Walkthrough by Harry Laudie


[Note] I renamed the level to shore.tr2 and use the TR3 demo to play. [End note]


You start in an air duct. Crouch and go through a crawl space and a grate opens for you. Follow the air duct until you see a brown wall. Pull back a brown moveable block and follow the new air duct. Shoot a guard and pick up shotgun shells. Continue down the air duct and get a cut scene of a switch. Go to the end of the air duct and climb down a ladder into the room below. Shoot a guard and pick up a small medipack. Pick up flares on a ledge in the room. Pull down the switch from the cut scene and get another cut scene of a fan stopping. Climb the ladder back into the air duct. Go back to first air duct and follow it to the end. You see a newly opened grate. Crawl through the air duct until you can stand up.


Follow the air duct and shoot out the grates in front of the fans. Go pass the stopped fan from the cut scene and continue to a T-junction. Go left to the end of the air duct and see a pushbutton. Press the pushbutton and return to the junction and go straight. You see two more fans. Shoot the grates and walk through the left stopped fan. Pick up shotgun shells for secret #1. Now return to the stopped fan that you passed earlier. Walk through the fan and climb down a ladder. Slide into a room and walk forward. A door opens and guards walk in. Shoot the three guards and pick up a large medipack, MP5 clips, and Uzi's. The door in the far wall is locked. Enter the door that the guards came from.


Hop onto the box for Uzi ammo and shotgun shells. Doors open and guards appear. Shoot the two guards and pick up Uzi ammo and a Card Pass. Go to the window with the cactus and shoot two snakes in the bushes in the corners. Go to the right corner bush and pick up Uzi ammo and secret #2. The side rooms contain nothing. Return to the earlier room and use the card pass to open the locked door. Shoot two guards and pick up Uzi ammo and a second Card Pass. Enter the open door and into corridor. Go to the right and enter the first room that you entered from the air duct. Pick up another small medipack from the dead guard. Return to the junction and use the second card pass to open the door at the other end of the corridor. Enter the room and shoot a guard. Pick up a Blue Fuse from the dead body.


Place the blue fuse in the receptacle on the wall. The right side gate opens. Hop onto the ledge and pick up a small medipack, shotgun, and shotgun ammo. Exit into the room and shoot two guards. Pick up a small medipack and shotgun shells. Enter the left side gate that is now open. You can shoot a guard in a side tunnel but he drops nothing. You can drop into the side tunnel if you want. If you go straight and drop backwards off the edge you get a hall of mirrors effect. Both routes lead to the same long tunnel. Follow the tunnel and shoot a guard. At the end of the tunnel, climb the ladder through an open trap door.


At the top, shimmy to the left. Shoot three guards and jump over the hole. The gate opens in the side wall and you need to shoot another two guards. You can go through the open gate and examine the bodies of the guards that you killed earlier. Magically some items have appeared again. You can search the dead bodies and get all the items again. Pick up a large medipack, MP5 clips, Uzi's, Uzi ammo and a Card Pass.  The card passes are not used again. This may be a bug that happens if you die and reload again. You can do this many times to build up a supply of ammo and medipacks.


Go up the ramp and get onto the quadbike. Although fun to drive, it is really not needed. Drive down the ramp and across the floor. Drive into the open area and drive to the right. Park the quadbike near the bottom of the ramp. You can run up the ramp to the top. Jump onto the ledge ahead of you. You can see closed gates to the far left corner. Slide down the slope to the right. You land on a breakable floor and drop into a very dark pit. Shoot eighteen snakes as you go around the pit. Go to the opposite corner where you fell through. Search that corner area and find a moveable block. Push the block to the hole you fell through. Save the game several times here. I got stuck a few times and had to reload to recover. Lara seem to end up in a wall in the sky when I jumped on the block and the gate was still closed.


Walk around the wall and use a flare. You find a cabinet. There is a crawl space in the wall next to the cabinet. Enter and follow the tunnel for a green crystal for full health. Crawl back out to the dark room. Hidden behind the bushes near the crawl space is a wall switch. Pull down the wall switch. In a nearby bush you can pick up Desert Eagle clips. Go back to the block you pushed. Hop onto the block and stand jump through the open gate. Return to the quadbike. Drive over a guard and pick up a small medipack and the Desert Eagle. Drive up either ramp and drive to the back section of the mesa to drive through the open gates that you saw earlier in the far corner.


Drive down the slope and turn to the right. Just drive around and you will find a truck parked in a corner. Get off the quadbike and go to the left rear of the truck and behind a box. Pick up a small medipack, grenades, Uzi ammo, shotgun shells, and secret #3. Leave the truck and go to the opposite corner of the area. Go behind the large stack of brown boxes and climb the wall ladder in the corner. Shimmy to the left and onto the boxes. Run and jump to the next stack of boxes. Run and jump to the stack of yellow boxes and then to the stack of boxes with a CCCP box on top. Pull back a brown block from the wall. Go behind it and pick up the grenade launcher.


Run and jump more stacks of boxes to get to the boxes at the far right wall. Pick up grenades and press the pushbutton. Turn to the left and you can an open gate and laser traps in a corridor. Safety drop to the ground and shoot three guards. Pick up grenades, Uzi ammo, and MP5 clips. The gate may be timed or if you die and have to reload, the gate is closed. Climb the boxes again and get back to pushbutton. Press the pushbutton and safety drop to the ground. Run through the open gate and go down the tunnel. You can jump over the lasers that are not moving. Go into a side opening and into a tall room. Go left and follow the corridor to a wall ladder. Climb the wall ladder and crawl through a crawl space. Slide down a slope and follow the tunnel into a large room.


Shoot the guard hiding near the entrance. Shoot him before he runs to the alarm box on the far wall. If he gets there, two guards and a dog appear in the far corner of the room. He also closes a door to an inner room with weapons. Go into the alcove where the guard was and press a pushbutton. Exit to the room and see that the fires have stopped on the stoves. Go to the right towards the alarm box on the corner wall. Go left and through an open gate and into a room. Hop onto the blocks and pick up an MP5, MP5 clips, small medipack, and grenades. Exit this room and follow the wall to the right. You should find a brown moveable block. Pull the block into the room. Push the block in front of the stoves. Hop onto the block and shoot out the second from left grate over the stoves.


Hop into the tunnel and be careful of the fans. Follow the tunnel until it splits. Ignore the side branch and go straight. You arrive on an opening overlooking a large room. Run and jump over the fires below the opening. Go left and shoot a guard. Then go to the right and run up the steps. You find a room with a large pool. Go down the ramp and go behind the diving board to find a pushbutton. Press the pushbutton and dive into the water. A gate has opened in the pool wall. Swim into the gate and follow the underwater crawl space. Swim down an underwater tunnel and as you swim towards a large greenish section, the level ends.

