TRA Retold - Part 1


Levels by


Walkthrough by José


[Note:] There are some new movements which are not explained in the readme file I will refer in this walkthrough. They are:

- movement 1 - jump back with twist - down arrow

- movement 2 - jump up hanging from a crack - Alt

- movement 3 - running up walls - you can reach high ledges by running against a vertical wall, Lara will do some steps over the wall and then you can press Alt to jump back and land onto the ledge behind.

- movement 4 - long running jump - situate Lara in the edge of a ledge, take two jumps back and then run and press the sprint key and jump (Alt) in the last moment to get a longer running jump (four tiles).

- movement 5 - climbing up horizontal poles - when Lara is hanging from a pole, press Alt and Lara will stay ducking over the pole; press Alt again and Lara will do a single jump from the pole.

- movement 6 - using small ledges in walls - a single jump to the mini-green-ledge in the wall and quickly another jump and Lara will go up and grab the edge above.

- movement 7 - getting out of a crawlspace - Alt + down arrow






Go E and down the steps into the piano room. Open the door right to the piano and enter in a bathroom. Go left and look up in the SE corner to find a jumpswitch. Use it to extinguish the fire in the initial room. Go there and climb to the top, one step down and to the right in a dark opening (it's very dark and you haven't flares or binoculars). Follow the short passage and drop in a small room in the attic. Move the box once W and pick up the flares behind. Now climb the ledge and pull the switch to open a window in the main hall. Pull the moveable box in the center of the wall out and aside and enter into the attic. There's nothing to do here for the moment so go down the stairs to the main hall. Continue down the left stairs to the bottom with the wooden boxes and open the first door in SE corner; climb to the window sill to get SECRET #1: an Artifact (pink shield). I found nothing in the room behind the other door.



Go to the main doors and open them by pressing the button. To the left there are some moveable boxes. Move the lonely S box to the N and place it against the button near the main doors; now move the box near the motorbike next to this last box. Now you can move the upper box two times N over the boxes and use it to climb to the window sill where's the window you opened before with the switch in the attic. Press the button there to open a door in Lara's bedroom. Go there now: up the left stairs in the main hall, left and the first door to your right in N wall (in the next door in the corner I only found Winston). In Lara's bedroom near the entrance you can open the drawer in the small brown cupboard to your right but I found nothing there. Left of the bed is the door you've opened; go in to pick up the pistols and a small and large medipacks. I found nothing in the rooms behind the two remaining doors in this bedroom. Go out of this room and return to the attic. The small boxes are shootable. Shoot them to find SECRET #2: another Artifact under a box in the W side of the room.



Now go down and all the way to the bottom of the stairs in the main hall. Go W passing the crates through the left opening and into the gym. You can practice the new movements here, but I found nothing in this gym. Go S and into the swimming pool room. Move the bowman statue over the white tile in NW corner and a door opens in the pool. Dive there to find SECRET #3: another Artifact.


And there's nothing more to do in this mansion. You can shoot the small boxes near the main doors outside to get more medipacks, you can take a ride with the motorbike around the mansion and you can press a button in a room in the labyrinth outside to open a timed door behind the crates in the main hall, but I found nothing there, only the trophy room and a dissected yeti. There must be a way to open the big doors outside and jump directly to the first level of this adventure with all items and secrets in your inventory so the secret count at the end of this first part be 17, but I couldn't find the way. There's a closed door (music room) in the first room next to the piano room where you began to play I couldn't open. I'm very tired about playing so many Lara's mansions so I decided go to the title screen and start a new game.





Opening the big doors

After the flyby go straight ahead W, up the mound and jump to grab the crack in the wall. Shimmy all the way to the right and at the end jump back to the ledge behind (movement 1). From here, a running jump to grab the crack in S wall, shimmy left and crawl to find SECRET #4: an Artifact. Grab the crack again and shimmy right and around the corner. Jump to grab the edge above (movement 2). Use the pole to reach the ladder, climb and go left to pick up flares. Go W to the big doors, climb the ledges in NW corner, use the rope to reach the other side and climb the ladders to the top. Use the third button to open the big doors and watch the cutscene.




The caves

Advance, crawl under the darts, continue, shoot a bat, continue and all the way to the E wall. go to the NE corner behind the high ledge and run up the wall and jump back to reach its top (movement 3). Now take a long running jump (movement 4) to reach the alcove in S wall and pick up a small medipack. Drop to ground floor, go W and climb the S ledges. Continue and shoot the bats. Go to the left cave with the blue crystal and climb the S ledge to pick up a small medipack. Go back to the main corridor of the cave and go S and W. Slide down two slopes and shoot the bats. Go to the W wall right of the opening and use movement 3 to reach the high ledge behind the tall pillar, pick up the flares, jump to grab the rope and swing to the N ledge, from here a long running jump to the N ledge and now a running jump to grab the crack in the W pillar, shimmy around the corner and jump back to land onto the ledge with SECRET #5: another Artifact.


Deep into the caves

Safety drop to the ground and enter in the W opening, down the stairs and use the switch to open the door. Shoot the wolf and climb the ladder in NW corner. Use the wooden ramps and the rocky ledges around the room in a clockwise direction to reach the high wall switch; pull it and return to the room where you shooted the wolf. Go S through the now open door and continue to a place with a pit to your left and a ramp to your right. Go up the ramp and watch out for rolling stones. At the end near the door pick up a pole. Return to the pit, pick up the shotgun shells in the small E niche and place the pole in its receptacle from the wooden ledge. Use the pole now to reach the high N ledge.


Room with two bridges

In this new area try to shoot the wolves from your high position, cross the first wooden bridge and use the monkeyswing in the NW corner to get the small medipack in the high W alcove. Cross the second bridge and go left into another room with a pit and a rope. Safety drop into the pit and kill the bear. In the N opening is SECRET #6: another Artifact. Continue and use the switch to open the grated door. You can use the ladder at the far E wall to climb up and cross the bridges again to return to the room with the rope or go right and use movement 3 to reach te top of the pillar NW, jump to the pole, swing, grab the crack and shimmy around the corners to reach the opening. Anyway, this time use the rope to get the other side, pick up the small medipack near the SW corner and go down the stairs into a new room.


Timed doors

Shoot the wolves and pull the switch in S wall to open the door above. No go to the NW corner and look for a crawlspace. Go to the other side, pick up the small medipack and use the switch to raise a block in front of the previous switch. Go back there, climb the block and enter into the room to get SECRET #7: another Artifact and a large medipack. Now go out of this room, climb the NE ledge, pull the timed switch and take a running jump over the breakable wooden tile jumping from its very edge to grab the far S edge (it can take several tries); quickly climb up and go through the timed door.


Darts room

Crawl under the darts watching out for the rolling stone. Go left, grab the crack and jump to grab the edge above (movement 2). Grab the crack in the pillar in front of you shimmy around to the other side and jump back (movement 1) to pull the jumpswitch behind. Go through the W passage, shoot the wolf and at the end jump to grab the pole, another jump to the next pole and use movement 5 to reach the small opening. Go E, shoot the wolves and pick up the large medipack. At the end of this passage turn right to find a high jumpswitch. Use movement 6 to pull it and the big doors open. Go there to finish the level.





Two secrets

Shoot the bear, continue and shoot the wolves when entering in a very familiar place. If you take a ride all around the exterior corridors of this area you'll have to kill some wolves and some bats and find a small medipack in the very SW corner. Go into the main room with the pool and to the E room with the bear; shoot it and climb the ledge to get shotgun shells. Go out and to the tile in the SW corner of the pool; face N and jump to grab the grey rocks above, climb and pick up a large medipack. Now jump into the pool, dive and turn right at the junction. In the underwater room with pillars turn left and pull the underwater lever in the SE corner to get a secret later. Now swim to the NW corner and pull another underwater switch to open a trapdoor above you. Go up to get some air and get SECRET #8: another Artifact and a small medipack. Use the switch to open the door and return to the main room, jump again into the pool and this time go left at the junction; in the next room is the door you've opened with the underwater lever. Go in and get SECRET #9: another Artifact.


A key and an Idol

Return to the main room and go SW to find a wall switch. Pull it and enter. Go up the stairs and jump to the next building. Run over the breakable tiles and jump to get the large medipack. Drop down to ground floor and push the cage in N wall several times to clear the way. In this room pick up the Skull Key, the Gold Idol and shotgun shells. Climb the moveable cage to reach the second floor, shoot the bats, pick up the large medipack and exit this building from the window. Return to the main room and this time go through the W passage. Open the door with your key, crawl under the darts, fight with a flock of wolves and approach to the W orange building.


Opening doors

Go through the left opening, all the way up climbing ledges and stairs and shooting bats and a wolf at the end. Pull the jumpswitch at the end. Drop to ground floor and the right opening is similar to the left but with breakable tiles and a crack to shimmy in E wall. At the top of the stairs go right and pick up the small medipack. Finally use a second jumpswitch to open the big doors below. Enter and you can see a pit with a ramp and a pole to can get the other side, but I didn't use it. Drop into the pit and pull the cage twice to pick up shotgun shells behind. Use this cage to reach the other side of the pit. In the next corridor avoid the swinging blades break the tiles at the end and fall into the water.


A second Golden Idol

In the next room shoot the bear and see that you need one more idol to open the exit door. The broken column in the NE corner is moveable; pull it twice and climb to the upper floor. Go N and slide down the ramp. Shoot the small spiders and spot the gold idol you need in an alcove at the end of the room. Approach to the idol (save your game before) if you want to see a good animation (poor Lara). Behind the SE pillar there is a switch; pull it to stop the swinging blades in the corridor (I don't know the purpose of this). Go either NE or NW corners and use movement 3 to land onto the wooden breakable tile above. Quickly jump back and pick up the second Golden Idol. Jump to grab the crack in the E pillar, shimmy around two corners and jump back to grab the edge behind; shoot more small spiders and at the end of this dark passage you can drop and land on the top of the ramp.


A last secret

Turn around and use the broken moveable column in the room with the pool to reach the high S ledge. Pick up the large medipack and go around the corners to your right to find a wall switch which will open the door giving you access to the corridor with the now stopped swinging blades (I still don't know the purpose of this). Go down the stairs and jump into the water to get SECRET #10: another Artifact and uzi clips. Now dive E and use the underwater switch to open the door and return to the room with the pool. Use the idols to open the door and go inside to finish the level.





The shotgun

After the flyby you can go right and jump directly into the lake below to begin the search of the three machine cogs you need, but it's better to take a small detour to look for the shotgun first, which will be very useful to fight against the raptors and the TRex later. So go left, right and jump to the E bank of the river; turn around and jump again to the W bank, walk a bit and jump again to the E bank where the ladders are. Pick up the small medipack in the corner and use the ladders to reach the high W bank of the river. Don't go through the dark passage, but walk some steps S and approach to the border. Look SE and down to spot a flat ledge below at the height of the river. Take a running jump SE with a right curve avoiding the corner of the wall to land there. Go E and take notice of the E underwater door for a secret later. Go through the S opening and jump into the water to pick up the hard-to-see shotgun in the SW corner. Now you can go back to the river and jump in so the current takes you N to the lake in the big cave with the wooden wheels.


The long way to the lost valley

Go out of the water, shoot the wolves and pick up the small medipack in its lair. There is another small medipack in the NW ledges with the wooden fence. Climb the ladder near the E wall; turn around and jump to the pole; use movement 5 to jump onto the next ledge. You can climb the next ladder if you want a large medipack high up, but anyway return here and take a running jump to the NW wooden ledge. Advance and go right to the W passage; shoot the wolves and pull the switch at the end to open the underwater door you saw near the place where the shotgun was (secret for later). Return to the junction and climb the right side of the white part of the N wall. Once up, approach to the very NE corner of the tile and facing E jump back over the slope behind and immediately jump with a right curve to land onto the high ledge above. Go into the crawlspace and in the next room shoot the wolf and pick up the small medipack in the NE corner. Climb the wooden ledge and the next rocky ledge. Turn around and spot an artifact in a niche in W wall. Use the long running jump to get SECRET #11: another Artifact. This time climb to the top wooden ledge and pick up magnum clips. Now you can use the cracks in the SE pillar and the pole to reach the opening in the NE corner, but you can jump to the white W ledge where the small medipack is and from here a running jump N-NE to pass between the green ramp and the wall to land in the next room. Anyway, in this new room go N, shoot the wolf and pick up the shotgun shells. Go to the corner and jump over the fence to land over the slope, slide, jump and grab the crack in S wall, shimmy right around the corner and jump back to grab another crack, shimmy right around the corner and jump back to grab the final ledge with the wooden fence. Continue through the very dark passage to discover, at last, the lost valley.


The TRex

Slide down the slope and shoot a bunch of raptors. Behind the first cascade to your right there are magnum clips. When you advance N a TRex appears. You can kill it if you have the shotgun with a single shot in its chest, but if you don't have the shotgun don't worry, there's another way to kill the beast. Run N and then left towards the temple. There is a rocky structure in the middle of the area in front of the temple. Climb the ledge next to the S pillar of this structure and use the movement 6 with the mini-ledge in the N side of the pillar to climb to the top. Turn around and repeat the same movement to climb to the very top of the N side. There is a wall switch there and a spike platform in the ground, but even if the beast is not over that platform, when you pull the switch you see an animation where the TRex is impaled. Even if you kill previously the TRex with the shotgun, the animation repeats itself.


The first Machine cog

When the TRex is dead, go to the NW zone of the walley. In the very NW corner you can climb a ledge to find shotgun ammo. There is a high opening with a blue crystal near, but it's too much high to reach it. To the right of this opening (facing W) there is a cascade, and right of the cascade there is an opening. Enter, advance and shoot a raptor. Continue to the end to find a small pool. Jump into the water and grab the ladder W (Lara can grab it from the water). Climb to the top and climb several ledges (the ledge near the blue crystal requires movement3) to find a small outside place. Kill all the enemies here and find the first Machine Cog behind the cascade. Make your way to return to the valley.


The second Machine Cog

Near the NW corner of the valley there is a wider cascade in N wall. Climb the ledges to the left of this cascade to finally reach its top and find SECRET #12: shotgun shells and another Artifact. Go out and continue E along the N side of the valley. Near the spiked platform where the TRex was impaled (or not) there is a small cascade. To the left of this cascade there are some ledges you can climb. Make your way to the higest part of the cliff and from here to the roof of the temple. where you can find a small medipack. Go to the S side and jump to the S ledges. Move yourself W (with the pole you'll need to use movement 5) till you arrive to a ledge in front of the switch to activate the spikes. Jump to grab the E crack and shimmy left till you can stand up. Go W to find the broken bridge; jump to the other side to find the second Machine Cog. Safety drop to ground floor; now it's time to go to the temple.


The third Machine Cog

Go W to the temple, kill the raptors and enter. Jump into the water and dive through the right passage to a room behind the cascade. Kill the pterodactyls and move the rocky block to the W wall. Jump onto the block and drag the block in the corner once to the N. Climb this block and continue climbing W to a new room above. Push the block in front of you to change the course of the water and jump into the initial pool. Go out of the water and take a running jump from either SW or NW corners of the pool to one of the openings in E wall. Pick up the third Machine Cog in this small room.


The long way back to the lake

Go out of the temple and go directly SW to find a ledge with an opening above behind the palm tree in S wall. Enter and pull the switch at the end of the passage to release a rope somewhere. Slide down the slope but first lets take a small detour for a secret. Turn right and climb the ledges in E wall to the top and find a new area with pillars. Shoot the pterodactyls and do running jumps from pillar to pillar to get SECRET #13: another Artifact and shotgun shells. Go back down to the valley. In front of the ledges you used to climb to this last secret there are two cascades in the W side of the valley. Near the left cascade there are some ledges you can climb. Climb to the top to find an opening. Jump to the other side of the cascade to pick up shotgun shells and return to the opening. Here is the rope you released when pulling that switch. Use it to get the other side. Climb the white rocks to the right (movement 3) and go E to can grab the crack in S wall. Shimmy to the left and go through the crawlspace; drop on the other side and you find yourself in a room you've visited before. Go to the SW corner and between the two pillars; face S and use movement 3 to jump back and land onto the sloped pillar behind, jump and grab the edge of the S pillar, climb and slide into the adjacent room. From this room is easy return to the lake.


The way up to the mechanism

Climb the ledges to the left of the lake (facing S) till you reach the top of the rocky ramp. Slide down the ramp and at the end jump to grab the rope. Swing to land onto the wooden ledge. Then a running jump N to grab the crack in the wall; jump to grab the highest crack and now jump back to grab the pole; swing and jump to the S ledge; continue S and another jump to the next ledge where you began this level. Now go all the way up the river like you did when you went before to look for the shotgun (see first paragraph of this level). From here go through the dark W opening to shoot some bats and find shotgun shells at the end. Return to the opening entrance. Now face N, jump back to grab the S edge and shimmy all the way to the right till you can stand up. Cross the bridge, shoot the bat, place the cogs in the mechanism, pull the switch and watch the cutscene.


The exit

Now the way is clear to exit the level, but first lets take some time to look for more goodies. Jump into the water and swim S; climb the white ledge and find a large medipack in a small cave here. Jump into the water again and swim N. Climb the ledge to the left of the grated door and jump into the water channel (do you remember the door you opened a lot of time ago?). Dive along this underwater passage to find SECRET # 14: another artifact, shotgun shells and a small medipack. Exit throug the W opening and jump into the lake below. Into the lake there is an opening in W wall; enter to get a small medipack and magnum clips. Now swim out and go left to the S cave to finish the level.





Moving pillars

In the room with the darts go to the bottom of the pit to pick up the small medipack, return to the N side and use the rope to reach the other side. Run over the breakable tiles and cross the central platform to the S. Stop at the S entrance, turn around and look NW to spot an artifact in a high niche in the wall (secret for later). Turn left and go E to the end of the ledge; drop and safety slide down the ramp to the bottom of the pit. Kill the raptors and if you want the secret move the N pillar 2 tiles S and 5 tiles W. In a corner in N wall there's a grey rock with a crack above; use it to climb to the entrance of this room; a running jump to the central structure and another running jump to the moved pillar W. Go into the crawlspace to get SECRET #15: another Artifact, shotgun shells, uzi clips and the shotgun itself. Go out, jump to the central stucture, slide again down the ramp to the bottom of the pit and move both pillars to a W and E positions so you can reach the E and W entrances by jumping from the top of the central structure.



Moving pillars again

Climb again and go to the top of the central stucture. The W passage is locked by several doors so lets go to the E passage first. Take a running jump to grab the E crack, shimmy left and when you are facing S jump back to grab the pole and swing to land in the other side of the pit. Draw weapons and shoot the raptors. Now you are in a room with four openings; I'll called it from now "the main room". You can do the tasks in any order, but I'm going to begin with the E one first. Shoot the raptor and climb down the ladder. Move the N pillar 2 tiles E and 1 tile S. Climb the ladder to the entrance. Whith the help of the pillars, pull the switches in NW and SE corners; two doors open high up in NE corner. Jump again to the entrance and down the ladder. Move the pillar in E wall all the way N to the NE corner. Climb the ladder again and jump there. Use the small ledge to reach the opening (movement 6) and pull the switch there to open the first of four doors. Go through the left passage to return to the main room.


Darts room

Go to the NE opening and drop to the floor. Go up the ramp, climb the ledge, jump to the central ledge, to the NW ledge and to the N ledge with the fence. Pull the switch to flood the room and jump into the water. Dive through the opening in NE corner and pull the switch in the small room to open the secon door. Return to the main room the way you came.


Wolves room

Go now to the NW opening. Shoot the raptor, pick up the shotgun shells and in the next room run over all the breakable tiles to clear the way in the room below and shoot the wolves if you can. In the E side of the room you can pick up a large medipack, and in the W side there is a ladder to return. Safety drop to the bottom of the pit, pull the cage in N wall out and aside, climb the ladder behind, pull the switch to open the third door and return to the main room.


Spikes and teeth doors

Go now through the last W opening. Pick up the flares, pull the switch to open the door and use the monkeyswing to reach the other side of the spike pit. Carefully pass the teeth doors and pull the switch to open the last door. Return to the main room. Now it's time to return to the big initial room with the high moveable pillars. Drop into the pit and use the cage in the S wall to can climb. Go all the way W to the passage with the four open doors.


The throne room

In the next outside area, shoot the raptors and pick up the large medipack in the small lake. Climb the rock in S wall, jump to grab the crack, shimmy right and jump again to grab another crack, shimmy right and drop to pull the jumpswitch. Enter, go to the end of the corridor and in the next room crawl under de darts. When you reach the bottom of the stairs turn left and climb to the first alcove with the statue. When you step on the tile a door opens for you. Run to the end breaking the tiles in your way and grab the ladder. Climb down and to the left to find SECRET #16: another Artifact. Gou out of this room and up the stairs to the throne room. When you pick up the Scion the N door opens and the temple begins to collapse so, from here watch out for falling debris.


The escape

Run down the ramp and to the big room avoiding the rolling balls. Cross it to the N side and drop into the pit with the darts. Climb the other side (left) and go into the corridor to find an opening in the floor. Drop there and run to finish the level and enter in Lost Valley again. At the end of the passage use movement 3 to climb and return to the lake. Shoot to Larson and watch the cutscene to finish this first part.