Walkthrough by Harry Laudie


This can be run using the TR3 South Pacific demo. Check the author's readme file for installation. When I used exit to title the game crashes. If I used any gun but the pistols the game froze and I had to reboot my computer. There is a game-stopping problem, which I noted as [VERY IMPORTANT].


Lara in a NASA space suit slides down a ramp into water. Swim, pick up a small Medi pack (1) and climb out into a room with a closed door. There are two movable blocks in the room. Pull//push them onto two white squares and the door opens. As you enter the room, two guards (1) attack. Kill them and pick up some shotgun shells (2). Enter the room and face an opening where you need a blue (left) and yellow (right) fuse. Now to find them.


Climb a short ladder to the right, go down a corridor and press a button near a door. Get a cut scene of a cover lifting off another button. Go back down and go to the right to the end of large corridor ending in an elevator cage with that button. On the way notice a closed crawl space on the right side. Press the button and the door besides the first button now opens. Go there and enter a room with desks and chairs and an opening in the opposite corner. Go there, see a closed door at the end and go to the right for a movable block. Push the block twice and the closed door will open. Go through the door to enter a room with a switch on the far wall. Press it to open the crawlspace gate on the route to the elevator. Go there and crawl in. At the end, watch the lasers and go left. When you can, run and jump to grab a climbable wall and climb down. Find another crawlspace and at the end drop down to a ledge over a deep elevator shaft. Jump left and then over to the opposite corner. Take a running jump to the ladder on the far wall and climb down. Notice the crawlspace in the bottom wall and the closed grate on the floor.


Go through the crawlspace and jump up to another crawlspace. Go to the end and stand up. Run against or shoot the grating that breaks, kill and the dog (2) and the guard (3) who attacks. You are in a room with a keycard reader on the far left wall, a button on a pillar to the left, a burning pile in the far side and a ladder on the right wall. Press the button on the pillar to get a cut scene of a floor area at the top of the ladder. The lasers are now off. Climb the ladder and pull both switches, left then right, and get a cut scene of the trapdoor on the elevator floor dropping. Go to the elevator floor and drop down into the trapdoor. Find a crawlspace, crawl, and just before you reach some water, standup and pull yourself into a room with a closed door at the end. Go towards the closed door and spot a crawlspace on the left. Crawl in to the end and pull up into a room overlooking a large pool with propellers. Kill the guard (4) who shoots at you. From an alcove near the green corridor, pick up a shotgun (3). Go down the corridor some more and Lara stares at a killer whale near a boat. At the end of the corridor go down a ramp.


Give Lara full health and sprint pass the guns to a ladder at the end of the corridor. Climb to a ledge. Turn around and jump and grab a crawlspace. On the left is dark hole where you can get a large Medi pack (4). Drop down the other side of the crawlspace. Follow to an area above the propellers and go a corridor, which ends with a switch on the wall. Pull the switch and get a cut scene of  the closed door opening and a guard. Pick up some Uzi clips (5) from the floor. Back track through the crawlspace, the guns, and the crawl space to the now open door. Kill the guard (5). Go through the door and climb to the top of the room. Jump and grab the ledge above to pull up into a room. On the left is a corridor with lasers. This is the exit. Ahead to the left are some stairs going up. To the right are two closed doors and a pushbutton. Press the button and the door beside it opens. Enter and go left or right to get to an area with a monkey swing and some moving cranes. Behind the left crane is a closed door. Go to the right, jump to a column and an alcove to pick up a large Medi pack (6). Lara will need it. Follow the monkey swing avoiding the cranes (real hard) and finally fall to a platform on the right hand wall. Pull up to get a much-needed large Medi pack (7).


Go around the corner into a crawlspace on the right. Go in and pull back a movable block and then go back into the other crawlspace. Pull the switch you find which opens the doors behind the left side cranes. Go out and fall into the water. Swim to a ladder and climb up. Jump into the open door while avoiding the crane. Follow the corridor and drop to a crawl space. Reach and pull a switch, which opens the other closed door. Now go back to that door. Go down a corridor, up a ramp to a room on the left side containing a trapdoor on the floor. Go pass it to an area with a pillar. Pull out a movable block from the column center. Climb the ladder and back flip to the top the column. Jump to a ledge against the wall and push a button to open a trap door on the top of the column. Go into the column and push the block out some more and push it to the bottom of the ladder. Now pull a switch on the wall and a vehicle starts up and follows along the floor. It eventually goes into the column onto a white square. When it does, the trapdoor in the first room opens. Go in and find a crawlspace. Half way down the crawlspace pick up a keycard called Special Trapdoor key (8) and get a cut scene of the keycard reader in the room with the burning pile. Go to the end and fall into the water. Swim to the end and climb up into the elevator shaft (second hole). Back into the crawlspace and get into the burning room.


Use the keycard and a trapdoor opens up beside Lara. Go in and pick up the blue fuse called Circuit Nasa Room "B" (9). Get a cut scene of the exit corridor with the lasers. Go to the end push the button and the lasers are turned off. Back to the elevator shaft and into the trapdoor and crawlspace. Climb up into the second hole, go to the end and climb the ladders back to the top floor. Ignore the stairs and go left into the exit corridor to find a crawlspace on the right hand side. Go to a climbable wall to the top and jump up to a crawlspace. Crawl in and get a small medipack. At the end, carefully drop to the floor and you are back at the start. That was the easy fuse to get.


Go to the right side to a dead end and a pushbutton on the wall. The floor drops so fall, slide to grab at the end of the fall. Pull up and back flip to a platform. Now run and jump into a hole on the other side to the right. Run towards the switch at the end while the first platform drops. Pull the switch and get a cut scene of another platform rising at the bottom of the shaft. Drop to it and get into the crawl space. Crawl under the first moving laser until the end and then crawl to a second moving laser. Wait and go past it. At the third moving laser, turn left and crawl out of its way. Pull a switch that turns off the fixed lasers in the final crawlspace. Crawl back to the left and drop into a corridor with a crawlspace at the far end. Go in and climb a ladder to pull up a large room overlooking some stealth aircraft. The left ramp down ends with two closed doors so you go down the right down ramp. Follow towards the left to a closed door and a pushbutton.


Press the button and get a cut scene of inside the room. Enter and go up the stairs on the left. There is closed door with a covered button on the upper level and you see a keycard underneath a rocket in the middle of the room. On the far side are the three workers from the cut scene. Do not shoot them since they are useful later. Go downstairs and pull a movable block from behind the stairs to underneath the rocket with the keycard. Where you got the block from is a switch and a grate to be opened later. Pull the switch and the button upstairs is uncovered. Press it and a worker inside the adjacent room moves and opens the door for you. Do not shoot him either. Go inside and pull the switch on the far wall to open a downstairs door. Go there but watch out for lasers as you exit the room.  The new room is split in half by a glass wall ("split room"). Go to the right and follow around to a wall with a covered pushbutton and a switch. Pull the switch to open a trapdoor in the far purple colored corner of the other part of the room. Dive into the water and swim till the end. On the way back, spot an underwater lever to pull. Pull it and the grate beside the switch in the other room opens.


Go in to the back of the room and climb the pillar there. Pull up into a room and kill a dog (6) that attacks. Notice the red/blue machines to your right and a holder for some item in the far right corner. On the far wall are a dropped platform and a moving machine. When clear, run to the left, down the machine's track to a ledge. Press a button, run back, hop to the raised platform and climb up before the platform drops again. Enter a room and climb the crawlspace in the near left corner for MP5 clips (10) and secret #1. In the near right corner is a grate that will be opened later. At the back of the room are movable blocks. Arrange the blocks to pull the top movable block in the wall out. Then arrange the blocks to move the top block to the right out of your way. Go inside the space and follow a crawlspace to pick up the MP5 weapon (11). See a cut scene of a workman walking around. As you exit a cut scene shows the cover lifting off the covered switch in the "split room". Go back there and press the button to open the grate in the movable block room. I did not shoot the worker. Back to the opened grate using the timed platform again. Go through the crawlspace to a small room with a hole on the far side. Safety drop down the hole and you face a boat in deadly water. The side ledges are also fatal. Jump at the boat and you get in.


Drive to the near the closed doors and climb out on the left side beside a ladder. (Use END + left/right arrow leys to exit the boat.) Climb the ladder and back flip to a landing. A cut scene appears of a man running into a hole with water and then he dies. I hope that I didn't need him. Go down the room into the left corner and go up a trapdoor that closes behind you. [VERY IMPORTANT]  Save the game before you press the button on the wall. You get a cut scene that sometimes flashes too fast to see. It is of a guard in the room with the three workers and the rocket. The workers will kill the guard and he drops a Missile Battery breaker. In the center of the room, look up and pull into a corridor. At the end drop into a hole and into some water. See some flares (12) to pick up for secret #2 although they did not show in the inventory. Get out of the water and kill a dog (7). There is a guard (8) in the corner but shooting has no effect. Go to the missile room and up the stairs to get the Missile Battery breaker (13) near the dead guard's body. Sometimes the guard is killed near a wall and you cannot get the item as it and the guard are inside a wall or a worker console. Reload from the save game mentioned above and try again. It took me several tries before the guard was killed in an open area to get the item. [End VERY IMPORTANT] Remember the red/blue machines. Go there to use the breaker in the device on the far right wall and the machines will start. The missile in the missile room will rise so go there to get the keycard (14) called the Hydro Boat Access Room key. Go out the door at the bottom of stairs, through the room and up the ramp. Kill a guard (9) and down the far ramp. Kill another guard (10) and you are in front of the boat access door and a larger door to the left and a switch.


Use the Boat Access key in the keycard reader and enter the door. Run down the corridor and Lara stares at a wall for some unknown reason. You are in a room with a closed trapdoor on the far left and access to deadly water. Across the water you see a pushbutton. Jump the water and go through a crawlspace to the pushbutton. Push it and the trapdoor drops. Look up to see some gates over a waterfall. You boat should have been left there. Go to the trapdoor and up into a room. To the right are ladders to an upper walkway. I found nothing there. Go through the door to the left, across a bridge, into a crawlspace for a switch. Pulling the switch opens the doors and you see your boat. Back to the bridge, jump to the top of the waterfall. It is safe there and jump into the boat. Drive the boat over the falls and go down to the third section where you see a crawlspace on the right side. Get out and crawl in. Go to the end and climb up a block. To the left behind you, you can see a switch on the wall. Jump the water and use some cracks in the walls to shimmy to a block behind you. From this block jump to the wire wall and shimmy across to the switch. Pull the switch and a closed door opens in the water trench. Go back to the boat.


Go through the doors and drive until the trench turns left. Fantastic view through the windows. Park the boat in an alcove and get out. Follow the walkway, jumping deadly water, to the other side to a switch. Pull the switch to open the doors and go back to the boat. Follow the water trench to just before the end closed door and see an opening with a crawlspace. You may to turn the boat around so Lara gets out on the left side of the boat. Get out and follow the crawlspace to the end. Enter backwards and shimmy along the outside edge of the space station until you can pull up. When you do, black flip, twist and grab the edge of a platform. At the far side of this platform is an item called Crowbar Access Boat (15). Pick it up and return to the boat. Drive back to the base of the waterfall and get out into the room. Go through the door and you are back at the large door with a switch. Pull the switch and the door opens. Go to the end and turn left. The first room is empty with a ceiling hole you cannot reach. Continue on up a ramp and into a hole at the end. Slide down and run down a corridor until you reach some windows. You can see the yellow fuse in the window near the end. Just past the entrance on the right is a blue box in a window. The Crowbar Access Boat is used here to open the door in the water trench.


Now go down and corridor and turn into the first left. Straight ahead is the exit. Go left into the room and go to the right side to jump up on a console while a gun shoots at you. Remember this room as you have to come back here. Pull up and drop into the first empty room. Go back to the boat and follow the trench back to the open door. Get out and follow the crawlspace to the yellow fuse called Circuit Nasa Room "A" (16). Back to the boat and return the room near the waterfall. Go back through the other door, up the ramp into the hole at the end. This time go straight through a crawlspace and a small room and up a ladder to a crawlspace. Notice the closed door just before the ladder. Exit the crawlspace and you are back at the level start. Notice the closed door at the end of the platform. Use the Nasa Circuit fuses and that closed door opens. Go up there and pick up a set of keys called Dario's Master Launch Room key (17). Go back through the crawlspace and past the closed door and corridor to the room where the gun shot at you. This time go to the left and to the back of the room while another gun shoots at you. Use the launch key and the closed door near the ladder opens.  Go back to that door. As you go to that door, you have to go through a crawlspace. One block from the crawlspace end is a black hole on the left side. Go down there, turn around and go into a crawlspace at the bottom of the hole. You get secret #3 for your trouble but I saw nothing to pick up. Get out, go into the open door, and as you run around the base of the rocket, the level ends. Time taken was 4:10:02 on the second playing attempt.


End of the level.
Pickups: 17
Kills: 10
Secrets: 3