Tomb Raider: The Nightmare

Levels by Jacques Niemand (JMN) (May, 2006)

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

The Croft Mansion

start with a flyby of the well-known Croft mansion that ends in Lara's bedroom. Without a compass it is hard to give directions. Go to the left side of the bed to press a pushbutton. The closet door opens so you can enter and pick up Uzi ammo. Then go to the bedroom door to exit onto the balcony. You hear an explosion and get a cut scene of a large scorpion. Ignore the balcony attic and music rooms for now and go downstairs. Go through the archway to the gym and then into the pool. Pick up a large medipack from in front of a statue near the entrance. Then pull the statue back onto the fancy tile and you hear a flushing noise. Dive into the poll and swim into the central hole. Go to the end of the underwater tunnel for the Gate Key and pick up Uzi ammo. Swim back to the surface of the pool for air.


Look into the pool and you see a closed gate in one corner. On the opposite corner is a crawl space and underwater lever. Pull the underwater lever to open a gate in the crawl space. Swim into the crawl space and swim up a ramp. Take the first left, and then turn left, right, right, left and straight into a large cavern. Go left, and right and see a stream of bubbles ahead of you. Go into an alcove about the middle of the wall where the bubbles are rising. Pick up the Golden Key and then swim back to the pool for air. On the way back, you may see Desert Eagle ammo in an alcove. You will be back to the pool later to explore some more.


Exit the pool and gym and go upstairs to the music room. Go left up the small stairs and turn to the right. Open the door and enter the corridor. Follow it to a small room with three switches. Save in front of the left switch for a timed run. Pull the switch and run out of this room. Go down the stairs and run to the piano. To the right of the piano is the open timed door. Enter and the door will stay open. Move the box into an alcove with a tile that has a circle on it. You get a cut scene of an underwater gate opening. Go to where the box was located and look for a crawl space in a short tunnel. Follow the crawl space to pick up flares. Climb the wall ahead of you and turn around. Jump and pull down jump switch #1. You get a cut scene of a gem and a closed gate. Get out of the crawl space and back into the music room. Winston is now around following you with a tray of tea.


Return to the room with the three switches. Pull the middle switch and a door opens to your right. Enter the alcove and use the Golden Key. Exit the room and enter the library room. Turn to the right and find a book switch in the far corner near the windows. Use the book switch and go down the small stairs at the entrance. There is an open door that was opened by the Golden Key. You can shoot an empty vase. The book switch opened the trap door. Run to the end and use grab as you fall into the hole. You should land in an alcove. When the fire emitter stops you can safety drop to the ground. Look on the floor and pick up the Secret Passage Key. Go to the wall ladder. When the fire emitter stops, jump up, and grab the wall. Climb a little and back flip into an alcove between the two fire emitters. You can jump to grab the wall ladder between the fire emitters. When they stop, climb up one tile and back flip into another alcove before the second fire emitter starts again. Then jump and grab the ladder to climb back up to the top.


Return to the room with the three switches. Pull the right switch and turn around to see an open door in the entrance corridor. Pick up two Uzi ammo and flares. Exit back through the music room and back onto the balcony and turn to the right. Press the pushbutton in the corner to open the attic door. The pushbutton just inside the door will close the door and keep Winston out.


Go up the stairs and into the attic. The flares are useful here. Climb the boxes to your right and look for jump switch #2. Pull down the jump switch and you get a cut scene of a gem and a closed gate. You can enter the door in the corner and look behind a box for a large medipack. You can follow the tunnel in the other end of the room for a large medipack. The fire is not out so you cannot go down the chimney into the fireplace.


Go back to the attic and go to the far left corner to shoot a fuse box cover. Pull down the switch and then go to the opposite attic corner. Pick up a large medipack before the open door. Enter the tunnel for flares and Desert Eagle ammo. Exit the attic and go back down the stairs and onto the balcony. Go down to the entrance hall and enter a left alcove. Press the pushbutton on the wall and the door to the trophy room opens. Go inside and get a large medipack in the alcove to the left of the dinosaur head. Stand jump from the cat statue at the fireplace to avoid catching fire on the flame.


Exit back to the entrance hall and enter the left archway into the dining room. You can go to the back and press the pushbutton to start music on the stereo. Go into the kitchen and go left to find the freezer. On the corner floor is a small item called Green Powder. If you use it, you instantly die. I guess that it is a poison.


Go back to the swimming pool and swim back into the crawl space. This time go straight and at the end go to the right to enter the basement aquarium. First swim to the right and look up to the ceiling for a hole to get air. The other end of the tunnel is closed by a trap door. Then back into the water and swim into the open door between the two statues. Go to the end to pick up Trident #1 and get a cut scene of an underwater gate. You can surface here for air but you cannot pull up. Exit and go left and to the far left wall. Pull an underwater lever to open a trap door back in the tunnel you went for air. Go back to the tunnel for air. Just beside the hole is an underwater pull down handle. Pull it and then enter the tunnel. Drop on the other side and into the basement. You see a blue cube and a receptacle. Go to the right and down the corridor. Loop around to the left and go up the stairs. Press the pushbutton on the wall to open the door. You are back in the archway near the entrance hall.


Go to the right and back to the pool. Swim back into the crawl space and follow the same route to the large cavern where you found the Golden key. This time go straight and to the right. Stay near the top and you will see a ledge and a tunnel in the corner. Follow this tunnel to surface in a cave. Go to the end of the cave and pick up a Blue Crystal from the pedestal. You see a closed door but you cannot open it yet. Remember where this is for later. Swim back to the pool. Go back through the gym and go down the stairs back into the basement. Use the Blue Crystal and the left gate opens. Pull out the green and blue cubes and place them on the green and blue tiles at the opposite end of the room. Note that the cubes have to cross over to the opposite corner. The door in the next room opens. Go there and enter to pick up Trident #2. You get a cut scene of an underwater gate.


Exit this room and go back up the stairs to the entrance hall. Press the pushbutton by the main door and the door opens. Go outside and go left to the horse statue. Get into the shallow water to pick up Uzi ammo. Go to the back of the horse and press the pushbutton on the pedestal. You get a cut scene of a door opening. Run back into the house and go left to see that door. Enter the alcove and pick up a large medipack from the pedestal. Exit and go the gate on the other side of the horse statue.


Use the Gate Key and the gate opens. You enter into a maze. Go left, right, right and follow the path to a hole in the ground. Climb down the wall into an underground maze. This is an easy maze and you should find a Gate Key with little problem. It is the only item there to find. Climb back up to the first maze and go back to the entrance gate. This time go left and loop to the left to find another closed gate. Use the Gate Key to open it. You enter another maze. If you go straight you will find a hole in the ground. You can get into the small cave for Uzi ammo and Desert Eagle ammo. Then return to the gate. This time go to the left branch. Try to keep going to the left until you hit a T-junction. Go to the right for Uzi ammo. Go to the left to exit the maze and you are at the side of the house.


Face the house and go to the right. Follow the path until you get to the outside obstacle course. Start at the end of the course between the two flags. This opens a timed gate at the end of the course. You have to follow the course. If you go off to the side, the door will close. You may not make it the first time. On the way back climb the first obstacle to pull down jump switch #3. You get a cut scene of the place where you got the gem. The door is still closed. Climb down a hole for Uzi ammo. Pick up Desert Eagle ammo from the red brick bridge. Dive into the water underneath the bridge for a large medipack. Try the timed run again and at the end, you have to follow the path in the low bushes. If you jump over them, the door will close. Pick up Trident #3 and get a cut scene of a closed underwater door.


If you return straight down along the side of the house, you can enter the house by the open door to the kitchen. Otherwise, go through the side gate and return through the front door. Go back to the pool and swim through the crawl space again. Return to the room where you got the gem. As you face the gate, go to the right and behind the statue with the fire. Run and jump to pull down jump switch #4. You get a cut scene of the closed gate. Go to the lock and use the Secret Passage Key to open the gate. Enter the tunnel and get Trident #4. You get a cut scene of the underwater door opening. Swim back in the direction to the pool but after you leave the large cavern do not go left to the pool. Instead go to the right and follow the underwater tunnel around the corner to the open gate.


Pull up into a room with four statutes. Pick up Desert Eagle ammo, Uzi ammo, Uzi's and large medipack from the four pedestals. Place the four tridents on the four statues. After you place each trident, there is a flushing sound. After the fourth trident, a gate opens in one wall. The underwater tunnel next to the open gate leads back to the pool. Enter the open gate in the wall and it closes behind you. Lara says, "What happened here?” Go forward and face a deep pit. Go to the left side and jump around the corner. Climb a block and monkey swing across the cave. Be careful of the small offset in the monkey swing.


The monkey swing will branch into three parts. Straight ahead is nothing but a deadly fall. Go to the right and to the very end to face a wall. Release and you should drop onto a block. Turn to the opening on your right. Enter the crawl space and emerge into a deep cave. Jump to the column in the right corner. Climb down the ladder on the side to get to the ground. It is a small area so you should easily find a small hill in a corner. Use it to pull up onto a ledge. Enter a short tunnel to pick up a Blue Crystal from the pedestal. Climb back up the ladder and exit to the first cave.


Jump up to grab the ceiling. Monkey swing again and go straight and follow it to face another wall. Release and you drop onto a block. Turn around and jump to grab a ladder on the wall. Shimmy to the right and pull up onto a column. You can see a rope and three water wheels. Climb down a ladder on the column to get to the ground. Go to the back of the cave to pick up a second Blue Crystal from a pedestal. Go back to the ladder and climb the ladder to the top. As you look at the rope, there is a ladder on the wall to your right with a ledge at the top. Jump up to grab the ceiling and monkey swing to the rope. Try to get near the center of the tile, then release and grab the rope. Swing into the ledge you saw to your right.


On the ledge, light a flare and you see two receptacles. Use the two Blue Crystals and get a cut scene of gate somewhere. Use the wall ladder to get back to the ground. Search the cave floor. In a corner, you will fall into a hole. Shoot the vase for Uzi ammo and save the game before sliding down a nearby slope. Slide down onto a breakable tile and you hear spikes. When the tile breaks you drop into a hole. You fall down a deep pit and the level changes.




You get a very long cut scene of a black screen. The author stated in his readme file to just listen and use your imagination. Eventually, the cut scene stops and the level continues with you in front of a closed gate. Go forward and Lara says, "Where am I?” The two side tunnels are closed. Go straight and use the switch on the wall to open the door. Enter the door and go to the right. Jump over the lava and you come to a wall with something moving behind it. If you circle the room, you will notice that the entrance door has closed. Opposite that wall are a few blocks and an opening. Get into the opening and pull the switch to open the door.


Enter and the door closes. Pick up Desert Eagle ammo and see that you are over a deep pit. Climb down the ladder on the ledge that you entered. Drop at the end onto the floor and a fire wraith starts to attack. You can find flares in a corner on the floor. Drop down a hole in the middle of the room and fall onto a crosswalk. Run off any side and onto a slope. Slide down a few slopes and fall down a shaft into water. The fire wraith will follow and die. There is an underwater tunnel here that you use later.


First climb the ladder and near the top, back flip into a tunnel. Follow the tunnel and enter a room with four closed gates. At the back wall you see many gears. Go forward and to the right to find a switch on the wall. Pull the switch and go back to the four gates. One of them will be open. Enter the gate and a door opens. Follow the tunnel to a room with three huge spiders. They seem harmless unless you shoot them. Go to the other side of the room and use two switches to open a gate. Enter and pull up onto the alcoves on either side to get two Uzi ammo. Continue down the tunnel and see fire ball above a tile with a circle. Run and jump over that tile. If you land on it, a fire ball rolls down and blocks a secret. Go forward and go down a left ramp to get secret #1 and a Golden Half. Go back up and jump over a lava pit to pick up a Stone Gear. Wait while two fire balls fall into the pit in front of you. Jump the pit and go back through the spider room and back to the room with the gears.


I do not know if the gears need to be placed in order. Anyway, I placed the Stone Gear in the first empty place so that the next gear section move. Return to the gates and another gate is open. Enter the gate and a door opens. Pick up flares from the floor. Go down the tunnel and turn to the left. There is a tunnel there but it is hard to see because of the camera view changes. Climb the blocks and at the top, pick up the Desert Eagle in front of a closed gate. Get down and continue down the tunnel. A mummy arises at the far end of the room. Kill the mummy with the Desert Eagle but it takes a lot. Pick up a Stone Gear from the dead body. There are two Desert Eagle ammo in the far corners of the room as well. Return to the room with the gears.


Place the Stone Gear in the next empty place so that the next gear sections move. Return to the gates and another gate is open. Enter the gate and a door opens. You slide sown a slope and get a quick view of a face. Slide down to the bottom and kill six scorpions. Pick up the torch from the floor and light it on the wall torch. Go forward and light two wall torches and the door at the end of the tunnel opens. Go there and pick up a Stone Gear. You set a cut scene of the slope changing into steps. Do not enter any side tunnel. There are dogs there that cannot be killed. Climb the steps back to the room with the gears.


Place the Stone Gear in the next empty place so that the last gear sections move. Return to the gates and another gate is open. Enter the gate and a door opens. You face a receptacle but are missing an item. Go back to the ladder and climb down to the bottom and into the water.


Swim into the underwater tunnel and up a vertical shaft. Pull an underwater lever on the wall and the trap door opens above you. Swim up into a large underwater cave. Swim in a generally left direction and find a cave where you can surface and walk to the shore. Turn around and kill the sea hag in the water. Go to the left side of the building and near the back you can pick up a large medipack. You also have to kill the ahmet that was guarding it. Shoot out the barricade in the front of the building. This arouses another ahmet. Enter the building and then exit as an ahmet emerges. Try not to kill it in the building entrance. Enter the building again and shoot the covers of the three fuse boxes. Pull the three switches and exit the building. Loop around to the left to find an open door in the wall beside a box.


Enter the room and go up a ramp on the right. Kill an ahmet that attacks from the left. Go up a small hill to shoot the barricade and kill an ahmet. Climb the blocks towards the back of the cave and see a lava pit. Go left and jump over a slope onto a flat tile. Pull up to a higher ledge and then jump to a higher column in the middle of the room. Jump to a corner column where you see the barricades. Shoot the barricades and pull up to the block. First monkey swing to the alcove on the other side of the room. Save the game before you pick up the Strange Artifact. Then monkey swing back and pick up the Blue Tile. This releases a fire wraith. Safety drop to the floor and run back to the water to extinguish the fire wraith. The author warns you not to save and reload after you pick up these objects.


Go back through the tunnel and climb the ladder. Back flip into the tunnel and go back to the room with the gears. Enter the last open gate on the right. Use the Blue Tile and the door opens. Notice the closed gate to the left.  Pick up Desert Eagle ammo and another door opens. Run down a long wide corridor as the camera view changes in several places. Kill four winged creatures and go to the end of the corridor. Pick up Desert Eagle ammo and a large medipack in alcoves near the end. Use the two switches and the two end gates open. Pick up the Mars Symbol and the Venus Symbol from the alcoves with the open gates. Run back to the entrance to the corridor. Kill two winged creatures or just run pass them. I found it best to run pass them and save the ammo for a later enemy. Exit the room and step onto the floor of the door that is now open. You are in for a long elevator ride. At the top, pull up into a tunnel. The author states that is now safe to save again.


You are back in the entrance tunnel. Go straight and jump a lava pit. Use the Strange Artifact to open the door. Go up the ramp and pick up flares. Enter the room and shoot the dog. It will resurrect but you get a few seconds of peace. There is another closed gate ahead of you. Run to the right end of the corridor and go into a left alcove. Grab the fancy wall and climb up. Shimmy to the left and pull up onto a ledge. Jump across the corridor to another ledge. Use the two symbols in the receptacles. Slide down and go left and then right into the newly open gate. There is a branch to the right side. Follow it through an open gate to a T-junction and turn left. Go to the end of the tunnel for secret #2 and a Golden Half. Return to the main tunnel and turn to the right. Just run to the end and the level changes.


The Croft Mansion?


You start in front of a closed gate and face a T-junction. Everything is a dark red color. To the left is a dead end. Go to the right and climb up into a familiar cave. Kill three crocodiles that on the floor. Notice that the water wheels have stopped. In one side of the room is a circular door. Look for a wall ladder to the left from where you entered the cave. This is the way up and you will need to find it in a hurry. Joint the Golden Halves to make the Golden Artifact and use it to open the circular door. In this level, all three items are called "Load". You are attacked by locust and a bull. Run to the back of the tunnel for secret #3 and pick up the Scion from the pedestal. Avoid the bull and find the ladder and climb to the top.


Jump back to the corridor where you entered the cave in the first level. There are two closed gates ahead of you. Go to the other side and the other gate is open. Enter the dark room and notice more cave-ins. Drop into the only hole in the floor and follow the tunnel. The gate opens for you and you are back in the empty swimming pool. Back flip off a slope and jump forward to grab a column. Pull up into the room and exit into the gym. Lara says, "This is my home? It's full of blood.” Go through the archway to the main entrance hall.


You hear a very fast ticking clock and the piano is playing in the corner. Outside the window that is near the piano, you can see a golden-red horse statue. There is a large hole in the middle of the floor. There is a pushbutton by the front door but the door does not open. Go to the other archway and enter the dining room. The pushbutton on the stereo starts the music with a lot of static in it. Go into the kitchen and check the windows. You may see a mummy walking outside them. Then go towards the freezer. Kill a small spider and use the pushbutton to open the freezer. Inside is a dead Winston and his head is on the shelf. On the wall is a note stating, "I'm waiting". Pick up the dagger from poor Winston's body. Get on the shelf and find a crawl space above Winston's head. On the other side you drop into a room with two large stopped fans. Shoot the fuse box on the back wall and exit back to the kitchen.


Go back to the entrance hall and drop into the hole in the floor. You are now in the destroyed aquarium. Run around the floor and you will find the place where you used a pull-down handle. Five small spiders will fall out of the hole. Look for the opening in the wall where you swam before. Go to the end and use the dagger to open the grate. Jump through the teeth doors and pick up the Golden Key. Exit to the aquarium and there may be a few small spiders left to kill. Go back and use the blocks and climb up into the entrance hall.


Go up the stairs and the music room and attic are sealed. Go back to the bedroom and search the dresser in the left corner for Room 01 Key and Lara's Diary. Examine Lara’s Diary and it states:


"One in a row ticks time away

Two in a row ticks life away

Time reveals the truth

But life will reveal all the pain."


You can go to the end of the room into the toilet and pick up flares. The closet door opens with the pushbutton but only a small spider is inside. Exit back to the balcony and turn to the right. Use the Room 01 Key to open the last door on the balcony. Run down the tunnel in the dark because the flares are not much help. You pass clocks and spikes pop up from the floor. There are not fatal unless you stay very long on them. Also locust and a mummy start to annoy you. When you exit you can see a giant scorpion on the balcony and it goes down the stairs. Do not bother to shoot it. Hop over the mummy and go back into the tunnel. Go back to the clocks and see that three clocks have pushbuttons. Press the middle pushbutton and get a cut scene of a gate opening. The other two pushbuttons on the same wall are fatal spike traps.


Exit the tunnel and go downstairs back to the dry pool. Follow the tunnel back to the room where you entered the house. Enter the open gate and loop around to the left to see that a new gate is open. Just inside the gate, use the Golden Key to open a gate at the other end of the room. Slide down a few slopes and a gate opens for you.  There are two Gemstone pieces on platforms in the lava. You have to get them and make the Gemstone to use in a receptacle on the pillar. This is very difficult because two dogs attack you. They either bite or push you onto the lava. I had a few Desert Eagle ammo left so I shot the dogs. They resurrect but you gate a few seconds to pick up the pieces and use them. When you finally place the Gemstone, two giant scorpions attack the dogs. The four of them stay in a group and you just have to get out of the way.


Return to the tunnel and turn left. Follow the tunnel up the ramps as gates open for you and close behind you. Avoid a mummy and just after the mummy jump over a spike pit. Continue up the ramps until the camera view changes. Go forward and slide down a ramp. You hear an explosion and get a cut scene of the bedroom again. There is a note on the desk stating "LC33" which is the password for the bonus RAR file. You see Lara on the ground and she is surrounded by fire. As Star Trek's Doctor McCoy would say, "She's dead, Jim". Then the level ends back to the load menu.


The bonus RAR file is not a level. It includes a file that explains the level and why he left Lara as dead. There are two other RAR files that are the level's project files and fonts.

