Victim of the Blood Goddess

Levels by Ruediger Abend (April, 2006)

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

Victim of the Blood Goddess

Go east behind a building to kill a scorpion. Continue south to see a closed door. Go west and between the buildings is a quadbike. You cannot start it yet. Open the door of the west building and enter the room. Kill a thug and go to the south-east corner and pick up a crowbar. Lara says, "This is what I want". Go to the boxes in the north-east corner and climb down a ladder in the hole. You climb down through a fake floor and at the bottom get into an alcove. You get secret #1, red shotgun shells and blue shotgun shells. Exit and open the door of the east building and enter the room. Kill a thug and pick up a small medipack from the dead body. Use the crowbar on the floor lever at the east wall. You get a cut scene of a door opening. On the low ledge beside the floor lever is a hard-to-see shotgun. Exit and go south to the open door. Enter the room and kill a scorpion. Pick up the flares and keys (called Sun Talisman) and exit back to the quadbike. Drive around the building to the barricades. You may see Uzi ammo in a small yellow pool in the north-west corner. It is a death trap so forget it.

It seems you can only mount or dismount on the left side on the quadbike. Drive through the barricades and follow the tunnel. At the top of the hill, turn left or right to avoid the water in the middle. I heard a bird, but never saw it. Continue west into another tunnel. Follow the tunnel and go up a ramp and over a water pit. Continue and turn left to avoid a lava pit. Follow the tunnel and do some tricky maneuvering over a water trap. Then accelerate to jump over the water and continue into another tunnel. There is nothing in the water. In the tunnel is a high ledge so you have to dismount the quadbike. Go south through a tunnel and emerge into a large cave. When you jump to the ledge at the east wall, Lara says, "There's no way out".

Run south off the ledge and fall onto a slope. Slide down and near the end of the slope back flip or jump depending on which way you are facing. You should land on a safe platform in the lava lake. If not, reload a save game and try again. Jump south-west to a ledge and then side flip over a slope to land in front of a tunnel. Jump north-west to a ledge and pull down a jump switch. You get a cut scene of a block rising in a lava pool. Go back to the tile in front of the tunnel. Go south into the tunnel and follow the crawl space. At the end, pull up to the east into another crawl space. Continue and emerge onto a ledge near a lava pool. Jump south and then east to the risen block. Jump east again into a tunnel. Slide down, and at the bottom, jump over the spike pit to grab the ledge. Pull up and when the spike ball moves, back flip to the slope. The spike ball drops onto the spikes while you slide and jump again to grab the ledge. Pull up and go east up the ramp.

Pull up into a crawl space and follow it to stand up and overlook a deep pit. Grab the edge and shimmy to the left to where you can stand up. Kill two scorpions and then continue to shimmy to the left. Jump onto the top of the column. Face north and run and jump but no grab towards the water hole in the pit floor. After a few adjustments, you land in the water hole and swim into an underwater tunnel. As you swim, the level ends and the next level loads.

Temple of Karnak

Start swimming north and west to find a place to pull up for air. Go to the dark south-west corner of the room and pull down a jump switch to open the door. Exit the door and you are on a broken rail track with two mummies ahead of you. Go forward a little and kill three bats. Bypass the mummies and enter the north tunnel. Climb up the ladder and shimmy so you face to the west. Pull up, back flip, and jump to grab the ceiling. Turn north and monkey swing out into an open area. Kill an attacking vulture. There is a temple with a closed door to the east. Continue north and into the hole by the golden skulls and locust attack. Just suffer and take a health pack when they quit.

Follow down a ramp and turn north to see some spikes on the floor. Grab the ceiling and monkey swing over the spikes. There are also spikes coming from the walls and ceiling. At the end, drop and grab to pull up into a crawl space. Use the floor lever and get a cut scene of another corridor with the spikes retracted. Exit and slide down to the bottom. Go left through an open door and follow the corridor back to the start. Be careful of a hidden spike pit in the return corridor. This time go south and back flip to a slope to jump up and grab the ceiling. Monkey swing west and then follow it to drop on a high ledge. Pick up a large medipack and use the floor lever. You get a cut scene of the door opening back at the temple. Go back to the temple and enter the door. Go in a little ways and the door closes behind you.

At the east wall are three locks needing key that you do not have. Go north and enter a corridor and follow it to room. Stand in front of the skeleton with the laser sight and face the east wall. Stand jump over the skeleton and you bump into the wall and get pushed back onto the skeleton. It may take a few attempts to land in the right spot. Couch and use CTRL to pick up the laser sight. On the north wall is a picture of Peter Cushing from an old vampire movie. Shoot the picture and enter a dark room. Pick up flares and the first Bloodkey. Lara says, "This is what I want". Then exit and go south into another room where Lara says, "Use your imagination". Push the display case east and get a cut scene of a block raising somewhere. Go north and follow a fence around the room to pick up the revolver. Go inside the fence with the red and black pillar. Find an opening in the ceiling and climb up a level. Keep looking for openings and climb until you reach a top level. Notice the square in the middle of the top room. The block was timed so return to the display case. Move it onto the tile and push it off again. Now run back through the fences and climb to the top. Get on the block and jump to the north ledge and pull up. Pick up the second Bloodkey and start to run back down through the fences with a fire wraith on your tail. Back in the display case room, the south-east hole is harmless red water and it is deep enough to kill the fire wraith. The other three water pits are too shallow.

Exit this area and go back to the temple. Follow the south tunnel to face a floor of spikes. There is a closed door in the south wall. Get though the spikes and run down a lot of stairs. At the bottom, run through a red fake door and face more spikes. The camera view changes to add to the difficulty. Jump over one floor tile and then over the spikes tile. Combine the revolver and laser sight to shoot the ball in the lion's mouth high up on the south wall. The door in the south wall opens. Enter the room and do not step on the red spot or a pillar drops on you. Go east and push the block into an alcove in the west wall to reveal a floor lever. Use the floor lever and get a cut scene of a door opening. Exit and go back to the first spike trap and the door is open.

Enter and go up the stairs to face moving pillars. Get through the pillars and pull out the block from the south-west corner. Also be careful of the red spots on the floor. Get into the passageway that you opened and go up the stairs. Drop into the hole in the room and slide south to drop onto a platform. Face north and hop back to the south slope. The platform tilts and you slide down to the north. At the end, jump up to grab a ledge and pull up before spike balls land on you. Go north and into a crawl space. Climb a ladder into a room and pick up the third Bloodkey from a block. Grab a monkey swing and follow it to a block with spikes. As soon as you drop onto the block, the spikes retracted and you stop losing health. Jump over the lava to the north-east corridor. Follow the corridor to drop into a hole by the first spike trap.

Go back to the room with the three locks. Use the three Bloodkeys and the door opens in the east wall. Enter the room and get a flyby of the Blood Goddess pacing in a cage. There is also a picture of a treasure room and music to accompany the flyby. Go forward and kill two dogs. Enter the south tunnel and pull up into a dark west alcove. You get secret #2 and pick up a large medipack. Return and continue east to see the Blood Goddess in her cage. Turn and go south to kill two dogs. Continue south and the door opens for you. Continue and the door closes. You face a large pool of deadly red water and a swing rope. Lara says, ”There's no way out". If you look carefully at the water you should see a section of tiles that are blue. Jump to the rope and swing to land in the blue area. It is rather difficult because you move forward when you hit the water. Swim only in the blue sections and at the end pull up to a ledge.

Follow a tunnel and drop into a room. There are harmless mummies behind cages. Shoots the vases for a small medipack. Continue north and up some steps. At the top, slide down a slope and jump to a platform over deadly red water. The Blood Goddess is shooting at you. Kill her or ignore her, as it does not seem to matter. Run and jump to the north-east where you see safe blue water. Swim and pull up into a tunnel. Follow to drop into the treasure room. Shoot the vases and run into the north-west corner and the level ends.
