Level by Brenda Mitchell (gail854)

Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth

Begin on a veranda under a star-spangled blue night sky. Step forward to trigger a flyby that ends at a nearby lock. The apparently intended way to proceed is to run forward to the NW corner of the veranda, hop down to a flat alcove, turn to face east and hop back to grab the roof, and shimmy to your left over the row of spikes down below to the companion flat alcove at the NW corner of the roof. Pull up and push the button to lower a trap door back at the NE corner of the veranda. However, all this work is unnecessary, as the trap door is transparent and doesn't need to be opened. Anyway, climb down the ladder in the west face of the shaft. (Don't attempt to use the south face, or the game will lock up for some reason.)

In the room below, run to the other end of the passage and push the translucent blue block into the next room until it comes to rest on the central tile. A door opens in the NE corner, so pause to admire the translucent decorations in this room before going toward the open doorway. When you do so, some ugly critter comes lumbering out, so draw your pistols and dispatch it. In the next room you'll find a floor lever near a desk at the SW corner. Throwing it opens the door at the NE corner.

Hop down into the next room, where you'll find boxes and crates of various sizes. The two largest crates can be moved. The one in the SW corner conceals the GATE KEY. Move the other one, over at the east end of the room, onto the nearby lighter-colored wooden floor tile on the other side of the central column. The gate in the west wall opens, so go into the next room and shoot the garbage cans for a small medi-pack and some shotgun and revolver ammo. Use the Gate Key in the lock to open the nearby door and go outside. There are a lot of objects in the immediate area to shoot, so shatter them all and pick up the SHOTGUN and the CROWBAR, as well as a large and a small medi-pack.

Run down the wide street toward the enclosed park. Turn left and follow the sidewalk past a closed door requiring a key, and a block to your right (with a bird perched on it) requiring another key, and continue until you reach another little side street where an outdoor lounging area has been set up. Shoot the metallic device in the SW corner, then shoot the revealed grate in the wall. Crawl inside and follow around to your right a long distance until you reach another grate. Shoot it as well and enter a small office. Pick up the revolver ammo in one corner and the OFFICE KEY hidden among a pile of books in the other corner. Go back through the crawl space and retrace your steps to the lock in the south wall and insert the Office Key. The door to your left opens, so enter the waiting room and go through the west doorway into an office area.

There are no apparent pickups in this room, so go up the stairs at the far end into an executive office on the second floor. Climb up onto the smaller desk near the NE corner and pick up the REVOLVER, then go back and enter the library via the south doorway. Climb up onto the block in the corner for some revolver ammo, then hop down and push the wall button at the NW corner. A flyby shows a door opening in the street area outside, so go back the way you came and turn left once you're outside. Follow the sidewalk until you reach the SW corner and turn left into the open doorway.

Go all the way across to the SE corner and pull the crate back to reveal some shotgun ammo. Then go to the opposite SW corner and locate the hole in the ceiling. Pull up into the second story suite and follow to the other end, where you'll find a crate in the corner that you can move to reveal an opening in the ceiling. Pull up into the third story suite. In the first room are two crates that can be moved. One reveals shotgun ammo and the other reveals revolver ammo. Enter the next room and find a large medi-pack in the window sill. In the next room, pull the crate away from the corner so you can pull up into the crawl space.

Lower Lara down the other side and drop down into a featureless room with pillars. You can hear something nearby making rude noises, but ignore it while you go around and pick up the shotgun ammo, the large medi-pack and the revolver ammo off the floor, then use your crowbar to pry the HOLY CROSS off the SW pillar. Now go to the hole at the NE corner and use the ladder to climb down into the room below. Dispatch the ugly, noisy critter waiting for you and throw the nearby floor lever. Another door opens in the street area outside, so reverse roll and run away from the floor lever to break the cut scene, then climb back up the ladder, back flip into the upper room, and use the crawl space in the NW corner to get back to the third floor suite. Drop through the holes and return to the street area. Turn left, as the open door is in that area where the outdoor tables have been set up.

Turn into the open doorway in the south wall and go around the long credenza into the next room. Pick up the revolver ammo and the large medi-pack on the west side of the credenza in the next room, then enter the south passage and go up the stairs until you reach an outdoor fountain area. Jump into the water to alert the sea hag, then quickly climb out and kill it with your revolver. When the coast is clear, jump back in the water and pick up the GATE KEY. Don't leave yet; there's a hole at the SW corner of the pool. Swim down the deep shaft and pick up the LIFE PIECE at the bottom.

Pull out of the pool and exit this area. Go back outside and find that block with the bird perched on top of it. Insert the Gate Key in the lock and the double gate leading into the park opens. Go inside and you'll see a number of animals seemingly frozen in suspended animation. However, as you roam about exploring, you'll soon be accosted by a very active and spooky-looking critter that looks like a crippled werewolf. Kill it and proceed over to the east wall, where you'll find a floor lever partially hidden by red flowers. Throw it to open a door in the building ahead of you. Enter the room and pick up the shotgun ammo among the pile of books under the wall torch, and the revolver ammo under the opposite wall torch. Locate and throw the floor lever in the alcove, and a flyby shows a trap door opening in the NE corner outside.

Go there and drop down into a surprising well-lit sewer. There are two snakes swimming around in the water, so kill them both before running around the corner to the other end of the sewer where you'll find a wall button in the next room. Push it to open the nearby door and run down the stairs into a high-tech open area. Shoot the noisy critter guarding the central structure, then take a running jump and grab to reach it. Pull up and take a running jump over to the ledge in the middle of the east wall. Push a button there, hop back and jump up onto the block for some revolver ammo. Take a running jump to the ledge in the NE corner for a large medi-pack, then take a running jump and grab back to the previous ledge.

Jump back to the central structure. You can see the ladder leading down to the floor below, but there's nothing to do here yet. There's an "underwater" lever at the west end of the structure, indicating that you need to do something to flood this area. What's more, if you go down and start wandering around carelessly, you're likely to fall through another one of those phantom trap doors at the east end. If that happens, you'll find yourself in a water-filled tunnel with a sea hag ripping at you and no means of escape. So jump over to the ledge in the south wall and climb the ladder to a crawl space. Release and immediately grab again, and before Lara can get her feet "set" pull up into the crawl space.

Crawl to the other end of the passage and lower Lara down the other side. You'll attract a wraith that sounds like a plague of flies. Quickly drop down, reverse roll and locate two buttons in the structure before you. One of them floods the previous room, and it's not clear what the other one does, so push them both and get back into the crawl space while the wraith gives chase. Lower Lara down the other side and jump into the water to extinguish the wraith. However, you'll also find that a couple of snakes are now keeping you company, so pull out of the water and kill them both. Then jump back in and through that underwater lever on the west side of the structure to open the trapdoor against the east wall. Swim down into the passage and alert the sea hag. If you wish, you can swim back out to dispose of the sea hag, then go back into the passage and swim to the far end to pick up the GATE KEY.

Return to the previous room via the crawl space and use the Gate Key in the receptacle in the north wall to open the adjacent door. Go inside to find some stacked boxes, another closed door requiring a key in the east wall, and a grate at the NW corner. Shoot out the grate and crawl to the other end of the short passage. Turn around and climb up into a higher passage. Run forward into the next room and kill another snake. Pick up a duplicate GATE KEY in the SE corner and return to the previous room. Use the Gate Key in the NE receptacle to open the adjacent door.

In the next room you'll find a floor lever to your right and a path guarded by a flame blower to your left. Throw the floor lever for a cut scene showing a door opening elsewhere, then turn left and run away from the lever to break the cut scene. Carefully enter the next passage and time your runs past the flame blowers. Duck into the second alcove on your right and pry the second HOLY CROSS off the wall with your crowbar. Continue north past the flame blowers until you reach an opening overlooking the next area. Avoid the burners to your left, which will kill you instantly upon contact. Save your game here to be on the safe side. Step forward into the next room, angle slightly to your right and take a running jump to the flat spot. Immediately take a standing jump forward to the next flat spot as a boulder rumbles down, and another immediate standing jump (to avoid the second boulder) to the third flat spot. There are no more boulders, so turn to the NE and take a standing jump up to the next flat spot against the wall. Go up and find the flares in a depression next to the east wall. Go a little way down and face west. Take a running jump and grab to the opening in the NW corner (the ladder is unnecessary at this point).

Pull up to find yourself at an opening overlooking a deep, dark room. Take a standing jump forward, jump off three sloped surfaces to land atop a pillar, and use the ladder to climb down to the floor below. Light a flare and kill two very unsavory creatures that come silently up to nibble at you. Locate the large medi-pack near the wall at the SE corner, the flares over on the west side of the room, another large medi-pack and more flares and the SHOTGUN not far away, and climb back up using the ladder in that pillar against the west wall. Pull up and look around to see a closed door over in the east wall and an opening in the wall ahead near the NE corner. Jump up to grab the ceiling and monkey swing over to that NE opening. Drop down and hop down into the lower passage. Throw the floor lever to your left, opening the door in the previous room, and climb back up into the opening. From the south edge, take a standing jump forward, slide a short distance down the sloped surface, jump off to the next slope and jump off immediately to land in the open east doorway.

In the next room, throw the floor lever to open the door in the opposite wall. Climb up into the crawl space, pick up the shotgun ammo and then the TORCH. With your back to the wall, toss the torch throw into the crawl space. If it doesn't land on the floor in the room below, simply crawl into the space, pick it up and toss it again. Then lower Lara down into the previous room, pick up the torch and light it using the handy flame nearby, then toss it aside and draw your weapons. Go into the next room to flush out three critters. After you've killed them all, retrieve your torch and go back into the next room. Set the rope aflame near the NE corner to release a boulder and open the door in the west wall. Pause to pick up the large medi-pack, the revolver ammo and the shotgun ammo that you'll find strewn about, then proceed through the west doorway (without your torch).

Make your way through the tunnel and up the block and push the button at the other end. The door to your right opens, so step out onto the metallic ledge and push another button to release a rope behind you. (Don't jump into the water to explore, as it's deadly.) Take a running jump and grab to the rope, slide to the bottom, pull up once, and swing forward. Jump off at the top of your swing and grab the edge of the facing block. Pull up and take a standing jump to the third block, then push the button in the west wall. The other door in the passage opens, so turn around and use the rope to get back to the block against the east wall. Go into the passage and slide down the south slope.

Remember where you are? Follow the sewer path back to the SW corner and pull back out into the park. Go west a short distance and turn right into that opening you saw a little earlier in the cut scene. Pick up the shotgun ammo in the alley and continue forward into a swimming pool area. Shoot the lovely creature that ambles forward to attack you, then dispatch the snake that slithers out from the area of the NW fountain. Jump into the pool and find the opening at the NW corner. Swim through the tunnel and pull out into a torch-lit room at the other end. Pick up the LIFE PIECE and swim back to the previous area. Pull out of the pool, locate and pick up the TORCH lying on the grass near the flowering tree. Go the NW passage, drop the torch briefly and go inside to flush out a wraith. Reverse roll and run back to the pool. Jump in to douse the wraith, then get out, retrieve your torch and go into the NW passage again.

If you need to use the bathroom there are a couple of commodes available on the way to the next area. When you reach the shower room the door in the SW corner opens automatically as you draw near. But first, climb up onto the left ledge and pick up the CHAPEL KEY. Now go outside with torch in hand, and the building dead ahead is the chapel. Go around to the other side and use the Chapel Key to open the adjacent double doors. Light the torch using the flame in the basin of the angel statue on your left. Light the basin of the other statute, then go into the alcoves on either side of the closed doors to the north and light two more basins. When all basins are lit the doors open, so toss your torch inside (although you apparently no longer need it) and enter.

Draw powerful weapons and kill the demigod lurking in the corridor to your left. Climb up onto the east and west ledges and insert a Holy Cross in each receptacle. A door opens in the north wall, so hop down and climb up into the opening. Hop down into the passage below, turn left and climb up onto the west ledge. Go around to the far side of the pole device (so that you're standing with your back to the west wall), combine the two Life Pieces to form the STAR OF LIFE, and use it in the pole device to re-open the double doors in the previous room. Exit this area and go back outside.

Amazingly, all the animals in the park have been revived, and not all of them are friendly. Shoot a couple of gray wolves near the chapel doors and then step forward into the exit trigger.