Level builder: Bradley

Walkthrough: Nina Croft

UW TUNNELS: Lara finds herself somewhere in the desert. An earthquake begins and she drops inside a flooded tunnel. Swim down into a flooded room with a gate and keyhole. Continue forward pass the gate (which is on your right) and turn left around the corner. Follow this tunnel to the end. First squeeze through a small opening ahead and claim the SECRET: Stone Dragon from the bottom. Swim back out and then into the opening which is now on your left. Near the bottom you'll find a UW lever which drains the room. Climb out of the water and go through the crawlspace back to the main tunnel.

Return to the closed gate and drop through a falling block at the bottom of the shallow pool in front of the gate. Pick up the Rusty Key from the bottom, use it in the keyhole and proceed through the open gate. As you can see, the opening in the ceiling is too high for Lara, so go back to the UW lever you used earlier, and flood the tunnels again. Swim back from the lever through the gate and up the tunnel, until you can surface and climb out of the water inside a room. Move away the skeleton on the floor to take his Shotgun Shells. Then proceed through the passage with stairs. Open the gate with the lever next to it, and go through (don't fall down). You'll hear a boulder behind you. To avoid it, drop from the ledge to the pool below and swim away. Pick up a SMP from the bottom and climb out of the water.

BIG ROOM WITH PILLAR: In NE corner there is a ledge. Use the wooden ledge to climb on this stone ledge, then jump over wooden ledges to reach a stone ledge in the corner. Use the wall lever here to flood the big room. Swim to the opposite side of the room, and up. Near the ceiling, on a grating on the W wall, you'll find a UW lever. This will again drain the room. Turn around towards the big pillar and grab the bars in the ceiling. Monkey swing to the end, then drop to grab the ladder. Climb down as much as you can, then drop to grab the edge of the pillar below. Pull up and find a Green Gemstone on the pillar. Use the ladder to climb down to the floor. BUG NOTE: In my game there was a bug here: if you let Lara drop into the water from this ladder, she will not climb out. To avoid this bug, when you climbed to the lower part of the ladder, drop to the slanted block below and bounce off from it to land on the floor and not inside the water. Use the key in the receptacle in NE corner, to open the UW gate below.

FLOODED ROOM: Swim through the gate you've just opened and surface in a big flooded room. Continue swimming straight forward (to the East) until you see a skeleton on your left. Approach it and take Pistols from it. From there swim to the left (North). At the intersection turn left, then swim into the opening on the left, where you'll find a Skull Key. You can climb out of the water here, near one movable cage. Push/pull this cage below the pinkish opening in the wall, and climb in it. Use the lever here to raise one block back in the big room. Back in the big room and drop in the water to the right. Here you will find a UW lever that raises more blocks in the room. NOTE: There are two tiles with circle on them, that will “teleport” Lara elsewhere, so avoid them (don't step on them and don't jump across them either).

Now you can push/pull the second cage to a marked tile near the W wall. This will raise one more block nearby. Push/pull this cage across this raised block so it is placed on another marked tile near the S wall. Yet another block is raised. Push/pull the cage back to the intersection where you raised the last block, and push/pull the cage to the East. When the path turns to the right (South), move the cage there, and watch out from the teleporting tile. Keep moving the cage to the very end of the path, until it lands on the marked tile near the E wall. This will open a door in the S wall (left of the keyhole). Go there and enter a side room with dead skeletons. In the far right corner, to the right of the JS, there is a raised alcove where you'll find more Pistol Ammo. One skeleton will wake up when you take the ammo, so ignore it. Use the JS to raise yet another raising block in the big room. A horde of skeletons will now wake up and chase you around, so avoid them as well as you can. Return to the main room, drop in water and climb onto a small ledge near the keyhole. Don't step on the raised step here, because it is a “teleporting” tile. Run jump to grab the block below the keyhole and use the Skull Key to raise one more block.

Now you have to push/pull the cage to the marked tile in SE corner, to raise the last block in the room. Once more, trying to avoid the skeletons who jump around you, push/pull the cage along the ledge to the opposite side, to land it on the marked tile in the NE corner. This will open a trapdoor nearby. Drop to the right (when facing the cage) and swim through the trapdoor you've just opened. Use the UW lever here to dry the room and slide to the end of the level.