TR3 Test Level: Antarctica 2
Author: Nick Rowan
Walkthrough: Lucas (Treeble)

Get onto the icey platform just ahead of you and push the button to open the door to the cabin on the next area. Jump to it and inside the cabin you'll find the Shotgun. Throw the lever and head through the open gates outside.

End of Level.
Secrets: none


Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

[Note] You should play this level as Antarc.tr2 with the TR3 full game. Do not rename it to shore.tr2 and play with the demo [End note].

Notice Lara's breath in the cold Antarctic air. When you dive into the water, the cold water health meter is also active. Jump to the nearest ice floe and look to your left for a pushbutton on the ice wall. Press the pushbutton and continue jumping the ice floes until you reach a ledge. Go to the cabin and enter the open door. Pick up the shotgun and shotgun shells (1) from the floor. Pull the wall switch and hear a gate open. Exit the cabin and loop to the right. Run into the open gate and the level ends.

End of the level
Pickups: 1
Kills: 0
Secrets: 0



Walkthrough by Harry Laudie


You start beside a wall. Go forward and climb the first block ahead of you. Turn left and press a pushbutton on the wall. Then continue climbing the blocks to the top of the wall. At the top, go left and into the open door. Go down the steps and pick up a key (1) from the far left corner and drop into the water. Pull the underwater lever on the wall. When you pull back up to the steps, you hear a door opening. Go to the entrance and jump across the water and go through the open door. There is a drop in the middle of the room and steps going down the sides. Go down the steps and near the bottom, jump onto a block for Desert Eagle ammo (2) and the Desert Eagle (3). Kill seven rats (1-7) on the floor. Jump down to the floor and use the key in the key lock on a pillar. Go around the pillar and into the open door. Go left and get into a high crawl space on the right wall. Pick up Desert Eagle ammo (4) and a small medipack (5). Continue down the corridor and at the end, pull a switch and hear a door opening. Go back to the entrance and go left into the open door. Climb the black crosshatched wall and at the top, shimmy to the right to enter a tunnel. Follow the tunnel and pick up two Desert Eagle ammo (6,7). Pull up at the top and jump over the water pit to some steps. Go up the steps to pick up Desert Eagle ammo (8). Pull up onto a ledge and hear a bird squawk. If you quickly look over the edge you can see the dead bird (8) bleeding in the water. You never fire a shot. Go down the steps and into the water. Look beneath the steps for a hole you can swim into. On the other side, pull up and kill a guard (9). Although it looks solid, that is a hole in front of you. Safety drop in the hole on the left corner. Anywhere else and you die on barbed wire. Walk to the other ledge and pull up near the dead guard. Go forward and safety drop into a hole. As you drop onto the Uzi's, the level ends.


End of the level.
Pickups: 8
Kills: 9
Secrets: 0


TR3 Test Level: Lara Moved - Mansion
Author: Nick Rowan
Walkthrough: Lucas (Treeble)

You'll start the level in your bedroom, your back against the bathroom. Head to the main hall and go downstairs, Winston should appear dressed in his black suit. Now, follow to the only open door - the pond - and on the bottom of it, pick up the pistols and some flares. Winston will have changed gear and is now sporting a target suit. Practice as much as you want then push the button by the door to finish the level.

End of Level.
Secrets: none


TR3 Test Level: Lara Moved - Small House
Author: Nick Rowan
Walkthrough: Lucas (Treeble)

If you run to the door straight ahead, it will open and you'll have access to the kitchen. The button inside opens the freezer and closes the entrance, close the freezer to open the entrance. Back in the main hall, there are three buttons. One will lead to your bedroom, other will lead outside, and the other probably would play some song. Enter your bedroom, have a look at the huge bathroom (in comparison to the rest of the house), and go outside via the bedroom access. Push the button by the gates to finish the level.

End of Level.
Secrets: none



Walkthrough by Harry Laudie


Slide down a slope and land in front of a snowman. Go left and pass the snowmobile and go into a tunnel. Walk onto the razor wire to pick up a large medipack (1), Desert Eagle (2) and a shotgun (3). Then crouch and crawl into the black tunnel. Pull up onto a ledge and pull a switch to hear a gate open. Get down, crawl through the razor wire and go back to the snowmobile. Drive through the open door and jump the ramp over the water. I could never make both ramps. Dismount and jump over the slope to kill a praying mantis (1). You hear something larger. Jump back and wait for a Shiva (2) to arrive. Kill the Shiva as well. Do not go into the water as it is filled with deadly piranha. Jump over the slope and enter the doorway. To the right you see a lock. Go forward to the gate and then go to the right. Pick up a Hut key (4) from the top of the RX Explorer box. Go back and use the key in the lock and the gate opens. Go to the gate, drop into the hole and the level ends.


End of the level

Pickups: 4

Kills: 2

Secrets: 0