Walkthrough by Harry Laudie


I guess this shows how a bonus level can be run. If you miss a secret, the bonus level is not activated. Each small medipack is a secret so they are easy to find.


Level 1


Pick up the six small medipacks (1-6) and exit through the hole in the wall. Follow the tunnel and climb the ladder. Run down the stairs and the level ends. The statistics screen shows six secrets of out six.


Level 2


Continue down the stairs and turn right. Follow the tunnel to a crawl space. On the other side drop into a pool of water. Climb the blocks and pick up the four small medipack (7-10). Jump into the hole in the wall. Follow the tunnel and the level ends. The statistics screen shows four secrets of out four.


Level 3


Go left into the sand dunes and pick up a blue fuse (11) at the back wall. You get a cut scene of a closed gate. Return and pick up two small medipacks (12,13) from the columns. Climb a column and pull up into the hole in the ceiling. Go to the corner and go through a crawl space. On the other side you see the closed gate. Hop down into the room below to pick up three small medipacks (14-16) and a blue fuse (17). You get a cut scene of the gate opening. Enter the gate and run up the stairs as the level ends. The statistics screen shows five secrets of out five


The normal end game pictures scroll past. The final statistics screen shows fifteen secrets of out fifteen. Hit ENTER and the bonus level loads.




Run to the platform to pick up a large medipack (18) and the level ends and the start game screen begins.


End of the level.
Pickups: 18
Kills: 0
Secrets: 1