Christmas Feeling


Level by Different Guy (December, 2007)


Walkthrough by Harry Laudie


[Note] The author mentions that you have to use the included TREP based tomb4.exe file. However, he does not mention that you need to use a new move to get out of a pit. The move will be mention when it is required. [End note]


You start by sliding down a slope. Go forward and pick up a note off the ground. Read the note if you want. Follow the trench and after a third wall torch, you should be going north. Go into a west alcove and shoot a snowman for flares. Continue to follow the trench and face a pit. There is a door in the bottom. Go east onto a ledge and jump over the pit. Go east to a tree and get a flyby ahead to a trap door and a frozen pond. Go east and pull up the trap door to open it. Drop into the tunnel and go to the west. Pull down the wall switch and pull back up out of the tunnel.


Go west and drop into the pit. Enter the open door. Go through a crawl space and pull down a wall switch. Crawl out back into the pit. Go to the south wall opposite the open door and see a crawl space. This is a new move not mentioned by the author. Jump up and grab the crawl space. Keep the CTRL key pressed and press the DOWN ARROW key. Lara pulls up, turns around, and jumps forward. Press the CTRL key to grab the ledge. Pull up and go east and south. The ice has melted in the pool. Dive into the water and swim into the underwater tunnel. Pick up blue shotgun shells from the floor. Follow the underwater tunnel and pull up into a cave.


There is a closed door at the south wall and another closed door at the west wall. Shoot the two blue angel statues at the north wall and the west wall door opens. Go into the tunnel and follow it to blue icicles that block your way. Shoot the blue icicles and go forward. Pull down the wall switch and return to the cave. Go south and enter the open south wall door. Go around the big white tree and see two small green bushes. Pick up the crowbar from the shorter second bush. Follow the snowy valley to a closed gate. Pull down the wall switch in the south-west corner and the gate opens. Enter the open gate and jump the fence onto the ice. Go to the north-west corner and use the crowbar on the broken floor lever. The door to the house opens in front of you to the west.


Enter the house and see two columns next to stairs. Push the lower section of the north column and pick up the Bedroom Key. Go west and into the south-west alcove and see a receptacle on the wall.  Exit and go into the north-west alcove and pick up a shotgun from the pedestal. Now go up either stairs and go south onto the south corridor. Go east to find a key lock. Use the bedroom key and the door opens. Enter the bedroom and go east behind the Christmas tree. Press the white wall button on the east wall. Exit the room back into the corridor. Go east to find the open door. Enter the room and go into the pool in the south-west corner to pick up a large medipack. Enter the small pool by the door and pick up the Devil's Eye. Exit the room and go down the stairs.


Go back to the south-west alcove and place the Devil's Eye in the receptacle. Go back up the stairs and go into the north corridor. A door is open in the north wall. Enter the room and shoot the potted plant in the south-east corner. Pick up the Library Key and exit the room. Go east and use the key to open the door to the library. Enter the library and just follow the brown wooden part of the floor. You will bump your nose on a book switch in the east bookshelf. Use the rotating book switch and exit the room.


Go down the stairs and return to the south-west alcove again. Enter the open door and get into the kitchen. Pick up a small medipack from the ledge at the south wall. Press the white wall button at the west wall. The fire stops in the north wall fireplace. Go into the fireplace and push the north wall block three times to reveal a lower crawl space. Crawl through and pull down a wall switch. Crawl back out into the kitchen. Exit the kitchen and go back up the stairs. Go to the north corridor and enter the library again. Loop around to the right and enter an alcove. Use another rotating book switch and get a cut scene of a door opening.


Exit the library and go down the stairs again. Return to the kitchen and go out the open door in the west wall. Run straight ahead from the doorway and see a floor lever partially hidden in a bush. Use the crowbar on the broken floor lever. The large gates open to the west. Go through the gates and you are in the town.


Go west and turn a little south to see a column below a window. Stand at the higher outside corner and pull up onto the column. Run and jump to the south to spin around a horizontal pole. Lara does some fancy aerobatics and then jumps to the south. Grab the south ledge and pull up onto the ledge. Pull down the wall switch and get a cut scene of a cage dropping. Safety drop to the ground and pull up onto the first column. Shoot the window to enter the room. Go to the back of the room and pick up Big Door Key 1 from the pedestal. Exit the room and safety drop onto the street.


Go east to see a balcony with a table. Go to the right of that building and go to the east wall behind the large tree. Climb onto a block and run and jump to the archway to the south. Go to the east or west side and pull up to the higher roof. Go south and drop onto the roof below. Pick up flares and Big Door Key 2 from the roof. Climb over the north side and safety drop onto the street. Go south and see the large gate. Use the Big Door Keys in the key locks in the south-east and south-west corners and the gates open. Enter the open gates and run south down the street and the level ends.

