Level by TRFAN21


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth, using notes provided by Tom after he had graciously translated his German notes into English.



After the opening flyby, make a note of the new moves required in this level that may be unfamiliar to Lara.  Here they are, for your convenience:


Ladder to Crawlspace Climb: Hold down Shift and press the Down Arrow


Ladder to Monkeyswing:


1. Hold down Shift and press the Jump key (usually Alt)

2. Press and hold down Action (usually CTRL) after jumping


Look around in this crypt area and take the small medipack from the SW plinth. Go to the NW corner and drop down into the hole for the first TABLET PIECE.  Pull out and shoot a couple of scorpions, then go to the E floor lever and push it to open the door at the top of the S ladder.  Go there and climb the ladder for the second TABLET PIECE.  Hop back down and reverse roll to take out a baddy.  Go to the NE receptacle, combine the two Tablet Pieces to form the EGYPTIAN TABLET, and insert it in the receptacle to open the door to your right.


Enter the large room and wait for the baddy to show up to your left.  He drops a small medipack when he dies.  Get two packs of flares in the NE corner, then go to the W end to push a floor lever to open a door on the other end of this large room.  Go to the dark SW corner and climb the ladder.  Pull up into the opening and pick up the SECRET KEY.  Climb back down and go back to the first room where you began the level.  Vault up into the W opening and take the TEMPLE KEY from the plinth.


Go back out through the NE doorway and turn right. Go up the stairs and hop up to the top of the trapezoid structure for some shotgun ammo.  Slide down and use the Secret Key in the nearby receptacle.  Shoot the vase in the alcove to your left for SECRET #1.  Step inside and pick up a small medipack and two quivers (one regular and one explosive) of crossbow arrows.  Return to the floor lever you used earlier and use the Temple Key in the NW receptacle.  Enter the next room and shoot the baddy to your right.  Pick up the SMG ammo he drops, then hop down into the hole in the SE corner for the SHOTGUN.  Climb out and shoot the vase in the NE corner for some flares.


Walk on the dark tile against the E wall to lower a block in the NW corner.  Push the jackal statue into the NW alcove to open a door high up in the E wall.  Climb up onto the short block with the jug and take two running jumps SE to get to the opened doorway in the E wall.  Slide down into a room dominated by twin fountains.  The N wall at the NW corner is climbable, so climb up and enter the crawl space for a large medipack and SECRET #2.  Get back down and activate the jump switch on the SE column.  Pick up the small medipack between the pillars against the S wall, then go through the opened E doorway.  When you slide down the door closes behind you.  Follow the passage and shoot the baddy you encounter when you turn the corner.  Pick up the small medipack he drops, continue past the closed door and keyhole, and shoot the scorpion when you round the corner.


When you reach the end and see the pit to your right and a long slope to your left, you sense an obvious boulder trap.  You'd be right, so save your game here.  Hop backwards up the slope until you trigger the boulder (you get a warning burst of action music), than dash back down and to your right as the boulder tumbles into the pit.  Go back up the slope and pick up the DIAMOND KEY and the EGYPTIAN TABLET (the sputtering blue flame is harmless).  Return to the keyhole and use the Diamond Key to open the nearby door.  Follow the winding passage to a closed door that opens upon your approach.  In the next room you encounter two demigods that do battle with you one at a time.  When the second one dies, he drops the ANCIENT SWORD.  Use it to pry a GOLDEN STAR off a column near the N wall.  Pick up the nearby small medipack, then use an ascending series of blocks to reach the receptacle up in the E wall.  Pick up the small medipack and then insert the Golden Star to open the door.


Enter the passage and take the TEMPLE KEY from the plinth.  Go back down, shoot another baddy and pick up the other TEMPLE KEY he drops.  Use one of the keys to open the large W door, time a run past the two spike traps and use the second key to open the next door.  As you come to a T-intersection at the end of the passage, the frantic action music mercifully ceases.  However, you have a new challenge ahead of you.  The obvious spike traps are now inactive, but when you pull the timed wall lever at the N end they become quite active, along with a gauntlet of teeth doors.  Save your game before starting.  When you pull the lever, immediately reverse roll and run without sprinting past the first set of teeth doors and spike trap.  That takes about 8 seconds (out of 30).  Save again in a different slot, then continue forward past the second spike trap and the second set of teeth doors.  I did this by running past the spike trap and hitting the sprint key once I was past the first teeth door (and releasing the sprint key just before reaching the last teeth door).  Save again once you're safely past all the teeth doors and standing near the dark area in the corridor.  When the timer reaches zero a door slams shut right behind you.


Light a flare and locate the crawl space to your right.  Crawl inside to push a floor lever.  A cut scene shows a door opening to reveal two vases.  Crawl back to the previous passage and turn right.  You now have to get past two spike traps situated close together.  Wait for the first one to trigger, then sprint past them both and turn right at the intersection.  Time your run past the final spike trap and save your game again in front of the wall lever.


Throw the wall lever, and this time you have 12 seconds to reverse roll, run past two more spike traps at the opposite end of the passage, turn right and slide down into a familiar room before the door slams shut.  Exit this room through the S doorway and turn left to find the two vases you saw in the cut scene.  Shoot them both for SECRET #3.  Pick up the RESERVE CROSSBOW KEY, a large medipack and the CROSSBOW.  Return to the previous room and use the blocks again to jump SE to the opening leading to the twin fountains room.  Slide down and insert the Egyptian Tablet in the N receptacle to open the door.  Enter the Water Temple as the door closes behind you.


Shoot the two crocodiles swimming lazily about below and jump into the water.  Swim over to the W west, pull out onto the block and activate the jump switch to open an underwater door.  Turn around, jump back into the water, pick up the small medipack at the NW corner and swim down to the bottom of the pool.  Locate the N passage you just opened and swim inside.  When you encounter the crocodile, flip turn and go back to the pool, where you can pull out and dispose of it.  Go back into the passage and pause along the way for some SMG ammo and flares.  Save your game in front of the timed underwater lever at the far end.


Pull the lever and flip turn.  Swim quickly back to the pool and turn around as you swim up to the surface.  Pull up onto the N block, climb the ladder and pull up into the next room with plenty of time to spare on your clock.  Take the small medipack from the plinth and pry another GOLDEN STAR off the wall.  Pull the wall lever twice to open the exit door and climb back down to the pool area.  Go over to the E ledge and insert the Golden Star in the receptacle to open the nearby doors.  Enter the next room to find another large pool.  Jump into the water and locate underwater levers in each of the hexagonal alcoves in the W wall.  When you pull them both the protective spikes around the central plinths are deactivated.  Go there and take the SUBMACHINE GUNS and two stashes of ammo for it.  The other plinth has the first EYE PIECE.


Swim to the middle of the N wall and open the underwater door.  Swim to the other end of the passage, surface and pull out.  In the next room, run around until a centaur is awakened, kill it and pick up the DIAMOND KEY it drops.  Use it to open the N gate, then go back to alert another centaur inside the opened E gate.  Activate the jump switch at the end of the dark passage, then pick up the SKELETON KEY dropped by the centaur and use it in the second N keyhole to open the next gate.  Take the second EYE PIECE from the plinth, enter the crawl space for SECRET #4 and a large medipack, explosive crossbow arrows, shotgun ammo and two stashes of SMG ammo.  Exit, pull down the wall lever next to the plinth and return to the previous room.  Jump into the W water hole and swim back to the previous pool.  Pull out onto the E ledge, combine the two Eye Pieces to form the EGYPTIAN EYE and insert it in the receptacle to open the huge door.


Enter the next room.  There's a jump switch on the first column to your left.  Activate it and run up the E stairs for two JARS OF ETERNITY.  As you take each one you hear a door opening.  Go to the NE doorway and stand in front of the gate to make it open.  Take the crossbow arrows from the block in the next room, then step into the pool and move the jackal statue around the fountain clockwise and onto the marked tile.  A door opens in the SE corner, so go there and pull up into the alcove.  Turn around and take a standing jump and grab to the pillar.  Pull up and jump to the higher ledge.  Turn around and jump to the ledge in the SE corner.  Pull down the wall switch to lower a rope at the other end of the previous ledge.


Go there, get on the rope and swing to the NE ledge.  Face W and jump to the balcony, then enter the N passage after noting the star receptacle at the end of the balcony.  Turn left at the end of the passage (noting the closed door and keyhole) and run up the ramp.  The door ahead opens as you approach it.  Enter the next area and shoot two baddies.  One of them drops the AIMING SCOPE.  Go around to the S side of the central structure near the SW corner and find a golden jump switch.  Active it and then locate the ladder at the SE corner.  Climb up, pull into the opening and go around the corner to pick up the SECRET KEY, then push the floor lever and climb back down.  Continue around to the outer N wall and climb the ladder there.  At the top, use Lara's new move (shift + alt, while continuing to hold down the action key) to transfer her to the monkey bars.  Monkey swing to the central structure and drop down onto the pillar.  Pull down the wall switch to open a door in the central structure.


Safety drop to the floor and go around to the W side of the central structure.  Climb the ladder and pull up into the opening.  Take the SILVER HAWK from the plinth and heed the warning about the limited ammo (don't rely on your crossbow, as it has temporarily vanished from your inventory).  Turn around and go stand at the edge of the opening.  You can see a blue ball in the ceiling, made accessible by the lowered trap door.  Combine the Aiming Scope with the Silver Hawk and use but a single round to shatter the globe. The E doors below open, so climb down, enter and take the first CIRCULAR KEY PIECE from the pedestal as heroic music plays.  Pry the GOLDEN STAR off the wall, then reverse roll and deal with two harpies and two demigods.  When all are dead, pick up the DIAMOND KEY and the SKELETON KEY dropped by the demigods.


Insert the two keys in the receptacles to re-open the E door.  Run down the ramp and insert the Reserve Crossbow Key in the keyhole at the bottom.  Turn left and pick up another RESERVE CROSSBOW KEY and recover your CROSSBOW in the alcove.  Go S to the balcony and jump E to the corner ledge.  Pull up onto the higher ledge and pick up the shotgun ammo and SMG ammo.  Get down to floor level and insert the Secret Key in the N receptacle.  Vault up into the short passage and take the SMG ammo, crossbow arrows and large medipack from the plinth for SECRET #5.


Return to the SE alcove and get back up to the balcony in the same manner as before.  Insert the Golden Star in the receptacle to open the door to your left.  Hop to the NW ledge and climb the ladder a short distance.  Back flip onto the ledge and jump to the higher ledge NE with the pole.  Climb the pole and back flip onto a balcony.  Pull down the wall switch to lower a couple of ropes in the center of the room.  Climb to the top of the adjacent pillar and jump to the first rope.  Ignore the second rope, turn to your right and swing forward to jump to the ledge in front of the ladder.  Climb the ladder about halfway up and back flip to a balcony.


Turn around and note the closed gate with two keyholes.  Turn left at the gate and pull up into the N opening.  Climb the ladder at the other end of the passage and pull up into the opening.  Activate the jump switch just ahead and enter the N doorway.  Kill the harpy and jump into the water to lure out three crocodiles.  Pull out quickly and kill them, then jump back in and locate two underwater levers (one near the floor between the two E pillars, the other behind one of the pillars near the N wall).  Pull out onto the E ledge and climb the ladder to the top.  Shift left and release to drop down onto a sloped surface.  Jump off and grab the S block.  Pull up and take a running jump to the ledge against the S wall.  Note the inaccessible jump switch high in the wall above you.  Turn around and locate the blue globe hanging from the ceiling.  Use but a single round from your combined Silver Hawk and Aiming Scope to shatter it and lower two ropes near the ladder.


Run to the W end of the ledge and active the jump switch there.  Turn to your right and take a running jump to the sloped ledge against the W wall.  Slide down, grab the edge and shimmy all the way to the other end.  Pull up at the corner, turn right and jump to the block in the NW corner for a large medipack.  Jump back into the water, pull out onto the N ledge and climb back up the ladder.  Jump to the S block as you did before and face W.  Jump to the rope and grab it.  Turn to your left and align Lara with the high jump switch in the S wall.  Swing forward and jump off to activate it.  Turn around and take a running jump and grab to the block next to the ladder.  Jump back to the first rope, and this time turn Lara to the right and aim slightly to the left of the second rope.  Swing forward, jump off and grab the second rope.  From here it's an easy matter to turn slightly left and jump off the rope to the block in the NE corner.  Step forward and pry the GOLDEN STAR off the wall.


Jump from here into the water below.  The trap door in the floor is now open, so swim down into the shaft and pick up the TEMPLE KEY.  Pull up onto the N ledge and insert the Golden Star and Temple Key in their respective receptacles to open the door between them.  Go inside and take the second CIRCULAR KEY PIECE from the pedestal.  The exit door opens behind you across the pool, so swim there, pull out and return to the balcony below.  Run past the closed door flanked by two keyholes and enter the S passage.  Turn left and stand below the hard-to-see jump switch.  Save your game before activating it.


As you're hanging from the jump switch the trap door opens beneath you.  You'll start sliding down a series of perpendicular slopes.  When you reach the second slope, look for an opening in the ceiling.  If you time it just right you can activate another jump switch there to gain access to the final secret.  When you reach the end of the line, a door closes behind you and you find yourself in another pool area.  Shoot a couple of crocodiles in the water, then jump in and search the perimeter for two stashes of SMG ammo, shotgun ammo, flares and a small medipack.  Pull out to the right of the fountain at the SE corner.  If you were successful in grabbing that second jump switch on the way down, the alcove is open so that you can shoot the vase for SECRET #6.  Pick up the small medipack and two boxes of shotgun ammo and jump back into the water.


Pull down the underwater ceiling lever near the S wall and locate the door in the W wall.  Pull it open and swim inside the passage and time your way past the spike traps.  Pull the underwater lever and go back past the spike traps.  Pull out onto the NW ledge and use the ladder to back flip onto an upper balcony.  Turn around and locate the blue globe hanging from the ceiling ahead.  Use your last round of Silver Hawk ammo to shatter it.


A door opens underneath in the S wall.  You can jump there if you wish, but one of the plinths is spike-protected, so you might as well save that task for later.  Go to the central portion of the balcony and stand at the middle of the S ladder.  Jump up to grab the ladder and climb up five additional rungs.  Take a rolling back flip and activate the jump switch on the pillar behind you.  The spikes below start popping out.  An artifact has also appeared on the beetle tile beyond the spikes, so time a run E past the spikes and pick up the SKELETON KEY.


Now it's time to jump across to the open S doorway, so time a running jump over the spike tile and pull up into the alcove.  Time a run past the spike-protected plinth and use the Skeleton Key in the keyhole to deactivate those spikes.  Turn around and take the EGYPTIAN TABLET from the plinth, then grab the SMG ammo from the other plinth.  As you look N you can see that something has appeared on the other beetle tile, so time a jump over the spike tile to the central portion of the balcony and pick up the TEMPLE KEY.  Kill the demigod guarding the receptacle in the W wall, then pick up the second EGYPTIAN TABLET he drops and use the Temple Key to open the door to your left.


Enter the passage and use your Reserve Crossbow Key in the keyhole.  A nearby door opens, but there's nothing inside.  Continue W down the passage, and the gate at the end opens as you approach.  Enter the next room (your crossbow mysteriously vanishes from your inventory as you do so) and take the Silver Hawk ammo from the plinth.  Again, a message warns you that all three rounds are needed.  Step on the beetle tile you'll find at the NW corner to open a trap door in the ceiling overhead, then position yourself so you can draw a bead on the exposed blue globe up near the NW corner of the ceiling.  Then go stand on the beetle tile against the E wall and face the central structure. A door has opened, exposing another blue globe, so without stepping off of the beetle tile shatter the second globe.  Finally, climb the ladder at the SW corner and step on another beetle tile.  Turn around and see that a door has opened in the S face of the central structure, revealing a portion of another blue globe.  Shoot that one as well, then climb down and find that the way is now clear in the W face of the central structure. Pause to pick up two boxes of shotgun ammo, then proceed into the passage and pick up six or seven (I lost count) boxes of Silver Hawk ammo, together with the third EGYPTIAN TABLET.


As you go back outside, you discover that the two inert horses you saw upon entering are now prancing around with mounted tin men.  At least one is, the other may be trying to ride through the wall of the central structure, but you can make him dismount by shooting him in the heart.  Dance about so that you hit the tin man in the heart as the horse is passing you on your right.  This causes the tin man to dismount, whereupon it becomes easier to kill him.  Pick up the fourth EGYPTIAN TABLET he drops, then do the same with the other pair and pick up the DIAMOND KEY dropped by the second tin man.  Use the latter to open the exit gate NE and return to the balcony, pausing along the way to pick up your missing CROSSBOW in the alcove you opened earlier.  Climb down the NW ladder to the pool area and swim over to the S ledge.  Pull up and insert the four Egyptian Tablets in their receptacles to open the gates between them.


Enter the passage and jump into the water hole.  Swim along the long passage and pull out at the other end.  Climb the ladder and follow the upper passage to a ramp, then slide down two slopes until you reach a plinth.  Take the SKELETON KEY and the DIAMOND KEY, then use the nearby jump switch to open the exit gate.  Head out onto a familiar balcony.  Use the two keys to open the large double gate between the receptacles, then climb the pole and back flip onto an upper ledge.  Pick up the small medipack, then combine the two Circular Key Pieces to form the EMERALD KEY.  Use it in the device to lift the gate to your left.  Pick up the large medipack and small medipack in the sun-splashed passage, take the SHOTGUN from the pedestal, then save your game and slide down into the next room for a battle royal with Seth.


During the ensuing flyby a message gives you warning that your weapons have been rendered useless.  When camera control is restored, loop around to your left and activate the high jump switch as Seth hurls thunderbolts at you.  Reverse roll and run toward the NE corner.  Push the jackal statue onto the beetle tile in the corner, then run around the room if you wish to pause for a small medipack and some extra shotgun ammo (two boxes).  Run to the middle of the N wall and pull up into the crawl space where you'll find some refuge from Seth's barrage.  Crawl forward and push the floor lever at the end of the passage to turn off the flames protecting the floor lever outside at the S wall.  Exit the crawl space and run across the room to push the floor lever.  Run around the pillar in front of you and climb up onto the block in the SW corner.  Pick up the small medipack, then take a standing jump onto the taller pillar.


Take a running jump E to the ladder and climb to the top.  Jump to the bridge and time your way past the spike traps.  Jump the gap on the other side to the ledge in front of the N ladder.  Climb the ladder and shift right to drop onto the upper ledge.  Go into the NE passage and jump up to grab the monkey bars.  Time your way past three flame blowers and release at the other end when the flames protecting the artifact are also down.  Pick up the FLAME EMITTER DEACTIVATION KEY and monkey swing back across the flame blower gauntlet.  Drop down at the end and follow the ledge to the other end, hopping over the gap at the ladder.  Insert the Key in the keyhole to turn off the flames immediately ahead.


Hop back and take a running jump SE to the next ledge.  Jump up to grab the monkey bars and follow the tracks all the way to the SE corner of the room.  You must time yourself past two flame emitters along the way, a task made trickier by the fact that Lara seems to halt in her tracks whenever she pauses to let the flames subside.  When you get safely past the flame traps, note the jump switch in the E wall as you approach it and release over it to activate it on your way down.


Climb the ladder in the S wall and use Lara's new move (continue to hold down the action key while pressing the walk and jump keys) to transfer her to the monkey bars.  Monkey swing past the flame blowers and release at the end.  Jump NW to the long ledge and follow it to the ladder.  Climb down to the bottom, hop to the spike-trapped bridge and make your way to the other side.  Jump to the tall pillar in the S wall and climb down the ladder.  Back flip to the shorter pillar and hop down to the floor.  You now have full use of your weapons, so draw your Silver Hawk and make use of all that extra ammo you were provided earlier.  When Seth explodes, pick up the DIAMOND KEY he drops. Use it to open the E double doors.


When you cross the threshold a door opens to your left (as a reward for your obtaining all six secrets in the level;  otherwise, it wouldn't open).  Go into the next room and pick up the AWARD FOR FINDING ALL SECRETS.  You can't eat it, and you can't spend it, but it's a nice honor for all your hard work in following this walkthrough.  Go back and head up the E ramp.  You'll trigger three boulders near the top.  If you're quick enough you can simply continue running forward and dart to your left between the first and second boulders.  Otherwise, the ladder down at the bottom of the ramp may be intended as a refuge for you.


When you reach the top of the ramp, hop into the S passage and follow it around to a door that opens upon your approach.  Enter the next room and take the DIAMOND KEY from the central trap door, which opens to deposit you in a pool far below.  Pull up into a dark underground room and shoot three large vases to reveal flares, a small medipack, two stashes of SMG ammo, shotgun ammo.  Shoot the harpy, then shoot the blue globe hanging from the NW area of the ceiling.  A door opens in the W wall.  Pull out the piece and move it onto the S dark tile.  Two more blue globes are revealed toward the N ceiling.  Shoot them to open a door in the N wall.  Pull out that piece and move it onto the dark tile W.  Find the final piece in the S wall and move it onto the NE dark tile.


The flames protecting the floor lever in the NE corner have been turned off.  Go there, push the lever and kill the demigod who appears.  Pick up the EGYPTIAN TABLET he drops and insert it in the receptacle next to the floor lever.  Enter the passage and climb the ladder.  Back flip near the top to a higher ledge and activate the high jump switch there.  Climb the next ladder and pull up at the top to a room you earlier visited briefly.  Use the Diamond Key in the W keyhole to open one of the large double doors.  Go inside as Lara's theme music plays and run up the ramp to end the level.