Courel’s Sands 2. Full Version.

Game by AngelR.

Authorized Walkthrough by D&G Productions.

Important note by the author: For the game, I'm starting to suspect that some people (most have no problems) might be getting the death tile bug. Meaning that when I triggered the death tiles to turn off after they complete an event to do the next, it doesn't turn off for them. It could be anti virus software causing this problem; you might want to turn it off when playing this game.

If you’re not interested in the secrets (many of them are a challenge to get), you can skip the **** marked paragraphs. The +++marked+++ parts are tasks to perform to get one of the next secrets.

Links to the Levels.

2 -Rocky Road.

7 -Cold Snap.

11 -Lost World.

3 -Rocky Road - Pt 2.

8 -Icy Plains.

12 -Thunder Plains.

4 -Into the Fire.

9 -Ice Punishment.

13 -Gravity World.

5 -Toasty.

Cold Snap 2.

14 -Courel’s Desert.

6 -It Burns.

Cold Snap 3.

Into the Fire (second visit).

10 -Aquamarine.


Level 1 - Courel’s Sands. 3 secrets

The Torch Room, a Torch.

Go straight E over the big yard and into the opening, pick up some Flares and go to the pedestal NE, first throw the lever next to it to ignite a pedestal S. Then pick up a Torch and ignite it on the pedestal S.

The Statue Room, the Trial Key.

Go into the room E (watch out for the deadly pit to the left) and ignite all the statues there and a block goes up SE, drop the Torch for now (remember where) and go get the Trial Key from the sarcophagus E.

Hop on that block SE and climb up E, grab Walther ammo and a Small Medipack from the pedestals and get into the crawlspace SE, throw the lever to open a gate out on the big yard.

Go back down to the Statue Room and shoot a Mutant (go close and duck), then head out to the big yard.

Spiked Walls.

That open gate is NW, sprint straight through the first room, left and into the opening there, into the next room. Aim right for the open gate in the right hand wall and the gate close, but you’re not safe yet so keep on running to the corner and go left into the room. Behind the columns N and S are two jump levers (side step behind the column), use the levers to stop the flames in the passage W.

Operate the two reach-in holes and the door opens, go down the steps to where a flyby starts.

Lava Jumps, pick-ups.

First we go for the pickups on that block in the middle of the lava, stand back against the step, hop forward and grab the slanted pillar, hang left and pull up, immediately jump left onto the break ledge. Standjump to the next and do a running jump with a bit of a left curve to the safe end of that ledge down left (try not to use any more of the ledges). Turn W and jump to grab the nearest break ledge, pull up and runjump onto the next, standjump forward onto the block and collect Flares, Laser Rifle ammo and 2x Grenade Gun ammo.

Lava Jumps, to the Opening.

Go stand NE, you have to get to that lower pillar NE. Hop onto the top of the slanted pillar, immediately jump onto the break ledge, hop to grab the next and another hop to grab the last one near the wall, traverse left around the corner. Back flip onto that low slanted pillar and just let Lara slide off, grab the edge of the break ledge. Pull up and do a running jump to grab the edge of the ledge with the death tiles. Traverse right around the corner and pull up.

Go to the S end and stand jump to grab the first ledge in the middle, turn right and do hops with a bit of aiming to the next ones. Turn left in the end and hop to the one S, turn right again and hop to the corner of the one near the opening, a left turn again and into the opening (savegame). Head into the next room and throw the lever SE, climb the new block and jump to the jump lever W. Get into the open trapdoor and follow through and throw a lever, grab a Large Medipack from the reach-in hole and go up the ladder to the big yard.

The Hammer God.

A gate will open E and a Hammer God is released, you can’t shoot him.

**** Get into that gate E fast and up into that crawlspace in the E wall. Get Secret #1, 3x Laser Rifle ammo and get back out.****

Run to the Torch room and grab the burning Torch you left there. Run NW and back to that hole you came up from before, throw the Torch down and climb down after it. Follow back to the room with the raised block, ignite the statue NE and a block goes up in the room with all the statues near the big yard.

The Ignition Key.

Back up to the big yard and SW into the Torch room, to the Statue room E and left in the back is the new block, climb up E and grab a Small Medipack and the Ignition Key. Go into the crawlspace NE and throw the lever to open big gates S of the big yard. Climb back down to the Statue room and get to that jeep as fast as you can. Get in and start her up, as soon as the Hammer God comes close he will die.

****Detour for a Secret: Go back into the Torch room and grab the second Torch from the pedestal NE, ignite it and go light the 2 wall torches on the W wall, a screen of a ladder over that pit in the Statue room, so drop the Torch and go into the Statue room E, jump over the pit to the ladder and climb up to a steep passage, turn around and hop back till you hear the boulder coming, run back and jump with a grab down the hole, run forward a bit to get out of the way. Now get back up the ladder and follow through, hop over a spike pit and stand next to that pit facing NE. Back flip onto the slanted wall and immediately jump again to grab the climbable wall, go left around the corner and up a bit. Wait for the burner to stop and backflip. Hop S timing the other burners and get Secret #2, the Walther and Walther ammo. As the drop to the yard is a bit too high, you batter get back to the climbable wall and drop down into the now safe Spike pit. Go back down the ladder into the Statue room and back flip off.****

Go out to the jeep and take it to those open gates SW, follow the trail through a lava chamber, come back outside and jump over three pits to reach a closed gate.

****Leave the jeep and go back to the last pit, jump over and climb down the climbable wall SE, light a flare as there’s a nasty spike trap. Collect Secret #3, a Large Medipack and 2x Walther ammo. ****

Get back up and open the gates with the Trail Key.

Two blocks and a Timed gate.

Just to the right inside is a Timed lever, first you have to pull 2 blocks on the grey tiles. You can roll under the dart traps (duck + sprint keys). Pull/push the blocks standing at a corner, so the darts won’t hurt you. With the 2 blocks in place, go to the Timed lever near the entrance and use it, turn right, run-jump over the block to the gate and get in quick (savegame).

Ropes and a Crowbar.

Jump and grab the first rope, swing to the next and swing to the ledge in the right hand corner. Turn S and run-jump to the third rope, use that to swing and grab the crawlspace S, get in and pick up the Crowbar. Drop out onto the now safe ledge and get back to the N side and into the opening there (you can also swing into the crawlspace from the first rope you jumped to).

Follow the passage to a pit, hop around the corner and hang down into the pit. Drop and grab the lower passage, throw the Crowbar lever and pick up the Shotgun ammo

(Every time you come back to the Courel’s Sands level, you can go back to get the Shotgun ammo here as it will be replaced every time).

Climb up through the opened trapdoor to get to a bridge. Cross the bridge and jump over the gap into the opening to a large lava room.

The Connection Room.

A Torch.

Go N and stand-jump/grab E to the break ledge over the lava, stand-jump/grab to the next and time the burner, run-jump to grab the ladder ahead. Go up to the rim in the wall and time the burner again (watch the glow on the wall). Back flip with roll and grab the break ledge, stand-jump/grab to the next and run-jump to the floor ahead. Go to the lever SW and throw it to open a gate. Climb the platform NW and go up to the second floor. Throw the first lever W to raise a block on ground floor and a second lever to open yet another gate, now you have a shortcut down to the first floor.

Pick up a Torch from one of the pedestals and go to the opening in the floor NW, hop down onto the platform and hop back landing on the raised block on ground floor. Throw the Torch so it will land inside the crawlspace. Go in and grab the Torch to throw it in further, ignite it and throw it back out to the grey block. Pick it up and hop onto the first floor. Light the 2 fire bowls and the gate in the middle opens up. Drop the Torch and step inside the Green gate.

Level 2 - Rocky Road. 3 secrets

Go into the next passage and climb the ladder on the middle pillar, back flip and roll to grab the rope. Swing to the balcony and grab a Small Medipack, Walther ammo on one side and throw a lever (#1 for the gate) on the other end. Jump back to the rope to get safely down.

The Gaia Key.

Go W into the right hand passage and shoot a Yeti and a bat, follow through, up some steps and into the passage. Stand at the edge of the pit, take a step or so back so you will land on the nearest side of that slanted pillar as you stand-jump to it. Slide far and jump to grab the next slanted pillar, hang right and save. Pull up over and slide far, then jump with a hard right curve to hit that slanted wall, grab it. Back flip into the space behind you and walk to the NE corner. Jump to the next slanted pillar and then to the terrace ahead. Throw the lever to open a gate and pick up the Gaia Key before leaving W. You’ll end back up at the steps, go to the gate you opened NE, next to the steps.

Spike Labyrinth, a Torch and the Second Gaia Key.

Take a left and keep going N till you come to a spike trap, go right (E) there and grab a Torch. Go back, left at the spike trap and take a right into the entrance of the Maze. Go back to the room with the steps and ignite the Torch on the wall torch there.

Coming back to the Maze, take the first right and watch out for the spike traps when you go all the way E, passing a closed gate. Turn left when you hit the E wall and turn left into the next two alcoves where you can ignite two (1+2) wall torches (screen of a big block). Turn back S take the first right and right again, hop over the spikes and leave the Torch there for a bit (hit the #1 key to drop it), go over the next set of spikes to get the Desert Ranger ammo. Go back and take the Torch, go right and right again so you are back in the long passage to the W. Just past the first spikes, turn right and keep to the right. Carefully approach the Laser Rifle ammo as there’s a trap underneath. Pick it up and turn back S to the long passage, head W and around the corner in the end, you’re back at the entrance of the Maze.

Go N, straight past the passage where you got the Torch and you’ll find another gate. Go E there and second right is another wall torch (3). Go N and right (E) and turn in left after the spike trap to ignite another wall torch (4). Go E and right (S) and follow this path to that big block. Go in N and straight over the spikes, right and around the next corner is the last wall torch (5). The blocks will raise next to the big block, so go back S, drop the Torch and climb W over the big block. On the other side go W, left (S) and right again to find the Second Gaia Key on a pedestal, the gate NW opens up. Turn back and into the E passage to get the Large Medipack behind that spike trap.

Go back to the big block, climb over to the other side and go E, then left and follow back to where you lit those wall torches, go all the way W and turn right in the end. Behind the open gate is a jump lever, jump from the steps to operate it and grab the Flares under your feet (a gate opened above the Spider Cages). That gate you saw in the far S “long” passage is now open too and inside is a Small Medipack in case you want to go and get it.

Make your way back to the Maze entrance, go back to the room with the steps and go E to where the level started, another Yeti will attack. This time take the left hand passage W.

Spider Cages.

Coming into a large hall with spider cages, go right and pick up the Small Medipack from the steps. Some Walther ammo is found on similar steps along the W wall, then go up into the opening S, three keyholes there. Go left and into the passage NE, follow up to the first floor of the Spider Cage hall. In the N wall you can see that gate you opened before, go grab the Large Medipack and hop into the passage N, follow to a room with green breakable ledges. Run and jump over the middle ones, leaving the rest intact. Once across, look back and spot a ladder and a crawlspace in the pit (later). For now go to the crawlspace NE and drop in.

Top of the Labyrinth, the Third Gaia Key.

Jump out left and go N to get that Shotgun ammo and a Small Medipack NE, then go for the opening E, go in slow. That spike texture is safe, same as the other spike textures. The rest of the floor has spike traps, so jump left and then E and into the doorway E. Look for the lever NE and disable the spikes in the previous room, go back and throw the Timed lever S to stop the flames on the pedestal with the Key. Run back and get the Third Gaia Key, hold back flip while Lara grabs it. Go out of the room and to the SE corner of the Maze to grab the Grenades there. Make your way back W and into the opening up to the room with the green break ledges.

****Secret Detour: Remember that crawlspace in the pit? Run along the left side and curve right to jump and grab the wall there, drop and grab into the crawlspace. Drop into a room with a lot of flames. Stand in the SE corner and face NW, run-jumps will get you over the traps and onto that grey tile in the NW corner. Throw that to stop the flames under the lever SW and jump there. Throw that lever to disable the spike traps and jump to the room W, grab Secret #1(4), the Shotgun and 4x Shotgun ammo. Go back to the crawlspace to the pit and drop out, grab up S to the break ledge and jump back into the passage S.****


Jump to the S side of the room and follow the passage back to those three keyholes. Use the Keys and you can already imagine what happened, the Spider cages opened. Go down into that room and take care of the spiders, it will soon drain you of all your ammo, so maybe switch to pistols halfway down the fight. Go into the W side cage and throw the lever to open the first gate at the connecting room. Head into the E side gate and throw the lever there to open the second gate.

Push Blocks.

Go out N and back to the start of the level, get the two push blocks out of the two gates and move them onto the grey corner tiles and a gate opens up. Go back to the Spider Cage hall, up to the three keyholes and take a right into the NW passage. Follow through to a large lava room, stand-jump and grab the first ledge and run-jump onto the next, keep doing running jumps curving to the right and jump to the opening E, shoot the bat (for the secrets, look below). Go in, dive into the water and swim right, up and jump the spike pits. Turn around and use the jump lever over the entrance, the gate W opens up (next to that gate are 2 levers, they are only to be used if you go for the secrets).

****Secrets Detour: Once you jumped over the break ledges to the opening E, face NW and look through the binoculars to spot several transparent blocks, they lead to that opening in the N wall. Run-jump NW, then run-jump-grab N (the one W is deadly for now). Now jump to that ledge SW, it is safe now. Face N and run-jump-grab over to the slanted block, pull up over, slide and jump, slide again and jump into the opening. Go right as the left side is spiked and pick up a Large Medipack. Continue E and leave that other pick-up alone too, just go out E and dive into the water. Open the gate with the underwater lever and swim straight to climb out. Jump over two spike pits and shoot the tiny spiders in the next room. Go up W and look to the right, there’s a Timed gate. The trigger is that grey tile in the E side of the room.

Stand just above that tile and hop back (the gate will still open up while you are already sprinting to it), then sprint up the slope into that gate. Take Secret #2(5), Laser Rifle ammo and Walther ammo. Go back to the sloped room. Throw both levers next to the gate W and you’ll see those pick-ups you’ve seen earlier, go back down E. Over the spike pits, into the water and swim straight W, up and collect the 2 Shotgun ammo pick-ups in the passage W counting as Secret #3(6). Go back to the sloped room and turn around inside, use the jump lever to open the gate up W.****

Go into the passage and follow through to where the level changes.

Level 3 - Rocky Road - Pt 2. 2 secrets

Follow through to a large lava room with a high ledge where a giant Mutant roams around. You can choose to shoot him from standing in the entrance or jump over and fight him close-up, you have to shoot him in order to put out the flames so you can continue.

The Bag of Sand.

Go to the big gate E and to the right is a lever, throw it to lower a wall W, line up for a jump to the nearest break ledge and take 2 steps back, then stand-jump onto the ledge and do a running jump to the rope. Swing into the opening W and get the Bag of Sand and another Shotgun. Jump to the ledge and then use the rope to swing to the big ledge (never used the N rope and break ledge), shoot the 2 Yetis and head into the now open gate E.

The Mud Pool.

Shoot a bunch of tiny spiders and look for a lever in the second alcove S, a large gate opens up on top of the next ladder. Now throw the lever E to open the way to that ladder. Jump over the spider and go up to a crack, back flip and jump to the ladder again, climb up and slide into a pool of mud. Wade all the way into the NE corner and climb up onto that triangle ledge, run-jump E onto the ledge and hop NE onto the low end of the rock, down the N side and from there a stand-jump into the opening in the N wall.

Timed Spikes and a bunch of different levers.

Follow through, save and crawl over the Timed spike trap. Immediately stand up and throw the 2 wall levers, 2 floor levers and a jump lever SW, run into the open gate N and throw another lever, back flip/roll and sprint back into the room and go right into that opened door before all the spikes go up (savegame).

Follow through to another lava chamber, walk down onto the ledge.

****Secret Detour: Run NE onto the next and jump NE to the opening leading to the next hot room. Stand one step back into the passage and run-jump over the flames to the break ledge and run to the end of it before you jump OVER that pillar and grab the next break ledge. Pull up and run-jump to grab the other side. Jump over the next flames to get Secret #1(7), 2x Walther ammo and Shotgun ammo. Go back over the now safe pillars and into the red lava chamber, hop right and go to the entrance ledge.****

A Gaia Key.

Jump to the block in the S side of the room, stand on the N tip, face SE and side flip NE to the opening in the E wall. Go in and shoot another bunch if tiny spiders. On the terrace NE is Desert Ranger ammo, go onto the mound SW and jump to grab the opening S, follow and drop into a room where you’ll find a Gaia Key. Throw the lever and jump over the blocks to climb back up and go back to the grass room. Go out SE, shoot the yeti in this passage.

****Secret: Look for a dead plant in the middle W of the tunnel, drop down under the plant and go get Secret #2(8), Flares and a Large Medipack. Climb back up.****

Go S to a keyhole. Use the key to open the gate and go into a dark cave.

Falling Rocks.

Hang from the left side of the ledge and shimmy as far as possible, pull up and go around the corner, then hand from the E side and you can shimmy all the way to the exit (this way you’ll avoid the 2 deadly falling rocks). Continue to the next dark cave, run over the ledge and jump over the gap in the end to grab the last piece. Run-jump into the opening run over the next ledge to the end and standjump to GRAB the ledge ahead, pull up and hop back again, grabbing the edge. Pull up after the rocks fell and jump to grab the ledge S, this one is safe. Stand-jump to the ledge SW and a running jump to the ledge W before the rocks fall. Run over the ledge and jump to the one a bit left, then a running jump to the next ledge and keep running, jump over the gap and into the opening to a room with a Teleporter. Climb in from the side and be taken back to Courel’s Sands.

Courel’s Sands - Part 2.

On the ledge in front is a Bag of Sand. Pick it up in case the level change took it out of your inventory). A gate opens to the right of you, climb down to a lever and throw it to open a gate at the end of this passage so you have a shortcut down to the ground floor where the element bowls are. Go down to the ground floor and place the Bag of Sand in the right hand bowl. A gate opens on the second floor (If you want you can now go for that Shotgun ammo pickup under the trapdoor in the passage W).

Go back up through the shortcut, you have to use that lever again and head to the shortcut NW up to the second floor. Go into the “red” open gate and step into the Teleporter.

Level 4 - Into the Fire. 2 secrets. 1 now, 1 later.

Run through the passage before the lava closes in and jump over the pit. Save and crawl under the burners, stay left under the third burner and then go to the right as the lava closes in from that side. Run off the end and keep running to escape the lava, climb up and crawl through. Shoot the She-devil and grab the crack S near the lava pit. Traverse right around the corner and back flip to the break ledge, side flip right and hop onto the slanted block. Then jump (or back flip) to the safe ledge.

Climb up S and go E to the first break ledge you see.

Without the secret: Standjump and grab the edge, go left around one corner, pull up and runjump E to grab the next ledge, go left around the corner and pull up to run-jump and grab the ladder S.

****With the Secret: Stand-jump and grab the edge, go left around one corner, pull up and run-jump E to grab the next ledge, go right around the corner and pull up to stand-jump and grab the opening in the N wall. Go left into the low crawlspace and follow through to come to a cave with Lava boulders. Run into the opening E and get Secret #1(9), Shotgun ammo, a Small Medipack and Laser Rifle ammo. Go back to the boulders and spot two openings in the opposite wall, aim for the right hand side of the ledge between the 2 openings. Stand close to the boulders, wait for the first two to roll aside and run in, jump passing the next boulders and run up onto the ledge. Go to the S opening and back flip in, jump and grab the ladder, climb up to the ledge and drop out of the tiny crack. You are on a safe ledge in the cave with the break ledges. Jump and grab the ladder S.****

Shimmy all the way to the right along this edge and pull up at an opening in the wall in front. Shoot the bats and head inside.

Lava Halls, 4 Fire Levers.

In the first hall are two keyholes, just around the corner. Go to the next hall and the camera changes, just run forward along one of the side ramps and pull up onto that ramp as the Lava boulders start to roll. Then go back to the previous hall and battle the three harpies. Up S again and onwards into the next hall where a flyby will start.

Go up into the SW corner and find the jump lever there, the first lever will be safe.

In the SE corner of the hall is Grenade Gun ammo. Now go S in the middle of the hall and to the right is an alcove, throw the Timed lever there to make the second Fire lever safe. Quickly run down N, pull up left onto the big ramp and jump up onto the SW corner ledge, pull the lever and back flip. A block has now risen in the room with the gate S.

Go to the ramp E and up onto the corner ledge to throw the lever there too (screen of the lava falls).

Go back up to the hall S, climb the block NW and use the jump lever on the wall to lower a block near the gate S. Go there and save at the lever. Another screen of the lava falls and a big nasty Wraith is released. Sprint down N, all the way to the last hall and hop left into the now safe pool. Swim down W and throw the underwater lever to open that gate in the upper S hall. Return there and go through the gate S, jump up and grab the monkey climb, swing over the flames and run through the next passage.

Level 5 - Toasty. 2 secrets

Go into the next room and pick up another Shotgun, three passages leading out of this room. Straight ahead W is closed off by gates for now.

Passage N: (in case you are looking for the directions to the S passage, scroll down)

Large Mutants.

Follow the passage N and a gate closes behind you, in the left corner (NW) is a hole in the floor, dive in, get a Large Medipack and find an underwater lever (#1) in the far back. Swim back and climb up into the room, go E and left (N) and draw the Shotgun, two Large Mutants wake up, each can be killed with a single blast from the gun. Pick up a Small Medipack and dive into the water NE, throw the underwater lever (#2) in the room below. Go back up, to the S side of the room and shoot the 2 Mutants there too, grab Shotgun ammo left behind and dive into the water SW, use the underwater lever (#3). Go back up and climb the block in the middle of the room, jump to the ledge E and throw both levers to open the big gate below. Hop back to the block and drop to the floor.

Lava Boulders Challenge.

Go up the ramp, checking the jumps with binoculars and save just before the last jump. Run jump onto the high ridge, back flip with roll and run a bit before you roll again. Grab the edge and let the boulders go by (Video)

Dragons, the Inferno Key.

Go down into the room and save after the long flyby. Sprint straight to that Inferno Key, pick it up and turn right to run to the SE corner. Jump on the block, then up to the large block and jump into the opening in the wall (the first time I was in before the burner started, otherwise you have to time the jump into the opening) Go up to a closed gate and turn around, jump and grab up to the higher passage, follow through till you are looking down at the Dragons (seems her sister joined her). I tried to shoot them, but after getting burned a couple of times I gave up on that idea. It is quite possible to do this without shooting them as I didn’t have locust and most of the time I was up on a ledge, so safe.

Jump and grab the ledge W, shoot a Harpy and continue going to the W wall and shoot another Harpy. There are 2 vases on the W ledge, shoot them (maybe you already shot one or both by accident when you battled that harpy), they are needed to re-open the gate in the Large Mutant room, leading back to the start of the level. Then throw the wall lever and get a shot of a first gate opening up in the W passage at the connecting room.

Turn S and spot an opening in the S wall, between the 2 ledges. Jump into that opening and go down to throw the lever, it will open the gate in the entrance passage to the first level. Another Harpy will come for you when you go back up to the Dragons, so back flip down the passage again while shooting it. Go back to the Dragon room and jump to the right hand ledge.

****Double Secret Detour: Look at the N wall and spot the opening there, jump in there from the middle ledge, pick up 2x Shotgun ammo. Now you have to jump the Lava boulder slopes, best is to do curved jumps so you will have enough room on the slopes to jump to the next and just run down from the last (Video). Better save here before going on. Entering the next part of the room you’ll get Secret #1(10), but also activates all the Mutants. There’s one Large Mutant (W) acting as a Demigod, and the others are easy to deal with, so maybe shoot them first with the shotgun. Hop to a safe tile near the Demigod one and duck to shoot it. Go get your reward, Walther ammo and another Walther gun. Get back over the boulder ramps, jump on the first from standing one hop back and again do curved jumps to that opening to the Dragon room.

Another this time Winged Mutant awaits you, shoot it and stay on this ledge. Walk to the S side between the slope and the stone pillar and look down on the W side of the ledge. In the Lava pool below you can spot a deep shaft, that’s where we go now.

Take a step back from the edge and run down, you should land right in that shaft, swim down and follow that tunnel, around the second corner some Nasty Blades will block your path. Save, stay left and swim over the first, go right and pass under the second, turn left a bit so you face SW and up (screenshot) then go up over the third and go down to the bottom again to go under the rest of the Blades (watch the health while doing all this, it might help to take a Medipack now and then). On the next room you get Secret #2(11), but you better throw the underwater lever first and swim down the trench, go up for air and then return for the 2x Grenade Gun ammo and the Grenade Gun itself. Now swim back to the exit and climb up onto the boulder ramps, go E to the Dragon room, run to those blocks SE and jump to the one with the burner, hang behind it till the Dragon fired a bolt and only then pull up and turn to jump into that passage S, go up to that opened gate S (When I went straight into that passage from the blocks, the Dragon always set Lara ablaze while running to the open gate).****

Go to the passage E and jump back in, follow to the drop off and jump S into the opened gate, just around the corner is a Lava boulder up in the ceiling and obviously it will chase you down that sloped passage, so sprint and turn the corner. Crawl under the burners and coming to the next room, two Hammers will start up. Stand up close to them and run through. In this room are 3 more vases, shoot them to open that return gate in the Mutant room. Now find 4 levers, S, SW, NW and N to open the gate N.

Follow through and crawl under the Blade, stay left and stand up at the pit. Hop back and run along the wall, jump over the flames with a grab, you will miss the opposite edge, but as long as you land in the corner no harm will be done. Pull up and duck, hit the sprint key and roll your way through the passage to the next pit. In the pit is a Large Medipack, get that and jump over the next pit. Jump to the right into the next passage and start sprinting to the gate, turn right to get out of the way of the Lava boulder. You’re back in the Mutant Room, to the W is the exit gate you opened by shooting the 5 vases. Go in and back to the connecting room at the start of the level.

Passage S: Large Mutants.

Now enter the S side passage Shotgun ready, ignore the Medipack for now and follow to the next room, at least 4 or 5 Mutants attack. Go back for the Large Medipack you ignored and notice 2 more of these characters in the room where they attacked. Go into the passage W, slide down and jump to grab the block, jump with a grab past the moving block (stand left or right) and line up for a run-jump through the next trap. Best is standing left or right and hop back, wait for the first block to start moving aside and run-jump. Hop left over the pit, climb up for the Shotgun ammo.

Lava Boulders.

Hop back down and jump N over the pit into the passage, follow to a short passage left, save here and go further up the ramp, as soon as the Lava boulder comes, roll and sprint down, turn right into that short passage, get the Shotgun ammo and throw the lever to open gate 2 in the W passage of the connection room. Go up the passage and stand facing W at the next slope, hop 8 times backwards up the slope and sprint back and turn right into the lower passage. Go up the long sloped passage and almost up there another boulder comes, so roll and sprint back again. Now you can go up and through to a large Lava Chamber.

The Large Lava Chamber.

Jump and grab the rope, ahead of you are invisible ledges, the first one is in the middle of the next section, I only swung once and jumped off to get there. Now run-jump straight E and land on the next ledge. Then jump to one of the ledges next to the pillar E, throw a Timed lever, side flip to the other Timed lever and throw it too, turn to the gate and simply run from the corner of the ledge into the open gate. Draw the Shotgun and follow the rest of the passage back to the room with all the Mutants where the rest of them will now come alive. Go out E and back to the connection room.

Passage W: Where you opened the 2 gates, with the levers found in the previous sections, follow through and the level changes.

Level 6 - It Burns. 2 secrets

(This level contains a lot of going back and forth, no other route possible than the long one.)

To the left is a jump lever to open the big doors N, go into a wide corridor. To the left is a lever, use that and turn back into the first alcove SE of the lever. Pull up through that dark walkthrough wall and in the end of that passage is another lever. Again no clue what it does, but it opens big doors further on. Pick up the Small Medipack on your way out. Go into that wide corridor again and go all the way N to where those big doors opened up a Lava room. In the far distance you can see an opening.

Pillar Jumps.

Stand a bit back and hop onto the first slanted pillar, slide off and land on a low ledge, grab up to the pillar and shimmy around left to the corner closest to the next pillars. Only then pull up in the corner where you won’t get burned. Face NW and stand-jump onto the next pillar, the middle one of the three is safe. Run jump N from this one to grab a slanted pillar. Hang left and pull up over, slide-jump left and slide-jump again to land on the exact corner of the next flat pillar. Shimmy left around to the far side and get up in the corner. Jump and grab straight N skipping the pillar left. The one you grabbed is safe, pull up and jump N, the next two are safe. From the one near the slanted burning pillar you cab run-jump straight N and grab the pillar behind the slanted one. Shimmy right around the corners to the one at the wall (safe) and jump from this one to the last pillar, do a running jump into the opening before the burner starts.

A Torch, Ignite it.

Turn left into the W passage and immediately go right around the block, in the crevice is a gap in the N wall covered in spider webs. Hop through and grab one of the Torches. Hop out and go back to the lava room, stand three steps back from the edge and jump to the corner of the first pillar with the burner. Ignite the Torch and wait for the burner to stop to run-jump back N.

Preparations and a glimpse of a Dragon’s Head.

Go into the W passage again, left this time to a wall torch, light it and drop the Torch. Go into the Rope Room and jump to the central island, run past the burner and jump to the W island. Grab up to the rope there, turn right or left a bit to aim for the side of that slanted ridge up on the W wall. Now I had to use a trick move, tap “swing” once and let go, wait till Lara gets her feet back on the rope and hit “swing” again, she will now go high and you can jump off to grab that ridge. Hang in the middle and back flip onto a ledge. Jump up to the floor E and grab the Torch near the closed gate, ignite it on one of the burners and light the 2 wall torches next to the gate. A gate opens, but not the one with the Dragon’s Head, so we’ll have to come back later. Drop the Torch, go to the last ledge W and safety drop down to the island, jump E, climb up the ladder and get out of the room.

Back in the passage, pick up the Torch again and hop onto the slope SE, stand back and throw the Torch through the crawlspace. If not fully through, crawl in and throw it further, Take the Torch to the end of the passage and light another wall torch. Again nothing happens… Drop the Torch and head back through the crawlspace, go straight into the E passage at the Lava pit and come to where the gate opened.

Fiery Room, open the gate to the Spike Wall Room.

Run in when the Hammers open and jump over the flame and then time the burners to get to the opening SW in the S wall. Go in and throw the floor lever. Go back to the Fiery room and spot 2 chains left and right of the Hammers, jump over a transparent floor tile to the one NW and pull it, jump back and side flip over the flames to get to the one NE, a screen of a gate opening up. It’s the one at the end of the W passage where you lit the last wall torch. Drop through the transparent floor tile, into the room below. Use the Timed underwater lever S and swim out NE, N wall, go up and you’re back in the passage.

The Spike Wall Rooms, to the First Dragon’s Head.

Go back into the W side passage, through the crawlspace and save before you enter that dark room. Run in, turn left and sprint diagonally to a lever SW, use it quick and back flip-roll, jump to the next lever, turn left while Lara uses the lever and sprint N, use the lever near the (now deadly) entrance and back flip-roll to get to the last lever, turn left while Lara uses it and sprint towards the Spike Wall. When you were fast enough you can run to the right into an opened gate just before the Wall gets there. Immediately save as you slide down (savegame) as there’s a nice challenge ahead. You’ll drop onto a slope going left, when the wall changes colour, jump up and grab the monkey climb. The timing has to be perfect, as you have to hang as high as possible (savegame). Drop and slide, ****just at the end of this slide is a jump lever on the wall, jump up to use it, it opens a gate in the Fiery Room****. Slide and jump before you reach the end of the slide, so Lara will already be running as she lands on the ground of the large room with more Spike Walls. Sprint across the room and into the opening ahead.

Go up the sloped passage to a high cave, shoot the tiny spiders and jump into the niche NE and pull the chain to re-open the gate of the Spike wall room (for later). Get out and jump over the blocks to the ledge up S, jump W to that ladder and go up, back flip to the next ledge. Do the same E and then go up onto the highest point of the ledge to grab up to the ledge with a Large Medipack. Jump over to the ledge in the middle.

****Secret Detour: Stand-jump E to the rope and aim for the opening behind the Hammers, swing as soon as the open up and jump into the opening. More Hammers ahead, run through and into the hole in the floor, grab Secret #1(12), a Grenade Gun, Desert Ranger ammo NW and a Large Medipack S, swim down into the hole in the bottom N and follow to some Shotgun ammo in a room with a chain. Pull the chain to drain the tunnel. Safety drop down and get back to the room with the Hammers, climb up E through the floor and jump W to the opening to the cave. Run out to the right so you land on the slope and slide till you can jump and grab that S side ledge. Use the ladders again to get back up to the middle ledge.****

Jump N and grab into the opening, follow to the First Dragon’s Head, throw the lever to open a gate in the Spike Wall Room. Jump out to the nearest pillar, then N twice, a long jump-grab over the slanted pillar and shimmy right to the one at the wall. Jump over the last pillar to the opening N.

The Blaze Key.

Go W again and all the way through the crawlspace and into the gate to the Spike Wall room (don’t hesitate at the gate as I did, the gate closed in front of me and there was no way to get in there again).

Pick up the Blaze Key from the open gate NW, the gate to the right opens up and there you can get some more Grenade ammo. A gate opens in the far S end of the room, go there to get the Large Medipack and then you’ll get a screen of a jump lever. Go to the gate in the W wall, run-jump to the jump lever and another gate opens up S, you can get an additional Grenade Gun there (In my game the Spike Wall was there again and I had to go back 2 saves before it was gone when I got into the Spike wall room, so when you go in, look S and if the wall is there, go back to an earlier save and try again).

Now you have to use the 4 levers again to open the timed gate W and slide down the slopes once more. No boulder this time…If you missed that jump lever before, you can use it now, it’s at the end of the slope with the monkey climb.

Mutant Warriors, for the Second Dragon’s Head.

Coming into the lower room, Mutant Warriors attack, use the Grenade Gun to blast them away. In the 4 corners of the room are pools, protected by more Warriors that will come alive on approach, dive into each pool to use the 4 underwater levers and the gate up in the Rope Room will open. Leave E and go up the cave route again, through the passage N to the Pillar room and jump N once more, this time I had to grab the last pillar with the burner as it would start immediately when I landed on the pillar so no way I could do a run-through jump. Pull up in a corner and run-jump when the burner is down. Go W again and this time to the Rope Room, get up the room like you did before and get the Second Dragon’s Head from the open gate. You’ll get a screen of an underwater gate near the Fiery Room. Get back down after you shot the Harpy and leave the room.

The Fiery Room again, the Third Dragon’s Head.

Go left and into the E side passage, to the Fiery Room. Run-jump in, through the Hammers and over the flames. Go into the open fence W (opened with the jump lever at the end of the slide) and get Secret #2(13), a Small Medipack. Go out, jump over the burners to the SE corner and use the Key there. A second underwater gate opens up, dive down through that transparent tile and swim into the opening E and follow to the space behind the E fence, grab the Third Dragon’s Head, swim back and go to that underwater lever S, use it and quickly swim N into the opening to the Timed trapdoor. Go back to the hall and N to the dragon receptacles. Place the 3 Heads and go into the open gate NW. Pick up the Large Medipack and go through to the next Lava Room.

Dragon Battle, the Pyro Key.

On the entrance ledge is a “Red” trigger tile, it will open the Timed gate E, but the trigger doesn’t work yet. First you have to shoot these Dragons, looks hard, but I noticed that when you use the Super Grenade ammo, they will be gone soon. Run over the trigger tile and get into that gate E. Go up the ladder and back flip into the upper passage leading to the upper ledge in the Dragon Room, one of those ladies somehow survived. First run to the pedestal W and get a Small Medipack, then go shoot that Dragon if you like. Save and get the Pyro Key from the other a pedestal, Fiery Wraiths show up at this point. The gate at the ladder is closed, so you’ll have to just run down the S side of the bridge, landing close to the exit S and run out. (This is how I did it, pick up the Key, turn facing S and hop backwards off the N side of the floor, hit Ctrl as soon as you passed the edge of the floor and you should land on the floor below).

Sprint out S, go left at the green Mutant Warriors they will come alive. I thought it to be easier to shoot them first inside the E passage, when they are close together it takes only 2 Grenades. You’ll have to get into the water below the Fiery Room, the only water here. So don’t worry about the flames too much, just jump through the Hammers into the hole to get rid of the Wraiths.

Throw the underwater lever and swim through the tunnel N and up through the trapdoor. Go to the lava room with the pillars as you have to get back to the start of the level, at least the pillars are now all safe…

As you enter the small passage S, you are back in the previous levels where you have some unfinished business.


Toasty – Just Passing through.

Go straight and grab the monkeyclimb to get over the Flames.

Into the Fire (second visit). 1 secret still to go.

Go straight and all the way down passing those 3 Lava boulders, use the Pyro Key to the right and you’ll see a trigger tile somewhere.

Use the Inferno Key to the left and the flames under the last two of the 4 levers will go down.

The Jerry can.

Go shoot the two She-devils and head up to the S hall and throw the two levers, the first two actions needed to open an underwater gate.

Now go up to the last hall S and into the SE corner where you got Grenade ammo in the previous episode, this is where that trigger tile is now. Step on it and you’ll see a Torch near the S gate. Go to the S gate and pick up the Torch, ignite it on the flame next to it and take it all the way down to where the key holes are. Light the 2 standing bowls E and W and a gate opens in the E side pool. Dive in and swim up to a room with the Jerry can. The gate E opens up, climb in and walk onto the ledge in the next cave.

****Secret: Hop down the N side into a lower tunnel, go to the burner in the drop off and turn around, watch the glow of the flames on Lara’s legs and hop back when it is safe, run forward into the tunnel, turn around and save before you to pick up Secret #2(14), Shotgun- and Walther ammo. Run back, time the flame and roll, jump up to the upper passage and climb back up to the cave, turn right to the room where the Jerry can was and get into the water. Return to the ledge in the cave.****


Time the burners and jump over into the passage with the lever to open a gate in the cave. Then jump out left into that gate. Save again and dive in, use the 2 underwater levers, 2 underwater ceiling levers and get some air. Dive down and this time into the lower room to find the last underwater lever for that gate. Swim up into the ceiling and follow to the Teleporter Room. Step in and you’ll be taken back to Courel’s Sands…

Courel’s Sands - Part 3 (Back Again).

Pick up the Jerry can (because the level change took it out of your inventory), pick up a Torch from one of the pedestals and go one level down the through the shortcut, ignite it there on the bowl on the second floor. Go with the Torch down to the ground floor.

Leave the Torch in a safe place, empty the Jerry can in the Fire bowl (middle) and do NOT save BEFORE you lit it with the Torch. Another Teleporter gate opened up. This one is way up on the third floor. You can get there by climbing the ladder S on the second floor. (If you want you can now go back for that Shotgun ammo pickup under the trapdoor in the passage W).

Step into the Blue Gate.

Level 7 - Cold Snap.

3 secrets (near the end)

For one of the secrets you have to use 3 levers and some more tasks. Those parts are marked like +++this+++, if you don’t go for that secret, skip those lines.

Slide down, jump over two deadly ice pits and grab that Large Medipack.

+++(1) Back flip onto the slope again and jump/grab an icy ladder, climb up and crawl through to throw a lever (#1) showing you a gate. Climb back down+++. Go up the snowball ramp and run back as soon as they come down, into the passage and jump back over the snowball. Go up to the top of the ramp and climb up, go right and shoot a leopard when you come into the ravine.

The Snow Bike.

Get onto the custom built snow bike and go left around the corner picking up speed, go up the right hand side ramp to jump over the gorge. +++(2) Stop the bike and climb down the gorge, get the Walther ammo under the icy ladder and shoot the two leopards. In the cave NW is a lever, but also some ice balls. First go in to trigger the balls and run back out. Once it is safe you can go in to use the lever (#2) and get a screen of the gate. Climb back up to the bike. Go S and just around the corner is a big Fur tree, behind it is another lever (#3) for that gate+++.

Now go up the ramp N and if you want a Small Medipack, stop before the jump and climb down the deep pit. Shoot the leopard and get the Small Medipack, climb back up to the bike. Jump over the pit and follow through to where you can’t take the bike any further.

You can however do everything on foot.

Ice Caves.

Go into the cave and watch out for falling icicles, just right around the corner after the first icicles is a niche in the N wall, Hop in and use the lever (first for the big gate). Back flip out, go W and dive down into the hole in the pool. Throw the underwater lever in the room at the end of the tunnel and swim back to go to the opened gate S.

A flyby takes over when you enter the Snowman Yard. Up S you can see that “Secret” gate.

The Waterskin.

Go left (E) into the passage, around the corner and to the right is a room with the Waterskin, protected by flames. So proceed S, jump over a deadly pit and go left (E) in the room with the black rock. The passage S is closed off for now.

In the passage E and to the right is a scale, behind it a gate leading to a Teleporter.

The Passage straight ahead (E) leads to the place where you will get 2 Secrets later.

Go left (N) at the horse statue into the passage the flyby showed and in the next hall is a triangular opening in the W wall, hop in and push the button to see the Waterskin is safe now. Go back S, right and right again, over the pit and left into the room to get the Waterskin.

Use the Waterskin, a Walther Gun and a Raising Block.

Go out and left, back to the Snowman Yard. Down N and fill the Waterskin in the pool in the cave. Go back to the scale; that is S, left into the E passage, S over the deadly pit, left into the passage and right at the Horse. Pour the water in the bowl (left side) and a gate opens, roll, run straight N at the Horse and to the right in the next hall is the open gate. Push the button and see the other pedestal in the Waterskin room is now safe too. Go back there to get the Walther Gun and you’ll see a block go up in the Snowman Yard.

Timed Flames.

Go out and left to the Snowman Yard, the raised block is straight W, climb up and then grab up to the ladder W, back flip onto the bridge and from there jump over the blocks N to get to the lever NE. Use the Timed lever and do stand-jumps over the blocks to the lever NW, use it too and jump into the niche N, use the lever, hit the Look key to get out of the camera shot and roll, run out with a right curve to get back onto the block. A gate opened S on ground floor, so back to the bridge and get down to the Yard. Go down N to the caves first, fill the Waterskin again and go back up to the Yard. Head into the passage S and push the double doors open.

Level 8 - Icy Plains. 2 secrets

Open the door to the left with the button, go in and a Guard might come in, shoot him and pick up the Grenades he drops (if you loose health in this level, just run back to the double doors to the previous level and back again). In the house is a fireplace, E of the fireplace you can open the bedroom door, go in for a Small Medipack, shoot the guard coming in.

The Book.

Go out and stand near the fireplace, a bit left or right from the walls you can still safely step up close to the flames (screenshot). Turn towards the fire and pour the water on it to extinguish the flames. You’ll see a book up on the chimney. Go outside and left around the corner of the house is a ladder up to the roof, go to the chimney NE and pick up the Book. Climb back down and open the door of the house NW, right around the corner near the fireplace is the bedroom and next to the bed is a Large Medipack, shoot the guard.

Open the Storage Room, a first Carrot Nose.

Go to the fireplace and spot the button on the back wall. Stand facing the door to the bedroom and side flip over the fire (screenshot), push the button to open a door to the storage room. Go out of the house and to the Storage room SE, in the windowsill up SW are Flares. Go down and over the crates into the NE corner, face W and push the crate W once. Turn around and open the trapdoor, get down.

****(You need the crowbar here, if you haven’t got it, you will first have to go and get it at the first Secret in “Ice Punishment”).

Look S, shoot the panel in front of you; go in and throw the lever. Turn around, go straight and through the crawlspace, open the crowbar door and go through the door you opened with that lever. Hop into the water and quickly swim straight (E), go up and climb out to get Secret #1(15), Several ammo pick-ups. Open the crowbar door E and push the button, another door will open up. Notice the Small Medipack in the adjacent room. Go back to the water, shoot those nasty fish, dive in and swim down, go back up SW and make it back to the crossing.****

Where you shot the panel you can go up the ladder E, open the crowbar door and get the first Carrot Nose. Go back down to the crossing.

****Back through the crowbar door and SW is another trapdoor, open it and go down. Here is the door you opened near the previous Secret. Find your way through the icicles to the lever and open that door in the other Secret room with it. You can now go back up and then down to the crossing. Go back N through the crawlspace, through the water and get Secret #2(16), that Small Medipack. Go back to the crossing.****

Go back up the ladder W to the storage room and out to the street. Go S and left around the corner to the next level.

Level 9 - Ice Punishment. 3 secrets

Go to the large cave and turn around, climb down the ladder, jump to a piece of ice in the water and find a spot to shoot that Fish. Go get the Shotgun ammo NE and dive into the water.

To the Ice Temple.

Swim into the tunnel S and all the way to the end. On the right hand side of the block S is an underwater lever (#1), showing light grey doors. Swim back to the cave and go back up the ladder, climb to the left before you reach the top and drop onto the ledge. Now grab up to the crack in the wall and traverse to the opening far left.

****Secret Detour: As you reach that opening in the wall (at the blue ice wall), you can drop down to a ledge below to slide down to a lower ledge, jump and grab E. Jump up SE and then up E, shoot the Ice crystal up E and get there for Secret #1(17), a Small Medipack, Flares and a Crowbar. Get down into the lake below and back up again to that opening SW at the end of the crack.****

Pull up and avoid the icicles when you go up the ladder to a white canyon.

Follow through and shoot the three giant Bird men. Around the next corner you’ll find a Temple, 2 Yetis attack. Go up the stairs all the way to the top and 2 more Yetis attack. Up there are the light grey doors you saw before. Open them with the 2 levers (#2+3), first lever was the one underwater) right and left.

Push Puzzle.

In the Hall is a pushable pedestal with a vase SE, that one has to go to a grey tile in the far NW corner, the door S opens, pull out the pedestal (straight through the fence) and move it onto the transparent tile W, you’ll see big doors open up. Push it now to the next transparent tile; the N door opens.

Place the Book for the Bucket.

Go up W and left up the short stairs, pull up on the ledge above. Jump and grab the chandelier and jump over to the N side where the big open doors are. In the N, close to the bookcases is a pedestal, place the Book on it and get a screen of the Bucket.

Hidden in the lamp on the E wall is a jump lever, this one will raise a block to place a puzzle item later.

Look on the W wall for a jump lever and use it to open the big doors on the opposite side of the Hall. Go out of the room and jump across to the open doors S to a fountain room.

The Fountain Room.

Pick up some Shotgun ammo from a hole NE. In the SE corner is a transparent wall section, behind it is the block you raised with the jump lever (for later when we return here)

**** Secret Detour:

Dive into the pool and open the underwater door E. Swim in and up in the large chamber to use the underwater lever in the shaft in the ceiling, now swim further E and up through the open trapdoor. Open the small door and pull the chain to get a screen of some ammo near where the Bucket appeared. Go on to the door E and left of it is a ladder, go up and then jump over to a ladder in the NW corner, go up well above that grey wall texture and back flip to a ledge. Jump to the opening S and open the crowbar door.

Go in and shoot that wooden panel. In the room behind it are two chains, only use the right hand one as the left hand one will release a Wraith and we don’t want that now…You will get another screen of ammo on a pedestal near the Bucket. Go back and make your way down into the room with the ladders, go to the door E and open it. A small room with a fountain, dive in and save before the spike tunnel. Time the spike sets and get through to the end, up and climb out E

Spike Rooms.

Behind the glass N you can see another room, it is not a mirror image of this one. There are spike traps in this room and two levers you have to use. First walk from the water hole to the window, jump onto the block E. Then SE over to the block with the first lever (screen of the gate in the spike tunnel), jump from here NE to the other lever and you’ll see that gate lowering. Jump back to the first lever and then into the water, pass under the spikes and go right into the open gate. Swim up into the next Spike room. Here you have to climb out S, get Secret #2(18), jump NE to the low block, next SE and then to the lever. Hop back to that open gate N and go in to get all the Grenades, only then go for the Grenade Gun in the middle and all three gates open up, shoot the Yetis and go into each side room to throw the 3 levers to open the entrance gate again. Make your way back to the Fountain room. ****

Go out to the Hall of the Temple (N) and down to the ground floor. Go out E and on the terrace with the big round columns are those transparent pedestals, to the left we have Walther ammo and on the other side the Bucket (appeared after using the Book in the room upstairs) and some more Walther ammo. 2 Harpies attack, shoot them and head back through the white canyon to the small opening N.

****Just before you enter that small opening N, turn around and notice the ice wall S has gone, Jump up to that ladder on the W side ice wall and go up for Secret #3(19), the Laser Rifle. Get back down and go N to that small opening.


Shimmy right along the crack and pull up (if you have trouble pulling up, release Ctrl for a moment and try again), go W to the town and then N to the Snowman Yard.

Cold Snap 2.


Use the Carrot Nose on the lone snowman W and you’ll see a bunch of Torches. Go up the W side using the block and ladder again and go over the snow bridge to the alcove E, grab a Torch or 2 and throw them down the Yard where you can find them again. Go down, take a Torch into the E passage, right and right again to the room with the flames and ignite the Torch from standing close to one of the flame blocks.

The Snowball and the Glacier Key.

Go out, head S over the deadly water into that small passage S and follow through to a cave with an ice wall, use the Torch close to the wall (right then left) so you can burn the ice and get ready to rumble, kill a Bear and a Fire Dragon.

Two Gates opened up, go into each of them to use the buttons and the big gate S opens up. Shoot a Fire Dragon and an Ice Lady and go to the next 2 open gates to push more buttons, Go through the gate S and this time fight a collection of 4 Enemies.

+++(4) Pull the 4 ice cubes behind the opened gates onto the marked tiles and get a screen of the Secret gate each time+++

In the cave S are the Snowball and the Glacier Key, get those and make your way back, take the Torch along and get back to the deadly pit passage. Leave the Torch here, close to that passage E. Jump over the deadly pit and go to the Snowman Yard, out S to the town.

Icy Plains 2.

The Wine.

Go to the house SW and open the door with the Glacier Key, inside and left is a blue crystal bird on a table, shoot it and get the Walther ammo. Go to the bedroom SW and pick up the Wine next to the bed. This Wine has to be placed on the pedestal where in the Fountain Room in the Temple. So go out of the house and SE.

Ice Punishment 2.

Use the Wine to get the Carrot.

Traverse along the crack to the left and go through the cave to the white canyon, follow to the Temple and go up to the first floor of the Hall, S into the Fountain Room.

Through the transparent wall behind the column SE and climb the block (raised before by the jump lever in the N room), climb up higher and place the Wine, you’ll get a screen of a Carrot at the terrace. Go back down to the ground floor, out E to the terrace and to the left is the Carrot. Shoot the Yeti.

Go back to the Snowman Yard in Cold Snap (you should know the route by now).

Cold Snap 3.

The Frost Key.

Place the Snowball on the unfinished snowman left of the E passage (brings out a Key on a pedestal) and put the Carrot in the right hand snowman. (by now there is a rolling ball on a heavy trigger somewhere, so the camera’s don’t work anymore)

Go into the E passage, over the deadly water, pick up the burning Torch there (or wherever you left it) and go E to where the Horse was before and left again to the Hall with the big ice wall (Could be the burning Torch is gone, in that case you’ll have to go up to get a new one).

This ice wall can also be destroyed with the Torch, ignite the wall somewhere in the middle. +++ Go to the pedestal and pick up the Carrot Nose & Eyes (only for the Secret)+++. Turn around and notice the pedestal SW, pick up the Frost Key there. In the meantime an Ice Lady appeared, probably on an invisible horse, shoot her off the horse and then finish her off.

Go back out taking the Torch along with you and leave the Torch near the Horse in the passage. If you want to go to the next level, go up the icy slope E and use the key behind the 2 snow men. Go back to the Horse and left into the room with the scale, go through the now open gate and step into the Teleporter.

****Now for the rest of the Secret hunting.

When you used the Frost Key, place the Bucket on the left hand snowman (face E) and a trapdoor opens in the passage to the Second Secret room left of the Keyhole, we’ll go there later. Place the Carrot Nose & Eyes on the right hand snowman and that will open one of the secret gates (together with the 4 blocks you moved on trigger tiles earlier). Go back to the Snowman Yard, no need to take the Torch as you’ll have to get a new one high up.

Place the Carrot on the right hand snowman E, both gates in the secret room up S are now open. Climb up W to the snow bridge and go get a new Torch E and go to the W side of the bridge, look with binoculars to spot the transparent ledges and do stand-jump to get into the opening S. Ignite the Torch and use it to melt those icicles in the back. Drop the Torch and crawl/roll through the crawlspace. Don’t step into the pit, but jump into one of the side alcoves. Jump a couple of times from side to side and get into the tunnel S, jump over the pit and get Secret #1(20) in the next room,

Shoot the Crystals for Grenades and a Large Medipack and throw the lever to open a trapdoor to the last Secret room.

Make your way back to the Snowman Yard, hop over the ledges to the bridge and get down the ladder. Go E and back into the passage E to where you used the Frost Key.

Go into the passage left of the keyhole and grab up left into a crawlspace, then grab the wall N go up one slope and drop, then jump up W and get into the water, climb out again and fire one or two grenades into the water to kill that Fish. Go back in and get Secret #2(21), Laser Rifle ammo, Shotgun ammo. Swim in N and get out, follow through and get more Laser Rifle ammo, head back for the water as a Wraith shows up, Then go follow the rest of the passage to a lever, lowering a block so you can get out to the snowy slope.

Go back up E and into the right hand passage at the snowmen. Grab up Right into the crawlspace, go up the ice ladder and jump up the slope, get into the water, climb out again and fire one or two grenades into the water to kill that Fish. Go back in and get Secret #3(22), Laser Rifle ammo and a Laser Rifle. Go out S and climb up, get more Laser Rifle ammo and run back again as another Wraith showed up. Follow the rest of the passage, throw the lever and go down the snowy slope to where the Horse used to be, go left to the scale room and up behind it to get into the Teleporter.****

Level 10 - Aquamarine. 3 secrets.

A Lasersight.

Slide down into a jungle valley, shoot the 2 Crows. Go right around the lake, passing through the waterfall and stand on a small mound on the W side of the lake. Run-jump with a slight right curve onto the slanted rock in the lake and grab the edge as you slide off, shimmy to the left as far as possible and pull up, back flip and jump back to the rock with a slight curve left. Now jump left around the highest point of the rock so you can climb up from the E side and get the Lasersight (face E).

Open the Trapdoor S to the Gate Cave.

Now look down into the N side of the lake and you’ll see a Fish there, it is not the hungry kind, but the helping kind as it gives you a clue something is to be found there. Dive down and look N for a small triangular opening in the wall. That’s for later, first turn left and find the underwater lever a bit lower as the hole but on the W wall. This is #1 for a trapdoor, go to the S end of the lake, get some air first and swim in S and take a right into the small tunnel, stay low to go left underneath that “help” Fish and throw the underwater lever. Swim out and take a right (S), swim through and up to climb up through the open trapdoor into the Gate Cave.

The Gate Cave, Opening up Gates.

Looking SW you’ll see a closed gate, under the gate is a lever. Jump SW over the corner of the green rocks into the hole between the rocks and throw the lever to open a gate further S in this passage. Hop back out, go S and find the open gate to the left.

+++Don’t go in yet but go further SW and around the back to some gates there. Jump N onto the slanted rock and slide to a lever, throw it to open a first gate near some water. Now you can also pick up the Shotgun ammo left of the lever and go back to that other gate you opened before (right around corners). +++

Long Slide, Hazardous Jumps.

Save and slide down hold the left key as you fall onto the next slope, so Lara will slide forward. Start jumping to the left side of the tunnel and as soon as you’re out of it, jump more to the left to line up for the jump and grab to the slanted pillar. Boulders fall around you, just wait it out. Hang left, pull up and jump left to the next pillar, then slide and jump right to the block, climb up N.

In the NE is Laser Rifle ammo, Look up S and over the opening you came from is a Bell on the ceiling. Shoot that to open an underwater gate (W) in the pool. DO NOT go into the water just yet.

+++First spot a hole between the rocks in the NW corner, jump in there and throw a lever (#1 screen of some Big Doors).+++

Now hop down on that block in the water (S) and use the binoculars to look at that lever (SE) that floats on the surface (invisible ledges). Take a running jump to it. Hop backwards from the ledge and grab the edge of the ledge; shimmy towards the corner so you can hoist up and use the lever. This opens another gate in the Gate Cave.

+++Now you can hop into the pool and find an underwater lever in the alcove E, now the second gate near some water opens up. +++

Swim to the W side where you opened the gate and use the underwater lever there too and get a screen of pedestals with Keys in the Shiva room. The Keys were protected by fire before and are now safe. Go get some air and look for an opening in the bottom N and just to the right of the flat pillar. Get some air first and follow that tunnel to another cave. Follow through and to the right are the 2 gates you opened. To the S is an opening to the Lake.

****Secret Detour: Go in W through the double gates and a flyby starts, showing you tunnels in the top of the room. First go get the Flares and Walther ammo behind the waterfall N. NW, near a Shiva statue is a hole in the floor, dive in and go right into the next cave, throw the underwater lever on the right wall (N) (#2 screen of the Big Doors). The S underwater lever is a trap, so swim through W and up to where those Big Doors are. In the S wall is a push block, pull it out and aside and go around the pillar in the next room to throw a lever opening up a trapdoor (to another Secret later). Go back out and you can push the block back in because in the NW corner is another push block. Pull it out and move it to the other side of the cave to get it out of the way. Go into that new passage, around the pillar and use the lever (#3) to finally open the Big Doors.

Into the Big Doors, Demi-Girls and Gates.

Go up the steps and pick up Shotgun ammo, next to the gate S are 2 levers, pick one and a gate opens up, shoot the Demi-Girl and go into the open gate to use the jump lever, back to the other lever S for the other side and the gate S opens up. Throw the lever there and the ice on the pool is gone. Dive in and use the underwater lever N. Go up for air and save.

The Shark.

Swim through the tunnel (S) to a larger tunnel and go into the SE corner, use the underwater lever (face W), quickly swim into the opening NW and through the open gate. Follow through to where you can climb backwards into a shallow pool. Go get the Desert Ranger ammo. Below is the Shiva room, it’s the only way out of here, so walk to the edge and stand-jump down into that water hole. Swim W through the caves again and up at the Big Doors, follow to the gates room and dive in to swim to the Shark room (you may have had the chance to shoot him). Swim straight into the tunnel ahead (E) and climb out at the end.

Go down the passage E and follow through to where you slide down to a shallow pool that was also shown by the flyby before. Stand at the edge and left, look with the binoculars and spot an invisible ledge, stand-jump and grab it, then jump over to the N for Secret #1(23), a Large Medipack and the Desert Ranger. A flyby shows the Shiva’s coming to life and the entrance gate being closed.

Stand SW on the edge of the falls and stand-jump down into the hole in the floor again, climb out and use the Desert Ranger to shoot the Shiva’s, were gone pretty quick in my game. Step on a trigger tile behind the waterfall SW and the gate re-opens, go out to the cave (the Shiva’s have to be dead before the gate will open)****

Go S and dive down into the lake, swim in S again and up the trapdoor to the Gate Cave. Along the W side, opposite the gate you went in before is another open gate (you opened it back in the pool with the Boulders)

Save and slide down, jump to one of the walls on the second slope so you can jump with a curve from the slide and out of the way of the boulder. Swim over the boulder and use the underwater lever N, to open a way back to the Gate Cave (for later).


+++Route to get the Secret later: swim through to the left and at the first crossing, go right, left around the corner and into the first left, there’s a help fish, go up and climb out to use a jump lever, gate #1 opens up.

Dive back in, left (W), you can go up for air around 3 corners, swim down again (N), at the end of that tunnel is an underwater lever for gate 2. Swim back, first past the tunnel right with the help fish and then passing the entrance (left) go straight (S) and up into the first opening up for air as you probably met the Shark by now. Shoot him and go back in, swim W again, keep following the tunnel and left around a couple of corners is a Large Medipack. Turn around and swim up the sloped tunnel W to go up to a green cave. +++

Route without the Secret: Swim into the small tunnel left of the lever, keep going left and in the next tunnel is a hole up for air. Go W again, keep following the tunnel and left around a couple of corners is a Large Medipack near a caged Shark. Turn around and swim up the sloped tunnel W to go up to a green cave.

In the green cave is a push block W, push it in twice.

The Torch Job.

****Secret: Left (S) after pushing the block are the two gates you opened, go in and get Secret #2(24), 2 Small Medipacks, start with the one on the right and you’ll hear a danger sound, then stand between that corner ledge and the pedestal to pick up the left one and hop back onto the ledge as Spikes pop up. Grab the ceiling monkey climb and go to the exit gate, against the wall and drop. Go out of the room.****

If you didn’t use the levers for the gates, you’ll find the gates closed, so go right (N) and find Torches on a pedestal. Grab a Torch, ignite it on the wall torch behind you. Jump N over the platforms (mind the low ceiling and if you happen to fall into the water, get back out SE). Light the bowls on the 2 statuettes (screens of the room with the keys).

Drop the Torch here and look down in the water, there’s a giant Eclectic Eel, a real beauty, but shoot it anyway. Swim down into the hole N and go into the next cave. Get a Small Medipack N, NW is an underwater lever, DON’T use it, it is a spike trap, but pick up the Laser Rifle ammo though. Swim back up to the pool, climb out SE and go S, left to the green cave and into the water tunnel to the Labyrinth, go left, straight E, around the left corner and first right to get back to the room with the boulder. If you didn’t use the underwater lever (N) near the boulder yet, do it now and go up to the exit gate SE.

Climb into the gate and follow the tunnel back to the Gate Cave.

The Dew Key.

Go S into the back again and find a crawlspace in the S wall, get in and to the Key room you’ve seen a couple of times. On the pedestals are a Laser Rifle and 2 Keys. One of them is safe, the other protected by fire. Grab the Dew Key (safe one) and get up the ladder NE, go up onto the green and back flip to a ledge. Jump and grab the rope S and swing to the jump lever up S, a gate to a pick up opens. Pick up the Large Medipack where you land and drop to the ground.

Use the Dew Key, get the Tsunami Key.

Go back to the Gate Cave and left into that gate you’ve visited last (W), slide down to the boulder room again go into the Labyrinth and left at the crossing to go up the sloped tunnel to the green room. Jump over the platforms to where you left the Torch and open the gate with the Key. Light the third statue and the flame on the second Key in the Key room should also be gone now.

Get back across the pool, left to the green cave and into the tunnel to the Labyrinth, go left, straight E, around the left corner and first right to get back to the room with the boulder. If you didn’t use the underwater lever (N) near the boulder yet, do it now and go up to the exit gate SE.

Climb into the gate and follow the tunnel back to the Gate Cave. Go S and into to the Key room, grab the Tsunami Key from the now safe pedestal and the exit closes, 2 Shiva’s come alive, shoot them and go through that open gate NW, in that room and on the ledge N is that Grenade pickup you opened before with the jump lever. Step on a trigger tile on the W side ledge and go into the opened gate to use the lever, it will re-open the gate to the Gate Cave.

To the Temple, use the Tsunami Key.

Return to the Gate Cave and go N into the water. Swim to the lake, straight to the N wall and right of where you used that underwater lever into the triangular opening, follow through and climb out near a Temple entrance. Shoot the tiny raptors and behind the first waterfall W are a Small Medipack and Walther ammo.

****Secret Detour: That open trapdoor behind the waterfall E, dive in and follow through; pick up a Torch and ignite it, then light the scone SW. Pull the block out of the opened gate and move it onto the tile NW and go get Secret #3(25), a Small Medipack from the pedestal. Swim back to the Temple Entrance.****

Go behind the NW waterfall and climb the block, jump into the alcove N and throw the lever to open a gate. Go down, up the steps near the Temple doors and up into the now open alcove W. Use the Tsunami Key in the Keyhole.

Into the Temple.

Now go fill the Waterskin while behind one of the water falls and go up the steps to the Temple doors, E is an element Bowl where you can pour the water in, now the Temple doors open up.


Level 11 - Lost World. 2 secrets

The Bag of Sand.

Shoot the tiny raptors and go on to a closed gate you can open with the pulley wheel NW. Save and slide down landing in a pool, go around the structure to the S side and get a Small Medipack, then use the underwater lever and get a screen of a ladder SE that wasn’t there before.

Swim back to the N side and climb onto a block, fill the Waterskin while you’re here. Jump to the E ledge and go up that ladder S, back flip to the bridge, jump to the top of the structure, get the Bag of Sand and a gate opens W. Drop backwards down the W side and grab, then back flip to the W side ledge and shoot more tiny raptors. On the ledge (NE) is a statue, pull/push it onto that tile NW and a block goes up under the gate S, climb up there.

+++Turn around and jump to grab the ledge N, pull up and turn around, runjump with a roll onto the ledge S and jump to grab an upper ledge N. Jump into the opening to a room with a lever, throw it to open a trapdoor way up on a mountain somewhere.+++

Get back down and into that gate, slide down into the room below.

Spiked Push Puzzle.

There are 2 statues N, they have to go onto the tiles S, but you’ll have to avoid stepping on the red (spiked) tiles. Pick up a Shotgun S and head through the open gate.

Valley of the Broken Bridges, a Long Way Up.

First shoot those Raptors and go have a look around the valley to make a note of the route up to that gate S, then go behind the waterfall NE and throw the lever, not timed, so make your way up to that gate (shortcut is you jump to that central rock, counter clockwise around to the other side of it and then to the bridges again. Inside the gate is Shotgun ammo. Then turn the pulley wheel and two Giant Dinosaurs are released.

****Secret Detour: Go outside, face the gate and stand left of it, grab up to the rock ledge above. Traverse left around the corner and pull up at a trapdoor you opened before. Better Save first, pull up in and jump from the slide to Secret #1(26), a Grenade Gun. Don’t linger but immediately sprint to the end of the passage and hit Ctrl as you run into the hole, this way you will land in a pool. Open the underwater door N. Follow through to a closed gate and an underwater lever, open the gate with it and you are back near the start. Go up W and to the gate SW again to follow through the Spike Push room to the Valley with Bridges where 2 Dinosaurs are waiting for you.****

It looks harder than it is, find your way back down to the ground and go run under the belly of the Dinosaurs, one round of Shotgun or Desert Ranger should topple them over. (One of these characters pushed me back through the window to the Push Puzzle room again)

To the Element Puzzle for the Big Doors.

Go back behind that NE waterfall and find a jump lever which appeared above the passage with the lever. Use it to open the trapdoor in the water. If you didn’t fill the Waterskin yet, this would be a good time to do it. Swim through and get past that nasty Sea-Hag, climb out, hop forward and shoot the tiny raptors (and the Hag).

Empty the Bag of Sand in the Element Bowl (#1 for the doors) and go into the passage N.

Spikes Room and Ropes.

Around the corner, to the left is a gate with a Jerry can, +++in the opposite alcove is a face tile you can climb through (for later)+++. To the E is a room with spikes.

Jump and grab the rope, only go down a little bit (or use the “far swing” trick) and swing, jump to grab the next rope, swing into the passage ahead and grab the Large Medipack. Use the pulley wheel to open a gate near the Element Bowl. Stand back from the edge to jump back to the first rope and swing to the next to get back across, shoot the Raptor and go into the newly opened gate S at the Element Bowl.

In this room you can pour the water into the right hand bowl E, go into the passage NE and use the pulley wheel. The gate at the Jerry can opens up, go back to the room and pick up a Torch on the pedestal S. Go to the Big Doors and ignite the Torch, leave it here for now. Go into the passage N and left to get the Jerry can there, a Wraith shows up, so first run back for water (near the Big Doors). Shoot a Raptor and pick up the Torch, go into the passage S, jump onto the block left (N) then stand against the block with the Torch in your hand, jump up and hit the #1 key, so the Torch will end up in the higher block) and from there a run-jump onto the scales ledge. Drop the Torch (hit #1 key) on this ledge and empty the Jerry can in the left hand Fire Bowl, (don’t save in between) and get the Torch to light the fuel.

The Big Doors open up, go down there and here I advise you to first swim back through the tunnel to the Valley with Bridges and fill the Waterskin again (for the next level, but it’s also possible to fill it there). Then go back to the Big Doors.

****Secret Detour: Just inside to the left is a jump lever, use it to open a gate, go back out and into the passage N, take the first right and climb up through that face tile. Follow the passage, up a ladder and back flip into a Secret room, get Secret #2(27), Walther ammo. Immediately hop back and get back to the Big Doors. ****

Step into the Teleporter to get back to Courel’s Sands.

Return to Courel’s Sands.

You can pick up the Waterskin, but it should be in your inventory (hopefully filled) already and if you do pick up the empty skin, you have to go fill it again. Go down the ladder S, down the shortcuts to the ground floor to the Element Bowls, put the water in the left hand Bowl (You need water? Go out W and hop over the burner to the bridge, follow to the lava pit in the corner, hop left around the corner and find a push block in the W wall. Push it in and go fill the Waterskin in the back of the room).

(If you want you can also get that Shotgun ammo pickup under the trapdoor in the passage W).

Go back up to the third floor and enter the opened “Purple” gate.

Level 12 - Thunder Plains. 2 secrets

Slide down to the room, to the left is a closed gate, go into the passage W and push the ‘head’ button to open the gate. Go back and watch out, the tile in front of the gate is a spike trap. Hop onto the block in the left of the gate and stand-jump+grab into the open gate.

To the Plains.

In the next room a flyby will start, climb up the wall E. Turn and jump to grab the pillar W, grab up to the ledge with the jump lever and use that lever to get some burners to stop at intervals. Go back up to that ledge with the jump lever and now time the burner to jump S, then E. Turn around and grab up to the ledge from where you can reach a monkey climb. Drop around the corner at the end and grab up to the balcony N, a Harpy will be shooting at you, so go outside onto the Plains to deal with that. Run to the water N to get rid of a Wraith. In the N side of the water is a small opening, go in and throw the underwater lever to open a gate above.

The Bronze Teleportation Orb.

Get out and climb out N, go into the open gate to the Mushroom Block room, to the right and shoot the vase on the other side, jump over and grab the Shotgun ammo. Shoot the vase W too and jump through the lightning to get the Laser Rifle ammo. Go back and jump to that Mushroom Block in the middle of the room, climb down the ladder and use the green ledges W to get further down the room. Near a gate E is a button on the central pillar, it will open a gate in a cave back at the Plains.

Go back up to the top of the room and head out S, turn right and go to that cave NW. Through the open gate and jump from the low rock N onto the rock at that gate up S. When you pick up the Bronze Teleportation Orb, doors will open up in the Mushroom Block room. Shoot the Harpy on your way back there.

Spiked Ceiling.

Save and enter the open doors SW, sprint to that lever a bit left and throw it, the S gate of the three opens up, so turn right a bit and run to jump in there. Push the button to open the E gate, push the timed button to open the W gate and follow that passage to a button, push it to turn the lava in the Mushroom Block room into water.

Hop down and into the water, use the underwater lever E to open a gate W, climb out and go through the gate.

To the Cog Wheel Puzzle.

Use only the white marked ledges to get across the room, (red is a fiery death and the blue is a Wraith). Once across, jump onto a block SW and the doors open up E.

Jump over to the Large Medipack SE and jump to the balcony SE for Walther ammo under the vase. Get back to the pillar and climb down the S side, drop down to a balcony S and get the Laser Rifle ammo from under the vase. Drop down to the ground floor and find the Cog Wheel puzzle on the E wall.

****In the NW wall is a crawlspace, get in and follow to a shaft with a slope, face W, jump onto the slope and back flip. Jump again to grab the ladder and go up into the crawlspace to get Secret #1(28), a Shotgun (that looks like a Tommy gun). Get back out. ****

The Giant Spider, the First Cog Wheel.

Go into that large opening NW, jump over the “white” ledges to the other side and you’ll see a gate open up near a rope. Proceed over the stone bridge and at the end you can see that gate and rope NW. Jump over to those grey ledges and a Giant Spider will come down, she’s easily disposed of with the Shotgun. Jump to the rope, swing into the open gate N. Go drop down and push the button, you’ll get a screen of the ledges. Go back up, the ledges under the gate are now safe, so go to the stone bridge and jump along the left side of the room over the “red” ledges (get a screen of a gate) to the one with the chain E. +++ Use the chain to open big doors to a secret route for later+++.

Now jump to the last two red ledges along the S side (you can use white ledges to get there) and back W to the bridge. The gate far SW is now open, go over the bridge, the grey ledge and jump to the green ledge under that gate W. Climb in and drop down to fin the First Cog Wheel. A gate will open up in the Cog Wheel room.

Jump back E and leave E to the Cog Wheel room.

Another Giant Spider, open a gate with 5 levers for the Second Cog Wheel.

Enter the passage SW and first run over the bridge to launch another Spider attack.

After dealing with it you’ll notice three jump levers in this large room, one NE, one SE and the last behind the gates W, take one of the available levers (#1 screen of a gate W in the water) and land in water below. Get out on a nearby ledge and shoot the Sea-Hags. From the high block you can jump to the ladder E and go back up to the bridge to use the second jump lever (#2 screen of the gate).

Get back up on the ledge and jump over the blocks to the NW corner ledge and throw the lever (#3 screen of the gate), jump to the ledge SW and another lever (#4 screen of the gate). In the middle of the pool is a platform with a hole in the middle, there are bones (and a Cog wheel) down there, but they are a red herring, no need to try that. Go back up to the bridge and to the far W end, step on a reddish trigger tile left and that fence W will be gone so you can operate the jump lever on the W wall. Finally the gate will be open when you land right next to it. Swim through the next room, up and climb out, hop onto a mound NW and get the Second Cog Wheel. Get into the water to get rid of the Wraith, climb back up again.

Boulders and Skeletons, the Third Cog Wheel.

Now go to the sloped passage W, go in along the left side and side flip right as the first boulder passed.

Continue up the slope and jump over the left hand skeleton (I didn’t shoot them), get on the low block left and jump to grab the higher block N, keep climbing up, platforms till you are on a ledge S, next to a flame tile. Jump and grab the sloped ledge N and shimmy right to pull up. Save and go stand in front of the tunnel, hop back 4 times up the slope and sprint down, aim right and jump back to that ledge next to the flame. Go back and up the tunnel again, follow the next slope up and then you come to a long slope, when you reach that bright spot, another boulder will be released, so sprint back and turn right onto the previous slope. Go up again and pick up a Small Medipack as you come to a room with 2 skeletons, shoot them and pick up Shotgun ammo left and right of the entrance. Dive into the water and follow the crooked tunnel, then have a good look on the bottom before you climb out at the end. Pick up the Third Cog Wheel. Climb out and you are back at the Plains.

Off to use the Cog Wheels.

Go out E, left into the gate to the Mushroom Block and down to the ground floor. Into that gate E and jump to the first white ledge.

****Secret Detour: To the S are the Big Doors you opened by pulling that chain at the Giant Spider. Go up the right hand side of the ramp and side flip left after the first boulder. Look for the opening left halfway up the second ramp and sprint in there. Notice that trigger tile to open gates later and again head up the right hand side of the ramp, more boulders, so side flip left and go to a room with big columns and a frozen pool.

Throw a lever left of the big doors S, go shoot the Harpy and use the lever in the cage she was in, shoot the next Harpy and use the lever there too to open the big doors S, shoot the 2 Shiva’s and go back down the boulder ramp to that trigger tile in the alcove to the right and step on it till you see gates go up. Go back through the big doors S, up the blocks and jump to the ledge N for Walther ammo and a button that will melt the ice on the pool. Dive into the pool, follow the tunnel S and climb up into a room with a bunch of Skeletons, hop on the block in front, then to the corner of the block with the lever S and throw the lever to open the ceiling hatch. You can shoot the Skeletons if you like.

Climb up into the passage above and save before sliding down, jump from the end of the slope onto the ledge ahead to avoid spikes and shoot the Skeleton before he even gets a chance to stand up. Time the Teeth Doors and top up your health, then save before you go get Secret #2(29), a Large Medipack and Desert Ranger ammo. As a Wraith and a Harpy will come for you you’ll have to act fast, run to the low N end of the ledge and curve left, jump to that dark grey rock W and slide, grab the edge and safety drop down, get to the pool. Climb out and shoot the Harpy. Go back into the gate N, down the Mushroom Rock and into the passage E jump to the white ledge.****

Continue jumping the ledges to the Cog Wheel room. Make your way back down and shoot the 2 Shiva’s. Go place the 3 Cog Wheels on the E wall, the golden cage will lower and a lever is revealed. Throw it to open the trapdoor.

Hop in and slide down…

Level 13 - Gravity World. 1 secret

Go left around the corner and use the jump lever to open the gate S, go in there and use the lever to flip the whole room upside down, go into the NE corner and use the lever you can now reach. Before you do anything else, go back to the slope (E) and climb the ladder and shimmy to the right into the dark and find the Walther and some ammo there.

Slide down and the marked low block is safe and you can use it to get onto the high block NW, push the button to open the gate and climb down the W side to get the Desert Ranger ammo.

Climb back over the block and enter W. You see a high room with a pickup on an invisible ledge way up. Start with picking up the Shotgun ammo from under the 2 vases and then move the 2 dark blocks onto the 2 marked tiles (not spiked). A golden cage goes up S, climb up to the pillar next of it grab a Shotgun there, then use the button and watch what happens, the trigger tile is now active.

Best is to just go down and shoot those Winged Mutants at close range with the Revolver.

Step on the trigger in the middle of the room and the gate W will open up, go in and just sprint to the end of the ledge and stop before you fall off. Jump W and grab the slanted block, hang left and pull up slide and jump to the next block with a bit of a curve, once more and jump to the breakable ledge, curve left to the next and run-jump to grab the ledge ahead. Shimmy to the safe spot between the Spike tiles and go to the left S, throw 2 levers there and roll to run into the opened gate W. Grab a Small Medipack and Shotgun ammo and save before you step into the next room.

Spiked Ceiling/Lever challenge, the Silver Teleportation Orb.

I advise you to save before you enter the room and keep that save separate. If you save in the room after the ceiling went down and have to reload, the ceiling will be there once more.

Left and right of the entrance are 2 levers and a Sea-Hag made it to dry land here…

To add to the fun, the ceiling comes down.

First I quickly shot the Hag as she will interfere with the tasks at hand. Throw one of the levers and run to the open doors in that side of the room, forget about the pickups for now, but use the floor lever, back flip/roll and run out before the spikes go up, go to the second lever and do the same for the other side of the room. Now you have a safe room W, go in and pick up the Flares while you wait for the ceiling to pass. Go get the Small Medipack and Desert Ranger ammo from the rooms with the levers, but again you have to be quick about it. (In Gerty’s game the spikes were up, even after using both levers, no idea why so if you have the same you’ll have to forget about those goodies).

Go back into the W side chamber and use the jump lever, screen of the room with the slanted blocks and also the exit E will open again. 2 Sea-Hags appear, deal with them and go out E and back to the pit with the slanted blocks, the floor of that pit is now safe and you can climb down the ladder between those spike traps. Go to the other side and climb up to the pedestal with the Silver Teleportation Orb. The gate in front of you opens.

****Go left and into a crawlspace N, use duck/sprint to roll through the length of it and dive into the water. Careful! Teeth doors and Blades await you in these tunnels, first through the doors, stay high going right around the corner over the first Blade, then go low and along the left side to swim up in the left hand corner against the far wall. Climb up, time another set of Teeth doors and climb down. Stand left in the opening and aim for that pick-up you can see on an invisible ledge. Look with binoculars to spot the nearest ledge, jump to it and then to Secret #1(30), a Large Medipack, a Desert Ranger and some ammo for it. Now; for getting back I jumped back to the previous ledge, turn around and face SE and just hop back and let Lara slide and land on the ground floor with a bit of health loss. Go back into the gate W and jump to that ladder left (S), go down and up into the gate E.****

Timed Doors, Winged Mutants and the Spark Key.

Go right around the corners and to a Timed button. First check out the route, the button opens a gate in the Key Cave we go to now. Push the button and turn around to climb up into a crawlspace E, run to go to the Key Cave where a flyby starts. Wait it out and go back to the button and use it again. You’ll enter a breeding chamber of Winged Mutants.

On the E wall is a Timed jump lever, it opens big doors in the S of the Cave, so pull, back flip/roll and run out left, jump over the corner of the pool and sprint in. Climb up the left ladder and back flip to a Large Medipack. Jump over to the ledge to get the Spark Key, the following flyby shows we need another Key.

For the Gold Teleportation Orb.

Those Winged Mutants also woke up, dive down into the pool, climb out and shoot them. On the S side of the structure in the pool is an underwater lever, throw that to open a gate somewhere. That Second Key is also in the pool, but protected by a spike trap. Climb out and go into the open gate SE, follow through to a room where the Keys can be used later (left wall, N). Head E and sprint through the next room into an open trapdoor, swim through the centre of the next room and go up at the end.

Jump onto the pillar without spikes, then to the ledge S, throw the lever inside and jump to the pillar right, over the ledge E to the next pillar and the gate N opens, throw the lever inside and jump to the last pillar to pull the chain. Go get the Gold Teleportation Orb from the gate E (the spikes de-activate where the Key is). Jump back to the pillar with the chain.

Open the Return Passage to the Key Cave, the Gravitational Key.

Jump over to the ledge and climb down the ladder, go right around the corner and throw the lever there to open a gate in the previous spike/swim room. Jump to the slanted block SE and back flip back up to the ledge.

Dive into the hole W and swim into the spike room, far right is the open gate, follow through, swim down in the end and throw an underwater lever on the left (S) wall, swim forward to the Key Cave. Get the Gravitational Key in the middle of the pool and climb out to shoot some more Winged Mutants. Go back into the gate SE and left in the next room to use the Keys. Slide down the slopes and watch the flyby.

Outside World.

Quickly run forward and shoot the Skeleton off the broken bridge. Jump the ledges to the far structure N, jump onto the wall SE and shoot the vases on the balcony for Grenades. Then jump to a similar balcony W for some Walther ammo. Go around the back of the structure and throw 2 levers opening up the big doors on the E and W side of the broken bridge (Remember you can also shoot the heads off the Skeletons before they wake up) Go over the ledges to both structures and throw 2 levers (screenshots of a platform and a gold cage rising) Get back to the N structure and place 2 of the Orbs you have in the receptacles in front of the building, one gives a clue to where to go next, the other nothing. Go to the back (NE corner) and climb up to the roof via the cage and platform there and go the N side of the roof to place the Gold Orb in an alcove in the middle. The Teleporter on top is activated. Step in and get Teleported back.

Courel’s Sands - It’s Beginning To Feel Like Home (although I couldn’t read the last part)

Bronze and Silver Teleportation Orbs.

Pick up the Bronze Teleportation Orb in front of you. As you can see N, you’ll need two more. This means going back through the first level. Go down to the ground floor,

Out W and over the broken bridge, left around the cornet at the pit and push the block in the W wall of that passage all the way in, in the small pool in the back is the Silver Teleportation Orb.

The Gold Teleportation Orb.

Go out and S, over the pit with the ropes, follow the passage to a closed gate and pick up the Gold Teleportation Orb. Make your way back over the ropes and this time drop into that pit in the corner again like you did before, get the Shotgun ammo and throw the crowbar lever to get back out. Go E to the lava room, up the shortcuts to the third floor and place the three Orbs. A Teleporter becomes active on the ground floor. Go all the way back down again to reach it.


Level 14 – Courel’s Desert. 3 secrets.

The Ignition Key.

Go in W and right around the corner after shooting the Scorpions, pick up the Ignition Key (NW). Use the floor lever next to it and get a camera shot of a gate opening. Now throw the timed wall lever at the W wall and look for a door in the SE corner, back flip/roll and sprint, curve right and jump in, turn around facing W and grab up to a climb wall, go up to the floor above and right around the corner is the gate you opened. Pull the block out and move it twice to the N, under a jump lever. Use that lever and head for the doors you opened W. In the back is yet another lever this opens some Big Gates.

Jeep Ride.

Go back to the Jeep and take it N and left around the corner through those big gates. Pick up some speed to jump the pit right after those gates and go uphill. When going downhill, some Spike balls will be released, so go fast and right around the corner to safety. Do the same at the next ramps and go up left around the corner at the bottom. Up another slope, down the next and left around the corner again. Here’s the final slope, go down and straight over the mound to a gate. Park the Jeep at the gate for now (Key and Artefact needed).

The Room with the 4 Doors.

Go into the large room S, shoot some Scorpions. On the ledge NE is Walther ammo, NW a Small Medipack. On the ledge S are two push blocks, move the right hand one (you could chose to do the other one first too) all the way to a symbol tile on the N ledge, near the vase. A door with the same symbol opens SW.

W, left hand door, the Scarab Talisman.

Go in to a pool, better shoot the Crocs first as you probably won’t survive this without doing so. +++ Notice the symbol high up on the S wall+++

Dive in and swim into an opening S, follow the crooked tunnel and find an underwater lever in the end (to the right). A door opens high up above the pool. Swim back out (easier said than done), swim SE and climb out on the low ledge.

Throw the lever on the front of the block standing on the terrace and climb it to jump to the ladder under the trapdoor S. Back flip onto the first floor and stand NW. From here you can jump and grab the block under the ladder W. Climb up to the door you opened and slide down to a room with a lever. Use that to open the gate W and pull a block (left) to the middle of the room and then pull it E once, onto the trigger for the gate W. Hop over the block and enter to get the Scarab Talisman.

Big doors open up, go back over the block to the room E and those doors are S, inside you can use a lever to open big doors N (a gate near the Talisman pedestal also opens up, run into the green passage and go to the N wall in the room and suddenly a Walther Gun appears on that part of the floor)

Go back and into those doors N.

+++Jump from the top of the slope to grab the dark climb wall in the shaft in the ceiling, go right and up into the passage to use the lever (brings out ledges in the room with the pool). Climb back down+++.

Find a Large Medipack in the pit to the right and then go into the passage N, climb the blocks and use the jump lever at the door to get back to the Room with the 4 Doors.

****Secret Detour: Go back into the left hand door W and go back to the pool, up the ladder and over the ledges to the other ladder to that opening up W as you did before. This time turn around in the opening and jump over the ledges to the S side ledge to collect Secret#1(31), a Large Medipack and Laser Rifle ammo. Hop back over the ledges and dive down to get back to the Room with the 4 Doors.****

If you didn’t yet, move the other block to the tile N to open a door E and go in.

E, right hand door, first time.

Go up that passage and see the flyby, there is a corridor with Teeth doors. Go all the way to the end.

Do a banana jump curved out left to a ledge, jump S and turn around, just run off the N end to land on the symbol tile below. Look W and see three more of these, jump those symbol tiles and the flame on the last with the lever will go down. Use the lever and get a screen of the Passage of Flames. Jump back 2 ledges and then jump to grab the climbable pillar S. Go up to the top and jump one ledge further then face down the other side to spot a rope under a ledge and a jump lever on the far wall. Climb down the S side, back flip/roll and grab the rope. Swing a little bit and jump to the first ledge S, over to the one at the wall and use the jump lever to stop the flames in the Passage of Flames. (OR you also can jump to the ledge on top of the rope and jump down to the ledge there and then to the one with the jump lever, just loosing a bit of health)

Blocks now went up in the lava pool, jump back to the ledge N and drop down to the blocks in the lava, get back to the climb pillar and up to the top. Jump to the ledge W and go over the broken bridges to get to the floor S. Pick up Shotgun ammo and throw a lever in the (former) Passage of Flames to open that door in the passage with the Teeth doors. Make your way back to the ledge in the far NE corner and from there a curved jump back into the entrance N. Go through 2 sets of doors and to the right is the open door, slide down and follow to a passage with a stack of blocks. Climb the first block, turn around there and use the jump lever up W to open the door to the Room with the 4 Doors. Follow through E and you’re back.

A Harpy will be there waiting for you, shoot it.

The Gate Key.

Climb this last push block (NE), jump and grab the ledge W and pull up, hop onto the block SW and spot a jump lever SE on the hanging block. First jump to that roof W and get the Large Medipack, then jump back to the block and to the roof E, from here onto the slanted pillar SW with a roll so you’ll slide forward to the jump lever, jump and grab it. Big doors open in the room (S), go in there and pick up the Gate Key.

Use the Crowbar on the floor lever and see a gate opening up.

****E, right hand door second time, now for a secret.

Go back up and through the first of the teeth doors and take a right. Go into the room and another gate opens somewhere. Get Secret#2(32), a Large Medipack, a Desert Ranger, a Walther Gun, a Laser Rifle and a Small Medipack. Go back out and turn right, after the next set is a door to the left is the exit so slide down. ****

Back at the room and go out to the Jeep, use the Talisman to the right of the gates and the Key to the left. Climb up and get another Crowbar from the pedestal if you need it. You get a screen of the crowbar lever you used already.

****Go left into the crawlspace. Pick up the Shotgun ammo and throw the lever on the wall to get a screen of the Secret room again, now showing a Grenade Gun. Go back to the Room with the 4 Doors.

E, right hand door third time, for another secret.

Follow up to the Teeth doors, through the first set and right again to get Secret#3(33), a Grenade Gun and a Shotgun to the left of it. Make your way back, choose either of the passages back to the Room with the 4 Doors and out to the Big Gate.****

The Grand Finale.

Back to the jeep (don’t need that Jeep anymore) and go through the transparent wall, get a flyby and shoot the 3 Female Ninjas.

Go onto the trigger tile inside the open gate S and a bunch of nasty enemies will attack while the next gate on the left (S) opens up. Go in there to open the next gate, which will release three Giant Scorpions. Go into the last gate and a gate opens N releasing a Demigod.

Take care of him and go into the gate to open the next one, where another Demigod will come out to play. Second gate N and a Hammergod will come out of the last gate. You can kill the Hammergod, I used the Grenade gun.

Sprint back into the gate NE onto the trigger tile. Sprint back to the steps W and run onto one of the higher ledges where you will be safe. Shoot the Jackals, bats and a Scorpion. A big gate opened S, go in and onto the trigger tile to open the gate N and about 4 Female Ninjas come out. Shoot those and go into that gate to throw the lever there.

Jump Levers and a Torch.

A block now appeared above the big gate S, you can get there from the stairs ledge along the S wall, and then jump to the ledge NNE and further to the one W. Jump to the roof W and in the SW and NW corners are 2 jump levers on the W wall. You’ll get a screen of an open passage at the NW lever. Now jump all the way to that balcony E (anti clockwise) and get a Torch there.

Jump back taking the Torch and jump down to that S side ledge, ignite the Torch there and then light that non-burning statue on the S side stairs. Now go to up the stairs to those big doors and the game will end. (If you go to the doors along the W wall, you won’t hit the finish trigger).