The Secret Zone (Die Geheime Zone)

Level by Seilion (March, 2008)

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie


You start by sliding backwards down a sloping tunnel. Jump up and roll so that you sliding forwards. You land on a breakable tile. Jump forward onto a slope, slide down, and jump forward again. You should have jumped over two spike pits and have safely landed in a dark room. Hop onto the south-east structure and pick up flares. Hop onto the south-west structure and use the floor lever. Hop onto the north-west structure and pick up red shotgun shells. Hop onto the north-west structure and drop into the dark hole in the corner. Get into the lower dark crawl space in the east wall. Crawl to the end and stand up. Climb the wall ladder and pull up into a tunnel. Go east through the open gate and into a dark room.


Shoot a ninja and evade a mummy in the room. Run into a north wall alcove and pick up red shotgun shells off the floor. Run into the south-west corner and pull up onto a block. Follow the blocks to the east and jump over the gap to land in a tunnel. Jump back to the blocks and shoot a ninja who was in the tunnel. Jump back to the tunnel and follow the tunnel around the corner to stop in front of a deep pit. Run and jump over the pit to grab a ledge. Pull up and slide down a slope. Jump over another pit and land on a ledge. Jump onto a slope and slide down. Jump another pit and land on a ledge. Go west to jump another pit and land on a ledge. Go west and safety drop off the ledge and onto a block. Pick up Uzi ammo. Stand jump over a fire trap and grab the edge of a crawl space. Follow the crawl space and pick up flares. Crawl to the end and stand up next to a window. You get a flyby of a room showing a ninja running through a closed door.


After the flyby, drop into an opening in the east wall. You land in a dark room. Loop around to the right and into a corner alcove to pick up flares. Hop onto the east ledge and go east to loop around to the right and see an upper crawl space in the south-west corner. Crawl inside and pick up Uzi ammo. Return to the dark room. Go east to the wall and turn to the north. Pull out the dark moveable block. Pull the block into the room and get behind the block to find a crawl space. Follow the crawl space to a room and shoot a harpy. Climb the east wall ladder and go east to get secret #1. Continue forward and pick up crossbow poison ammo and grenade normal ammo. Return to the dark room. Go to the north-east corner of the dark room and pull the dark moveable block out of the east wall. Get behind the block and enter a tunnel.


Follow the tunnel to a room with a large section of steps.  Shoot a ninja and go north to find the base of the steps. Shoot another ninja and go east around the steps to pick up red shotgun shells from the floor behind the steps. Return to the steps and go up the steps. Go east and south to where the steps go west. Turn around and pull down the jump switch on the dark east wall. Go back and this time, follow the steps to the top. Grab the ceiling and monkey swing to the east. At the end, release and grab the ledge below you. Pull up and go east to pull up into a tunnel. Follow the tunnel to the east and through an open gate. Slide down the slope and follow the tunnel to a room. Go to the south-west corner to pick up red shotgun shells.


There are three doors in front of you. The middle and right doors lead to spike taps. Run through the left door and get a flyby of the dark room. Go to the north-east corner and save the game. Follow the tunnel north and then up a slope to the west. Near the top, run  to the left and into a south wall alcove to avoid a rolling spike ball. Continue up the slope and climb a ladder. Follow the tunnel to the end. You are overlooking a room with a shark in an aquarium at the north wall. Slide down the slope and into the room and stop at the bottom. Stand jump over the north-east corner slope and pick up a shotgun. Stand jump over the south-east corner slope and pick up blue shotgun shells. Now go west and hop onto the blue box and pick up a small medipack before a ninja steals it. Shoot two ninjas and pick up a large medipack from the red ninja.


Go north and run down the slope. Ignore the harpy behind the glass wall but shoot the ninja at the bottom of the ramp. Pick up Uzi ammo that the ninja dropped. Ignore the scorpion behind the glass wall and go west. Go through a trench in an outdoor area. Enter another tunnel and go south. Keep near the left wall to avoid a spike trap on the right side. Slide down a slope into an outdoor area. The camera view changes to an overhead view. Jump over the short wall and use the floor lever that you see. Jump back and enter the open door in the east wall. Run south to a T-junction and a wall ladder. Climb the wall ladder to the top and pull up at a slide wire. Grab the slide wire and slide down to land in a tunnel in the south wall.


Notice a door in the west wall.  You need full health to safety drop into the pit below you. Safety drop and loose a lot of health. Pick up a large medipack from the ground where you land. To the east is a spike pit. Go north into the large pit area.  Climb over the slopes to get secret #2. Pick up crossbow explosive ammo, grenade flash ammo, blue shotgun shells, and Uzi ammo. Go to the south-west corner and drop into a hole. Follow the tunnel and climb a wall ladder. The door is open and you are back in the tunnel where you landed after the slide wire.


Follow the tunnel around to a wall ladder. Climb up and follow the rocky bridge to the west and enter a tunnel. Follow the tunnel and pull up into a long room with many boxes. This was the room from the early cut scene. Go west and shoot the ninja that emerges from the closed door in the north wall. Pick up the Uzi ammo from the body. Go to the north-west corner of the room and pick up Uzi ammo and an Uzi. Go through the door in the north wall. Enter the small room and slide down the slope in the north wall. Pick up red shotgun shells, blue shotgun shells, and Uzi ammo off the floor. Save the game and run up the west slope.


You enter a large room. Shoot the five guards. Pick up revolver ammo and the Zoneartefakt Tower from the dead bodies. Place the Tower in the receptacle at the west wall. The door opens beside you. Enter the door and slide down the sloping tunnel to end the level.

