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Level by herothing

Walkthrough by DJ Full

The game crashes without warning unless you replace Tomb_NextGeneration.dll with the working one. I downloaded version (from Daffy's "My Debut" level) and it works properly.

1.This is a classic manor, even if a little bit modified. So, like in all similar cases, the number of reference points is reduced to absolute necessary minimum.
2. The level is about timed damage rooms. When the time is up, they start to rapidly suck out Lara's life. To "refill" the time bar, you need to leave the zone for some time. It's like you need to resurface after diving - but in dry areas.
3. The house is full of shatter windows. Sometimes it's enough to break the window and hang outside for a while if you health is running low.
4. If you draw your weapon outside the house, the camera goes crazy.
5. In the kitchen you can pull the lever letting you out of the manor, but the whole outside is optional. It's even more empty than the original exterior. There is nothing you can find.

Go into the library. The SW corner contains a wooden shatter box. Find a shotgun and 12 additional normal shells under it. Break the window and hang to refill.

Shatter the window on the attic. Safety drop to the balcony. You're about to enter the first radioactive zone - the bedroom. Sprint to the switch near the bed and pull it to open the swimming pool area. Run to the exit, pull the lever to open it and get in the main hall to refill.

Hop into the pool and open the underwater door. Swim through the revealed passage and get out of the water at its end to grab 24 normal shells and the key from the pedestal. Go back to the main hall.

Place the key in the hole next to the Winston's room entrance. Go through the door to kill - apparently, not Winston, but Kurtis Trent armed with an AK47. Leave the room to finish the level.