The Raiders 3 - Tomb of Hourse

Level by Daniel Sherwood (dantheraider) (December, 2005)

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

Run to the north-east corner for secret #1 and Uzi ammo. Climb on the block to the south to pull a jump switch on the west wall. The trap door opens at the north wall. Drop in and a breakable tile drops you into some water. On the west floor, pick up revolver ammo. Pull the underwater lever on the north wall and swim back to the south-west and into a tunnel. Pick up a large medipack and pull the underwater lever. You get a cut scene of a block dropping and a gate rising. Exit this tunnel and swim north to pull up onto a ledge in front of the open gate. Pull up through the spider web and hear a voice saying "disturbing my tomb". Go west to pick up flares. Get into the water and swim into a north-east tunnel. At the end, pull the underwater lever and get a cut scene of a block dropping.  Swim back and climb onto the dropped block. Kill a dog that attacks through the east wall of green leaves. Go through the wall and follow the tunnel and a gate drops behind you. At the end of the tunnel, pull up, and the trap door closes. You hear a voice saying "the next part being challenging".

Go to the southwest corner and notice a Guardian Key on the floor with spikes. Go to the north-west corner and shoot a vase to reveal a floor lever. Use it and a ladder appears on the north wall. Pick up a large medipack from the water and climb the ladder. Pull up and go to the end and onto a breakable tile. Follow the tunnel, pass a gate, and pull up into a room with switches guarded by spikes. Go east over the lava to a jump switch. Pull it and hear a gate opening. Go to the south-west corner and use the floor lever. Then go and use the other floor lever since the spikes are down and hear another gate opening. Get back west into the tunnel and the gate is now open. Enter and near the end enter another tunnel to the west. Notice a place for the Guardian Key to the north. Pull up and crawl into the north crawl space for secret #2, shotgun ammo, and the Uzi's. Use the floor lever but approach it from the east side. Pick up flares and grenade flash ammo from a pedestal in the south-west. Pick up the shotgun from a pedestal in the north-west. Go back and get the Guardian Key now that the spikes are down. Return and use the Guardian Key to open the trap door beside you.

Enter the tunnel and at the other side pull up and hear a noise. Stand in front of a pool and kill two gorillas. When they beat their cheats they cannot be hurt. Pick up revolver ammo and Cartouche Piece 1 that they dropped. Dive into the water to pull an underwater lever and hear some spikes. Get out and go to the north-east corner to climb a pillar. Jump to the ledge with the floor lever and the fire. Jump south and step on the yellow tile in the south-east and the fire goes out. Go back and use the floor lever and hear a trap door drop. There is also a voice saying, "care for a swim". Dive into the water and swim down the tunnel. Just before the spikes, swim left into an alcove. Roll and swim out and the spikes are gone. Pull the underwater lever and get a cut scene of spikes dropping on the high ledge. Get out and back to the corner to climb the pillar. Step on the west tile and the door opens to the east. As you enter the breakable tile falls and the gate closes behind you. Go to the end and pull up. Jump to a central pillar in a pit to pick up a revolver. Jump down to the north-east and pick up the grenade gun. Go to the south-east and climb a ladder. There is a gate in a tunnel to your left. Jump to the platform and pick up Cartouche Piece 2 from the pedestal in the north-east. The other pedestal is a spike trap. Use the floor lever and the pit below fills with water. Spikes pop up around the pedestal and it emits fire.

Get down and pull two underwater switches in the pit. Climb back up and forget the Uzi ammo on the pedestal. Enter the tunnel and pass the open gate. Go down the tunnel and the gate closes. At the end you hear a voice saying "one more challenge before you leave". Turn to the right and combine the two pieces to make the Ba Cartouche. Use it and a gate opens to the west. However, you still cannot get there. Another gate also opened in the east so get into that crawl space. You get a fly of raptors and where to go next. Enter the room and kill the three raptors. Watch out because their bite is poisonous. Just stand in the hole and jump up and down and shoot them. Go to the north-west corner for a large medipack. Hop to the ledge to the east for a small medipack and go south to pull up into a tunnel. At the breakable tile, drop in to pull a jump switch and get a cut scene of a gate opening back at the receptacle.  Continue but do not cross the breakable tiles. Jump to a platform by the east wall to pick up a crossbow. Jump to a platform to the east and climb the wall. Near the top back flip, roll and grab the breakable tiles. Then shimmy to the right and back to the tunnel in the north. Do not go to the south side or a block rises and traps you. At the end kill two raptors and go back to the receptacle.

Enter the open gates and drop into the water. Swim and at the end pull up to a room. Step on the yellow pad in the north-east and the spikes stop. Crawl in and get the Guardian Key. Dive into the red water in the corner and swim to the end. Pull up and listen to a voice saying "making it in time". Carefully pick up the Amulet of Horus off the pedestal when the fire is down. Drop into the hole to the south-west and use the Guardian Key to open the gate. Go through and climb up. Ignore the raptors and run south to the left side of the hill. As you approach the jeep the level ends.
