Underwater Exploration of Wreck 1 (Demo)

Level by Lukasz Croft (May, 2006)

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

You start underwater and under attack by submarines. When you get away, swim to the north-east and find a hole in the upper corner of the sloped wall. Enter the hole and pick up Desert Eagle ammo and secret #1. Then swim behind the yellow submarine for blue shotgun shells. Now swim south towards the structure. You can pick up Uzi ammo from a block near the sea floor. Enter the hole at the base of the structure and the current carries you inside where you can surface for air. There is some type of ammo on a block near the yellow submarine but I could not pick it up for some reason.

Surface for air and you see a thug on a walkway. Dive into the hole in the south-east corner. Enter the room and loop around to the right to pull an underwater lever on the west wall. Swim to the upper north-east corner to pull another underwater lever. The trap doors in the bottom of the room are now open. Swim down and then swim north and up for air. If you have time, you can look through the portholes and see more submarines in the next room. Continue swimming down the corridor and surface into a room with floating boxes. Go to the south-east corner and pull an underwater lever. The windows open in the north wall. Swim north into a room and then up into a shaft. In the room above, go to the north-west corner for red shotgun shells. Then pull the underwater lever on the north wall. Roll and swim into the open door in the south wall. Follow the tunnel and swim down into a room. There is a small air hole in the ceiling but it is difficult to get into it.

Pick up MP5 normal ammo from the raised floor. In the north-east corner there is Uzi ammo on the floor. There is MP5 poison ammo in the upper north-west triangular section. There is a closed door in the south wall. Swim into the hole in the east wall and surface for air. In the south-east corner floor there is MP5 poison ammo. Pull up east to a ledge and get a view from the outside. You get a great view of submarines in the water. Use the LOOK key to get back to a normal view. Kill a rat and go to the north-west corner and get into a crawl space. You see a wall switch ahead of you. First, climb down the hole to the north. Back flip at the bottom to avoid the fires. Follow the trench to the left and kill a rat. You emerge into the room with the floating boxes. Jump to the first box for MP5 poison ammo. Jump to the second box for red shotgun shells, shotgun, and secret #2. Either swim back or try the fire route back to the wall switch that you saw.

Pull the wall switch and get a cut scene of the underwater door opening. Exit the crawl space and kill a rat. Swim back and through the underwater door and follow the tunnel in the floor. Pull up into a room with ramps and kill a thug. There is a closed door in the north wall. Be careful of the steam vents and use a ramp to pull up to a high beam. Shoot a thug and pick up blue shotgun shells from his body. Crouch down to pick up a large medipack from a ledge in the south-east corner. Use the beams to enter a doorway in the upper west wall. Go to the west side of the ledge by the south wall. Jump up and grab a ladder and climb to the top of the ledge. Jump to the corner ledge and then north to a ledge. From the middle of this ledge, you can jump to the ledge at the west wall for a small medipack. Jump back and continue to the wall switch at the north wall.

Pull the wall switch and safety drop to the floor. Go out the door onto the beam and kill a thug to your right side. Jump to the beam and pick up blue shotgun shells. Drop to the floor and kill a thug and pick up blue shotgun shells. The south door is open. Enter the tunnel and the next door opens at you approach. Dive into the water and swim to the south slope for a small medipack. Pick up red shotgun shells from the middle of the floor. Swim into the hole in the north-east floor for blue shotgun shells. Give yourself full health and swim out the hole in the west wall. Avoid the shark and swim to the west ledge for Uzi ammo, pistol ammo, red shotgun shells and secret #3. Go back to the room for air. Swim outside again and into a hole in the upper south wall. Swim to the east into an upper hole into another room. Pick up a small medipack from the south-west corner floor. Notice a differently coloured floor tile that is a trap door for later. Swim back to the first room and into the south-west corner floor for a large medipack. Notice the opening in the south wall and swim through the opening. Swim down into the south-east opening and see two propellers. Swim up to the surface for air.

Swim down to an alcove in the west wall and save the game. Pull an underwater lever. You get a cut scene of a trap door opening. Quickly swim back to the room where you found the small medipack and swim into the timed trap door on the floor. Swim south for red shotgun shells. Go west and look for a hole in the ceiling. Enter and swim around a propeller and surface for air. Pull up onto a box and climb the next box for Uzi ammo. You see a corridor to the south. Dive into the water and swim under the box that you were standing on. Swim in a hole and pull up to a ledge. Kill two rats and pick up flares. Save the game again in front of the wall switch. Pull the wall switch and swim back to the boxes. I found it difficult to get into the opening from the higher box. I used a side flip and managed to get to a lower box to the west. From there, run and jump into the south corridor.

Inside there is firefight with three thugs. Afterwards, pick up a shotgun and Uzi ammo from the floor. Pick up flares from the box by the north wall. There is a large medipack on the box just before the open south doorway. Enter the tunnel in the south wall. Follow the corridor to a water hole. Dive in and follow the underwater tunnel. Pick up Uzi ammo from the floor and try to swim near the ceiling to avoid the propeller. Pull up into a room and kill a thug at the west wall and also kill two rats. Go around the room to pick up blue shotgun shells, Desert Eagle ammo and pistol ammo. Push the button by the east door and the door opens. Kill the rat that runs out. Crawl under the propeller blade and the blade stops and the door closes behind you. Jump over the breakable tile and pick up Uzi ammo. Run over the breakable so that it breaks. Face east and safety drop into the room below. This way you are in a position to kill the two thugs in each corner. The north-east thug has dropped blue shotgun shells. There was a creature stuck in the corner that I just left alone. There is another creature in the room behind the east windows as well.

Jump into the upper north doorway. Follow the corridor into a room and pick up a large medipack from a skeleton to the west. Pick up blue shotgun shells from a skeleton in the east. Pick up a crowbar from a skeleton behind the fence rail. Stand to the west side of that skeleton and look south using the binoculars. You should see a corridor with an unusual floor tile. Run down that corridor to the end, roll and run back out to kill a thug outside the corridor.
Pick up Uzi ammo from the dead body. Pull back a movable block to that unusual tile and a trap door drops. Push the block back to the end of the corridor. Climb the ladder and shimmy left into a tunnel. Follow the tunnel to pick up Uzi ammo, MP5, and kill a rat. Continue to the end to get the Uzis and secret #4. Carefully jump back over the floor blade and kill a thug. Return to the room with the skeletons. There is another man there who looks like he is on guard duty and did not shoot at Lara. Let's call him a friend.

Go to the south-west corner and use the crowbar on a broken floor lever. Three doors open in the area. A door opens in the east wall besides you. Another friend appears and kills the thug that appears at the north doors. A door opens in the west wall. First enter the east door and slide down a slope into a room. Pick up MP5 normal ammo from the floor. The box in the room is movable. Move it onto the tile where you got the ammo. There is a secret sound and secret #5 is registered. Exit back to the room with the skeletons.

Now enter the west doorway. At the end a spike bag starts to swing. Jump to the left side when the bag swings to the right. Kill two thugs and pick up a small medipack. A floor blade starts but you can stand jump over it from the lower floor with little health loss. Look around for a fancy floor tile and a moveable box. Move the box onto the floor tile and secret #6 is registered. Pick up the Desert Eagle on the floor from where you moved the box. Kill the thug and the dog that attacks. Go back over the floor blade to the dead thugs. Kill two dogs that attack. I found it best to stand to the side of the spike bag. When it swings away from you, stand jump back into the tunnel. Exit back to the room with the skeletons.

Now enter the north doorway and an explosion occurs. Run past the friend and pick up a small medipack and go north down the corridor. Near the end there was a flash of a cut scene but I could not determine what it showed. Notice the submarines out the east side windows. Go to the end and fall into the water below. Swim south and find a ledge to pull up and kill a rat. Get back into the water and swim into a hole at the south wall. Pick up a Desert Eagle and the Door Key. Return to the ledge and kill the shark that appeared. Jump over the floor blades and continue south. Drop into a trench partially filled with water. Wade to the end and the door opens. Inside there is another firefight. Kill three thugs and pick up a small medipack and red shotgun shells. In the north-east corner of the high back ledge, you can find Uzis. Use a flare and between the door ledge and the high back ledge you can find the lock for the door. Use the door key and the door opens. Deadly glass shards pop up from the floor on both sides. Kill the two rats that attack. Pull up to the ledge in front of the open door and kill a thug. Run down the tunnel and the level ends.
