Dinosaur Research Centre

Levels by MR XY (March, 2007)

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

1: Dinosaur Research Centre


You start by dropping into a pool in a large room. There is a doorway in the south wall that leads to a laser trap. There is a yellow tile on the floor near the column to the south-west. Go north and enter the doorway. Walk, not run, through the safe blue lasers and trigger a spike trap ahead of you. Time a safe sprint through the spikes and enter the next room. You see a large tall aquarium with fish and a ramp. Follow up the ramp to the see a tunnel to the north. The ramp continues but for now go through the north tunnel and into a small room.


You can see a covered pushbutton and a receptacle. Go through the yellow lasers in the east doorway. They cause non-fatal damage. Use the boxes to the north to get to the ground floor. Shoot two guards and pick up Uzi's from one of them. You can shoot a box in the south-east corner but it is empty. Go to the south-west corner of the room. Climb the boxes at the south wall. Go to the back wall and look to the right to see opening. Drop down there and go to the end of a short tunnel to pick secret #1 and Red Crystal #1. Exit back into the room.


Follow the east wall to the north a little ways and enter an alcove to your left to find a skeleton and the Green key. Pick up the key and turn around to shoot two green dinosaurs. Go north to the corner and then go to the east. You see an opening closed by a grate on the north wall. Continue east to shoot an empty box. Drop into a hole at the south-east corner for a large medipack. You can go south to get back here you started. That is the ground floor tour. Climb the boxes in the middle of the room to reach the suspended platform. There are boxes to move in this room but that can be done later.


Jump back to the entrance ledge and go through the yellow lasers. Exit the room and go up the ramp and stop before the next tunnel. Turn to the south and stand at the edge. Hop back once and run and jump forward to grab and use the two horizontal poles to spin and jump to the ledge at the south wall. Pick up laser sight and stand at the middle of the ledge.  Jump forward to grab and use the pole to get back to the ramp. Now go east into the tunnel. Stop when you see the skeletons that indicate a deadly spike trap. Go east and use the Green Key to open the door behind you.


Enter the room and press the pushbutton on the wall. You get a cut scene showing spikes in the outside tunnel. Go there and if you walk through the spikes, there is no health lost. If you sprint through the spikes, you lose a lot of health. Stop on the other side and go into the south alcove to pull down a jump switch. Return to the tunnel and see more spikes to walk through. Walk through the spikes and blue lasers to enter the room. You get a fast flyby of the room showing a door opening. Stand on the bridge over the water pool and safely shoot the two raptors. Enter a small room in the south-east corner and pick a small medipack and Uzi ammo.


Go up the ramp and run through the yellow lasers. Save the game in front of the timed wall switch. Look to the north-east and you can see the timed platform. Pull down the wall switch and run through the yellow lasers towards the platform. Jump to the nearest edge of the platform and then run and jump with a left curve onto the next balcony. The camera view changes so go north until you get the normal view. Look back and you can see a closed door and a key lock. Go west down the balcony and the camera view changes again. Double doors open as you pass them. Enter the double doors into a small room with boxes.


Crawl onto the south-west box for flares. You can see another room at the east wall. Pull back two boxes to get into that room. Enter the room and shoot two green dinosaurs. Pull out the box at the north wall. Get behind the box and pick up the crowbar. Exit this room and drop off the balcony. Go down the ramp into the first room with the many boxes. Go to that grate you saw in the north wall and use the crowbar to open the grate. Enter the room and go to the right. Open the cabinet and get revolver ammo. Press the pushbutton on the west wall and get a cut scene of the door on the top ledge of the box room.


Climb the boxes to the upper ledge and go into the open door. You get a cut scene showing a dark floor tile at the side wall. I though the game froze but it was back to normal after a few seconds. Exit the room and return to the ground floor. Return to the alcove where you used the crowbar on the grate to open it. Look south and see a box with a red flammable sign. There is an empty space to the right of it. To your immediate right are a short box and then a light brown box. That light brown box is movable and also climbable. Move the light brown box into that empty space. Stand on that box and look west. Move the gray box with the yellow flammable symbol onto the light brown box. The top box also moves with the bottom box. Get onto the suspended platform above you. Move the box from the south-east corner of the platform into the room and place it on the dark floor tile from the cut scene. The door opens in the east wall.


Turn around and shoot a guard. Enter the room and search the cabinet for a Circuit Card. Exit the room and go south to return back through the yellow lasers to the small room. Place the Circuit card in the receptacle. The cover is removed from the pushbutton behind you. Shoot the empty box and press the pushbutton. You get a cut scene of a block rising in the starting room. Exit this room and go down the ramp. Time a run through the spikes and the blue lasers again and enter the starting room. Hop onto the block in the south-west corner of the room and hop onto the balcony.


To the east are doors that need two items. Go south and step on an elevator floor plate that descends. Continue south and through the two yellow lasers. Hop onto the block after the second yellow laser and pick up a large medipack. Follow the corridor up the stairs and loop around to the left to shoot a guard in front of a red laser doorway. Approach the double doors in the east wall and the doors open. Follow the corridor through yellow lasers and get a flyby of the next room. The water pool is electrified. Shoot the guard on the south ledge although it will take some time.


Go to the east and turn to the right into an alcove and save the game. Pull down the timed wall switch to raise a timed platform in the electrified water pool. Turn and run to the south. About one tile from the edge, jump with grab to clear the upper wall and glide onto the nearest edge of the platform. You may have to step back a little. Run and jump to grab the horizontal pole and swing over the water. Pick up the Red Key that was dropped by the dead guard. You see a receptacle that needs a fuse. Hop onto that block for Uzi ammo. Go to the west wall and pull down a jump switch to raise platforms in the pool. Jump the platforms back to the north ledge. The last jump is hard because the wires get in the way. Stay at the side of the wall to get past the wires.


Return down the ramp and through the yellow lasers to the elevator floor plate. Climb the wall and get to the starting room. Go north through the spikes and up the ramp again. Go east to walk through the spikes and the blue lasers again. Go up the ramp through the yellow lasers and save in front of the timed wall switch again. Pull down the wall switch, run and jump to the platform and then jump onto the balcony again. Use the Red Key to open the door.


Enter the room and shoot a guard. Go south and search a cabinet for Uzi ammo. Then go north and turn to the left to a door that opens for you. You emerge into an outside area with a small water pool to the south. Go there and dive into the hole in the middle of the pool. Follow the underwater tunnel and pull up into a cave. Pick up a small medipack from a nearby skeleton. Shoot a raptor and pick up the Blue Fuse from a skeleton at the west wall of the cave. Swim back to the outside area again.


Exit this area and go through the rooms again. Safety drop off the balcony and go west and walk through the spikes. Go down the ramp and time a jump through the spikes. Enter the starting room. Hop onto the block in the corner on onto the balcony. Drop down in the elevator and through the yellow lasers again. Go up the steps and enter the door in the east wall. Go through yellow lasers and back to the electrified water pool. Go west and thankfully the platforms are still up. Jump over the platforms and go east to the receptacle. Place the blue fuse and the electrical current stops. The pool is now safe for swimming. Dive and swim to the lower south-west corner. Pick up a Circuit Card from the skeleton and swim back to the north ledge.


Exit through the yellow lasers back to the ramp. This time go to the south-west and up the ramp to the end. Use the circuit card and spikes pop up behind the red lasers. Go through the lasers to the edge of the floor. You see a large room with a pool. Above you are two bridges. Look to the north-west and you can see a jump switch. Safety drop into the room. Shoot a guard for his Uzi ammo. Dive into the pool and pick up a small medipack in the south-east corner. Get out of the water and use the block in the south-east corner of the room to pull up onto the south wall ledge. Go west and see a wall switch. Continue and shoot a guard and pick up a Fuse. Then return to the wall switch.


Save the game in front of the timed wall switch. It raises a platform behind a column near the north wall. Pull down the wall switch and run to the right. At the corner go to the left and swing on a horizontal pole to get over to the next ledge. Run on the outside ledge behind the columns on the next ledge. Jump to the nearest edge of the raised platform and jump on the next ledge before the platform drops. Notice an item on the box in the water with the fish. Angle a very difficult jump with a left curve to pull down the jump switch in the column to the south-west. A block rises behind you and a block rises on the platform that you jumped from.


Climb the blocks to pull onto the upper ledge. Cross any bridge and go to then south-west corner. The double doors open as you approach them. Enter the room and see a covered pushbutton at the back wall Go to the north-west corner and place the fuse. The cover opens so go to the south-east corner. Press the pushbutton and get a cut scene of an underwater door opening. Exit the room and see that the room has been flooded. First climb onto the arch structure to the north of the door. Go north and pick up Codecard A from the middle of the arch.


Dive into the water and swim into the open door in the lower west wall. Swim to the left and pull down an underwater lever. Quickly swim back to the room and pull up on any ledge. Turn around and shoot the two fish that followed you out of the tunnel. Swim back and into the tunnel the fish came from. Swim to the back of the room and pick up the CD off the block. Then swim to the lower north-east corner and pick up secret #2 and Red Crystal #2 from the floor. Swim back into the room and go east through the red lasers. Go down the steps and loop around to right. Go through the yellow lasers and climb the wall. Drop back into the starting room.


Enter the tunnel in the south room. Turn to the right and hop onto the left ledge for Uzi ammo in the rock pieces. Follow the tunnel to the end. Place the CD in the receptacle and spikes pop up at the red lasers. Go through the red lasers and pick up the revolver off the floor. Turn to the left and pull back a climbable movable box. Pull the box west down the tunnel into the entrance. Push the block into the south wall corner under a grate. Combine the revolver and laser sight and shoot the grate. Climb onto the box and pull up to the east into a tunnel.


Follow the tunnel and pick up flares. At the end, climb the wall to the top and shimmy to the right and into another tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, drop onto a bridge over a pool. Shoot the fish in the water. Drop into the water and swim south. Turn to the right and pick up Codecard B from the floor. Pull up out of the water towards the east. Shoot a guard and pick up his revolver ammo.


Go west to the exit door area. Look high above the exit for a bronze ball. Use the revolver and laser sight to shoot the ball and a block rises to your right. Use the block to get back to the upper bridges. Follow the bridges to the east wall and climb onto a block. You can hear a helicopter. Pull down the jump switch on the east wall. The door opens in the west wall on the ground floor. Exit this room and follow the tunnel back to the starting room. Use the corner block to get onto the balcony. Go east and use the two codecards to open the double doors.


You enter another large room. If you go near any aquarium, the camera view changes. To the east you can see a covered pushbutton and a receptacle. Further east you can see yellow lasers in another room. Go through the yellow lasers to the end room. To the south is a closed door. Go north and see some boxes. Move the light brown box near the entrance to the north. Hop onto the boxes and pull back a light brown box once. Hop onto that box and pull up onto the higher ledges. You can see a previous area through the windows. Go south to the back wall and pick up a Dinosaur Egg and a Yellow Fuse off the ledge. Jump backs to boxes to get to the ground floor.


Go west through the yellow laser to the room with the receptacle.  Place the yellow fuse and the cover opens to your right. Press the pushbutton and get a cut scene of a door opening and a helicopter. Go east through the yellow lasers to the last room. Turn to the left and go through the door. Run towards the helicopter and the level changes.


Level 2: Trophy Hall


You start in a room with a highly reflective floor. Go west up the steps and the gate opens for you. Place the two red crystals in the receptacle at the side of the gate. You hear a door open. Go through the gate and into the next room. There is a pedestal with an egg on the middle platform. To the west is a closed gate. Go south down the corridor and into another room. Climb either south ladder and pull up onto the balcony. Go to the west end and use a horizontal pole to swing over and grab the edge of the north balcony. Pull up and stand on the top of the green slope to pull up onto a ledge at the west wall.


Run and jump to the south to grab the top of a slope. Pull up and slide and jump onto a ledge. Climb a ladder to the upper south ledge. The camera view changes but go to the wall switch in the middle of the south wall. Pull down the wall switch and get a cut scene of a gate opening. Get down to the ground floor and go north and then west through the newly opened gate. Enter the room and admire the trophies on the pedestals. There seems to be no end level trigger.


If you did not place the two red crystals, you can still open the gates to the trophy room. The red crystals do not seem to be needed.

