The Great Temple.

Level by NepT1.

Walkthrough Dutchy. Revised March 9-2018

Level 3 - The Great Temple.

There was no info in the inventory of how many medipacks or ammo I had.

Go forward into the large room with a pit in the middle, we'll have to fill it with water. Take a right and pick up the Crowbar, turn around and get a small medipack from the other corner. Take a right there and open the SW doors by pushing them open and come to the Planetary room. There are 3 gates to 3 Globes, which have be opened with Stars you have to collect first. Go out and left to the NW doors, push them open and while you can just see a Medipack on an opposite ledge (later), you’ll drop into a lower passage. Go into the S passage and follow to the lower part of the Planetary room with 3 passages you can choose from.

N passage, Lever/Pillar Puzzle.

Go right (N), follow the ramp up to a pit with pillars and levers high above those pillars, drop onto the lower floor and go NE from there to get the Flares, then circle right around the pillars to the far NE corner and find the lever, use it to raise one of the pillars SE, go S a bit and pull up on the lowest pillar to jump/grab up to the raised one and use the 2nd lever to raise 2 pillars, the low one you just climbed up from and one in the SW corner under the 3rd lever, get over there to use it and pillars lower N, jump over to the one NW and jump/grab to the Jump switch on the N wall. Now you have to use the SE lever again to get the pillar up in a position allowing you to jump to the pillar N in front of the passage in the N wall. Right around the corner are Uzi clips, then follow to a courtyard with an entrance to a building, run jump/grab to the rope and swing to the roof over the doors (or just jump to the brown pillar left and get up to the roof from there), go use the lever to open the doors below, safety drop to the ground floor and get 2x Shotgun Ammo SE and in the water SW.

The Library for the 1st Golden Star. (The pool may not drain (flipmap doesn’t activate) in the next part…)

Enter the Building and find 4 sets of doors and 2 Wraiths. Run out to get to the water and re-enter after the Wraiths are gone, open the SW doors and go into a room with a ladder around the corner in the back. Climb up into a dark Planetary room with a pool and a hole SE, go down the ladder in the hole and follow to a room with a lever in an E alcove. Throw the lever and a Horseman will appear, shoot the bloke and open the doors NW to come back in the hall. Go back into the SW room where one of the book cases opened up, go in and throw the lever inside, shoot another Horseman and go out to the hall. Go into the doors NE and find a big hole in the floor which just opened up, drop down after you took the small medipack from the NW corner and follow the tunnel to the other side, climb up W into the last of the 4 rooms and get the Flares from the pedestal. Then go into the SW corner for the next lever and go out the blue doors E to the hall. Head straight into the opposite E room and find the last lever in the SE corner, the pool upstairs is now drained  (if you save after draining the pool, it could well be the water is back when you come back upstairs).

Go out of the room, left and left into the SE room, around the corner and up that ladder to the Planetary room, in the pool is Revolver Ammo in the SE corner and the 1st Golden Star on the wall. The lever will show the first Planetary room (shows the floor, with a clue where the planets should go, you can use it as often as you like). Up on the ledge NW is a small medipack to be found, go back down one of the ladders, out to the hall and go out to the courtyard N.

In the N wall is a passage follow the passage, climbing up the ledges to come back to where you can run jump/grab to the first rope, don’t go all the way down and hit swing only once to jump/grab to the next rope, now swing into the passage E and follow back to the room with the pillars, go over the pillars to where you can jump/grab into the opening S and follow the left hand ramp down to where a wall opened up, climb the ladder and go get Secret#1, that Medipack you saw earlier. Hop back down, turn around and go left into the lower part of the Planetary room.

S passage, the Torch.

Run straight into the S side now, in the crypt is a Torch on a brown ledge to the right and in the back is a closed gate, some cracks look out to the adjoining crypt, but more important is the Burning pedestal left of the gate (triggered where you got the Torch), light the Torch before Fire goes out, better save here and keep the save separate, just in case. Go back out (with the Torch) to the Planetary room and into the W passage.

W passage, Burning the Floor.

Follow the dark passage to a cave and find a wooden floor in the NE corner, throw the Torch on it and wait till the floor burnt out, drop down and go to the lever at the closed gate, the lever will open the gate where you lit the Torch as you can see, go onto the higher ledge N and hop onto the upper floor, go back to the crypt (S passage) where you lit the Torch and enter that gate to come to the Snake Lever Puzzle.

The Snake Lever Puzzle.

In the NE corner alcove is some Revolver Ammo, E are Flares, W a small medipack and in the room are 9 Snake levers. If you can’t figure it out yourself, look at the map and use only the numbered levers in the right order (possibly there are more solutions). But this one worked for me a couple of times. Two blocks rise in the other side of the room and from them you can access an upper passage, opposite the opening is a very important alcove with a Lamp.

Boulder Alley, 2nd Golden Star.

Be careful here, there are plenty of Boulders lurking around corners. Run a bit E and roll just past the side passage, get back and left into the alcove with the Lamp, wait till the Boulder stops moving and go E, then left into the first passage N, where the other Boulder came from and at the next corner is a sloped floor in front of you, do a run jump onto the slope and backflip back over the released Boulder. Go jump over the sloped block where the Boulder was and into the passage to Secret#2, 3x Grenades. Jump back to Boulder Alley and go straight E, do a run jump over the Boulder there and immediately run straight into the E end as 2 more Boulders come down. Now climb down into the opening N, throw the lever left of the ladder to open the gate to the Crypt and get the 2nd Golden Star on your way out.

To the Water Works, the 3rd Golden Star.

Go back up the burnt floor and open the gate with the lever on the SE pillar. Enter the new passage to come to a passage where the gate will drop shut behind you, now you seem to be trapped in a passage with a closed gate one end and a Boulder in the other end, just run to the gate E and jump over the pit, the Boulder will go in and you can jump back over the pit and head to where the Boulder came from, backflip onto the slope and jump/grab a crawlspace above, go in and get Secret#3, the Grenade gun. Drop out of the crawlspace and go through the open gate to the pit the Boulder went in and climb down.

Immediately 2 Horsemen will come out to play, shoot them hopping backwards and when they’re gone you can get Flares along the S wall and the 3rd Golden Star from the pillar E. Go into the NE corner of the room, open the blue doors and use the lever to open a gate W (exit for later) then go into the SE corner and open the doors to get a Medipack from a water hole, go out and over to the open gate W, just before you enter, turn around that pillar and notice the trapdoor in the bottom, open it from this side (facing E) and dive in.

Chains, the Horseman’s Gem, a Crossbow.

Swim into a narrow tunnel W and go up to a room with Chains, just run quickly to the S wall and notice a small medipack under the left side Chain (almost impossible to get without losing as much health as you will gain), grab up to the S crawlspace and follow through to where you drop into a room. Go straight first to pick up the small medipack. Go into the room with a real Horseman complete with Horse, shoot as soon as possible and start hopping backwards in circles, turning with the *left key* will keep you out of reach of his axe, but when you do circles with using the *right key* he will take more hits (he grunts when hit) and will drop sooner, but you are in reach of his axe, so be careful and when he finally drops from the horse hop back in front of him and shoot till he drops. He will leave the Horseman’s Gem behind, get that and check the pool N for the trapdoor left. Open it and follow the tunnels to what would look like a Secret (4?), the Crossbow (no secret sound though). Go back to that crawlspace and go back to the Chain room.

Planet Puzzle, Flood the Pit.

Pass through the chains and swim back to the trapdoor, climb up W and go into that open W gate, left around the corner is a vase with Grenades. Follow through to the Waterworks and look for the Gem receptacle on the E wall. Place the Gem and immediately roll and run back to the safety of the water under that trapdoor as a Wraith will come for you. After he’s gone return to where you used the Gem and find a raised block NE, climb up to the passage E and follow to the end, shoot a vase in an upper E alcove, jump up there and get Flares and Uzi clips. Turn around and hop into the upper W passage, follow back to the gate at the burnt floor. Go out N to go back to the lower Planetary room. Go through the opposite passage and into that passage you dropped in at the start of the level. Climb up E and go into the SW doors to the upper Planetary room. Open all the gates and get the Globes out, the blue one (W) goes one tile E of the middle. The red one (N) goes W and in front of the niche where you got the blue one. And the green one (S) to the N, one tile away from the niche. Little spheres will appear over the Globes and a pillar will rise in the middle of the floor, climb up into the room above and get some Flares there. Then throw the lever S to flood the Pit.

For a Secret.

There is a lever on the N wall, that one will open a bookcase in the Library, to get there go down, leave E to the pit and loop left to the ladder. Go down and into the S passage and follow to the lower part of the Planetary room. Grab some Uzi clips there and head into the N passage. Through the room with the pillars into the high N passage and left to the roof of the Library. Drop down and enter. Into the SE doors and right around the corner is where that bookcase opened. Grab Secret #5?, the Revolver.

Leave the Library, go into the passage N, climbing up the ledges to come back to where you can use the ropes to swing into the passage E and follow back to the room with the pillars, go over the pillars to where you can jump/grab into the opening S go up the right hand side and into the lower part of the Planetary room. Left and up the ladder to the Pit. There are some Uzi clips in the fountain S. Hop into the pit, swim into the opening S and the level ends… I guess the rest was never built…

Dutchy, Original version 08-02-2006, walk revised 09-03-2018