Levels by Lukasz Croft


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth



You start the game with pistols and very little else.  No compass is provided, presumably to thwart the GUNS cheat.  However, this makes writing a walkthrough quite difficult, so I'll just do the best I can.

I missed one secret in each of the first two levels when I played the game. Moonpooka has located both of them and has given me the pertinent information so I could revise this walkthrough. Thanks, Val!




Begin by sliding down onto a grate.  Loop around to your right and pull the wall switch to make the grate vanish.  However, the slope down which Lara slid has turned to blocks, so climb them to the top, turn around and take a standing jump forward and grab the ladder.  Climb to the opening and pull up into a passage for SECRET #1 and two stashes of uzi ammo.  Climb back down, safety drop to the top block and hop down to the opening.  Safety drop from either side of the opening onto a grated platform.  Underneath the platform is a small medi-pack, so drop down and get it and then pull up onto the block.  I found it impossible to grab the rope by jumping from the block, so hop back to the grated platform.  Save your game.  What I did was to stand at the corner facing the block, then I took a standing jump to the block, turned as I landed and continued with a running jump and curve toward the rope until I finally grabbed it.  I did this from the right corner of the platform, but it might work just as well from the left corner.


When you grab the rope you immediately alert a Tinnos wasp, so quickly swing forward and jump off to land on a ledge beneath the wall torch.  Draw the pistols to kill the wasp, then face the crawl space.  Jump to it and pull up inside.  Kill two bats and note the closed door next to a keyhole.  Continue past the closed door, vault up onto a ledge and hop down into the next area.  Locate the shotgun ammo in the alcove and shoot another bat.  Pull down the switch in the corner to open the nearby door.  Some spikes are triggered just inside the doorway, so use the wall ladder to get past them.  Pull up into the higher passage, stand at the raised corner and use just the action and up arrow keys to pull up still higher.  A fixed camera angle shows a timed switch to your right in the connecting passage.  Stand in front of it and save your game.  As soon as you pull it, take a rolling back flip and run to the other side of the passage.  Take a jump into the opening before the door slams shut in your face.


When you arrive safely, you trigger a flyby that takes you through the next room.  Hop down and find the moveable block at floor level near the entrance.  Pull it back twice, get around it and push it once, then pull it toward the opposite side of the room.  There's a wall switch that's revealed when you pull the block back, but it just re-opens the exit door, so leave it alone for now.  Push the block into the alcove formed by the two blocks, and you'll hear the sound of a door opening.  Pull up onto the snowy ledge ahead, note the closed gate (which I thought I was not able to open, but thanks to a tip from Moonpooka I learned that you come back here a little later) and pick up the uzi ammo to your left.  Run to the other side of the ledge, and you'll see the doors you opened at the bottom of the ramp.  Run down the right side to trigger an odd-shaped boulder, then dash to your left to safety once inside the room.  Shoot the wolf, then the jade-colored vases for some flares. 


Just opposite the closed gate is a well-hidden wall switch.  Pull down the switch to lower a timed trap door, then quickly turn to your left, run to the corner, jump up to grab the ladder and climb up before the trap door closes to block your progress.  Activate the jump switch to open the gate below, then treat the closed trap door as a crawl space and lower Lara down to the ground.  Enter the alcove and take the GOLDEN KEY from the pedestal as Lara's theme music plays.  Exit this room and go back up the ramp.  You'll be followed by another wolf, so pause to kill it.  Pull the block out of the alcove and work it to the wall opposite the closed gate, where you can use it to climb up and access SECRET #2 and a large medipack.   Get back down to the ground, pull down that wall switch you ignored earlier (you may have to pull it back up before the exit door opens), and leave this area. 


Retrace your steps to the keyhole you saw earlier, where a wolf now awaits you.  Dispose of it and use your Golden Key to open the gate.   Another wolf ambushes you inside.  Now it's time to backtrack for a secret, courtesy of Moonpooka's tip.  Leave this room and head back to the room where you picked up Secret #2 just now.  The golden gate that was closed before is now open (by virtue of your having used the Golden Key and entered the gateway). Head inside the gate and the chimes of SECRET #3 will sound, but you have a small task to perform before you can get any goodies. Climb up into the passage, hop down as locusts swarm about you and head toward the far end. You can see a spike barrel above the low wall ahead. Take a hop back from the wall and take a standing jump into the room.  The spike barrel starts swinging, but it's a simple matter to run around it and collect the UZIS and uzi ammo.  Return to the place where you used the Golden Key and proceed with your next task.


Follow the corridor to a crawl space, draw your pistols and stoop down to shoot the barrier.  Crawl inside and enter a new room where ominous music starts playing.   Shoot one of the nearby containers for a small medipack.  There's a closed gate on the left side of the room and a pillar with a ladder on the right side of the room.  Jump to the ladder and climb up, but don't pull up to the top.  When the flame blower subsides, release so that Lara grabs the edge, then shimmy to the right and around the corner.  Pull up at the next corner, turn around and jump to the pillar where you can see a wall switch.  If you have any question as to how much time you have, duck until the flames re-appear and subside again, then stand up and pull down the switch to open the gate down below.  Hop back and drop to the ground, then enter the opened doorway. 


Pull the moveable block back twice, then push it aside in the direction of the flame-protected wall switch.  A new wall switch is revealed, so stand in front of it and save your game for a tight timed run.  As soon as you pull the switch, reverse roll and exit this room quickly to your right.  When you reach the crawl space, hit the duck key, then the sprint key, and Lara will do a quick roll in the crawl space.  Repeat, and Lara will roll again and clear the crawl space.  Run forward (sprinting isn't necessary) and around the corner to your left to pass the timed gate before it slams shut. 


Run forward and slide down into a trough-shaped area.  Take a standing jump over the slope, right at the middle of the opening ahead, and slide down between two swinging lanterns.  Jump over the spike trap at the bottom and save your game in front of another timed wall switch to your left.  Pull it, hop back twice and take a side jump to your right.  Back up to the wall if necessary and take a standing jump up onto the timed block.  Run forward and pull up into a higher level before the timed trap door swings shut.  Pull up into the pentagonal passage, run forward and jump over the spike pit.  Pause for the flares on the other side, then step out into a short connecting passage that leads to a steep room peppered with tall pillars.  Kill the Tinnos wasp and take a running jump to the top of the nearest pillar ahead and to your left.  Note the closed gate at the far corner of the room. You would be wise to save your game before attempting jumps to the other pillars.  You can get slightly more jumping room by hanging from the edge, pulling up and doing a reverse roll to face the destination pillar.  You might also try keeping your finger on the up arrow.  Take a running jump and grab in this manner to the pillar on your right and pick up the shotgun ammo.  Take a running jump and grab to the next pillar on this side of the room.  There's a ladder on the side nearest the wall that you can use to climb down to the floor.


A bat will attack when you reach the floor.  Find the small medipack and uzi ammo on the floor and shoot the jade vase next to the floor lever for another small medipack.  Note the dormant burner tiles on the floor and the closed gate on the end of the room opposite the floor lever.  When you push the lever, one of the burner tiles is activated, the gate at the other end of the room opens and a Hammergod is released.  Run past the Hammergod through the open gate and pick up the TORCH in the alcove.  Do not shatter the nearby barrier and pull the wall switch, or the gate will close and you'll be trapped.  The vase is empty.  Take the torch outside and light it from the burner tile.  Light the other burner tile with it, and a block rises beneath the ladder.  Its only apparent purpose is to give you some relief from the Hammergod.  Go to the floor lever end of the room and stand on the short block.  By standing at the very edges of the block you can light the two wall torches with your torch.  You hear the chimes of SECRET #4 when you light the first one, and the gate high above lifts when you light the second one.  There's nothing more to do here, so drop your torch and climb the ladder to the top of the pillar.  Make your way by careful running jumps and grabs to the other two pillars until you can jump up into the new opening.  The gate slams shut behind you as you step forward.


Climb the ladder and pull up into a small room with a moveable block and two jade vases, one of which hides a large medipack.  Pull the block away from the corner and use it to access the higher passage.  Climb the ladder through a lowered trap door into a heart-thumping room.  Shoot the containers in the corners for a small medipack and some uzi ammo, then kick open the door and grab another pair of UZIS and the CROWBAR.   Pull the moveable block (revealing a keyhole) to the other side of the room and climb up onto it to access a higher room.  You get a fixed camera angle as you run forward for a small medipack and watch Sophia strutting around out of the corner of your eye.  Camera control is restored when you stand at the edge of a wall looking down at a lower room.  Hop down and find two containers to shoot, one hiding some shotgun ammo.  There's also a moveable block and a crowbar switch.  Move the block over the dormant burner tile, then stand in front of the crowbar switch and save your game (because the switch works only once).  Throw the switch, then reverse roll and run and jump onto the block.  Turn to your left and hop into the room past the timed gate where Sophia waits.


Draw your uzis as you enter and blast Sophia into little pieces.  Pick up the GOLDEN KEY she leaves behind, then go around the corner and shoot a container for some shotgun ammo and the SHOTGUN itself.  Go to the opposite side of this room and find some uzi ammo between two blocks.  Don't pull down the nearby wall switch, as doing so will cause the exit gate to close.  Go back the way you came and use the Golden Key in the keyhole you saw earlier to open the adjacent gate.  Follow the passage past the crawl space, and use the jumpswitch to open the timed gate.  If you're distracted by the wolf, the jumpswitch can be used again.   Climb over the block in the passage beyond and jump down into the water.  Turn to your left and swim out.  Bear to your right and pick up the flares in the alcove, then flip turn and go the other way.  You'll alert a crocodile, so don't pause for any goodies.  Instead, swim forward, pull out of the water, shoot a bat and a scorpion, then turn around and kill the croc.  Jump back into the water and find the small medipack and shotgun ammo at your leisure.  Pull out of the water for a second time, pick up the SHOTGUN in front of the closed gate and hop back while drawing a weapon.  The gate opens to release another scorpion.  Save your game here.  When you enter the alcove and push the moveable block forward, the level ends abruptly, so prepare yourself for some quick action as you hit the escape key and cause the next level to load.




Lara slides down a slope as the level begins, so jump over the spike pit as you near the bottom of the slope.  Shoot the barrier ahead and enter a maze-like underground area.  If it's really a maze, it's the easiest one you'll ever encounter.  Simply keep to your right and you'll eventually find five pushbuttons.  After pushing the first one you can't help but stumble over a small medipack as you continue on.  If you hear scuttling sounds getting closer, that's a scorpion following you, so pause to kill it.  The third pushbutton is directly in front of a closed gate.  After pushing the fifth button, maintain your practice of keeping to the right and you'll next come across some flares.  A little further on you'll find yourself back where you pushed the third button, only now the gate is open.


You don't really have to, but if you want to go back and explore a bit you'll find some shotgun ammo, a couple of Tinnos wasps and some crossbow arrows for SECRET #5 on the left side of the maze.  On the way out you'll probably encounter another scorpion.


When you're ready to leave, exit the maze and come to a much brighter area.  Hop down and kill a Tinnos wasp, and then shoot the jugs for some uzi ammo and a small medipack.  There are two moveable blocks here.  Move each one back three squares onto the corresponding face tile in the opposite corner to raise a tall block.  Use one of the face blocks to hop onto the taller raised block, and pull up onto a ledge overlooking an outside area.   Shoot the wolf and hop down into an alley.  Go past the closed gate that requires a key, pick up the shotgun ammo and shatter the bones with your pistols (just in case it later turns out to be important to have done so).  Go around the corner, past the central column and enter a new area.  The jade vase is empty, so climb up onto the ledge and crawl to one of the walls.  When the flames subside, stand up and use the reach-in switch.  Do the same at the other wall and you'll hear the sound of a door opening.


Pull up onto the higher ledge.  One of the larger jugs contains shotgun ammo.  Hop down into the trench on the other side of the ledge and pull out the moveable block.  Use the block to get back onto the ledge, then go through the open doorway and hop down.  Wait for the tile to stop shooting flames, then run past it and hop down.  Enter the alcove formerly occupied by the moveable block and pick up the GOLDEN KEY.  Get back up to the ledge and shoot the barrier for a large medipack, then hop down past the flameblowers and shoot the wolf lurking about in the outdoor area.  Go to the other end of the alley and use the Golden Key to open the gate.


Run down the short passage and hop down to trigger a brief flyby showing three "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" monkey statues.  There's a set of bones on the nearby ledge, so jump up while firing and shatter them.  Notice a crowbar switch in front of each monkey statue.  There's a fourth switch in the trench on the other side of the ledge where you shattered the bones.  To me there's no rhyme or reason to this pattern, but here's what you have to do in order to throw all four switches:  Use the crowbar on the first two switches.  They work fine, no problem.  However, the crowbar won't work on the third switch, so save your game and reload.  For some reason the crowbar will now work.  At some point you'll be attacked by a regular monkey and a ghost monkey, so shoot them both. 


Take a breather now for another secret (information courtesy of Moonpooka).  Climb up onto the central ledge and stand at the corner furthest from the three monkey statues.  Take a running jump onto a small ledge in the corner and pull up into the tiny crawl space.  While still crouching, pick up the uzi ammo for SECRET #6.  Jump back to the central ledge, go down into the trench and save again.  Reload, and the crowbar will work on the fourth switch.  You hear the sound of a door opening.  Go around the central structure to find the open door.  You'll also see another set of bones and a friendly monkey.  Shatter the bones, which is harder to do because they're at floor level.  If you use your uzis, face the bones and fire continuously while hitting the roll key, they should eventually shatter before you run out of ammo.  You'll probably hit the friendly monkey in the process, enraging it enough that you'll be obliged to kill it as well.


When the bones shatter, the door in the corner opens, allowing access to SECRET #7.  Looks like shooting all those bones was important after all.  Take the UZIS and the SHOTGUN from the pedestals and exit this room.  Turn right into the open doorway and jump up into the opening to trigger a brief flyby.  When camera control is restored you find yourself on a tall pillar overlooking a TR3 lava room.  Shoot the jade vase off to your right and jump over for some shotgun ammo.  Shoot the barrier in front of the next pillar, stand about a step away from the corner, and take a standing jump with a curve so you grab the edge of the pillar.  Don't pull up here, or the swinging barrel will knock you onto the lava.  Shimmy to the corner nearest the tall grate.  You can pull up here safely.  When you do so, the gate in the corner will open.  Sidestep once to the left and take a running jump with a curve to the right to land inside the opening.  Run across the room and pull up into the opening.  Step forward and try to take out the crocodile swimming lazily in the next room from this position of safety.  Crawl forward and lower Lara into the pool.


Pull up onto the ledge with the crowbar lever and use your crowbar to open the underwater gate in the other corner.  The other three tiles seem to have no purpose, but pull up onto them anyway just in case they act as trigger tiles.  Swim through the open gateway and find a ceiling lever near the opposite side of the central pillar.  Pull it to open the nearby gate, then swim inside and pull up past the opened trap door.  Shoot the nearby containers for a small medipack and some crossbow arrows.  Go down the short hallway of face blocks.  The third one on your right is moveable, so pull it out and aside, then enter the alcove for SECRET #8 and some crossbow arrows.  A door opens in front of you, so enter a small underground area for more crossbow arrows.  Exit and continue down the face block path. 


Enter a new area dominated by a large central dirt mound.  Go all the way around to your left, passing a closed gate requiring two keys, and pick up the REVOLVER at the end.  Turn around and kill the crocodile that's trying to sneak up on you from behind.  Go around the dirt mound in the other direction and find some uzi ammo hidden in a bush at the far end.  You can jump up onto the dirt mound from a point near the entrance.  If you do so, the monkey up there will attack you, so kill it and pick up the LASER SIGHT lying near the steaming trash can.  There's also a TORCH on the other side of the can. 


Light the torch using the wall flame back in the room where you pulled out of the water (the trap door has risen to block any retreat).   Return to the dirt mound room and take a right.  There are two parallel passages before you.  Take the left one and at the end stand close to (but not on) the flame tile.  When you light it, the gate to your left opens and the spike barrel inside starts swinging.  Drop your torch and carefully make your way past the spike barrel.  Use the ladder to climb down to the passage below and follow it into a room where a monkey scampers forth toward you.  It doesn't seem to be vicious, but it's a pest, so I shot it.  The shallow central pit presents no danger.  Climb up onto the block for some revolver ammo.  There are two lion's heads perched high up on the walls.  Combine your revolver and laser sight, and shoot the gems in their mouths (although it's apparently necessary to shoot only one).  The nearby gate opens, so go inside and follow the passage to a small room where a wolf attacks. 


Pause at the wall torch.  With your back to it, jump up and grab the ladder.  Climb to near the top and back flip into a short passage.  Lower Lara through the crawl space and drop down into a sunken room.  Shoot the bat, then the jugs in the corners (one of which hold some uzi ammo).  Push the floor level to release the companion hammers and shatter a block.  Step into the shallow depression and pick up the GOLDEN KEY.  Exit this room by going up either of the ramps and jumping up to grab the ceiling.  Monkey swing to the crawl space, turn to face it, release and grab the edge, and crawl inside.  Jump to the ladder, climb down to the previous room and go around to find a button.  Push it to open the gate to your left.


Avoid the swinging spike barrel and pull up into a frozen area.  Shoot two wolves and a mutant, then go around the ice mound and open the chest for the OLD KEY.  Retrace your steps and shoot another wolf in the room with the flaming wall torch.  On your way out of this room, pull out the moveable block three times, then climb over it and step forward into the alcove for a large medipack and SECRET #9.  Continue on your way out and climb the ladder to return to the first swinging spike barrel.  Run past it to its left, then squeeze past the flaming floor tile to your left and exit through the other parallel passage.   Go around the dirt mound in the next room and use the Golden Key and the Old Key to open the gate between the keyholes.  Enter the passage and crawl underneath the swinging spike barrels. 


Stand up at the edge of an opening overlooking a large watery area.  Shoot the crocodile swimming down below, then the monkey perched on the island if you're so inclined.  Take a running jump to the near corner of the island.  Something falls down from the ceiling in the darkness near the opposite corner.  Drop down the side opposite the entrance and shoot the container for some revolver ammo.  There's a second crocodile out there, so locate and kill it before jumping into the water.  As you swim about you'll notice a submerged lion's head, so go back to the ledge, pull out and then pull back up to the island, go to the far corner and shoot the gem in the lion's mouth.  Jump back into the water and find that a trapdoor in another corner of the pool has lowered.


Swim down and pull the underwater lever to open the gate above you.  Don't dawdle, as the gate will close quickly and leave you trapped if you're still inside the opening.  Turn to your right, away from the swinging spike barrel, swim through the triangular opening and turn to your right.  Pick up the small medipack, flip turn and swim toward the other end, underneath two more swinging spike barrels.  Swim up and pull down the ceiling lever.  Go back the way you came and find that a gate has opened just past the first spike barrel.  Go there, pull out to trigger some action music, draw weapons and shoot the two wolves that run forth toward you.  Shoot the nearby containers for a small medipack and some uzi ammo, then note the wall switches, three on either side.   Take the grenade gun ammo from the central raised tile, then pull five of the six switches (all but the middle one on your right).  The gate in the opposite wall opens, so vault up inside, follow the passage and shoot two rambuncious monkeys after a brief cut scene (one seems to have eaten a small medipack). 


You're now in another obvious puzzle room, with two buttons, two moveable blocks and a keyhole.  First, take the small medipack from within the alcove, then push the two buttons to lower trap doors in the ceiling across the room.  The only moveable block that seems to matter is the one toward the middle of the room.  Pull it out and find some revolver ammo in the alcove, then push the block over to the far wall.  Climb up onto the block and into a crawl space leading to the room above.  Go around to the left of the central structure.  As soon as the flames subside, run forward and lift up the floor panel.  Immediately stoop to avoid being scorched as the flames return, and when they subside again stand up, step forward and drop down into the hole.  Go through the short passage, climb the ladder, shift right near the top and drop down onto a ledge.  Open the crowbar door and step out onto a ledge.


Shoot the monkey down on the TR3 lava (which is surprisingly immune to it) if you wish, then use the blocks to get to the other side, easily avoiding the swinging spike barrel.   Pick up the GOLDEN KEY, then shatter the bones to your right and left before returning.  Take the large medipack for your trouble (you have to stoop to pick it up) and go back to the ladder.  Be prepared to shoot a wolf when you reach the bottom.  Time the flames to jump out of the hole into the flame blower room, then exit to the puzzle room.  Open the gate with the Golden Key, shoot the container inside, jump over the pit and pick up the CROSSBOW.  The gate ahead opens, but don't leave yet.  Turn around and see the ladder leading down a dark and deep pit.  Climb down to the bottom and move the block to the other end of the short passage (so you don't block the ladder).  A hole in the floor is revealed, so drop down and pick up the grenade gun ammo for SECRET #10.  Get out by jumping up to grab the edge of the shorter slope.  Pull up, back flip and jump off the other slide to grab the edge of the hole.  Pull out and climb the ladder back up to the top.  Shoot the wooden barrier and step forward to slide down the ramp.  Pick up the shotgun ammo at the bottom, then step forward again to enter the next level.




 You start with your back against a wall.  There's a keyhole to your right and a padlocked door straight ahead.  Shoot the padlock to open the gate.  Crawl through the other end of the passage, stand up and step forward onto a ledge overlooking a pool featuring some guy with a serious case of heartburn.  Don't pull up on his tile and try to greet him, or you'll meet the same fate he did.  Shoot the crocodile in the water, but don't bother to jump in and look around, as there's nothing to do or find in the water.  Instead, jump over to the ledge with the steaming grate.  Do your best to avoid being scalded as you stand facing the grate, a block from it, and jump up to grab the ceiling trap door.  Pull up into the room above, stand in front of the gate and wait for it to open.  Enter and follow the passage, jumping over a TR3 lava tile, until you reach a frozen room.  You'll find some uzi ammo in the dark shallow pit.  Push the floor lever to open a higher gate ahead. 


Run up the ramp to release a couple of spike barrels, and run back and take refuge against a wall as the spike barrels come to rest in the pit.  Resume your trek up the ramp and watch a third spike barrel careen harmlessly down from your left.  As you drop down into the next room a cut scene concentrates on the bones isolated in one corner of the room.  There's a small medipack among the bones in the central depression. A Tinnos wasp attacks, so deal with it.  Pull down the nearby wall switch.  A cut scene appears to show a rising block, but it's indistinct at best.  Follow the passage and you soon come to what indeed appears to be a raised block.  Climb it to gain access to the passage above.   Follow the passage to a ledge overlooking the room you just left.  Shoot the barrier in the opening to your left and enter the passage.  The pit is harmless, and it holds no goodies, but it does give you an opportunity to view Lara's physical assets at closer quarters.


Take a running jump to the central platform and take the OLD KEY from the pedestal.  Draw weapons and do battle with a quartet of Tinnos wasps, then shoot the two jugs for some shotgun ammo.  It's difficult to get into that small enclosed area in front of the pedestal, but it can be done.  I back flipped into it.  When you get there, light a flare and take a running jump and grab to the long ladder.  Climb all the way down quickly before the flare burns out.  Don't release at the bottom, or you'll burn up on the TR3 lava.  Take a back flip instead to land on a safe platform.  Turn around and take a running jump of faith into the blackness.  Grab the edge of a pillar, pull up and take the grenade gun ammo for SECRET #11.  Go back the other way, jump to the ladder and climb all the way to the top.


Pull up, walk to the opening and jump down for SECRET #12 and a large medipack on the ice tile.  Hop down for some flares and crossbow arrows.  You're at a seeming dead end here, so use the ice tile to take a running jump back to the opening.    Remember that keyhole you saw at the beginning of the level?  Well, you now need to go all the way back there.  Use the Old Key to lower the trap door behind you.  Drop down into a pool of water and follow the passage to a ceiling lever.  Pull it down to open the trap door beside you.  Lara has to be positioned just right before she'll grab it, so be persistent.  Pull up to trigger a flyby that concentrates on totem poles just like the ones near you.  Shoot the wolf and step up to the edge of the raised tile (the one covered with ferns).  Take a running jump and grab to the ledge, pull up and note the two snake head receptacles.  There's nothing else to do up here right now, so drop back down to the ground. 


The nearby grated wall is climbable, so use it to access an upper passage.  Jump over the slope, then use the overhead monkey bars to cross the TR3 lava trench.  Release at the end and hop down into the next room.  Shoot the containers for some grenade gun ammo.  The three jade jars yield one quiver of crossbow arrows.  Shoot the barrier to give yourself some maneuvering room.  Push and pull the nearby face block in front of the alcove, then climb over it and push it onto the face tile.  The gate then opens, so enter the passage and mind the fire pit at the end.  Jump into the next higher room.  The four nearby jugs are empty, but one on the higher ledge contains some grenade gun ammo. 


Drop down the other side of the ledge and enter the next room to trigger an alien centaur.  Shoot it until it explodes, then shoot the gem in the lion's head to open the gate beneath it.  There's a spike barrel poised ominously nearby, but it appears to be dormant for the moment.  If you approach the crowbar door, it comes sluggishly to life, but it's easy to avoid.  Before opening the crowbar door, enter the small room you opened by shooting the gem, and go inside to find the CRYSTAL CREATION on a pedestal.  Wait for the wolf to come, shoot it, then go out to do battle with another alien centaur and then open the crowbar door. 


Use the pole to slide down to the lower room (after first noting the closed door ahead).  Shoot the container to release a wolf, if you wish.  Back flip to the slope and jump off to grab the edge of the ledge.  Pull up and push the button to open that door where you slid down the pole.  Either climb back up the pole or use the slopes to get back up to the opening.  Enter the passage and open the floor trap door.  Jump into the water, being mindful of the circular can opener.  Pick up the small medipack, then locate the hard-to-see ceiling lever near a corner of the room.  Pull it down to open the gate in the wall.  Swim inside and pull up into a passage.  Follow the passage around to a ladder.  Climb down, find some uzi ammo on the other side of the ice pillar, then continue into another room where you find a vertical spinning can opener.  One of the jugs holds a small medipack.  Get past the can opener and shoot the wooden barrier beyond it.  Enter the dark passage, jump up to shoot the barrier and pull up into a room with more jugs.


Shoot the monkey, then the jugs to find that all are empty save one with shotgun ammo.  There are two wall switches nearby.  Throw them to open a trap door, then pull up to the top of the central structure and drop down through the hole.  Side jump over the flaming tile and enter the next room.  Shoot one container for some flares (the other one contains a hostile monkey), then run up the ramp and claim the second CRYSTAL CREATION.  Go back the way you came, jump into the water and avoid the horizontal can opener by pulling out in the corner.  Hop over the pit with the pole and move the block against the wall in the next room so you can climb up and over.  Two more alien centaurs await, so dispatch them and continue (don't forget that fire pit) until you reach the room with the moveable face block.  Use the monkey bars to clear the TR3 lava trench, then use the ladder and shoot the wolf that waits below.  Use the raised ledge to reach the higher wall, then insert the Crystal Creations in the snake head receptacles to open the door ahead.


Enter a new area and shoot the Tinnos wasp.  Note the keyhole at the end of the passage and climb up two layers of ledges.  Hop down into the next room and climb up onto the block.  Jump to the next higher block, and from there into the opening above the wall clock.  Climb down the ladder into the next room.  The monkey down there is harmless.  Take the small medipack from the  pedestal, then pull each of the face blocks onto the adjacent face tile to open the gate and release a savage ghost monkey.  Pull down the wall switch to open the next gate, and inside the next room four more ghost monkeys attack.  If you're able to kill them all without doing injury to the friendly monkey, congratulate yourself. 


Start shooting all the jugs in this room.  You'll be rewarded with grenade gun ammo and crossbow arrows.  There are five wall switches in this room.  Pull them all down, then pull back the moveable face block once.  Climb up on it, jump up to grab the ledge, shimmy left a bit and pull up to face the doorway you opening by pulling the wall switches.  Stand in front of the crowbar lever and save your game for a timed run.  Use the crowbar to open one of the gates below, then reverse roll and run out and drop down to the floor.  Turn to your left and run through the opening before the gate drops shut.


You hear the sounds of an unceasing earthquake, although there's mercifully no shaking of the terrain.  Go around to your left and alert a scorpion, then continue and pick up a small medipack.  Go back the other way and use the crowbar lever, then squeeze past the totem poles and open the chest for a spare LASER SIGHT and REVOLVER, not to mention the GRENADE GUN and a GOLDEN KEY.  The exit gate is open again, so go back and do battle with an alien centaur and a ghost monkey.  Use the face block to get up to the higher ledges.  Go around to the other side of the room and pull down the wall switch to open the exit gate directly below.  Safety drop to the floor and exit this area.  Climb the ladder to exit the next room, and be mindful of the deadly spike trap below.  If you run off the ledge at an angle you should be okay.  Use the slope to back flip and jump to the wall.  Pull up and hop down the layers of ledges and use the Golden Key in the receptacle. 


A trap door lowers behind you, so drop down and shoot the wolf that greets you.  Before you go much further another wolf will come to the attack.  Continue into the next room and shoot the crocodile.  Push the floor lever to alter the topography of the previous room.  Locate the crawl space, pull up into it and draw your pistols to shatter the wooden barrier.  Lower Lara down the other side and follow the brick-lined passage to pull up into a higher passage.  Note the closed gate to your left and shoot the wooden barrier at the other end.  Step forward into a room with a gem protected by swinging spike barrels.  Shoot the jugs on either side for a small medipack.  Pull up on the right side of the ledge on which the gem rests.   Without standing up, crawl forward and pick up the CRYSTAL CREATION.  Carefully back up and lower Lara back to the floor.  Shoot two ghost monkeys that appear, then exit this room.  The gate you saw earlier is now open.


Go down the stairs and jump into the water.  Locate the ceiling lever in one corner, obscured by hanging plants.  Pull it to open the exit gate, then enter a small room protected by a crocodile.  Take the second CRYSTAL CREATION from the top of the dirt mound, then locate the underwater lever near the floor next to the gate.  Pull it to re-open the exit gate, then lure the crocodile to the water hole where you can pull out and kill it for revenge (there's no other reason now to do so).  There's also a hostile monkey waiting to sink its teeth into your calves.  Go back through the brick-lined passage and through the crawl space to the room where you pushed the floor lever.  Shoot a ghost monkey, then insert the Crystal Creations in the snake head receptacles to lift the gate between them.  Go through the wading pool into the dark corridor beyond to end the level.




As you begin you're immediately beset by two mutants.  Their sting is poisonous, so kill them as quickly as you can while splashing about in the shallow water.  When they're dead you can swim along the periphery of the room and locate the ceiling lever in one of the corners.  Pull it down to open the exit gate in another corner.  Pull out of the water and locate the exit portal.  Turn down the heroic music if it's starting to get on your nerves.  Crawl through the opening into the next room and engage another mutant.  You can see another one cavorting beyond the grate at one end of the room.  Go to the other end of the room and push the button in the alcove that's also occupied by a totem pole.  This opens the gate in the adjacent passage.  As you approach the far opening you activate a squishy block.  Jump to the block to your left, shoot the jug for a small medipack and jump down to the floor.  Go around to the other side of the squishy block and activate the jump switch in the darkness (this opens up a crawl space for later).  The jug in the opposite corner is empty.  Pull down the wall switch to open a nearby trap door, after noting the closed door and receptacle.


Drop down into the hole and go down the stairs.  Shoot the scorpion, then the wooden barrier.  Jump up the slope and take the large medipack from the pedestal.  Open the crowbar door and start running down the hallway.  Prepare to engage a wolf and a mutant.  Continue along the hallway in spiral fashion, encountering a scorpion, a wolf and a bat, until you reach a small room with a jug on a block.  Shoot the jug for some uzi ammo, then go back the other way until you return to an area with blocks and containers.  One of the containers hides grenade gun ammo.  Use the short block to jump to the corner ledge.  Pull up for some revolver ammo.   Go back to where you shot the trio of enemies just now, climb up onto the block and look up to see a spike ball.  Shoot it with your combined revolver and laser sight, and the trap door next to the block will fall down.


Drop down into the hole, shoot the wooden barrier at the end of the spooky passage, and enter an underground area.  Shoot the scorpion and enter the next passage to trigger much activity.  Squishy blocks start working, and a spike barrel starts swinging.  Run past the first squishy block and take the partially-digested small medipack from the skeleton.  Stand next to the right wall, away from the swinging spike barrel, and time a run past the second squishy block.  Take the ANCIENT MASK from the pedestal, then go back the same way you came.  Pull out of the underground tunnel and make your way back along the spiral passage, encountering another mutant along the way.


Back in the room with the first squishy block, insert the Ancient Mask in the receptacle to...well, nothing happens.  Turn around, and you'll see another mask receptacle.  Time to start hunting.  Hop up on the block next to the squishy block and take a standing jump into the opening.  Find a crawl space near the place where you entered this room, and crawl inside.  Shoot the wooden barrier at the other end of the passage and eliminate that cavorting mutant.    Examine its lair for another CROWBAR in the alcove, and the second ANCIENT MASK partially hidden by the nearby plant.  Return to the squishy block room and insert the second mask to open the exit door.  Shoot the ghost monkey, then head down the passage into another squishy block room.


Run around the squishy block to your right and wind your way along the passage.  Shoot a monkey, pick up the small medipack it drops, and come to another room with a squishy block and a golden gate.  Run past the squishy block and find a button to push.  Pick up the grenade gun ammo and shoot another ghost monkey.  Get past the squishy block a second time and find that the golden gate is now open.  You're facing a deep pit with no apparent way across.   However, there's a crack in the wall to your right, so take a running jump and grab it, then shimmy across the pit.  On your way you'll be attacked by a mutant throwing deadly things at you from the TR3 lava floor below, but there's not much you can do about it.  When you get to the other side you can waste ammo killing it if you like, but there's not much point to doing that now.


Use the crawl space to lower Lara down into a new area.  When you step forward to pick up that enticing shotgun ammo, two mutants attack.  When they're dead, locate the ladder where they came from, climb to near the top and back flip onto an upper ledge.  Use the shimmy technique to get to the ledge across the room.  One of the jugs contains grenade gun ammo.  Push the floor lever to open the gate below, then safety drop to the floor.  In the alcoves to your right and left as you enter the gateway are wall switches.  Pull them down to open the door at the top of the stairs.  Enter a new area with a TR3 lava pit, a swinging lantern and other accessories.  Push the block onto the marked tile in the opposite corner.  The wall torches light up and the exit gate opens.  Crawl underneath the lantern and enter the new area.  Shoot the jade vase for some revolver ammo and pull up into the room above. 


A cave man is running in place down to your right.  Drop down into the trench on your left (the door opens automatically) and note the snake head receptacle.  The two jade vases are empty.  Enter the side passage and shoot the wooden barrier at the other end.  Enter the underground room and shoot a wolf along with three cave men with heartburn.  Jump up onto the plant-covered mound in the corner and find the partially hidden floor lever.  Push it to open a door in the previous room, releasing that cave man.  He's friendly, however, so don't shoot him.  He stations himself at the entrance to this room and waits patiently for you to do something.  Take the shotgun ammo from the skeleton and exit this room.  Leave the waiting cave man behind as you go explore his former prison.  Pull up to the ledge and jump down into the trench beyond.  Open the chest for a small medipack, grenade gun ammo and a CRYSTAL CREATION.  Go insert the latter in the snake head receptacle you saw earlier, and a gate above you opens to release another cave man.  Just for fun, run toward the other waiting cave man and watch what happens. 


Leave the two and go to the opened gate.  The gate slams shut behind you as you enter.   Run down the passage and pull up onto the blocks until you reach a wooden barrier.  Stoop down to shoot it, then crawl forward and jump another block.  Don't pull up onto that last one, however, or you'll slide down to your death.  Instead, turn around and back flip onto the opposite slope so that you slide down backwards.   As you grab the edge a block below rises up toward you.  Release and draw your most powerful weapons.  You need to shoot and kill two Natla replicants, a Tinnos wasp, a cave man and a ghost monkey.  When order has been restored, safety drop from the block and pick up the grenade gun ammo, a large medipack and an ANCIENT MASK.  If you wish, you can jump over to where one of the Natla replicants perished and pick up a second Ancient Mask, but you don't need it.  Insert the mask in the receptacle on the block you dropped down from, and the exit gate opens in the wall.


Jump there (both vases inside are empty)  and shoot the wooden barrier.  Push the button to lift a gate, then turn to your right and push the block as far as it will go.  Take the ghostly hand artifact from the nearby pedestal to end your adventure.