Walkthrough by Harry Laudie


You start in front of a quadbike in front of a locked door. Get on the quadbike and follow the path to two closed gates. In some places the quadbike will disappear. Press the pushbutton and the first gate opens. You can drive into the house and run over Winston a few times. With all doors removed, even the timed runs are gone. You can drive around all the rooms in the house but be careful as you can drive through some walls or windows and go outside. Go upstairs to Lara's bedroom and press the pushbutton to open the closet. Pick up a Key (1) and exit back to the front yard. You cannot drive the quadbike into the racecourse. However, another quadbike is there if you want to use it but the racecourse has been greatly reduced. Drive back to the locked door. Open the locked door and inside is a large empty room. Drive to the two gates and press the pushbutton to open the second gate. Drive into the gate and the level ends.


End of the level

Pickups: 1

Kills: 0

Secrets: 0