Pakistan Demo

Level by Lukasz Croft (May, 2006)

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

[Note] This is another level where you have to use the modified tomb.exe file. I guess that the author has the mistaken impression that it is better than the original file, but it is not. In the author's notes, it is also stated that there is no end trigger in part 2. [End note]


You start by dropping onto a sandy area. Go west and turn north into the first opening. Search the cabinet to the right for a small medipack. Continue to the north wall and press the button. The door opens in the south wall. Go there but do not enter yet. Turn west and north again. Go to the back area to find blue shotgun shells. Then return to the open door. Run down the tunnel and jump over the spike pit. Continue forward and get a flyby of the area showing a sentry gun. Continue south and pass some boxes next to a building. At the corner, go east to see a friend. He has guns and you do not.

Go back to the boxes that you saw. Pull up the west box, turn around, and jump to grab the roof of the north building. Shimmy to the left to the middle of the section and pull up. Roll, hop back, and grab the roof. Release to pull down a jump switch. Go back to the boxes and go the roof of the north building again. Look east and see a large medipack. Go east and jump the building roofs while the sentry gun is pointed in the other direction. Pick up the large medipack for secret #1. They hop back to the ground as the sentry gun now fires at you.

Go back to the boxes and grab the roof of the south building. Shimmy to the left to the fence and pull up. You may see a trap door on the roof of this building. Look to the east and you can see the glow of a fire on the ground. You have to go there but this time the sentry gun will spot you and open fire. Run, jump, and grab the wall. Pull up, roll, drop and grab. Shimmy to the left and release to pull down another jump switch.

Go back to the boxes and grab the roof of the south building again. Shimmy to the left and pull. Run forward and drop into the open trap door. Climb the wall again and pull down the jump switch. Pick up flares from the floor although they do not appear in the inventory. Climb the wall again to the roof and drop back to the ground. You may hear gunfire as your friend kills a guard. There is also a dog on the ground. Try to lead him to your friend. If you find the guard's body, you can pick up red shotgun shells.

Keep close to the building walls to avoid the sentry gun. Go east and see an opening above a box in the east fence. If you go north around the building that the sentry gun is on, you can get blue shotgun shells. Run and jump to the box at the fence. Then jump to grab the roof of the north building and pull up. There is a guard on the ground firing at you. Press a button on the west wall. You get a cut scene of a hole. Jump to the south building and press the button on the west wall. You get a cut scene looking up a hole at the sky. That hole is beside you and it has a trap door at the bottom.

Jump to the building roof to the east. Press the button on the south wall. There is a cabinet in this building but the guard fire is too much. Turn and jump to the north building and press the button on the north wall. Drop to the east side and press the button on the west wall. Pick up blue shotgun shells. Notice the receptacle on the north wall. Now outrun the two guards to the trap door that you opened with the five buttons.

Drop into the hole and run south. Watch out for the moving wall. There is a bull there. You can lure the bull into breaking the boxes for red shotgun shells and a large medipack. Jump into the gap between the wall and the brown structure. Pull up to the brown structure to pick up a Horseman's Gem. The door opens in the east wall and locusts attack. Go east and follow the tunnel. On the right side is a crawl space for a small medipack.

Continue west and jump to grab the monkey swing to get over the spike traps. Continue and the door opens in front of you. Enter the door and run to the north where you saw the receptacle. Use the Horseman's Gem and the door above it opens. Enter the door and slide down a slope. Continue north down the tunnel and the ramp. Time a jump to the pedestal with the steam and pick up a token. Turn and run back as locusts attack you. As you go back up the tunnel, you hear gunfire. You friends have arrived to kill the guards. Jump over the entrance slope. Go to the cabinet in the south building for blue shotgun shells. Then go to the east wall and use the token to open the door.

Enter the room and the door closes behind you. Search the cabinets for blue shotgun shells. There is also a friend in the room. Hop onto the black structure and a trap door opens behind it. Climb down the west side into the hole. Climb up the east side and pull up into a tunnel. Go forward and pick up a torch from the skeleton. Go to any side section and light the torch in the fire. Ignite the two wall lamps on the columns by the entrance and the door opens in the east wall. Throw the torch away and enter the corridor. When you pick up the pistols, the level ends.

Pakistan 2

You start standing in some water near a deep pool. Look to the pool bottom and see a plant. Swim down to the plant and pick up a token. Quickly swim forward as a spike ball falls on your position. Get back to dry land and shoot the boxes for blue shotgun shells. Hop onto the ledge and hear gunfire. A friend and a giant scorpion are fighting. Your friends loses so you have to kill the giant scorpion. Go to the south-west corner and search a cabinet for red shotgun shells and the shotgun.

Go to the east wall and climb the ladder. Near the top, back flip to a ledge.
Go south to the wall and jump to grab the crevice. Shimmy to left and drop onto another ledge. Kill a large flying bug. Go north to see a rope. Crouch down and shoot the green barricade on the far north ledge. Use the rope to swing over there. Go west to kill a guard and pick up a shotgun. Use the token to open the door. Fire starts on some black tiles but the other black tiles are safe. Jump over the fire to the west side and into a room. Go to the south wall and turn around to shoot a box for a small medipack. Climb a ladder and pull up to the right side ledge. The left side ledge is a spike trap. You may have to shimmy to the right to do a hand over hand climb. Jump the ledges around the column and enter an alcove. Get secret #2 and pick up flares. A lot of spikes pop up. Jump to the north-west tile and safety drop to the ground.

Go to the north-west corner to press a button. Run east into the open door and down the tunnel. Safety drop into the water below. Shoot the barricades as locusts attack. Climb up to the ledge and go north to trigger the moving walls. Get behind the pedestal and face the water. Then pick up the large medipack as a hammer falls safely in front of you. Enter the maze by way of the moving wall to the east. Loop around to the west and some walls will stop moving. Jump through the last two moving walls to enter a tunnel. Continue to drop into another area and get a cut scene of guards. Kill the three guards and pick up a small medipack from the dead bodies.

Climb the north hill and try to jump into the opening on the south wall. At this point, I read the reviewers and took their advivce. They said it was impossible and used DOZY to enter the opening. If you go there, then press a button on the wall. Exit and kill two guards and the door in the west wall is open. You can go there but as there is no end trigger, you can just exit anytime.
