Dune Raider 1


Level by Phil Bateman (November, 2007)


Walkthrough by Harry Laudie


[Note] I guess by the level names that this is based on Frank Herbert's Dune novels. Lara is wearing a "still suit". I guess that the ornothopters, the worms, and the spice are saved for later levels. [End note]


Geidi Prime


You start in an ice tunnel. Go forward and safety drop onto a track in the tunnel below. To the south is a closed door. Go north and jump over the pit. Follow the track into another tunnel. Near the end of the tunnel, go into the west branch tunnel. Hop onto a ledge and use the floor lever. Hop down and return south over the pit again. The door is now open. Enter the door and follow the new tunnel to the end. Slide down the slope backwards. Grab the edge and safety drop into the ice cave below.


Go west and shoot a guard. Pull back a dead body on the tracks and pick up red shotgun shells. The tunnel in the south-west is blocked by a spike ball. There is an opening to a tunnel in the west wall. Go there and follow the tunnel to a pit with bridges. Shoot a guard and go west. Open the door and enter a corridor to shoot another guard. Ahead of you is a gem blocked by a fence. There is nothing to do here so exit back to the bridges. Drop off any bridge and fall into the water below.


In the north-west corner is a narrow crawl space in the north wall. Swim inside and then up to a junction. Swim to the west and then swim up a vertical shift. Pull up into a room for secret #1, Uzi, and a large medipack. Swim back and swim into the east tunnel. Follow the tunnel to the end, then swim down into a junction. Swim south for flares. Turn around and swim to the end of an east tunnel for a large medipack. Swim back where you entered the junction. Follow the west tunnel to the end and surface for air. Climb up to the east and climb up the blocks to the top. Hop into a north tunnel and a door opens at the end. A spike ball rolls down the tunnel towards you. You can either run down all the blocks in the entrance tunnel and swim back into the underwater tunnel to escape the spike ball. Or just go to the first block in the entrance tunnel and crouch down near the block as the spike ball goes over your head. Return to the north tunnel and enter the open door.


Pull up into another tunnel. Go west into a dark room and shoot a guard. You can see ledges above you and a jump switch on the high north wall. Go west and open the door. You enter a T-junction of a tunnel. Go south and follow the tunnel to a ledge. Jump over the room and onto the north ledge. Pull down then jump switch on the north wall. You get a cut scene of a door opening next to the cage with the gem. Safety drop to the floor and go east to exit the room. Follow the tunnel back to the starting area.


First go north to enter the large cave and open a door in the west wall. This is an exit door for later, but it only seemed to open from the outside. Return south to the starting area. Pull up into the west wall tunnel again. Go west over the bridges and into the open door. Go around the cage with the gem and enter the open door. Notice a trap door above your head. Follow the tunnel to the north to a T-junction. Go west and shoot two bats. Drop into the hole at the bottom of the snowy pit. Crawl through a crawl space for Uzi ammo and a large medipack. Get out of the pit and now follow the east tunnel. Enter a room with a pool and shoot a guard. Dive into the pool and swim into the hole in the bottom. Follow the underwater tunnel and swim near the top to avoid a wall drill. Follow the tunnel and surface into a large pool. Pull up onto a ledge at the north wall. Climb the ladder and shimmy to the right onto a higher ledge. You have a choice of routes.


Route 1:


Go to the south-west corner and shoot a bat. Use the floor lever. Go east to exit out the open door and shoot a bat. The open door ahead of you is the door you opened from the north cave of the starting area. To the north of the door is a vertical shaft above your head. Climb the ladder in the shaft and pull up onto the roof area. Go to the south-east and overlook the starting area. Follow the east wall ledges over the breakable tile. Go south and find a hole near the south wall.


Safety drop into the hole and land at a three-way junction. In the south tunnel are a closed door and a receptacle. The east crawl space is a dead end. Enter the west crawl space and follow the crawl space onto a high bridge over a room that you have visited before. Do not cross the bridge but stay near the middle. Look up to south-west and see a hole in the ceiling. Jump up into the hole to grab a ladder. Climb up the ladder and pull up into a room. Use the floor lever at the west wall. You get a cut scene of a door opening next to a receptacle.  Grab the north side of the entrance hole. Climb down to the bottom, release, and grab the bridge below you. Pull up and go east to follow the crawl space back to the three-way junction. Stand up and go north to the open door.


Route 2:


Stand at the edge of the south ledge and walk one step to the south. Hop back and delay the grab so that you land on the ledge below you. Go east and pull down a jump switch. Go west and enter the open door. Follow the tunnel to a deep pit and shoot two bats. Run and jump to grab the crawl space in the west wall. Follow the crawl space and climb a ladder into another crawl space. Continue following the crawl space until you can stand up in a tunnel. Follow the tunnel and hop into a higher tunnel. You will see a track-like section on the floor. Go north and drop into the cage and pick up the Horseman's Gem called Load). Pull up again and go south and enter a side tunnel to the west. Follow the tunnel around and a trap door opens for you. Drop into the tunnel near the cage.


Go east to exit this room. Cross over the bridges and go east into the starting area again. Go into the north cave and enter the open door. To the north of the door is a vertical shaft above your head. Climb the ladder in the shaft and pull up onto the roof area. Go to the south-east and overlook the starting area. Follow the east wall ledges over the breakable tile. Go south and find a hole near the south wall. Safety drop into the hole and land a three-way junction. Go north and follow the tunnel to a receptacle. Place the Horseman's Gem and the door opens.


Rest of route:


Enter the open door and follow the tunnel to a ledge over a deep pit area. Shoot a bat and a guard. Go south and jump down to a bridge. Jump south onto a track. Follow the track south and run to the left to avoid a rolling spike ball. Follow the tracks up a ramp to a closed door and a tunnel. Go west through the tunnel and enter a large room. Shoot two guards on the back ledges. Jump up onto the ledges and pick up the Arakkis Co-ordinates Box from the floor in the south-west corner. Exit the room and go south through the open door. Follow the tunnel and the level ends.


House Corrino


[Note] This level is started as a new level from the main menu. [End note]


You start on a sandy mound in a small room. Slide down the slope and see a closed door in the west wall. Go east and follow the tunnel to the end. Pick up flares and press a wall button. Return to the room and the door is open. Just follow the dark corridor to the west and enter a room to shoot a ninja. There is a closed gate in the west wall. Go to the south-west corner and step on a breakable tile. You drop into a dark room. Jump to grab a climbable column in the middle of the pit. Shimmy around to the other side and climb down a little. Back flip, roll, and grab onto the north ledge. Pull up and go west to press a wall button. You hear a gate open. Grab the central column again and climb down to the bottom. Go to the north-west corner and pick up the shotgun. Go to the north-east corner for a small medipack. Climb the central column again and back flip to the south ledge. Go to the corner and back flip off the slope to grab the ladder by your fingernails. Climb up back into the room.


Enter the open gate in the west wall into the next area. To the right of the entrance are red shotgun shells.  Run through the water to attract and shoot a crocodile. Pick up a large medipack near the water in front of a south column. You can see two closed gates in the west wall ahead of you. Go to the north-west corner and find red shotgun shells behind the column. Return to the pool and enter the opening in the west wall to the right of the closed gates. Hop onto the short central block. Run and jump to the block at the south wall. Pull up to the higher block and grab the ceiling. Monkey swing north to the blocks at the north wall. Run and jump to the west to grab the top of a dark column. Pull up and go to the west wall from blue shotgun shells. Notice a closed door in the south-west corner. From the higher part of the dark column, pull up to a south higher ledge. Run and jump onto the north corner ledge. Hop into the tunnel in the north wall.


Run north and pass an empty alcove and a closed door. Stop in front of a moveable block. Use a flare to see it correctly. Pull out the block and push it south into the entrance tunnel. Push it past the position of the closed gate. Return and pull out a second moveable block. Go north to get behind the block and press the wall button that was behind the block. You hear a door open. Push the moveable block into the alcove where the wall button is located. Either pull out the moveable block in the south or go into the open gate in the entrance tunnel. Get into the new tunnel and press another wall button. Exit and go north into the newly opened door.


Follow the new tunnel and drop into a room. Follow the tunnel to the east into another area and shoot a ninja. Use the reach-in switch in the north wall. You get a cut scene of a gate opening. Watch out for the large hole in the middle of the floor. Go south and hop into the opening in the south wall. Run over the breakable tile and run and jump to the south ledge. Go to the south-east corner and save the game before you press the wall button. Press the wall button and the door in the south-east corner opens. Run there and enter the tunnel as the door closes behind you. If you are not inside the tunnel, the door can push you out as the door closes. If you get locked out, reload the game and try again.


Follow the tunnel and another door opens as you approach it. You enter a large area with a closed gate in the south wall. Pick up a large medipack from the pedestal in the south wall alcove. Turn around and shoot a ninja. Enter the tunnel in the west wall and stop as a rock rolls in front of you. Pull up to a higher north ledge. Follow the tunnel and pull up into a small room. Be careful of the scissors blades and press the wall button in the west wall alcove.  Return to the south tunnel and drop down. Enter the open door in the west wall and push a moveable block. Enter the south alcove and press the wall button. Exit and go east to return to the earlier room. Enter the open south wall gate and pick up the Corrino Insignia from the pedestal. Be careful not to fall through the open trap door as you leave the alcove.


Go west and follow the upper north tunnel again back to the room with the scissors trap. Climb the north wall ladder. Back flip, roll, and grab a crawl space. Crawl inside and follow the crawl space out onto a ledge. Run off all the ledges until you reach the ground. Go into the west tunnel and use the reach-in switch. You get a cut scene of another gate opening. Run north down the tunnel and turn into a right alcove to avoid a rolling rock. Wait and the door will open for you.


Safety drop to the ground. Go east and shoot a crocodile. Enter the opens gates in the east wall. Follow the tunnel to a room and shoot two ninjas. Place the Corrino Insignia into the receptacle to open the gate. Enter the gate and pick up Canopic Jar 1 from the pedestal and the level ends.

