The Dragqueendom of Olivia Jones

Level by Olivia Jones (with Amanda Lepore)

Walkthrough by manarch2

You play as Olivia Jones. Run down the colourful corridor and get the pistols NW. Push the floor lever. Get back S and climb into the passage and get the Heilendes Bier (Little Medikit). Jump over the deadly fire pit and follow the corridor to a crawlspace. Push the floor lever and get back to the room with the first lever and kill a female enemy (1) there. Push a third lever and the last door in the central room opens. At the end of the ramp take the Lasersight and a Heilendes Bier S, then get into the pool and at a fork take Flares right for SECRET 1 and climb out at the tunnel left. Follow the passage and then go E to the far end to climb a quadbike. Get back and then drive over the S ramp, then follow the corridor, kill two chickens (2,3), drive over the ramp and kill a woman (4) by driving over her. Get to the far end, avoiding a deep pit and stop at the pool. Avoid a mummy and get a Heilendes Vodka (Large Medikit) in the pool.

Get into the S crawlspace and stand up at the end. Go E and jump into the hole, then once more to the platform above the deadly floor. Push a floor lever and get back to the last room, there go W into a newly opened trapdoor. Jump W and crawl into the next area for a floor lever; then come back to the pool room. Get into the W crawlspace into another two-trapdoor-room. Jump into the N one, jump once more and follow the passage into a maze. Go left and right around the corner for SECRET 2: Granatwerfer schwere and Granatwerfer leichte Ammo. (Normal Grenades and Super Grenades). Get back to the beginning of the maze, this time go right and then left around the corner for a floor lever. Get back to the second trapdoor room and this time go into the S one. Jump SW and get a Heilendes Bier, then go into the crawlspace S, avoid the mosquitoes and shoot the vase for a Drag-Queen-Amulett. Back in the pool room use the Amulett N to open the adjacent door. Shoot the woman (5) inside, get on the quad after climbing down the ladder, kill two women (6,7) with it and climb up at the end of the tunnel. Climb the blocks and run in front of the door which opens. Get in front of the “Olivia Jones” lettering and the level ends.

End of the level.
Kills: 7
Secrets: 2