Steampunk Level 14: PUNK HEART

Level by Mugs

Walkthrough by manarch2


You start this level in a dark corridor so strike a match as instructed. Duck and crawl, then drop out using the new crawlspace move (press Roll). Turn around and pick up some Flares, then use the switch to open the door. Jump to the platform in the middle. Run W and jump into the opening, sideflip over the left of the two machines so that Lara will be embedded near the other side of it. Now turn S and take a dive, Lara hopefully lands on the ledge behind the gap. Drop down the gap, climb down the ladder and shimmy left or right at the end, then drop down to avoid the lava tile. Use the N switch to open a trapdoor, then use the lever in the middle of the room to let a block appear. Climb on it and then jump back to the ladder, climb it, turn and dive over the machine. Jump back into the main room.

For SECRET #1 jump into the E opening, dive over the right machine and get in the left crawlspace to get Shotgun Ammo and a Large Medikit. From the middle platform, jump up to the second stage and head to the SW corner. Pull the lever to let the block appear out of the wall, climb on it and then get up to the top of the room. Kill two female ninjas and use the E switch. Drop down the lowest floor again and from there through the now open trapdoor in the middle. You will land in a pool.

Glass Mazes

Swim down and follow the passage. On the first junction head straight and watch the floor textures – one seems to be missing – and dive deeper here, then straight to the underwater lever. Use it and swim back all the way to the junction, then right to get some air. Swim back to the passage with the lever, this time swim in the other direction and follow the passage to eventually find the Station Key. Swim back all the way to the point where you got some air, climb out and use the key to open another trapdoor in the maze. Dive down and swim toward the junction, then ahead to finally exit this maze. Climb out and drop in the next pool, grabbing a Little Medikit. Find the entrance to the outer ring of the water area and swim around it to get the Crowbar. Swim back again and climb out. Look up and see one W tile that you can jump through, climb up and exit this area through the corridor.

First Courtyard (of the Train Station)

Run downstairs and kill two female ninjas. Get in the outer courtyard and dive into the pool to find an underwater ceiling lever down there, use it to lower a block somewhere. Get out and shoot the W windows, pick up some Shotgun Ammo behind, from the windowsill (left or right) run-jump with a curve to the chandelier. From there jump to the N jumplever and use it to open the N door near the stairs. Return all the way there and enter the devastated rail station. Kill the scarab coming from the bottom E.

Jump on the E rails and from there to the opening in the wall, pick up the Shotgun for SECRET #2. A wraith appears – head back all the way in the town courtyard and jump into the pool; the wraith follows and extinguishes. Then, return to the station.

Jump down into the shallow water and go S up. Open the door with the Crowbar and use the switch in the passage behind. This lowers a block N – jump up and crawl to a room with two boxes. Pull out the left of the two and push it in the N niche. Run onto the breakable tile and let yourself fall into the room below.

Second Courtyard

Kill the scarab and head outside – jump to the rails in front of you, get in the passage and grab the Shotgun Ammo, then kill the snake (don’t run toward the end of the passage, as some stones will bury you then). Jump on the N rocks, the E passage contains nothing but a wraith so. There are two ways to enter the building, one risky and one safe but health costing: Either jump directly through the building’s windows (with the risk to be killed by the debris) or jump up to the monkeyswing and get on until you fall to the rails, which costs about half of your health. In any case, shoot the window in the building and use the floor lever in the room behind to open some doors elsewhere.

Exit, I know the wraith annoys but first jump up from the higher part of the rocks to the balcony over the window to find the Crystal Part 2. Get to the end of the rails outside, drop down and enter the lower part of the building, jump in the pool (wraith extinguishes) and climb out behind the debris to use the floor lever. Back in the pool swim on and find a Little Medikit and the Zephyr Wheel in the end, swim back out, drop to the lowest stage and pull away the high block to reveal a Large Medikit. Shoot the window and jump on the left box for some Shotgun Ammo, then use the switch on the opposite wall. Kill a female ninja and leave this building. Drop down to the floor, then climb up the rocks (start near the middle) and slide down into the just opened trapdoor hole. Kill a female ninja inside and pick up the Crystal Part 1 she leaves you. Combine the parts and use the Crystal Sun Key to open the door in this room.

Boulder Timed Run

Walk through the corridor and the door opens itself when approaching. In the next room, a boulder waits to be activated by jumping on the ledge in front of you – but watch out: You have to activate one trapdoor and one raising block to let the boulder hit the yellow textured tile at the end of the course. For this Lara has to enter two blue alcoves. So – let’s get started: Position Lara to the right of the tile that is closest to the opposite one, do a run jump over and keep running up the ramp, the boulder starts rolling. In the last moment jump into the blue alcove and immediately drop down the ladder, then turn right, drop down the next ladder and then to the floor level. Turn, sprint to the NE corner and jump up the block, then run into the second blue alcove. When having done quick enough, the boulder gets on the mentioned tile and the SW door opens. Pull the lever to let a rope appear in the building in the last courtyard, grab the Punk Heart from the pedestal, then climb back up the structure to the top of the room, run-jump back to the boulder ramp and from there to the exit. Back through the corridor, climb up the ladder to the courtyard again.

The Museum and Escape

Climb up, then turn right and run-jump up the rocks, then into the building again. Use the button in the NE corner to be able to get back to the upper stage, jump on the block that just appeared and kill a scarab. Jump up in the passage, turn and jump on the rails. Get on the rope and swing W and jump onto the ledge (it’s best you use the “super swing”: Before starting to swing the “slow” way, press the swing button once, let Lara swing one time, then press it again only once to make Lara swing fast, then jump from the rope to the other side). Get inside the building, kill three female ninjas and get down the stairs W. Use the Zephyr Wheel in the centre to open the door behind you, in the little chamber you can find a timed button that opens a door on top of this room. Use it, run up the stairs, then the stairs to the top of the room, from here jump up to the first chandelier, run-jump to the second and then to the balcony with the timed door. Enter and pick up the Zephyr Key – a door on top of the stairs opens. Return there, run upstairs and follow the pipe walkway around the corner to end this level.