Londoner Armageddon

Level by Daniel Wissmann (August, 2006)

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

level starts with a long flyby of a city with UFOs in the sky. It ends with Lara standing in a room. Go west and shoot the grate in the lower floor. Follow the crawl space and you get a view from outside the building. At the end of the crawl space, stand up in a corridor. To your left, in the north-east corner, is a friend dressed in black and white. Do not shoot him. Go south and down the stairs. Go east up the stairs and the camera view changes again. Go to the south-east corner and kick open the door. Enter the camera view changes to an outside view again. Go to the east wall and pick up red shotgun shells. Exit the room and go to the north-east corner. Kick open the door and enter the room. Go to the north-east corner and pick up flares. The flares item looks like a small flashlight. Exit the room and notice a closed door in the east wall.


Go to the north-west corner and shoot a grate in the lower wall behind a blue chair. At this point, your friend has left his corner and started to patrol the area. Follow the crawl space and climb a ladder. Go down a tunnel to drop into a room. Pick up a small medipack from the central platform. Use the floor lever at the east wall. Notice key card reader #1 in the north-west corner as you exit. Go back through the crawl space and go east through the open door. Shoot the box in the corner and kill the spider that emerges from it. Pull back a dead friend and pick up a Key Card #2 from the floor.


Exit the room and go west down the stairs. Go up the south stairs and shoot two empty boxes. Go west and kill two spiders that drop from the ceiling. Enter the first doorway to the south. Hop over the south-east slope and shoot the grate in the lower wall. Get in and follow the crawl space until it branches. Shoot the grate in the east wall and enter the opening for revolver ammo. Follow the west crawl space for blue shotgun shells. Return and go south. Enter the first east branch and follow the crawl space to a small room. Go to the north-west corner and use the wall switch. You get a cut scene of a tile dropping to reveal a ladder. Go to the south-east corner and climb the boxes. Climb down the ladder and follow the tunnel. Use the wall switch and get a cut scene of two doors dropping into a water trench. Climb back up into the room. There is nothing else in the other crawl spaces so just crawl back to the room where you entered the crawl space.


Exit the room back into the corridor. Go north to kick open a door. Enter the door and shoot out the grates in the corner. Crawl up there for crossbow normal ammo. Exit the room and go west. Kick open the next door in the north wall. Enter the room and search the cabinet in the north-east corner for Uzi ammo. You can open the door in the west wall to enter a corridor. Or just return by the entrance door back into the same corridor. Go to the north wall and use the Key Card #2 in key card reader #2 to open the door. You can enter there and climb down a ladder to see key card reader #3. Go into the west room and look up to see an UFO and a hole that you cannot reach. Exit this room and go north up the stairs. The doors in the west wall open as you approach.


Enter the room and see another dead friend. Go up the stairs in the south wall. Enter a room and pick up a small medipack from the shallow water trench. Go to the west end and dive into the water. Pick up a Key Card #3 from the bottom. Look west and see the two doors that you closed. If the doors are not closed you are sucked into the west wall and die. Exit this room and go back down the stairs. Go to the north wall and enter the open door. Go down and stairs and use Key Card #3 in key card reader #3 to open the door. Enter and follow the corridor to pass a closed door. Go around the lasers and go to the west end of the corridor. Kick open the north door and enter the room to kill a spider. The camera view changes but search the cabinet for Uzi ammo. Go to the wall switch on the column and save the game for a timed run. Pull the switch and roll. Sprint out the door and go left. Run around the lasers and go east to enter the open door that was closed earlier.


Enter the room and the door closes behind you. Search the cabinet for a Key Card #1. The console in the south-east corner is movable. Pull it from the south wall to the north wall. A trap door opens in the south-west ceiling. Pull up into the tunnel and go west to drop into another room. Go to the north-west and use the wall switch to open the door. Exit back to the corridor with the lasers. Go around the lasers and exit this area.  Go back to the corridor and go east. Go south down the stairs and up the east stairs. Return to the crawl space and go back to the room with the key card reader #1. Use Key Card #1 and a trap door opens behind you. Jump and grab the ladder and drop into the water. Roll and then run and jump to the east to pull down a jump switch on the dark column. This maneuver makes use of the shallow water bug. Climb the ladder and go back through the crawl space. Go down the stairs and up the north stairs and back into the entrance crawl space. Crawl back to the starting room. Go to the north-east corner and the doors are open.


Step outside onto the balcony. Look up and see the moon and some UFOs. Jump over the north fence and slide down a slope on a column. Grab and shimmy to a corner. Stand jump to the top of the column for blue shotgun shells. Look south and see an opening under the balcony. Jump and grab the opening. Pull up and pick up the revolver. Safety drop to the ground and see another friend. Go north into the underpass. If you look to the west you get the glare of the spotlight in your eyes. Continue west and two small UFOs attack you. The UFOs will follow you back to your friend and you friend will shoot them. If not, you have to shoot them.


Return and go west and then turn south. You see a tunnel in the west wall for later. Go to the south-east corner and climb a ladder to reach the top of an archway. At the top go forward and pick up blue shotgun shells. Go to the west edge to drop and pull down a jump switch. The doors in the north wall open. Go there and up the ramp. There are closed doors to the east. Go to the north-west corridor. Shoot the boxes for crossbow normal ammo and a small medipack. Go up the east stairs and kick open the door. Enter the room and go to the south side of the central column and pull down a jump switch. Go back to the ramp and go east to the open doors. Go down the colorful ramp, as it is safe. At the end, jump and grab a rope, Swing into the north tunnel and go north to find a crawl space. Go through the crawl space and drop into a room. Use the floor lever and get a cut scene of the water turning deadly and a door opening at the west end. Go back to the water tunnel and jump to grab the rope. Turn on the rope, swing and jump to grab the next four ropes and finally swing into the open door. Run and jump to grab a ladder over another deadly pool. You have to climb hand over hand up the ladder. You may notice that you climb over a tunnel entrance. Near the top, the animation is normal and you can shimmy to the left and into a tunnel.


Follow the tunnel to a room. Go to the wall and use the wall switch. You get a cut scene of part of the ladder dropping. Go back to the tunnel and climb down to that open space. Release and grab the ladder below. Pull up to the tunnel and climb another ladder. At the top, back flip into a room. Shoot the boxes for large medipack and revolver ammo. Go to the south side of the column and pull down the jump switch. This opens the trap door at the top of the ladder. Climb the ladder and at the top of the steam emitter, back flip to a ledge. Go to either side to stand jump onto a crossbeam. Run and jump onto a higher crossbeam. The camera view changes to make you dizzy. Stand jump to the higher central platform and pick up Key Card #4. Carefully get back to the floor and go down the ladder. Climb down the second ladder and at the bottom shimmy over the right as far as possible. Release and jump between the two slopes. Use a left curve to work your way over the deadly water and onto the safe floor. Face towards the deadly water and look to the north wall for a ledge with a small medipack. Now you have to use the five ropes again. At the end swing into the east tunnel. Go up the tunnel and exit back onto the street.


Go south to the archway and go down the smaller ramp to the right. Kick open the door and enter a room. In front of you are four closed gates. Shoot the grate in the lower north-west corner. Follow the crawl space and pull a wall switch. Exit back to the room and go into the second open gate. Use Key Card #4 in key card reader #4. Exit and go around the fence and down the larger ramp. Go through the gate and onto a train platform. Go to the north-west corner and jump into the water. Crawl into the crawl space to the west. On the other side stand up in a room. Move the console from the south-east corner to get it out of your way. Go to that corner and use the wall switch. This opens a timed door. Get to the water and crawl back to the train platform. Run and jump over the deadly track. Jump to the east ledge and go up the ramp. Sprint into the open doors in the east wall. The doors will close behind you. Shoot the boxes but there is nothing inside. Use the wall switch on the east wall and get a cut scene of a trap door opening on the track. Go to the south-west corner and use the wall switch to open the door to exit. Go north and east into a small room. Shoot the boxes for revolver ammo.


Go down to the train platform and jump into the trap door. Follow the tunnel to a room with three consoles. Push the middle console to the north wall. Push the left console back to the south wall. Pull the right console back three times. Look at the floor under the wire mesh. The places are indicated as plain tiles with no black lines. When all three are moved, the door in the east wall opens. Enter the door and go to the north-east corner of the upper balcony. Grab the ceiling and monkey swing south around the column. Release and pull down a jump switch. A block drops in front of you so that you can pick up Key Card #5. Go back to the balcony corner. Shoot the grate in the south-west corner. Now monkey swing over to that opening to pick up blue shotgun shells. Get down and leave this room. Go back through the tunnel to the trap door. Pull up onto the train platform and not onto the deadly track. Follow the ramp back up to the street.


Climb the ladder back into the top of the archway again. Go to the north side of the archway. Run and jump with a right curve around the north-east corner to land on a column. Look east and see items on another column. Drop and grab the column and shimmy to the left. You follow an invisible crevice to the other column. You hear the secret sound but no secret is registered. Pick up crossbow explosive ammo, large medipack, and a clock (or a stopwatch). Safety drop to the ground and go west. Enter the doorway in the west wall and follow the stairs. At the top, use Key Card #5 in key card reader #5 to open the door.


Enter a room with a wire mesh floor. Go north and climb the ladder. Ignore the second floor and climb to the top and back flip onto a ledge. Go north around the column and get a flyby of many lasers in an array of fences. Start by going to the right and into the fence opening. Go into the next fence opening and turn right again for the next fence opening. Run down the path and jump over the laser. Then go right into the last fence opening and follow the last laser. Turn left and into a safe tunnel. At the end, turn and hop up into a higher tunnel. Follow the tunnel to a room. Shoot the grate in the east wall and get into the crawl space. Follow the crawl space to a room and drop down. Use the floor lever and crawl back to the other room. A block has dropped in the south wall. Hop up there and use the wall switch. You get a cut scene of a trap door opening into water. Kill the spider that drops beside you. Crawl into the west tunnel for blue shotgun shells. Exit the room and make your way back through the lasers. You can also pick up crossbow explosive ammo and large medipack in the laser run if you want to collect everything.


Climb down the ladder to the very bottom. Get into the water and swim south into any corner. Dive down and swim south through an underwater tunnel. Swim up and pull up onto a ledge. Pick up a gasoline can from the platform and get a cut scene of an underwater door opening. Dive into the water and look for a crawl space size area to swim through. Go west and follow the light-colored tiles on the floor. If you get off those tiles, the water current is too strong to swim against. Go west and then north to the corner. You get secret #1, crossbow explosive ammo, large medipack, and another clock. Follow the tiles back to get air. Then swim south through the open door. Swim into the tunnel and up a vertical shaft to pull up into a room.


Go east and follow the stairs down to a room. Use the wall switch on the south wall to open the door. Two friends rush from the room to kill the alien coming down the stairs. Enter the room for revolver ammo. Shoot the grate in the lower wall and get into the crawl space. Just follow the crawl space and shoot a grate at the end. You enter a room opposite the room where you started. The block has four switches on it. Pull the switches on the block in the order of east, west, north and finally south. Any other order is a spike trap. The spikes on the top of the block go up and then go down. Climb onto the block to pick up Blue Gem #1. Climb down the block at a corner edge or else you jump back up onto the block. Go back through the crawl space and return up the stairs to the room with the water hole.


Go west into a room with waterfalls and a closed trap door. Go west into the next room and pull down the jump switch on the north wall. Hop onto the west ledge and go through the open door. Kill the alien running towards you on the south ramp. Search the cabinet in the corner for Blue Gem #2.


Follow the south tunnel to a room with a deep pool of water. Swim to the bottom and notice the trap doors. Then swim south and upward to pull up into a room. Go to the south wall and use the floor lever. Pull the console in the north-west corner back one tile. You get a cut scene of a trap door opening. Swim back down the tunnel and into the open traps doors for Blue Gem #3. Go north up the stairs into the room and exit to the east.


You see the trap door that you opened at the top of a column. Jump and grab the column by your fingernails. Climb up and back flip into a tunnel. Follow the tunnel and climb down a ladder into a small room. Pick up Blue Gem #4 from the floor at the west wall. If you shoot the box, you have to kill two spiders. Climb back up the ladder and enter the tunnel.


Jump to the wall and climb down. Do not release to drop to the floor. Instead shimmy around to the back of the column and drop onto a ledge. Use the wall switch and safety drop to the floor. Go east and drop into the open trap door. Pull back your dead friend on the floor and pick up Blue Gem #5.


Get into the north water channel and swim to the end. Swim down and then swim south and pull up into a dark room. Go across the room and exit onto a glass tube. The camera view changes as you move. There are four glass cages. Three have wall switches and one has a gem. All four cages have fires on the floor. Go east to see an opening in the glass wall. Back flip from the opening to the south slope. Jump forward and grab the upper ledge of the glass tunnel. Pull up onto the top of it. Grab the upper edge again and shimmy to the far left. You can shimmy pass the boxes. Release and drop onto a platform for crossbow poison ammo. Grab the underside of the glass tube and monkey swing east into a dark tunnel. Go to the end of the tunnel and use a wall switch. Then monkey swing back to the safe platform. Back flip to the slope and jump forward to grab the top edge of the glass tube and pull up. The fire has stopped in the glass cage in front of you. Jump there and use the wall switch. Exit and grab the edge of the glass tube and shimmy to the far right.  Pull up and jump into the right glass cage and use the wall switch. Exit and jump into the left glass cage and use the wall switch. Exit and shimmy back to the far left again. Jump into the right glass cage and pick up Blue Gem #6. Shimmy back to the right and get back into the glass tube. Return to the room with the water and swim back to the dead friend. Pull up out of the trap door and go east back to the room with the water hole.


Go north and get a flyby of a large structure and some receptacles. Go east and place Blue Gem #1 in the receptacle on the south-east column. A block rises to your left and an alien demigod appears in the middle of the room. Run out of the room and your friends run inside the room to kill the alien demigod for you. If not, then you have to kill it. Climb the block to get to the next level. Place Blue Gem #2 in the receptacle on the south side of the central column. Quickly roll and shoot a small UFO. Two blocks rise on the east and west sides of the ledge. Go west and hop onto the west block. Run and run to grab the slope edge to the west. Shimmy to the right and pull up, back flip, roll and grab the ledge to the east. Run and jump to the east ledge on the other side of the central column. I could not make the same back flip, roll, and grab maneuver on the east wall slope.


Climb the side of the arch and shimmy to the right to pull up to the top of the arch. Pull the wall switch and turn to shoot a small UFO. A trap door rises on the central column to your right. Jump and grab the trap door. Pull up and place Blue Gem #3 in the receptacle. Jump down to the south-east arch. Use the wall switch and a trap door rises on the central column to you left. Run and jump to grab the trap door. Pull up and place Blue Gem #4 in the receptacle. Jump down to the west and onto the arch. Use the wall switch and a trap door rises on the central column to you right. Jump and grab the trap door. Pull up and place Blue Gem #5 in the receptacle. Jump down to the north-west arch. Use the wall switch and the last trap door rises on the central column to you left. Run and jump to grab the trap door. Pull up and place Blue Gem #6 in the receptacle. Jump down to the east and onto the arch. Turn and see that doors have risen in the central column below the trap doors. In the middle is a blue-white cube. Use the wall switch to retract the trap door on the column. Run and jump to the column and use grab to glide into the blue-white cube and the level ends.

