The Inca Trail

Level by Dennis Gotz (September, 2006)

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

down a slope to a flat place. Go east and slide down a second slope and into a cave with ruins. Kill the two bats that annoy you. Go east and step on the picture tile on the platform to open the door in the alcove. Jump over the second picture tile. If you step on the second picture tile, the door closes. Enter the open door and it stays open. I had a lot of trouble in the next area. If you run to the north and into the tunnel, the game always crashed. However, walk north, and do not run, and kill an attacking wolf. Walk into the tunnel again and kill a second wolf. Continue walking into the tunnel and turn right into another tunnel. At the end, on a ledge you can pick up Uzi ammo and a large medipack. Now you can start running again and leave the tunnel and go back to the entrance area.


There is a doorway in the east wall. You can go there and drop into the water. You cannot pull up here, but swim into an underwater tunnel and pull up into a water room. The other option is to go south and jump over the rocks at the end. Then enter an east tunnel and follow the tunnel to the same water room as in the other route. Hop onto a block and jump to the next block to the south. Run and jump to the slope at the south wall. Slide and grab the edge. Shimmy to the left to pull up and back flip into an alcove. Pull down a wall switch and get a cut scene of a door opening.


Dive into the water and swim to the north ledge and pull up. Use the tunnel to go back to the entrance area and enter that doorway in the east wall. Go to the water and jump to the open door in the north wall. Pull the wall switch and hear a flushing sound. The water has risen in the tunnel. Enter the water and swim east and pull up into a tunnel. You overlook a large deep room. Face south and hop back. You slide down a slope. Then jump to a slope, slide down, jump to a slope, slide down, and jump to grab a ledge and pull up. Go east and jump over the gap to the next ledge. Turn around and look up to see two closed doors on the south wall.


Continue east to the end and turn to the left. Do not step down on the breakable tiles. Run and jump over them to grab the next ledge. Go to the end and stand jump down to a switch on the wall. Pull the wall switch and get a cut scene of the two doors opening. Run and jump back to the ledge. Run and jump over the breakable tiles and you grab a higher ledge. Go west and jump a gap to the ledge with the open doors. Enter the tunnel and run to the end. Pull down the wall switch and hear a door open. Go back to the ledge and see the open doorway in the west wall. Go into the tunnel and pull down the wall switch. You hear a flushing sound. Return and see that the lower part of the room is flooded.


Dive into the water and swim to about the middle of the north wall. You should see an underwater tunnel. Swim into the tunnel for secret #1, large medipack and a shotgun. Swim back out and swim up to the north-west corner. Pull up into the opening in the north wall. Run up the ramp and race the rolling rock to the tunnel on the left wall. Climb the blocks and follow the tunnel to a ledge over a deep corridor. Slide down a slope and land on a stable ledge. Look south and you see breakable tiles. I ignored the tiles and safety dropped to the floor. Kill a bear and enter the tunnel in the west wall. Follow the ramp and the steps and a gate opens for you. Enter the gate and you are on a column. This is where you would be if you ran over the tiles.


Jump to the north column and pull up to the west wall ledge. You have two ways to go. First go west and down onto a ledge over the water filled room. Jump down to a south ledge for red shotgun shells. Jump back to grab the ledge and return back to the tunnel. Now take the south branch and at the end of the tunnel a door opens as you approach it. Enter and the door closes behind you. On the east wall is a series of gears. You need a missing gear. Run and jump over the breakable tiles to enter the doorway in the north wall.


You enter a large outdoor area. A man is shooting at you from the upper west wall. You cannot shoot back but you can pick up red shotgun shells in the cave under his position. Then run to the east through the gap in the rocks. Pick up red shotgun shells and drop into the hole. You fall into a trench of water. Follow the trench and pull up into a small room. Follow the tunnel in the west wall and kill a wolf. Follow the tunnel to a large cave and kill another wolf. Go to the east wall and pick up red shotgun shells and a small medipack. Then go to the north wall and see a hole in the near the wall. Drop into the hole and go west. Slide down a slope and jump over a gap and onto a ledge.


Push the movable block forward into a small room. Step on the picture tile to the left of the block and a trap door opens above you. Pull up into the trap door and it closes behind you. You face two wall switches. Pull the right wall switch down. Nothing happens. Pull the left wall switch down and a rock starts to roll down the ramp. Put the right wall switch up again. The trapdoor opens and the rock falls in. Pull the right wall switch down again and the trapdoor closes. Run up the ramp and enter a cave. As you climb the rocks, Lara will look at the ground. Pick up the hard-to-see Gear Wheel from the middle rock at the west wall. Climb to the south-east corner and pull up into a tunnel. Follow the tunnel back to the open area. Run south while the man shoots at you again.


Jump over the breakable tiles and enter the room. Place the Gear Wheel in the east wall and the gears start to move. The doors open in the south wall. Enter and run up the steps to another outdoor area. There seems to be jungle sections at the sides but you cannot enter into them. Go to the water and face east. Jump to a slope, slide down, and jump to a slope, slide down and jump to pull up onto a ledge. Then jump south to another ledge. Pull down the wall switch and get a cut scene of the doors opening at the ground floor. Drop down and enter the doors.


Follow the tunnel to the south and kill two wolves. Then follow the tunnel to the east and you enter a large cave area with temples. There are many doors to open. There is a pool in the central area. Go to the south-west corner and climb the white rocks. In the corner you find a hole containing a switch. Pull the wall switch and exit back to the open area. Go to the south-east corner and find an open door.  Enter and get secret #2 and a small medipack. Exit back to the central area.


Dive into the water and swim south. Pull down an underwater lever on the wall and get a cut scene of a door opening. Swim back to the surface and pull up in the north-east corner. Go back to the south-east corner and see another open door in the east wall. Enter a stable-like area and go up the steps to the top section. Go north and push a block into the room behind it. Pick up a large medipack from the corner of the room. Pull down the wall switch on the south wall. Exit the room and kill a bear. Go through the open door in the east wall. Enter the small room and pick up the Skeleton Key.


Exit the room and return to the central area. You may notice an opening in the south wall but you cannot enter there. Go north into a temple and pull back a movable block. Go behind the block and save the game for a timed run. Pull down the wall switch and you hear a door open. Exit the temple and loop to the left and into the open door between the two statues on the north wall. It is an easy timed run. The door closes behind you. Follow the left tunnel and slide down a slope. Jump and grab the north ledge. Pull up and follow the tunnel to a slope. Back flip onto the slope and jump forward to grab a ledge. Pull up and jump into the wide north tunnel.


You see wall darts in the tunnel. Slide down the slope and at the end, jump to the left (or right) to avoid two rolling rocks. Pull the two wall switches in the corners and get a cut scene of a door opening. The slope has changed so you can run back the slope. The ledge at the gap as changed as well, so jump the gap to get back to the entrance door. For me, the door was closed. I jumped back over the gap and use the slopes to get back to the tunnel entrance. I killed a bat and walked over the tiles at the top of the slope. I did not enter the slope area again. Then I went back to the door and it was open. Exit back to the central area and go south to find an open door in the south wall. Drop into a room and go to the south-west corner. Use the Skeleton Key in the door lock and a door opens in south wall opposite the entrance door.  Just above the key lock alcove, you can pull up to the higher ledge. You enter a small tunnel at the back wall and pick up a small medipack. Then safety drop back to the floor.


Enter the south open door and follow the tunnel to a large room. There is a down ramp at the east wall. Go west and jump to grab a slope. Pull and jump with a left curve to another slope. Then jump to a ledge in front of a closed door. This door is timed so now you need to find the switch. Slide down to the east, grab the edge of the slope and safety drop to the floor. Go east to a T-junction. Go to the south and push a movable block as far as possible. To the east is the way to the ramp you saw from the top room. Turn and go north and follow the room to the switch. Now save the game for a timed run. Pull the switch, roll and run out to the ramp. Go up the ramp and jump the slopes again and get through the open door before it closes. It is an easy run if you do not bump into the walls in the dark tunnel and you jump the slopes and do not grab the slopes to pull up.


Enter the cave and slide down a slope to a stream of water. Notice a closed door by the fence in the west wall. Go to the south-west and run and jump between the slopes with a curve to get a flat rock. Jump across the stream and then jump into the corner to reach a wall switch. If you fall into the water the current carries you away to a pool. Pull down the wall switch and drop into the water. Let the current carry you to a pool and pull up to a ledge. Work you way back to the fence area and see that the door is open. Jump through the door and enter a small room.


You can pull up to the upper ledge and get a small medipack from the south-east corner. Pull the movable block out of the wall and push it out of the way. Enter the opening and follow the tunnel to the end. Pull up to a north ledge and enter a wide tunnel. Go west and see breakable tiles and a closed door. Jump the tiles and break the last tile. Pull up the ledge to see a receptacle for an item that you do not have. Drop into the hole where the tile was and slide to the bottom.


Follow the tunnel to pull up into an outside area. To the north is a temple with a water hole. That is the exit for later. Go west through the fence to another rocky area. Enter the tunnel in the west wall. At a T-junction, take either branch since they both go to the same place. You emerge in a temple with a water pool. Look up and notice the rocks on the ceiling. Dive into the pool and swim down the hole in the floor near the west wall. Pull the underwater lever and return to the surface. Pull up at the south-east corner and get a cut scene of the rocks falling.


Go to the south-east corner and pull up to a slope. Back flip to a ledge and jump to the higher bridge to the north. Follow the bridge to the top of the waterfalls. Jump over a slope and drop into the hole at the west wall. Turn to the south and pick up the Inca Symbol. Drop into the water and swim to the ledge and pull up again. Go east and through the tunnel to the outside area again. Kill two wolves and continue east through the fence. Go to the north temple and drop into the water hole.


The current carries you back to a familiar place. Pull up to the ledge and go back to the open door in the fence. Kill a bat and enter the tunnel again. Pull up to the wide tunnel and run over the breakable tiles or jump and grab the ledge on the other side. Use the Inca Symbol to open the door. Enter the door and slide down the slope into a cave with a water pool. Kill a wolf and the man who was shooting at you earlier. Jump the north slopes and go to the north-west corner for red shotgun shells. Dive into the water and swim west. As you swim through the underwater tunnel, the level ends.

