Quickly climb the steps and pass through the open timed door before it closes. Climb the stairs and cross the bridge to the room on the far side. Move the large moveable object from the northwest to the southeast corner to open the door. Run through and emerge on the bridge. Once here, as many as three skeletons will emerge from the rooms at the end of the bridge to attack Lara. (You may have to lure the skeletons in the room at the far end of the bridge out first.) Blast them off the bridge with the Shotgun.

Enter the room at the east end of the bridge and shatter the red vase opposite the door on the east wall and collect the Normal Shotgun Ammo. Also be sure to pick up the Crowbar in the northwest corner. Before you leave, climb on top of the coffin in the southeast corner and jump and grab a ledge to pull up into a small chamber, where you will find Secret #2: a Large Medipak. Return to the bridge and enter the dark hallway at the south end of the large room.

The next two objectives can be done in either order:

Follow the diagonal hallway to the southeast and enter a room with three coffins and shatter the pots in the northwest and southeast corners and collect some Flares and the Ornate Handle. As soon as Lara collects the Ornate Handle, three skeletons will emerge. Lead them to the balcony (or to the pool at the end of the hallway to the west of the diagonal halls) and blast them off the edge with the Shotgun.

From the balcony, follow the diagonal hallway to the southwest and traverse the hallway leading to the pool to the west. Jump in and follow the underwater hall to the west, to collect a Small Medipak. Return to the center room in the pool and follow the underwater hall to the east, to collect some Wideshot Shotgun Ammo. Pull up into the airhole above and push the large switch to open a portcullis. Jump back in the water and swim back to the center room and follow the underwater hall to the south. Collect the Hathor Effigy from the plinth. This triggers another wraith, so return to the center room and follow the underwater hall to the north (though you may want to catch your breath first). Wait near the bird statue until the wraith extinguishes itself, then return to the center room. Swim up and emerge from the pool.

After you've collected both the Hathor Effigy and the Ornate Handle, combine them and go to the large double doors at the south junction of the diagonal halls. Open the doors with the Portal Guardian and enter the room to collect the Pharos Knot. With the Pharos Knot and the Crowbar in hand, return to the main room, jump into the pool and swim back to the cavern.

Approach the double doors with the star-shaped receptacles next to them and climb onto the pressure pad next to the north door. This opens the portcullis whose location you had made note of after collecting Secret #1. (Note: The following sequence of events leading up to the placing of the Pharos Knot can be done before jumping in the pool after collecting Secret #1. However, since collecting the Pharos Knot after finding its receptacle involves backtracking, it is recommended that the sequence culminating in collecting the Pharos Knot be done first.) Run through the cavern, the stairwells, and the tall hallway, and through the timed portcullis before it closes.

As you enter the room, a flyby is triggered to show you the misty cavern outside. As it swings around to face the skull in the north wall, two wraiths emerge from its eyes. Immediately run back into the tall hallway and duck into the first alcove on the right. Climb down the ladder to the drained pool room below. Drop into the pool and collect a Small Medipak and some Normal Shotgun Ammo while you are waiting for the wraiths to extinguish themselves on the bird statue in the center of the pool. After the wraiths have expired, climb out of the pool and back up to the tall hallway. Return to the room on the other side of the portcullis you opened with the pressure pad. Shatter the vase in the west window and collect some Flares. Throw the switch to open a portcullis in the upper part of the tall hallway.

Go back to the tall hallway and enter the first alcove on the left. Shimmy up the pole and jump off onto the upper ledge. If any of the three skeletons you triggered earlier are still lurking around, blast them off with the Shotgun. Jump across the ledges between the windows to the southernmost ledge and collect some Normal Shotgun Ammo. Go back to the first ledge and pass through the open portcullis onto the roof of the building in the large misty cavern. Look up and notice some handholds in the roof of the northeastern quadrant of the cavern that lead to an opening in the northeast corner. Do not follow them just yet, for they lead to a small room with a switch blocked for now by a pair of flame emitters. Instead, climb onto one of the sloped projections on the east or west sides of the roof and slide off onto the sloped edge of a drained pool. Make sure you aren't too low on health, first. Take a safety drop to the ground. A nearby portcullis will open as you approach and close behind you once you're back inside.

Once you're back inside the building, shatter the vase in the southeast corner and collect a Small Medipak. Push the large switch on the north wall between the windows to shut off the flame emitters and open the door back to the drained pool room. As you approach the now-open door, keep your Shotgun handy to blast the skeleton on the other side into the pool. Climb back up the ladder in the southwest corner of the drained pool room and shimmy back up the pole to return to the roof of the building in the large misty cavern. Be careful, because as you emerge, a skeleton will rise up behind you. Go back and blast it off the ledge.

Climb onto the top of the easternmost sloped projection on the north edge of the roof. Before Lara starts to slide, jump and grab the handholds in the roof of the cavern. Follow them around to the opening and push the large switch. This lowers a raising block back in the room with the lever switch in the building. Monkey swing back to the roof of the building and return to the room with the lever switch.

Before dropping into the pit revealed by the lowering of the raising block, it's a good idea to have the Pharos Knot in hand. Drop into the pit and follow the crawlspace to another pit. Drop down and drop through the narrow opening into the hallway below. Place the Pharos Knot into the receptacle at the north end of the hall to access the misty cavern outside. Cross the bridge and enter the mouth of the skull to collect two Horseman's Gems. Return across the bridge into the hallway.

Enter the room on the west side of the hall and press the large switch. This opens the portcullis in the southwest alcove in the tall hallway above. As Lara returns to the hall outside, a skeleton will approach. Lure it to the edge of the bridge in the misty cavern and blast it off. Follow the hallway to its southern end and follow the side hall to the east, past a closed door, around to a room above a deep pit spanned by a pair of bridges, and with a pressure pad at the far end. (If you didn't open the doors with the Pharos Knot, you can blast the skeleton off here.) Cross the room to the pressure pad to open the door you passed earlier. The camera shot may show a pair of skeletons following you. Before you leave the pressure pad, blast the skeletons off the ledges as they approach. Quickly return across the ledges and down the hall, and through the door before it closes. Press the large switch to open the portcullis in the southeast alcove in the tall hallway above. As you approach the door back to the hall, it will open. Pass through and lure the two skeletons that have appeared to an edge and blast them off.

Climb back up through the crawlspace to the room with the lever switch and return to the tall hallway. The portcullises you opened earlier lead to rooms with parallel dry channels. The water flows may be turned on in either order, but it's generally a good idea to turn the water on in the west channel room first.

As you enter the west channel room, note the location of the ladder in the northwest corner of the room before you duck into a crawlspace beneath the fountain statue. Follow the crawlspace around and emerge in a room with a number of arches. Follow the hallway around to a large room with four vases. Shoot the vases in the southwest and southeast corners and collect a Small Medipak and some Wideshot Shotgun Ammo. Shatter the vase against the north wall and a raising block will drop down as teeth spikes emerge from the pit. If you shatter the vase against the east wall, a skeleton will emerge. Do not shoot it into the spike pit, because this will not kill it, and it will hinder you when you need to be in there a bit later. Rather, lure it back to the pit with the crawlspace and blast it in with the Shotgun.

After dropping the raising block and triggering the teeth spikes, return to the channel room and climb the ladder to the upper level. A door in the northwest corner is now open, but first go to the southeast corner and collect a Small Medipak. Then go to through the open door and throw the lever switch to deactivate the teeth spikes. Quickly drop down to the ground and into the channel bed. Run back to the crawlspace and pass through it back to the pit in the hall with the arches. Pull up and immediately run through and into the pit. Quickly push the lever switch to open a pair of doors in the arched hall and immediately hop back once and backflip out of the pit before the timed teeth spikes spring back up.

As you enter the now-open doors, two skeletons will jump out of the corners and another will approach from behind. Blast them all into the pool. Jump across the pool and place a Horseman's Gem in the receptacle. (If you followed the optional installation instructions in the readme, you will hear a flooding sound at this point.) Before leaving, drop into the water and swim into the small space beneath the pad with the Horseman Gem receptacle, where you will find Secret #3: some Explosive Crossbow Ammo. As you return to the pit, you will find that it and the crawlspace are flooded. Emerge from the pool in the channel room and return to the tall hallway.

Upon entering the east channel room, make your way to the northwest corner and climb the ladder there. On the upper level, step on the pressure pad in the northeast corner. Quickly dash around the catwalk to the northwest corner and run through to grab the pole before the door closes. Slide down the pole. As you step on the floor beneath the pole, the door above will open. Lara is now in a set of arched hallways surrounding a central room with a closed door. In this hall are three skeletons. If you have collected the Crossbow found in Secret #1 and the Explosive Ammo found in Secret #3, they will be easy enough to take care of; otherwise, you will need to wait until you've opened the door to the central room.

Pass back to the hallway to the east of the central room and press the large switch you find there. This will open the door to the central room and also cause a fourth skeleton to emerge from the ground. Blast him when you find him. Enter the central room, jump across the pool, and place a Horseman's Gem in the receptacle. (If you followed the optional installation instructions in the readme, you will hear a flooding sound at this point.) Go back to the pole and shimmy up to the upper level of the channel room, drop down to the lower level, and return to the tall hallway.

After activating the water flows in both channels, return to the roof of the building in the misty cavern. You will find the pools on the east and west sides of the building flooded. You can jump in either pool first, but if you jump in the east pool first, you may miss the last Secret. Before you jump into either pool, however, make sure that you have the Crowbar in your inventory.

After you jump into the west pool, swim through the opening in the southwest corner. Swim up through the opening and pull up into a large hall lit by torches. As you pass through the room, three skeletons will emerge. Again, if you have the Crossbow from Secret #1 and the Explosive Ammo from Secret #3, you can blast them with this. Otherwise, lure them back to the pool and blast them into it with the Shotgun. Look for a large switch behind a pillar in the north part of the room and push it to activate an expanding platform in the room to the southwest. Use that to grab a ladder and climb to the upper level. Before going back outside, shatter the vases in the window and collect some Flares.

Step out onto the ledge and jump and grab the closest rope. Swing across and grab the second rope. Continue swinging to the east and drop onto the ledge and collect a Small Medipak. Jump and grab the second rope again, then twist around to swing and jump to grab the third rope. Continue swinging and jump into the alcove in the south wall. Using the Crowbar, pry the Golden Star from the wall. As you do, two wraiths will attack you. Safety drop to the ground and return to the pool. Continue swimming back around into the now-flooded pool where you disposed of two wraiths earlier when the pool was still drained. Wait until the wraiths extinguish themselves on the statue then swim back to the large hall with the ropes and torches. Return to the southwest room to find that another platform has expanded beneath the high switch. Climb onto it and press the switch, to open a door in a hall that you haven't been in before (unless you have been there and are using a savegame). Go back to the pool and emerge in the pool room. Climb up the ladder in the southwest corner to the tall hallway, then shimmy back up the pole to return to the roof of the building in the misty cavern.

After you jump into the east pool, swim through the opening in the southeast corner. Swim up through the opening and pull up into a hall that goes to the east. At the east end of the hall are two pits. The pit on the north is wider and leads to a fatal drop. The pit on the south has a ladder that you can use to safely drop to the bottom and pass through the open door you find there. (Note: If you have not yet collected the Crowbar, this door will be closed.) Go down the stairs to the end of a long hallway. As you pass the first step, the door behind you will close.

As you enter the long hallway, scarab beetles will emerge from the floor to attack Lara. If you have pressed the raised switch above the expanding platform, the closest door on the left (southwest) will be open and you can obtain Secret #4: a Large Medipak. Continue running down the hall and about midway, jump and grab the bars above you. Monkey swing to the opening at the north end of the hall, then drop down. Slide down the pole into another room swarming with scarab beetles. Jump off the pole and enter the south alcove, where you can pry a Golden Star off the wall with the Crowbar. You can also find some Normal Shotgun Ammo and a Large Medipak in the east and west alcoves. After you have the Golden Star, step on the pressure pad in the north alcove to open the portcullis in the room Lara entered after coming down the ladder. Jump off and quickly shimmy back up the pole. Dash back through the long hallway with the first scarab beetles and to the room with the open portcullis. Pass through the timed portcullis before it closes and rest as the elevator takes Lara back to the top. Jump back in the pool and continue swimming to the now-flooded pool where you disposed of two wraiths earlier. Emerge from the pool and climb the ladder in the southwest corner to the tall hallway. If you haven't retrieved the Golden Star reached from the west pool, do so now before going on.

With both Golden Stars in your inventory, return to the cavern with the pool in the middle and the double doors at the west end. Use the Golden Stars to open the double doors. Pass through into the great hall. As you take the Music Scroll from the plinth, a flyby will pass through the room and end the level.


Author ???

Walkthrough Dutchy & Gerty.

MS=Monkeyswing, CS=Crawlspace, UW=underwater, MP=med-pack, have fun!

1st Square.

The Flyby will show several corners of the building and finally some big doors open and there’s Lara waiting to go… W in front of you are some big closed doors (1) and 2 openings to stairs N and S. go n first and up the stairs to get some flares from the vase, go on and into a room with a lot of debris. In the corner is a closed door (2) and a block to climb in the SE corner, grab up to the ledge above and see a door with a receptacle for the Pillar, jmp to the ledge NE and go to a ledge in the NE corner of the next room.

Timed run 1.

This tile will trigger a timed door to open in the S passage on ground floor. So run from the tile to the opening S and safety drop down, doing a roll upon landing and sprint to the S, up the stairs and into the room there, quickly into the open door.

Shoot the orange vase to get some Ammo and go up the pole, backflip to the upper floor where you’ll see the Crossbow behind the W window, shoot the vase to get the Shotgun and go out the SW passage, follow to the balcony with the Pharos Pillar on a pedestal, get it and a Spirit appears, go N, drop from the balcony roll upon landing and take a MP, sprint N and up the stairs, hard l into the room and up the block, up to the ledge above and run to the receptacle, go in the door and down the pole, run to the Bird-statue and lure the Spirit to it, then go shoot some vases for the Ammo and ½ MP, go back up the pole, (where you’ll see the Lasersight behind the W window) to throw the lever for doors (1) and go down the pole to exit through door (2).

Enter the doors W of the square and go R, up the passage to the R up in the dark corner, roll in the end and go up the climbable wall to get the Lasersight upstairs. Go through the S side passage and grab the MS over the gap at the ground floor entrance, find Secret#1, the Crossbow.

The Crypts.

Return over the MS to the location you found the Sight and go down to the lower passage again, here’s a dark green tunnel down W to the Crypts, but all is closed there for now, so go to the S past the entrance and down into the Crypt there, once at the wide room with the pool, you can jmp up to the SW corner and pull up for another Shotgun and Ammo. Go to the pool and spot the door W that needs Stars.

Dive in the into the pool and swim to a large flooded room. In the adjacent W and E rooms are closed doors, swim into the far SW room and R to the next, where you’ll find a small tunnel in the NW corner.

Timed Swim.

Go through to a room with a trigger Tile that will show the opening of the E door (tricky screenshot, as the W door opens too and you’ve to go there first and the doors are timed!), so swim back out of the tunnel, R/L and into the large room, L and L into the next opening, R and up the steps to the timed door.

The Crowbar.

Pull/push the pillar inside to the S (raises a part of a floor upstairs) and go back to that timed trigger Tile to open that E door.

Swim into the large room and L a bit crossing over to the e side, into the room there and get into that door quick. Follow the passage over a bridge in the large room and into the W side where you’ll find a pillar on the floor you raised, push/pull it to the opposite corner Tile and go through the door. Out to the large room and over the bridge to the E passage, a Skellie appear, take him to the bridge and shoot ‘m off, go down to the E room and get the Crowbar in the NE corner, shoot some vases to get the Ammo and climb up the SE coffin, up in the alcove above to get Secret#2, a MP.

The Ornate Handle.

Go back to the bridge and to the S steps, 2 more Skellies appear behind you so roll and blast them back off the bridge. Go down the steps and here are 2 passages.

Go L and L intro the room, between the coffins is a vase with the Ornate Handle and some Flares in another. 3 more Skellies come out, get them over to the bridge and deal with them, back into the L passage and now R at that room where you were before. You’ll come across a closed door at the stand for the Portal Guardian, go on and enter the W room to the L and come to a water filled shaft.

The Hathor Effigy.

Dive in and go into the E tunnel, follow to some Ammo on a ledge, swim straight up and push the button there to open the door to the Hathor Effigy. Swim back and into the S side of the shaft to go to the Hathor Effigy, a Spirit comes after you, swim back (notice the Bird-statue behind the grating) straight into the N tunnel of the shaft, to that statue and leave the spirit there, quickly go back and up for air (you may need a MP here) In the last W side tunnel is a ½ MP.

The Pharos Knot.

Go back to that passage with the stand for the Portal Guardian (combine both parts first) and place it on the stand (you have to face SW) to open the door next to you. Go in to take the Pharos Knot. Head back out and go to the bridge in the large room, dive into the water and swim back N, go up L in the pool and to those W Star doors, to the R of them is a block, climb up and see a door opening up. It’s a timed door and it’s down that green passage to the other Crypt.

Timed run 2.

So save here and run off to the R side of the pool, jmp over the corner of the pool, go out to the passage up (there are some nasty corners here and there) to the entrance to the 1st Square, straight and down the green passage. Run straight into that open door to the lever and a flyby takes over of some buildings over the Abyss.

2 Sprits are released and will come for you, come back later for the lever and run back down those steps at the entrance, R and jmp/grab the ladder on the R hand wall over the shaft, go down and turn around, drop grab back into the pit and let go, there’s a Bird-statue here to leave the Spirits behind. Notice the closed doors, collect Ammo and ½ MP and go back up the ladder W (one more closed door there), up the shaft and go back to the N room with the lever, throw the lever, opens a door where you go now and get some Flares from the W vase.

The Abyss.

Go out and L at the crossing, you’ll find a pole, go up and backflip/roll off, go R into the open door and keep the Shotgun ready, run to one of the open spaces between the blocks ahead and turn around, a Skellie is coming, jmp/roll over him when he’s close and shoot him down into the abyss. Go to the SE corner (or the opposite SW, leads to the same room) climb the sloped block and just slide off. Land on a sloped surface and grab the edge, go R as far as possible and drop again, loose some health, but that can be replaced. Go into the door that will open for you and look for the ½ MP in the L vase at the door. Push the button N (see burners go off), roll and go to the door, a Skellie jmps into the picture quite dramatically. Shoot him into that pit with the Bird-statue and go up the ladder SW again.

Straight to the pole to go up to the roof you were before and another Skellie comes out, deal with him first. Go to the NE corner, look for the MS over the sloped block and pull up, jmp/grab to the ceiling to go over to the NE corner (some turns in the MS) of the Abyss and into the passage where the burners were, go push the button to lower a block near the lever in the N room. Go back over the MS and drop to the roof, go in S and L, down the pole and R into N room. Drop into the new hole and follow the CS to the lower Crypts.

Lower Crypts/Horseman’s Gems.

Go N and place the knot to open the n doors, go out over the bridge to the Death side and get the 2 Horseman’s Gems. Go back over the bridge into the Crypt and to a passage R, push the button and a door opens somewhere, go take the Skellie that’s in the passage behind you to the Abyss and shoot him in. Go S through the passage again and L in the end, follow to a crossing with a closed door (3) to the L, go R and jmp over the bridges to the ledge with the Timed trigger Tile for that door (3).

Timed run 3.

Wait a bit for 2 Skellies so come for you and shoot them down. Then save on the Tile and runjmp, standjmp and runjmp to get back across and to that open door (I hope). Push the button to see another door opening up, go back out to the pit you came from and jmp to the 1st bridge, turn and wait for the 2 Skellies to come. Then go back N to that CS up to the N room. Go straight S and to the last alcoves R and L. Both doors there are open now, go in L and to the back of what seems to be a dried out fountain room.

Timed run 4, 1st Water room.

Go up the ladder to 1st floor and to the SW corner. Stand on the trigger Tile to open the door SE and sprint around the room to get to the pole behind the door before it closes. Down and to the E where Skellies awake in this Crypt, go L and push the button to open a door W, so turn R from the button and L in first passage, L again and L into the open door, jmp to the ledge in the pool and roll, shoot the Skellies as they land on the ledge. Place the Gem to get the water in the fountain room going.

2nd Water room.

Go back up the pole SW and to that opposite W room, under the face is a CS, follow to a Crypt, go N and shoot the 2 S vases, get the Goodies and shoot the vase on the block in the floor N. The block goes down, but the passage to the button isn’t accessible yet, turn S and shoot the vases at the arch to get the Ammo and ½ MP, the other vase (E wall) is better left alone. Go back to the fountain room through the CS and up the ladder in the back. First to the SE corner for a ½ MP, then to the open door NW. throw the lever to retract the Spikes in the passage downstairs, go back through the CS and see the closed door in the W, go R to the button in the lower passage and run for the door as Skellies are on their way, from the ledge you can shoot them in the pool again, place the gem to flood room 2. Dive in the pool at the receptacle and look in the gap under the ledge for the alcove with Secret#3, the Explosive arrows. (As I found them only later I went through the level without them so didn’t mention the use of them. Well you can use them where you want, I’m not going to rewrite the walk)

Go to the CS and swim back to the room.

Go out to the central passage and N, R to that pole (If you jmp S over the ledges in the top of the room here, there’s some Ammo.)

to go up to the N roof at the Abyss. Look to the W and see a similar structure to that structure you landed on E before, is now filled with water.

1st Golden Star.

Runjmp (nice effect is to pull up on a sloped block and slide jmp with shift to swan-dive down) to dive in and swim in S go R and up to a large room with huge pillars. Go R (N) and look on he last pillar L for a button on the back. That will get a block out of the wall and that block is in the far SW corner of the room, you can let the Skellies be, just dodge them and get on the block fast, climb the ladder in the hole over the block and go up to a ledge with ropes in the top of the large room. From rope 2 (don’t go down the rope all the way you can swing to a ledge between the pillars in front and get a ½ MP. Jmp/grab back and from rope 2 swing to the 3rd and over into the alcove with the 1st Golden Star.

2 Spirits come out, safety drop from the alcove and go L to the water hole ands swim R at the crossing, follow down to the Bird-statue room and leave the Spirits there, go back to that huge room and sprint past the Skellies to that SW room again and see another block raised in the SW corner. Push the button (door opens) and sprint to the waterhole again, go R at the crossing and to the Bird-statue room up the SW corner and into the shaft to the central passage, up the pole E and out to the roof N.

Beetle alley/2nd Golden Star.

Dive into the E pool this time and swim S, L and up to a room, go to the S side hole and climb down to an open door, opposite this door is the exit door (4) for later.

Go down the passage to a room where Beetles (and lots of them, health goes quick, so watch that) will come for you. Run to the 1st door L and get Secret#4, a MP. Go to the centre of the room with the Beetles and grab up to the MS, go all the way over to the room with a pole and go down. But hang for a while to take a look around, N is an empty alcove, but you have to go in that one to trigger the Timed exit door (4) to open, S is the 2nd Golden Star and E and W some Pickups you can choose to take or leave.

Timed run 5.

So go for the Pickups and the Star first, then go to the N alcove tile and save there, run out and jmp/grab up the pole, backflip as soon as possible, jmp past the pole to the S and just run out of that room, sprint through Beetle alley to the steps and R/R out the door and an elevator will take you back up.


Go back through the water and L, to the Bird-statue room and up the ladder SW, R when you come to the central passage and up the green passage, down the S passage and over the pool in the Crypt there, place both Stars and go into the Cathedral. When you take the Music Scroll the level will end with a flyby…
