TR3 Test Level: Box Test
Author: Beck
Walkthrough: Lucas (Treeble)

Two-room test level.

You start in one corner of a room. Jump to the opening to the next room and as you approach the entrance of the other room, you'll trigger ten dogs. Dispatch them all.

End of Level.
Secrets: none


TR3 Test Level: End Level Test
Author: Beck
Walkthrough: Lucas (Treeble)

One room test level.

This is a curious test level. You don't even need to move. Lara will follow with her head the moving arrows until they're all showing, and at this point, the level ends. You can try sprinting and jumping beneath the arrows, but you'll find nothing inside and soon enough the arrows will reach the level end.

End of Level.
Secrets: none


TR3 Test Level: Falling Lara
Author: Beck
Walkthrough: Lucas (Treeble)

One room test level.

These are curious. In any of the three testlevels, Lara will start the level at a very high point, will scream her lungs out as she is falling and instead of breaking her necks, some invisible gelatinous stuff will allow her to land safe and sound.

End of Level.
Secrets: none



Walkthrough by Harry Laudie


For a test level, this is a lot of fun and well worth playing several times. Go to the wall and press the left pushbutton. Go back to the gun and use it to shoot dozens of raptors that run at you from the back wall. When you run out of raptors, go press the middle pushbutton. Go back to the gun and kill more raptors. When you run out of raptors, go press the right pushbutton. Go back to the gun and kill more raptors. That's it, as there is no end trigger and the pushbuttons do not reset. You cannot get over the fence but the raptors can, so kill them before they get to you. However, on one play, a raptor got through and pushed me through the fence. You can use pistols but you really have no chance.


End of the level

Pickups: 0

Kills: too many to count

Secrets: 0


TR3 Test Level: Sophia Test
Author: Beck
Walkthrough: Lucas (Treeble)

One room test level.

As soon as you move you'll hear footsteps, Sophia is just on the open area ahead. You can play with her a little, she won't die under gun fire and you can't approach her, just like in The City level from Tomb Raider 3. Just shoot the electric box behind the wall and Sophia will die. Pick up her Eye Of Isis and the level will be over.

End of Level.
Secrets: none


TR3 Test Level: Waterscheme
Author: Beck
Walkthrough: Lucas (Treeble)

These two test levels are just showcases for builders reference, I suppose.

The first one has a row of aquariums with different values, it seems the value changes the underwater shadows intensity.

The second one has a number of ponds with different values likewise, apparently the value changes the surface waves.

End of Level.
Secrets: none


TR3 Test Level: Waterflow Test 2
Author: Beck
Walkthrough: Lucas (Treeble)

The testlevel tests the strenght of sinks. On the first pond, there are four different sections, numbered, the higher the number, the stronger the current. Play around a bit, then later on, if you please, head on the backside room to find an aquarium. Dive into it if you like.

End of Level.
Secrets: none


TR3 Test Level: Wave Test
Author: Beck
Walkthrough: Lucas (Treeble)

Single room test level.

Nothing to do here, other than appreciate the beauty of the moving water in the pond.

End of Level.
Secrets: none


TR3 Test Level: Willard Test
Author: Beck
Walkthrough: Lucas (Treeble)

One room test level.

This is pretty much a reduced version of the Meteorite Cavern. You'll have to fight Willard on a circular catwalk over deadly fire pits. Ignore Willard and outrun him to pick up the four artifact pieces lying on the ground. As you run around the catwalk you can shoot him with the pistols. Lying around you'll also find the Desert Eagle and plenty of ammo. Once you have the four artifacts, shoot Willard until he drops to the ground. Don't miss the opportunity and snag more ammo if you need. On his second fall, he should be dead for good.

End of Level.
Secrets: none