Walkthrough by Harry Laudie


Slide down a few slopes to enter a large room. At the end are a tall closed door and hallways on both sides. The right hallway ends in a locked door. Enter the left hallway to end up in a large room with a shallow blue depression in the middle. Notices the ledges above you. At the sides are two closed doors and two hallways. Use the left hallway to end up in a room with columns and ledges.


Go to the left back corner and pull up onto a column at the back wall. Run and jump to grab the platform in the middle of the room. Run and jump to grab the sloped wall on the far side of the room and pull up. Run up the slope to the top. Jump to grab the gray square section of ceiling near the wall. Monkey swing on that ceiling and drop onto a wall. Go to the end and run and jump onto the platform above the entrance. Go to the end and run and jump to grab the far ledge. Run up the ledge to the top and find a wall lever.  Pull down the wall switch to get a cut scene of the left door in the other room opening.  Look left and see a crawlspace on the far wall. Grab the monkey swing and go to it. Drop and grab and follow the crawlspace to a room. Pick up flares, two large medipacks, and Uzi clips and secret #1. Go back through the crawlspace and safety drop to the floor. Return to the room with the shallow blue depression.


Use the left hallway to end up in a room with columns and ledges. Go straight to a tunnel on the left to monkey swing over the spikes to pick up a small medipack. Return to the room. The columns with small square markings are climbable but are of no use. Go to the back onto a short ledge makes a small inverted V-shape bump. In front of you are sloped blocks at the back wall. Run and jump onto the sloped block near the wall. Jump from the slope with a right curve and grab the pillar descending from the ceiling. Climb up to the top and pull up. Back flip onto a ledge attached to the wall. Jump to the corner and then stand jump onto the other ledge. Follow the ledge clockwise to a wall. Drop and shimmy right around a column. Pull up and continue to a wall switch. Pull down the switch to get a cut scene of the right door in the other room opening. Get down and return to the room with the shallow blue depression.


The doors are now open. Go to the right doorway and following twisting corridors past an open door to a switch. Pull down the wall switch and the door beside you opens. You get a cut scene of a door closing in a corridor. Follow more twisting corridors to a dead-end. Pull the movable block at the end back as far as possible. Go back to the switch and reset the switch to close the door. Return back to the room with the shallow blue depression.


Go to the left doorway and following twisting corridors past an open door to a switch. Pull down the switch and the door beside you opens. You get a cut scene of a door closing in a corridor. Follow more twisting corridors to a dead-end. Push the movable block as far as possible to reveal an opening. Go inside and up a ramp to another large room.


Go clock-wise around the room and you see a movable block hemmed in by tiles and a plant. A movable block is on a platform but too far from a climbing wall. Go to a corner to pick up flares and Lara looks right towards a plant in front of two tiles. Go to the plant and use action. Lara bends down and picks up something and the tiles collapse. Go to the other plant and use action. Lara bends down and the tiles collapse around the corner block. Whatever she picks up is not shown in the inventory. Now push the moveable block to the other platform and move the other block on top of it so you can grab the climbable wall. Then shimmy to the right into a tunnel. Notice the doorway and hanging platform beneath it. Jump down the other side and run to the end to pull down a wall switch. The platform rises behind you. Climb the wall to the right. Back to the blocks, grab and shimmy to the hole. Jump to the platform and into the doorway.


Slide down on the other side into a room. Go to the right and run down the corridor. Continue past a closed door. At the end, you enter a room (room A) with another block hemmed in by tiles in the corner and a few columns. At the back wall are a green alcove and a blue alcove. There are connected by a tunnel.


Run into either alcove and out the other side and you enter a different room (room B). This has the moveable block hemmed in by tiles in a different corner. There is a different arrangement of blocks and monkey swings. On one upper wall is a switch that is too high to reach. Stay in this room (room B). Go to the corner opposite the movable block to just below a climbable wall. Jump up and grab it. Hand-over-hand climb to the top and then shimmy to the right (by your fingernails) onto that ledge protruding from the ceiling. Shimmy to the far end and drop onto a column. Then use the monkey swing to get to another column. Turn right and jump to grab a wall section. Shimmy left to the end and pull up into an upper green corridor. Run down a green corridor and climb down the other side. Pick up something that again does not show in the inventory and get an earthquake. Get back out and notice that nothing has happened.


Run through the colored alcoves again and emerge back in other room (room A) and notice that the tiles around that block have collapsed. Look above the green alcove and notice that the monkey swing ceiling dips down there. Pull/push the movable block under that dip. Jump to grab the monkey swing. I could only do this facing out and away from the monkey swing. Then turn around and follow the monkey swing to a wall. Drop and grab and then shimmy right. At the end, drop and grab the column. Pull up onto the column. Jump to a monkey swing and follow it an alcove. At the end, climb down and pick up something that causes an earthquake. Get out and go back through the colored alcoves to the second room (room B). The tiles around the movable block have collapses. Pull/push the movable block to the switch. Climb up and pull the switch and get a cut scene of the door in the corridor opening. Go through the colored alcoves again to return to room A. Exit this room and follow the corridor back to the starting room. Enter the now open door. You are on a ledge above the room with the shallow depression.


There are more ledges above you. Go to the right ledge and into a crawlspace. Follow to a room with columns and burners above them. At one side is a switch in front of a burner, of course. Get onto the first short column. Stand jump onto the next higher column. Then jump and grab the column in the corner and pull up. Use the monkey swing there to go to a crawl space. It is difficult to see. Get on the other side and pull up onto a ledge. Jump to a ledge and then jump to a ledge above the doorway. Pick up shotgun shells, large medipack, flares, and Uzi clips and secret #2. Get back and carefully follow the columns to a switch. It is real easy. You can stand near the wall switch and the fire does not hurt you. Pull down the switch and a door opens at the bottom of the room. Go there and up some stairs to a switch. Pull down the switch to get a cut scene of the door opening at the start of the level. Drop into the hole beside the switch and you are there. Go into the room to pick up the K1 key. Go out and loop around to the left and follow a corridor to use the key in a key lock to open a closed door.


Open the door and go inside and slide down. Follow a corridor to a room and kill three men with swords. Climb the wall in the corner and follow the corridor. Follow to a room with shaped holes. Drop into any hole into the room below. There are a large closed door needing two gems, two small closed doors and two corridors leading from this room. Go to the corridor in the corner of the room, not the corridor in the middle of the wall by the steps. Follow to a room (room A) with a switch on a block with a dropped platform in front. On one wall is a closed door. On the far wall is a transparent wall. Use the uneven floor on the right side to jump to a block next to a column. From there jump to the block in the middle of the room. You are now in water so swim up, down a ceiling tunnel and drop at the far end into a pool into a room (room B). There is a switch on the wall. Use it and run through a gate in the corner back to the first room (room A). Use the block and platform to get to the switch in the upper corner. Pull down the switch and go back to the uneven floor and swim back to the other room (room B) again. Use the blocks and now raised platform to get to the switch there. Pull down the switch and go back to the first room (room A) and through the open door at floor level.


Go to the end and slide down. Three large spider creatures attack. Run forward and to the right to grab a crawlspace. Pull up quickly and turn around and kill them. Afterwards there are flares in the far corner. Go back to the crawlspace and pick up a small medipack. Continue to a room with a movable block hemmed in by tiles and a switch on the far wall. There are ten rolling wheels and something in the middle of the floor. Ignore that item for now. On the far side are a corner block and a closed door. Carefully get past the rolling blades and get onto the block. Pick up the item on the block and an earthquake occurs. Get back to the movable block and push it under the switch. Use the switch and the door at the far end opens. Go there and follow the tunnel to enter a room. Kill three poisonous creatures and pick up two K1 keys from the blue ledges on the floor. Use the keys and the door in the corner opens. Before you enter there, go back to the first room. The rolling blades have stopped so pick up the Uzi's and secret #3 from the middle of the floor. Return to the open door.


Go in and go left to pick up a small medipack. Very carefully evade the rolling blades pick up the four K1 keys on the floor. Evade the rolling blades again and use the four keys on the four key locks to open the door in the corner. Go inside and down the corridor, picking up a large medipack on the way. Go through a door and it closes. Three large spider creatures attack. Run to a white squares near the left wall. A platform rises near the back up. Run there and jump up. Of course, it is timed and drops after a while. But you can kill the creatures from there and the Uzi’s really help. Afterwards pick up a small medipack from the floor and a K1 key from the corner blue square. Go the other corner to open a door with the key. Go inside and the door closes.


Down the corridor enter a room with deadly red tiles and deadly moving machines. Climb the ledges and see there are two specially marked squares. So the idea is to get a machine to go onto each one. I went to the left corner and pull out a block so a machine could escape. Then I pushed it back and down a corridor so I could push a block to complete part of a top circuit. Then pull/push the block back to the space near the start. A machine crosses it and gets to a special square and the rolling blade in front of a switch moves. Then pull the switch to raise a platform so the top machine could go to a special square. A door near the top of the room opens. Use the upper ledges to reach that door. Go inside to pick up pink P1 gem #1. Follow the corridor and the door opens back to the room with the doors needing the two gems.


Go down the other corridor in the middle of the wall beside the steps. Follow the tunnel and slide into a room. Run to the left corner and climb a block. From there kill four poisonous creatures. Climb onto a higher ledge and three men with swords attack. You can jump back to the block and jump up and down to kill them. One of them will drop a K1 key. Go to a corridor in the second floor and down to a door. Use the key to open the door and go inside to face some swinging blades. Just stand to one side and run when the blade swings to the other side. At the end slide down into a room. Go left to see some crushers on a ledge. As you go down the corridor beside the ledge, run into an alcove to avoid a deadly rolling cylinder. Go to the end and pull a switch.


Go back to the front area and a door has opened to the right. Go in and kill a man with a sword. There is a movable block there hemmed in by tiles. Jump on the tiles and they collapse. Now pull/push the block into the other room in front of the ledge with the crushers. Carefully go through the crushers to the timed wall switch. Pull down the timed wall switch and jump down. Sprint down the corridor to avoid another roller. Go right to the climbable column hanging down from the ceiling. Jump up and grab the column. Climb up and near the top back flip and roll to grab the climbing wall. Shimmy left and drop to a ledge. Turn and then run and jump to grab the timed red platform before it goes down. Pull up and run into the open door at the end. I found the best way was to shimmy by your fingernails on the wall. If Lara does her set up climbing animation it takes too long and the platform drops.


Slide into another room and notice a climbing wall and a switch above a dropped red platform on the right wall. Go left and see a movable block behind a roller. Go down a corridor to the left and stand in front of a black wall. Notice the room with fire blocks to the right. Climb the black wall a little and back flip to a slope column. Jump to land on a flat column. See the switch on the far right wall. Jump to a block on the opposite wall. Climb onto a higher block and then monkey swing over to the switch. Pull down the switch and get a cut scene of the roller moving away from the movable block. Now go back and pull/push the movable block in front of the climbing wall you saw at the start. This is harder then it sounds because the walls are not straight with respect to the block. You have to make a grand tour of the room with the pillars. The climbing wall is for later. Now go back to the room with the fire blocks. Every time you jump on a tiled square a roller tries to kill you. I found it best to jump and then back flip to the start square while the roller passed. And save after every jump. Takes time but you get to the other side safely. Go down a corridor into a room with a pyramid, a high closed door and dropped red platform. At the entrance, look up to a switch on the wall. There is a movable block in the opposite corner so drag it here.


Pull the switch and get a cut scene of the red platform in the beginning room raising. Go back there, carefully jumping the fire squares. The rollers have reset, so be careful. Return to the moved block and jump to grab the climbable wall. Climb the wall and run and jump to the platform to reach the switch. Pull down the switch and get a cut scene of a red platform rising back in the pyramid room. Go back there and of course the rollers have been reset again. This time I kept jumping to all the squares continuously just in case the platform was timed. It did not seem to be timed. At the platform, back flip to the pyramid and jump forward to grab the platform. Turn around and jump into the hole in the center of the pyramid. Pick up pink P1 gem #2 and the high door opens. Get out and drag the movable block to the door so you get into it. Run door the corridor and the door opens. You are back in the room with the doors needing the gems.


Use the two gems and the door opens. Enter a large area with two locked doors, one needing a gem, the other needing a key. Ahead is a natural pool of water with columns in the corner. Approach the water and turn around to kill two pterodactyls flying overhead. Swim into the water past the cage and get a cut scene of a turtle on the floor. Two crocodiles appear so swim back to shore and kill them from there. At the end of a pool is an underwater tunnel but the current is against you. As you swim towards the cage with the turtle, look to the upper left and see a gap in the columns of the rock wall. Swim there and down to pick up a pink P1 gem. Get back to shore and use it to open a door. Climb the wall at the back and back flip. Notice the door in the opposite corner. Follow the ledges to a gap where you can drop down and grab a slope. Pull up, slide, and jump to a column with a switch.


Pull the switch and get a cut scene of the top-level door opening. Drop into the water and get out. Climb the wall again onto the top ledges. As you climb the wall two pterodactyls attack, Kill them and continue around the ledges. Go into the door and face a switch. Pull the switch and get a cut scene of the door in the turtle cage opening. Drop onto the water and swim there.  Use CTRL to mount the turtle. Use ALT to move the turtle. Now use the turtle to get trough the underwater tunnel with the strong current. Get some air before you start. It is a long ride through a twisting underwater corridor. At the end you surface to a room. Press the END key to dismount the turtle.  Notice the closed underwater door in an underwater tunnel there as well. Pull up onto the low slope. Back flip and roll to the slope behind. Slide down, grab, and shimmy left. At the left side, pull up, back flip, roll, and grab a climbing wall. Climb up to get the K1 key. Safety drop down to the floor and return to the water.


Get on the turtle and go back to the pool. Use the key on the door and enter a room with a switch. Pull the switch to get a cut scene of the underwater door opening. Get on the turtle and go back there through the underwater tunnel again. Before going through the door, surface to fill up with air. Down again and through another long underwater corridor. At the end surface into a room with many columns. Climb the column at the back wall near the water pool. Go to the middle column and run jump to the column in the middle of the room. Jump to the far ledge and follow the columns around until you can pull up onto the top ledge. Go around this ledge and in a corner you can pull up into a room. Go around the blue wall to the other side. Back flip to a slope and grab the ledge in front. Follow the ledge to the other side and pull up into a corridor.


Follow this corridor to a branch tunnel. Enter and slide down into a room with the boss on a chair with his back to you. The boss is shielded and bullets don't work on him. Go carefully around the room clockwise. You find a movable block hemmed in by a roller. In an alcove you find a closed small door (door A). Next is a large door needing a gem and a small medipack on the floor. Then there is another alcove hiding a small door (door B). Then there is a passageway behind the boss. Out the other side is a timed switch to close the passageway using two doors. And finally, another switch high up on the wall. The boss shoots lighting bolts at you and can electrify the floor. After many trial and errors I noticed that the area around the boss will open door A. Sneak up to the left of the boss and run over the corner of the second top step. This will open door A. The boss starts to turn and fire at you while you run, sprint, or jump into door A and to the back to a switch. You die many times doing this. There seems to be two lightning bolts and then the floor electrifies. Time the bolts and jump up when necessary. Skip the small medipack on the floor and pick it up later. Pull the switch and an earthquake occurs and as you turn around a poisonous creature sneaks up behind you. Do not kill the creature. I found out that the creature keeps the boss quiet and if you kill it, the boss is active again. Go outside and the roller has moved. Drag the movable block under the switch on the wall. You could lure the creature to the passage and lock it inside for a while since the switch is timed. I just took the poison and used medipacks when the health was low. Pull the switch and the other small door B opens. A man with a sword attacks. Kill him and take the pink P1 gem he drops. Use the gem on the large door and the room fills with water. The boss blows up in a blue sphere. The poisonous creature also will die. Swim into door B and at the back swim upwards into a room. Jump in a pool on the other side and find the turtle there. Ride the turtle down the underwater tunnel and the level ends.

End of the level.
Pickups:  31
Kills: 29
Secrets: 3