Some Ruins


Level by Jaufre Hervieu (Kosmos) (July, 2009)


Walkthrough by Harry Laudie


[Note] I have to admit that I had to cheat in this game. Luckily, the author left the DOZY cheat enabled or I would have just scrapped the game in frustration. I found the timed runs with the banana-type jumps to the raised trap doors and the two underwater levers with fires to be just about impossible. I used DOZY to make the runs. My congratulations to anymore who made the runs honestly. Or maybe there is a shortcut method that I missed. Otherwise, everything else was OK. [End note]


The loading screen states Back to Basics Peru 2009, as the author stated that he used that texture set.


The level starts with a long flyby through the jungle caves. You start near a rock wall. Run west and into a cave to shoot a bat. Exit the cave and run up the steps of a temple. Carefully run through the temple to avoid the wall darts. Exit the temple and shoot a wolf. Run north and into another cave. You may see a closed gate in the upper west wall. Follow the cave and shoot a bat. Exit the cave and go onto a rock bridge over a water pool.


If you did not shoot the wolf, the wolf will follow you onto the rock bridge and slide into the pool. It will just walk around the bottom and you can still hear it and shoot it from the bridge. An interesting and funny situation.


Go to the far most west point of the rock bridge that juts into the pool. Run and jump to grab a crevice behind the waterfall. Use the binoculars to see the crevice. Grab at the left side where the crevice dips down. Shimmy to the right as far as possible and pull up into a cave. You get secret #1 as you enter. Pick up Hand of Orion #1 (La main d'Orion) off the floor of the cave. Exit and drop into the water. Get back onto the rock bridge. Go to the middle area near the east wall and pick up flares off the ground. Go to the middle of the rock bridge and jump up to shoot a hanging gong to the north-west.


Go south and re-enter the cave that you ran through earlier. You will need a flare to see anything. Go near the middle and look to the east wall for a sloped rock. Back flip on that rock and jump forward to grab a ledge. Pull up and shoot a bat. Go north to the end. Run and jump west to grab a ledge. Pull up and follow the path though the open gate. Enter the next area and shoot a wolf.  There are two possible directions to go.


First go south down the hill and enter a cave. Follow the cave and look south to see an outside area and a wall. Do not exit there yet. Get into the north-east corner of the cave and pull up into a dark upper west crawl space. Stand up and follow the cave onto the wall. Go to the end. Run and jump east to grab a column. Run and jump east to grab the east wall. Run to the north end and pick up the Hand of Orion #2 for secret #2. Jump down to the ground and shoot a wolf. Notice the closed colorful door in the east wall. That is a timed door for later. Pick up a small medipack off the ground near the south wall near the skulls on poles. Go north and follow the cave back to the entrance.


Go to the north-west dark corner and enter the other cave. Follow the dark cave and emerge outside to shoot two bats. To the west is a temple-like entrance leading to a water pool. Go west and you can see steps leading down into the pool. Dive into the water and swim west and see steps on a sunken temple. Swim inside and into the crawl space in the north-west corner.  Swim inside and down to the east.  Swim down to the end and go left to save the game in front of a timed underwater lever. Pull down the underwater lever and get a cut scene of the colorful door opening. Swim out and back to pull up at the steps. Light a flare and run through the cave. Try to stand jump up the slopes. If you stumble against any side wall rocks, you will fail. Sprint through the cave and into the open area. Sprint down into the other cave and into the open area with the colorful door. Sprint through the door and the door closes behind you. This timed run was very tight. Probably because I could not break out of the cut scene. I could not move until the cut scene finished.


Step on the tile with the vase to re-open the door. Pull down the wall switch on the south wall. Exit this room and return to the pool.  You may need to shoot another bat. The pool is now empty. You now face an empty pit. Go down the steps to the last step. Shoot two raptors and four small green dinosaurs. If you wait, you can see the raptors kill the small dinosaurs.  Get onto the ground and go west up the temple steps. Look for a cage in the south wall. Push the cage to the south and into a room. Use the wide area to your right to push the cage into the north-east corner. Pull up onto the cage. Pull up south and get onto the roof of the building.


Go west and through the building to emerge onto the other roof section. Jump up into a south-east corner alcove. Run and jump to the east to grab a ledge and pull up. Stand jump south-east onto a ledge. Follow a tunnel to the edge. Jump up and grab the ceiling. Monkey swing to the north wall. Release and grab a crawl space. Enter the follow the crawl space to a small room. Pull down the south wall switch and get a cut scene of the doors opening in the temple. Exit back to the crawl space. Release and grab the slope below. Shimmy to the right as far as possible before you release. This will lessen the damage when you fall. Return to the temple and enter the open doors.


Go down the steps and shoot two raptors. Exit this room and now return to the switch that emptied the water pool. Reset the switch and return to the water pool. Water has filled the pool again. Dive into the water and swim through the open temple doors. If you did not shoot the raptors they will be walking around on the ground under the water. Pull up on the north ledge in front of a colorful door. Run and jump south-west to grab the west ledge. Pull up and the knife blades start to swing. You can grab the ledge and shimmy safely to the left to avoid the knife blades completely. Pull up at the end and jump onto the south ledge.


Pull down the wall switch and save the game for a hard jump. Do a hard banana-type jump around the east column. Pull down a second wall switch. Dive into the water and swim north. Pull up onto the north ledge and hop up into the open door. Enter the room and enter the west tunnel. Hop back into the room and shoot a native. Enter the tunnel again and follow the tunnel to a room. Notice the building behind the bars to the west. Go north to the wall and go to the left or right and hop up into a tunnel. Follow either tunnel to the same small room and shoot a native. Go north and pull up into an outside ledge. Below is a deadly water pool. Stand jump to grab the first pole. Swim and release to grab a second pole. Swing and release to land in a tunnel entrance.


Follow the tunnel to a small room. Pick up a small medipack from the floor depression. Exit out the north wall opening. You get a flyby of the building you saw through the bars. Walk onto the ledge and you can shoot four wolves on the ground below.


Do not drop down there yet. Make banana-type jumps around the next two north columns. Follow the ledge and cross the bridge. Jump over the large hole and run across another bridge. Follow the ledge and make two more banana-type jumps around two columns. Enter a tunnel in the south-west corner. Follow the tunnel to a pit with two dropped trap doors. Drop into the pit and shoot five small green dinosaur. Pick up flares from the middle of the floor trench. Pull down the two wall levers on the east and west ledges respectively and hear two gates open. Hop down and pull out the cage from the north-east corner wall. Push it south through the open gate and to the south wall. Exit and see a gate open in the north-west corner.


Go back and pull out the cage again. Push the cage north back into the opening where you got it. Exit and go west into the other opening. Pull back the cage into the tunnel. Go back to the first tunnel and adjust the cage. Go back and pull the cage south and out of the north wall. Push the cage into the south wall opening.  Push the cage as far as possible to the south wall.


Pull the cage out again and push the cage back into the north wall opening. Go around the other opening to the side of the cage. Pull the cage east as far as possible. Push the cage north through the open door. Push the cage to the north wall. Push the cage east to a slope. Pull the cage north for three tiles. Pull and push the cage west to the west wall. Exit this room and go outside to the pool.


Dive into the water pool and pull down the two underwater levers on the east and west walls respectively. Pull up on the east ledge. Go south into the open door. Just follow the corridor to a small room and find a moveable cage. Pull the cage out of the wall. Push the cage back out into the outside area. Push the cage to the north wall. Then push the cage west to a slope. Pull and push the cage north for three tiles. Push the cage east down a long trench to the very end at the east wall. Exit this area and return to the room where you got the cage. Enter the wall opening to the area with the deadly water pool. Go south and jump south-east onto a ledge. Pull down the wall lever on the south wall. Exit the room and notice the open gate the east wall. That is an exit back to the two swing poles, which you will soon need.


Return to the pool area. Go up the steps to the south and pick up a large medipack off the ground. Enter the open doors in the south wall. Go up the steps and save the game in front of the timed wall switch. Pull down a wall switch and get a cut scene of the timed trap doors rising. Again I could not break out of the cut scene. Drop to the floor and run outside. Enter the open door to the south-east. Go left and through the open gate in the south-east. Go south and jump south-west onto a ledge. Grab the west wall and climb the column. Use the two swing poles again. You are back onto the ledge. Do the banana-type jumps and follow the bridges. You can save a little time by jumping the bridge corners. More banana-type jumps and follow the tunnel to the raised trap doors. Jump the trap doors and get onto the south ledge.


Go east and follow the corridor onto a ledge. You see another water pool and two columns with fires on the top. Go south and jump down onto the steps. Go to the south wall and pick up a small medipack. Now go north and down the steps to shoot a wolf. Go east and shoot another wolf. Follow the ledge around to the far west wall. Pick up a large medipack. Crouch down and crawl through a hidden crawl space in the west wall. Enter the dark room and save the game in front of a timed wall switch on the south wall. Pull down the wall switch and crawl out. Sprint around the ledge again and up the steps. Run and jump to grab the south column where the timed fire is hopefully still off. Pull up and run and jump to grab the opening in the south wall. Pick up Hand of Orion #3 for secret #3. Safety drop to the ground.


Dive into the water. The only exit from the water is in the south-east corner. First swim behind the north-east column and pick up flares. Swim west into the underwater room. Swim to the south wall and pull down the timed underwater lever. This stops the timed flame emitter on the north column. Roll and swim north. Pull down the timed underwater lever on the north wall. This opens the timed doors in the upper south-east ledge. Roll and swim out and get out of the water. Run around the ledge and up the steps.  Stand jump onto the ledge and run and jump to the north column. Run and jump to the east ledge. Follow the ledges around and enter the open doors.


Enter the dark room and the doors close behind you. There is a deadly water pool in front of you. Grab the crevice on the east wall and shimmy to the right. Pull up into an alcove. Grab the ceiling and monkey swing across the deadly water to another alcove. Grab the edge and shimmy to the left. Drop onto the ledge and go up the steps. Go south and slide down a slope. Go west through the three sets of double wall spikes. Grab the ceiling and monkey swing across the water. Go east through another three sets of double wall spikes. Pull down a wall switch and get a cut scene of the underwater doors opening in the water next to you. Dive into the water and notice the wall switches in the corners.


Swim east and out the open doors. Go east and swim through the opens doors of the temple again. Swim east to the steps and pull up. Go back through the caves to the wall switch that emptied the pool. Pull down the wall switch and return to the pool. The pool should now be empty again. Go down the steps and through the temple entrance. Go through the newly opened doors and hop onto the south-east block. Pull down the wall switch and the doors close. Hop up onto the north-east block and pull down the wall switch. Hop down and go west and be careful of the spike traps on the floors. Tiles with circles mark the spike traps. Pull down the two wall switches above the west wall corner blocks. The large doors open in the west wall. Run through the doors and the level ends.

