Levels by Leoc1995


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth





Begin in a small room surrounded by flaming implements.   Pick up your PISTOLS and two packs of flares.  The passage to your right is blocked by a gate, which also protects you from a homicidal alien.  The opening to your left leads to an upper area where you'll find more flares.  Continue along the fence, turn right and vault up to pull down a wall switch.  A cut scene shows a door opening somewhere in the fenced area.  Go back down and enter the passage occupied by the big dangling hook.  Shoot the wolf and enter the passage to your right.  Pause at the bend in the stairs to take the flares and a large medipack from the skeleton.  Continue to a closed gate.  An abominable snowman may or may not be right there on the other side, eager to get at you (one time I played, he was there;  the next time, he wasn't).


Go back to the passage below, turn right and then left at the ramp.  Vault up through the doorway you opened up earlier and take a small medipack from one of the skeletons.  Go up the ramp near the fish statue (note the opening behind you for later) and follow the aisle to some automatic pistol (AP) ammo.  Continue to a wall switch, which opens the gate that releases the abominable snowman (if he was standing there before; otherwise, the cut scene will just show the gate opening).  Rest assured he'll show up later if he doesn't come after you right now. 


In either case, go to the opened gate and slide down into a new area.  Take the RED JEWEL from the skeleton and fall down through the nearby phantom floor.  Pick up the AP ammo and a strange artifact that doesn't show up in your inventory (but when you finish the level your statistics screen will reveal that you've just found SECRET #1).  Pull out to the former room and find a place to pull up between the serpent statue and a keyhole.  Pull up still higher and kill the alien (but not the one you saw earlier).  Run to the end of the passage and push the button to open a door down below. 


Get back down and pull up between the two flaming bowls.  Stand at the doorway you just opened and try to kill the wolf below before dropping down. Pull up beyond the skeleton and dangling hook and drop down into a familiar area.  Kill the wolf that's waiting for you and return to the roof with the skeletons and the fish statue.  Go to the ramp and jump into the opening you noted earlier.  Find the receptacle for your Red Jewel and insert it to open a door somewhere. 


Actually that door is nearer than you think, high above the fish statue.  To access it, go to the other side of the central pillar, near those two skeletons, to find a ladder.  Climb up and jump across to the ledge.  Step forward through the open doorway and pick up the DARK KEY.  If you didn't encounter the abominable snowman earlier, you can probably hear his huffing and puffing now.  You know where the key goes, so get down, eliminate the snowman and return to that keyhole you saw earlier.


Insert the Dark Key, climb up right and hop into the passage opposite from the one where you encountered the alien earlier.  Pick up the flares along the way and hop onto the adjacent block at the end for a couple of AP ammo pickups.  There's another abominable snowman roaming about below, so kill him from this vantage point. 


Drop down to the floor below and pull down the nearby wall switch.  A door opens overhead.  Ignore the bridge in this room, as it serves no purpose.  Go to the other side of the room and find another one of those strange artifacts on your left (SECRET #2, as it turns out), a circle with a design in the center.  This one doesn't show up in your inventory, either. 


Beware of the nearby deep pit.  However, there's a place where you can climb down safely in the far corner.  When you do so, light a flare and note the closed gate at the end of the passage.  When you step on the gray tile, a door in the room above is opened to release an alien.  Get back up and kill him, then run up the nearby ramp and loop around to your right.  Push the button at the end of the passage to open a door at the end of the facing ramp below.  Turn around quickly and kill the advancing alien.  Jump across to the other ramp and pull up into the opening at the top.  Run forward and pull down the wall switch at the end of the passage to open the gate just beyond that gray trigger tile.  Turn around to kill yet another alien, then get down and kill the wolf


Drop down into the pit at the far right corner, enter the open passage and pick up the GOLD JEWEL.  Push the button at the end of the passage to open a gate near the beginning of this level, obligating you to perform a bit of backtracking at this point.  Climb out of the pit, locate the ladder to your right, just beyond the two flaming bowls, and climb to the top.  The door you opened earlier with the wall switch allows you to get through, slide down and jump back to the opening to this area.  You'll soon be back here, however.


Run through the passage, hop down and wait for the abominable snowman to arrive.  After you eliminate him, pull up into the opening between the two flaming bowls.  Hop down the other side, pull up beyond the dangling hook and safety drop into the passage below.  Head away from the skeleton on the steps, turn left into the connecting passage and return to where you began this level.  Climb up into the opening on your left and shoot two aliens.  Run to the end of the passage and insert the Gold Jewel to open a door above that dark pit.


Climb back down and shoot the waiting wolf.  Wait a few seconds until the abominable snowman arrives, then kill him as well.  Return all the way back to the dark pit area, but unfortunately you can't simply retrace your steps along the route described in the paragraph above.  Enter the long passage with the dangling hook, turn right into the connecting passage, go up the steps where the skeleton lies, follow the upper passage around to the end and slide down to the room below, pull up between the keyhole and the serpent statue, and you should be able to make it the rest of the way on your own.


Drop down, run up the ramp to your left and at the top take a running jump and grab to the block.  Pull up, hop down to your right and enter the passage.  Pull up and slide down the other side to end the level.  If there are three secrets in each level, I missed one here.


Level 2 - DEMON TAG


Draw your pistols immediately and kill the advancing thug.  There are a number of outlets in this room, most of which are blocked at the moment.  Look around for the AUTOMATIC PISTOLS and three pickups of AP ammo, then head down the long passage and pull the switch at the end.  Exit this passage and enter the open doorway to your left.  Enter the next room and go across to the far end.  Locate the button in the pillar.  When you push it, the timed door behind you opens.  Go through and draw your pistols as you head down the passage, as there's a baddie with a flame thrower in the next room.  Kill him first, then take out two more baddies perched on ledges to your right and left.  Take the AP ammo from the flame-throwing baddie, then go up the steps in the corner.


Pull up onto the slope and back flip onto the higher ledge.  Go around and jump across toward the dead baddie.  He didn't leave anything for you, so continue around in a counterclockwise direction to the next dead baddie.  Climb the blocks in the corner and pull up onto a still higher ledge.  Continue around as you did before.  Climb the corner blocks for a large medipack, then pull up onto the highest ledge that's bordered by a fence.  There's another flame-throwing baddie up there, so approach with caution.


Continue past his carcass through the passage into the next room.  A thug lies in wait inside.  There's a small medipack near the far wall.  Scale the moss-covered pillars and jump to an upper room.  Deal with the flame-throwing baddie, then locate the moveable block near a corner of this room.  Push it forward twice.  Turn to your right and push the next block twice.  Turn to your left and pull the third block once.  Climb over it and turn right into the passage for a GOLD DRAGON (and, presumably, SECRET #1). 


Exit this area and find the open passage at the opposite corner of the room.  Go there and follow to the intersection.  Kill the doberman attacking from your left, then proceed into the room to your right.  There's a baddie with a flame-blower inside to your right, so be prepared for him.  Locate the uzi ammo (at some point in this level the UZIS appear in your inventory) and large medipack piled together near the entrance, then go to the opposite corner for a JADE DRAGON and SECRET #2.  There's a nearby moveable block in the wall.  Push it twice and enter the room that has been revealed.  Go up the ramp and push the button to open a door elsewhere. 


Go back and locate the open doorway in the far corner of the previous room.  Follow the wooden passage and kill the thug along the way.  Continue and find some AP ammo in your path.  Go past the opening to the end of the passage and pick up the CHIP.  Return to the opening, hop down and you'll hear footsteps that aren't your own.  Wait for the thug to appear, kill him and pick up the uzi ammo he drops.  Now you're free to go to the end of the passage and pull down the wall switch that opens another door elsewhere.


Go back the way you came, and in the large room approach the exit passage backwards, as a flame-throwing baddie materializes out of nowhere near the spot where you picked up the Jade Dragon.  Enter the exit passage and find the opened doorway at the far end.  Stop at the hole and look below.  It's a long way down, and you can see at least two enemies roaming about.  Simply run off the edge and fall into the deep pool.  Pull out and shoot two thugs, then pick up the AP ammo dropped by one of them.  Lots of funny textures in this area as you run around the pool.  No matter.  Climb up onto the green block.


Jump down into a familiar room and kill the thug.  Place your Chip in the obvious pillar receptacle to open the door behind you.  Go there, slide down and climb the tall ladder.  Pick up the RED CARD at the top, turn around and take a running jump to the opening.  Climb the block, jump down into the water and swim along the passage past a spear-spitting frogman.  It might not be a good idea right now to pause for the dragon artifact at the entrance.  A flame-throwing baddie awaits you as you pull out of the pool, so your best strategy is to turn around upon entering the pool and pull out on this side to give you as much distance as possible.


When the baddie dies, he drops a large medipack.  If you wish, you can brave the frogman once more and dive down to claim the STONE DRAGON for SECRET #3.  When that mission has been accomplished, pull out of the pool and onto the green block, and find another thug awaiting you in the room below.  Now it's time to leave via the original entrance (where you see a green patch on the floor).  In the next room, insert the Red Card in the appropriate receptacle. 


Enter and kill the thug on the upper ledge to your right.  Pick up the 2 x uzi ammo and use the nearby slope to jump and shimmy to a stable surface.  Pull up and take a running jump and grab to the next pillar.  Pull up and take another running jump and grab across the room.  Pull up, enter the passage to attract two flame-throwing baddies in the next room, hop back into the passage with pistols drawn and await their arrival.  Pick up the AP ammo and small medipack they drop. 


Go around the ledge to the corner and pick up the BLUE CARD.  You know where that goes.  Return the way you came and insert the Blue Card in its proper receptacle.  Enter the open passage and follow to end the level.




You're now in a frozen environment.  Follow the icy passage and pick up the flares, small medipack and AP ammo along the way.  In the open area walk carefully into the glass shards and pick up the uzi ammo.  Walk back out and locate the switch to open a door in the upper passage.  Hop in and wait for a thug to climb up after you from the room ahead.  Kill him.  A second baddie is wandering about, but you can shoot him from where you're standing. 


Hop down and enter the next icy passage.  A gun-totin' thug comes in after you, and he proves amazingly difficult to kill.  He drops some uzi ammo as a reward.  Note the receptacle in the wall and climb the ladder to your right.  Pull up higher when you reach the top, and an awful racket is triggered.  Walk past the glass shards to your right and pick up the uzi ammo.  Go the other way and kill the thug who comes around the corner.  Pick up the uzi ammo he drops, and at the intersection note the closed curtain to your right.  Go left and pick up the flares at the bend in the passage.  You can now see the cause of all that racket, a swirling fan.  Turn left in front of it, walk through the glass shards and pass a golden balcony.  Push the button at the end to open that curtain you saw earlier.


Go back to the opened curtain and pick up the RELAY BOX.  Climb back down the ladder, reverse roll and insert the Relay Box in the receptacle to open the gate to your left.  Go inside, hop down and run to the far opening.  Climb or hop a series of ledges and climb the ice ladder.  Shift left and drop down into an upper passage.  Continue forward and shoot the thug (who drops uzi ammo).  More racket.  Two fans this time.  Hop down between them and follow the passage to a door that opens upon your approach.


The next room is a hub of sorts, with lots to do.  Pull into the alcove in the far left corner for some uzi ammo.  Push the button in the middle of the room to open a door in the wall.  Enter and pick up the CHIP.  Another of those hard-to-kill thugs follows you inside.  Pick up 2 x uzi ammo he drops.  Go outside and place the Chip at the end of the opposite passage to open a door elsewhere (or you could use the nearer receptacle, makes no difference in the long run).  Exit the passage, loop around to the left and get on the half solid, half phantom block.  Pull up into the opening and run to the end of the short passage.  Pull down the wall switch to open a nearby curtain.  Go back, hop down and turn left.  Go toward the pool, past that other receptacle and locate the opened curtain to your right.  Enter a large and seemingly empty room.  Loop around to the left and locate an alcove covered with ice.  Step forward and drop down through a phantom ice floor.  Pick up the GOLD DRAGON for SECRET #1.  Pull back out and locate a moveable block.  When you pull it back, another one magically takes its place.  Anyway, I found no use for the block, so you may as well just leave it alone. 


Climb up onto the nearby block in the corner, and from there jump up to grab the crack in the wall.  Shimmy left until you can pull up.  Jump across to another ledge and pull up into the alcove for another CHIP.  Safety drop to the floor and kill another baddie whom you've attracted.  Return to the hub room and insert the Chip in the receptacle that you didn't use before.  An underwater door opens.  Finally, pull up onto the slope opposite the glass shards near the entrance to this room.  Face the wall and jump into the opening.  Pull down the wall switch at the end of the passage to open a second underwater door.  Go back to the slope and this time take a running jump into the left alcove (which for some reason -- possibly because of the opened door -- you can't simply pull up into from floor level).  Pick up the AP ammo.


Now it's time to take a swim.  Get down, go to the water on the other side of the room and jump in. Swim down through the opening on your left and pull out of the water.  Kill the thug who's coming down the stairs, and go up the stairs yourself.  Pull up into an ice passage and go past the door you opened with one of your chips. 


Simply run forward to the hole in the floor and fall down to a pool of water while enemies fire at you from several levels.  Pick up the JADE DRAGON for SECRET #2, then pull out of the water while drawing your pistols to dispatch a doberman and a thug.  Locate the CALAMITY KEY at one end of the pool and climb the nearby ladder in the corner.  After you pull up, try to take out the baddie one level above you.  Take the uzi ammo from the baddie you killed from below, then locate the ladder and climb up to the next level.  Vault up in the corner next to some glass shards and pick up the small medipack


Run around to the other side of the room and pull up into the opening.  Follow the passage and pull up left.  Continue to the end and drop down into the water below.  Pull out and follow the passage to a door that opens to release a doberman.  There are two baddies in the next room, one drops uzi ammo and the other drops a small medipack and AP ammo


You're back in the hub room.  Take a running jump over the water to the glass-free part of the ledge and use your Calamity Key to open an underwater door.  Hop back into the water and this time swim straight forward past the open doorway.  In the next room locate the icy passage and swim inside to end the level (and apparently missing the Stone Dragon secret along the way).  If anyone discovers any secrets not documented in this walkthrough, please advise so the proper revisions can be made.


Level 4 - CALAMITY


You are now in a ship environment.  You can hear threatening footsteps close by, so run past a closed door to the end of the passage and pull up through the opening.  Kill a thug and pick up the shotgun ammo he drops.  Hop down to the room below and pick up the AP ammo.  Push the button in the block to open the door back where you began the level.  Go there and enter the next room.  You can see a switch and two receptacles above a block ledge ahead.  Leave them alone for now.


Head through the opening on your right into the next room.  Kill the thug and take the flares he drops.  You can hear nearby footsteps, but ignore them for the moment.  Jump into the water and follow the passage to a small medipack.  Return to the previous room and contemplate the block puzzle.  To solve it, you need to move the lower block to form a bridge so you can move the upper block to the other side of the room.  It's not very tedious, and it's certainly not hard to figure out.  You can then climb up onto the upper block and access the hole in the ceiling.  But first, jump up and down on the block to kill the flame-throwing baddie up there.  


Pick up the BLUE CARD on the block and get back down.  A baddie is waiting for you.  Kill him and pick up the large medipack he drops.  Climb up into the opening in the far corner of the room and kill the thug who comes down to meet you.  Turn around quickly and kill a second thug who was trying to sneak up on you.  Continue up the steps and hop down into the room below.  You'll find some uzi ammo in an alcove.  Pull up into the opening, hop down into the room below and go around to your right.  Pull the block once, then climb over it and pull the second block once.  Climb over the second block and pick up the RED CARD.


Return to the block puzzle room and go through it to the room with the two receptacles and the switch.  First insert the Blue Card and the Red Card in the appropriate slots, then pull down the wall switch to open the final door (timed) in the passage to your left.  Hop down and run through the open passageway.  In the next room locate a wall switch on the other side of the burner structure.  It opens the door in the nearby alcove. 


Hop down into the next area and note the closed door at the end of the short passage to your right.  Continue past it up the stairs and shoot the thug.  Another thug appears as you continue up the stairs.  Pull up into the alcove at the top and push the button to open the door you noted earlier.  Go back down there and head down the long passage.  As you head up the stairs you're met by a pair of thugs, one of whom drops shotgun ammo.  At the top of the stairs is a button that opens a door elsewhere. 


Go back down the stairs a short distance and hang from the edge.  Drop down into an area where you can pull up into a passage for the GOLD DRAGON and SECRET #1.  Get back onto the stairs and veer off to your right near the bottom.  There's a phantom floor in the corner, marked by a darker tile and a set of tanks hanging on the wall.  Drop down and note the receptacle in the corridor to your left.  Continue past it along the winding passage and shoot a doberman.  At the end you'll come to a room.  Go to the far corner and drop down through the phantom tile.  Pick up the JADE DRAGON for SECRET #2.  Pull out and go to the adjacent room with two moveable blocks.  Simply push the left one forward twice to access a new room.  Climb over the ledge and find a CHIP.  You know where that goes, so retrace your steps and insert the Chip in the receptacle you noted earlier.


A door opens in the alcove to your left, so climb up there and come to a ledge.  Be careful, as there are phantom tiles in the floor below, with deadly flames lurking underneath.  The near left corner tile is safe, so drop down there.  Take a running jump forward and grab the next safe tile.  Pull up and take a standing jump forward to the next safe tile.  Now a running jump angled to your right so you land on the next safe tile in the center of the room.  Finally, a running jump angled to your left so you land on the safe tile adjacent to the exit.  Prepare to kill a thug and a flame-throwing baddie in the next room as you enter.  Pick up the small medipack dropped by the baddie.


Note the receptacle and the closed door in the next area.  Jump into the water and find the CHIP and a large medipack on a ledge.  Insert the Chip in the receptacle to open the nearby door.  Climb the ladder to an upper passage and slide down to a room with blocks and stairs.  Pause for the AP ammo and the shotgun ammo, then go up the stairs.  Hop the gap, slide down and kill a thug.  Hop down into a water hole, swim across and pull up through the next opening.  A thug is shooting at you from above, so go up to engage him now so you won't be distracted.


Locate the moveable block and push it once to reveal a passage.  Pick up the STONE DRAGON at the end for SECRET #3.  Return to the previous room, where a door to the boiler room opens upon your approach.  Kill a doberman and go up the stairs.  Pull down the wall switch at the end of the ledge to open a door down below.  Go back and find the open door near the higher area where you shot the thug earlier.  Slide down and pick up the 2 x AP ammo.   Shoot the flame-throwing baddie and pick up the uzi ammo he drops. 


In the next room a thug drops some AP ammo.   You're faced with another simple block puzzle.  Move the remote block to form a bridge so you can pull back the upper block.  Pull up onto the corner block for the RED CARD.  Use it to open the nearby door and follow the passage to a hole in the floor.  Slide down two slopes and land in front of an opening.  Jump down into the dark room and run forward to end the level.




You're in a cage occupied by two dormant warriors.  Pull down the wall switch on the block to open the gate behind you.  You're in luck.  The warriors remain dormant.  Turn around and jump to the nearest ice pillar.  Turn right and take a standing jump to the next pillar.  Note the active warrior marching aimlessly down below.  Turn left and take a running jump to the next pillar, and another running jump to the pillar against the wall.  Turn right and take a running jump and grab to the slightly higher ledge.  Pull up and run to the other end. 


Go down the ramp to your right and take a running jump and grab to the next pillar against the wall.  Pull up, turn left and pull up into the opening in the wall.  Step forward, hop onto the block and down to a caged area.  As you approach the cage door it opens.  Heed the warnings on the wall.  Reverse roll onto the tile, quickly pick up the FOLKLORIST STONE as the dormant warrior comes to life, and beat a hasty retreat.  He could be killed (assuming you had weapons at your disposal here, which you don't), but not easily.  The better part of valor is simply to get away.  Hop up onto the block and climb up right. 


There's a dual threat in the passage, a swinging blade and a device that spits out deadly buzz saw wheels.  Stay near a wall and jump over the blade.  At the end of the passage, jump left up into the higher passage and face more of the same.  Turn left at the end and pull down the wall switch to open another gate in the area where you began the level.  You can take the long way back around, or safety drop from here at the cost of a small amount of health.  In either event, there's a baddie patrolling the opening where you pulled up earlier.  You have no reason to go back there, and you can't deal with him anyway.  Instead, go to the other end of the ledge you're on.


From here you can take a running jump and grab a still higher ledge.  Pull up, go to the other end, turn left and take a running jump and grab to a block upon which rests a large medipack.  Go back the other way and use the ice pillars to return to the cage where you started.  The best way to make that final jump safely is from the flat surface directly opposite the opening with a running jump and grab. 


Go to the opening ahead and to your left.  Take a running jump and grab to the tall ice pillar.  Pull up and do the same to the next ice pillar ahead.  As you pull up you can see what appear to be the telltale signs of a nearby secret.   It's all a mirage, however.  Jump to the next block against the wall, turn right and jump your way along the wall down to the far corner, where you finally drop into a shallow depression for the STONE DRAGON and SECRET #1.


Drop down to the floor of this huge area.  It's possible that you won't even attract the warrior's attention, but to be on the safe side locate the nearby short pillar with a climbable surface and get up to the top.  Turn left after you pull up and take a running jump to a ledge with shotgun ammo and a small medipack.  After picking them up, turn left and take a long running jump across to a ledge.  Hop down into the opening, jump up left twice and push the button for a cut scene showing a carpet barrier lifting.


Get back to the ledge outside and jump to the tall pillar.  Take a long running jump and grab to the ledge near the middle of the room.  Pull up and locate the ladder to your right.  Climb to the top and turn around.  Jump to a ledge and insert the Folklorist Stone to open the gate.  Go inside, climb the ladder and back flip near the top.  Turn around and jump over the horizontal blade, then watch out for the activated buzz saw wheel spitting device around the corner.  Hug the wall as you approach it, then jump up to grab the crack in the wall and shimmy right all the way to the end.  Drop down and pull the wall switch to open another gate in the cage where you started.


Shimmy back to the previous ledge, go around the corner and jump over the blade trap, climb down the ladder and return to the ledge where you opened the gate.  Use the ice pillars to jump back to the central cage where you began the level.  The gate ahead and to your right is now open, so hop down and run along the ice ledge past the lifted carpet barrier.  Follow to near the end, where you can see a receptacle hole in the wall, and hop right to grab the pillar surface that appears to be stained with blood.  Pull up and run around the central support pillar.  Climb the ladder on the other side to the level of the ledge jutting out to your right and shift right.  You should be able to pull up onto the ledge.


Turn left and continue climbing up the support pillar.  Pull up at the top and push the button at the end of the passage to open an underwater gate.  Get back down and locate the water down below. You can jump safely into the pool from up here.  Swim through the open gateway and pull out through the opening.  Climb the long ladder to an upper passage, where a blade throwing device is activated.  Run to the other end of the passage and avoid the baddie.  Drop down into a lower passage and push the button to open the gate. 


Quickly run forward and jump over the blade trap.  The gate closes behind you, and if you're too close you'll become stuck and have to reload.  At the far opening, hop down to the ledge and pick up two FOLKLORIST STONES.  Amazingly, none of the nearby dormant warriors come to life.   Go back a short distance and take a standing jump to grab the ledge between the two warriors.  Pull up and step forward into a slight depression.  Pick up the GOLD DRAGON for SECRET #2.  Hop down to the ledge far below.  Replenish your health as necessary, then run to that receptacle you saw earlier. 


Insert a Folklorist Stone.  The first one probably won't work, so use an arrow key to bring up the second one in your inventory.  A gate lifts near a dormant warrior.  Go back a short distance and jump back to the blood-stained ledge. 

Climb the first ladder, shift right to the ledge and pull up.  Run around the pillar to the left and jump to the opening in the cage.  There are three wall switches inside.  Pull them all down from right to left to open gates in a nearby passage.   Hop down left and run around behind the leftmost wall switch to find a button.  Push it to open a gate to your right.  Stand at the opening and take a running jump to a ledge.


Loop right around the corner and past the open gates.  At the end, jump up into the open cage and go around the dormant warrior.  Ignore the ladder for now, as the passage is blocked.  Jump down to the ledge and follow around to the right.  Climb onto the block and hop into the passage.  Pull down the wall switch at the end to open a gate.  Go back and confront a baddie.  Hop down and run past him along the ledge to the cage with the dormant warriors.  Cross to the other side and hop down to the ledge in front of the passage with the opened gates.  From here take a standing jump slightly to your right, down to an ice pillar you used much earlier.  Jump back to the cage where you began the level.


The gate on the other side is now open.  Go there and follow the passage to an opening.  Hop down to the wooden ledge and note the warning in bold red letters across the room.  You're looking down at a seemingly impassable pit with spikes at the bottom.  Not to worry.  Simply hop down onto an invisible glass floor and run across to leap into the alcove.  Pull down the wall switch to open the way back in the remote cage room.  Backtrack your way there via the blood-stained ledge, following the same route described in the previous paragraphs.


Climb the ladder you bypassed earlier, as the carpet barrier above has been lifted.  Run forward as one of the warriors you pass comes to life.  However, you'll hit the finish trigger before he can do you any harm.




Lara is back at home, in her bedroom.  She's barefoot and utterly vulnerable, without flares, medipacks, weapons or ammunition.  Loop around to your right and enter a junk room filled with crates.  Climb onto the crates for a host of goodies:  a large medipack and a small medipack, two packs of flares, the SHOTGUN and eight cartons of shotgun shells.  Push the button to open a door in the outer hallway.  The bedroom door is open as well, so exit to the hallway and head down the stairs to shoot three baddies in quick succession.  One of them drops shotgun ammo


Down on the main floor, shoot two more baddies and grab more shotgun ammo.  Enter the exercise room from whence the first one came and shoot another baddie inside.  He also drops some shotgun ammo.  Go to the ramp marked 4 and jump from there to the lone block.  Turn left and take a running jump and grab to the higher crate near the corner.  Pull up for the STONE DRAGON and SECRET #1


Get down and go through the nearby doorway into a room with a swimming pool.  Two baddies and a doberman await you.  Go around to the back of the room and locate a button.  When you push it a door opens in the kitchen.  Note the nearby closed door.  Go to the near corner and locate another button.  When you push it a door is opened in Lara's bedroom.  Jump into the dark water and pick up a large medipack, flares and shotgun ammo at the bottom.  Note the closed gate and pull back out.  Go to the only alcove where a flare is not lit and side flip past the brazier.  Climb the wall and pull up into an upper passage for the JADE DRAGON and SECRET #2


Get down and exit the pool room.  Run across the exercise room and enter the kitchen area.  Pick up the shotgun ammo and note the closed door ahead.  Drop down the hole in the middle of the floor and locate the PORTAL TO PAST KEY.  You can hear the sound of unwelcome footsteps.  Pull up and kill the baddie.  Go to the meat locker and enter to find a button.  When you push it a door opens in the main room.  Turn around and shoot the baddie, then take the shotgun ammo he dropped.


Exit the kitchen to the main front area.  Locate the door you opened and hop down to push the button.  The door you saw in the pool room is now open, but it's timed.  However, with an economical route and running jumps along the way you should be able to return there in time.  Follow the passage to an alcove with 2 x shotgun ammo.  Jump into the water and find yourself on the other side of the closed gate you saw earlier.  Pick up another PORTAL TO PAST KEY on the dark tile and swim toward the gate, which opens upon your approach.  Pull out of the pool and return to the main room. 


Run up the stairs and turn left toward Lara's bedroom.  Lara's attention is attracted to the area above the front door.  For now, enter the bedroom and find the open door to the bathroom.  Pick up the large medipack and shotgun ammo, then draw your shotgun and shoot the baddie trying to sneak up on you from behind.  Locate the button near the shower stall and push it to open another door in the upper hallway.  Exit the bathroom and the bedroom, and go around left to the other side to find the open doorway.


Enter the sparsely appointed music room and turn left into an adjacent room. 

Go up the steps to a sparsely appointed den and take the small medipack and shotgun ammo on the far ledge.  A baddie is attracted.  Push the button near the red chair to open another door in the main area downstairs.  Stand on the tile in front of the fireplace and pick up a third PORTAL TO PAST KEY.  Return to the music room to find two baddies and a doberman


Exit to the hallway and look left to find a break in the railing.  Take an angled running jump and grab the crack in the far wall.  Shimmy all the way to your right and pull up to find a fourth PORTAL TO PAST KEY.  Safety drop to the floor, turn left and face the open doorway.  Enter the passage and come to a closed door flanked by four keyholes.  You know what you now need to do with those four keys you're holding.  Each time you insert one a door is opened in the passage beyond.  Follow the passage to end the level.




You start in a passage facing a closed gate.  Run toward the closed gate.  It opens as you approach it, but pause before entering for the goodies:  small medipack with 2 x uzi ammo, large medipack with 3 x shotgun ammo, and small medipack with 4 x AP ammo.  You started this level with the shotgun you picked up in the previous level.  When you pick up all this ammunition you'll find that the UZIS and the AUTOMATIC PISTOLS have been added to your inventory.  Continue into the next room and the Xian warrior comes to life.  Climb the steps to your right and start shooting at the warrior from near the top.  You can use your pistols to conserve ammo.  Before long the warrior will turn green and explode.  Continue to the top of the steps and pull down the wall switch.  One down, three to go.


Get down to the floor and find two more wall switches close to each other across the room.  Pull them both, then find a place to the left of these two switches where you can pull up.  Follow the steps to a fourth wall switch and pull it down.  The way is now clear through the passage to the right of the entrance.  Follow around the corner to a blue-tinted room.  Enter a step or two to draw the attention of four knife-throwing baddies, then retreat around the corner so you can shoot them one at a time.  If they fall in a pile, it's hard to tell who was carrying what, but pick up shotgun ammo, 2 x uzi ammo and 2 x AP ammo from the carcasses.  Continue into the next area and find a block against the far wall that you can pull up onto.  Climb the block steps to a wall switch that opens a gate elsewhere.


Get down to the floor and find a long ladder in a corner of the room.  In the opposite corner, in an alcove, is the STONE DRAGON for SECRET #1.  Go back to the ladder, climb to the top and pull up still higher into a passage.  Follow to a room with 2 x shotgun ammo, AP ammo and uzi ammo on the floor.  Climb the blocks to the right of the entrance.  At the top you'll find a large medipack and shotgun ammo.  Follow the block ledge counterclockwise around the room and pull up through a hole in the ceiling.  Continue climbing, run through the passage, slide down into a trench and find an awakened Xian warrior.  Pull up to your right, where you'll be safe, and fill him with lead until he turns green and explodes.  Hop down into the trench and pick up the GOLD DRAGON at the far end for SECRET #2.


Pull back up and locate the block in the corner.  Get over it and slide down the other side into an area guarded by two knife-wielding baddies.  One of them drops 2 x uzi ammo.  There's an oddly placed water hole with AP ammo at the bottom.  Pull down the two switches in the opposite wall to open gates that allow you to exit this area.  Follow the passage and slide down the long slope.  Pick up the 2 x uzi ammo and pull up into an outdoor arena occupied by a host of dormant Xian warriors.  When you hop down, three of them come to life, so quickly find the hole in the floor and drop down to an underground passage.  Pick up the 2 x shotgun ammo and the uzi ammo.  Continue to a ladder and climb up into another outdoor arena.  Only one Xian warrior here, so kill him.


Step on the gold trigger tile to open the gate in the opposite wall.  Enter to find the JADE DRAGON for SECRET #3.  Go back and locate the ladder in the tall central pillar.  Climb to the top to find a pair of FOLKLORIST STONES.  Climb down and find four knife-throwing baddies waiting for you at the bottom.  Search the bodies for 2 x uzi ammo and 2 x AP ammo.  Now you have to go back and face those Xian warriors, so go back through the connecting underground passage and pull up into the other outdoor arena.  Hop onto one of the blocks occupied by a dormant warrior and shoot the three live ones at your leisure.  Then hop down and find a receptacle for a Folklorist Stone.  Again, the first one probably won't work, so use an arrow key to bring up the other one so you can insert it.  A gate lifts in the passage to your right. 


Hop down and follow the passage to the other end.  Turn around and jump to the ledge.  Pull up for some flares.  Pull up right or left (it doesn't matter which) and follow the blocks up to a tall pillar with a ladder.  Climb up though a hole in the ceiling, pick up the uzi ammo and run forward over the edge to fall down into that pool of water (ah, so that's why it was there).  Pull out and kill the knife-throwing baddie.  Locate the receptacle for your other Folklorist Stone and insert it.  The gate to your left opens, so go inside and pick up the uzi ammo on the ledge before hopping down into the lower room.  Locate the dark passage and run through it to end the level.




As you begin the final level, icicles fall practically at your feet.  Wander through the area (noting a closed wooden door) and find a small medipack and a large medipack in the central hall.  At the far corner you'll find steps leading up to a long passage that brings you to a depression where a leopard is prancing about helplessly.  Shoot it, as you would a fish in a barrel.  Pull up, then hop down to your right.  Wait for the abominable snowman to appear and shoot him.  Run straight ahead toward the wall and turn left.  Another abominable snowman comes charging around the corner, so deal with him as well.  Go where he came from and find 2 x AP ammo, 2 x shotgun ammo and 3 x uzi ammo at the end.  Return to the previous room and head up the steps to your right.  Climb the block and slide down to find the FOLKLORIST MASK.


Continue along the passage and climb the blocks.  Hop down and the red door with the number 2 emblazoned on it opens.  Pull up into the doorway and shoot the leopard waiting on the other side.  Get down into a familiar area and pull up into the alcove to the right of the steps for 2 x uzi ammo.  Get down and pull out to the place where you entered this area.  Follow the passage opposite the trench with the dead leopard and hop down into a small room where you're seemingly at a dead end.  However, there's a ladder surface in the alcove to your right.  Use it to climb up to a wall switch.  Pull it down to open a wooden face door (but not the one directly below).


Get back down and return to the area where you started the level.  You'll find the open doorway near the fallen icicles.  Pull up inside and hop down into an empty room.  Climb the block at the opposite corner and pull up into an upper room.  Pull down the wall switch to lift the gate behind you.  As you enter you'll alert an enemy, but you're safe for the moment.  Locate the shotgun ammo and the AP ammo in the alcoves before pulling down the wall switch.  Go through the open gate, which slams shut behind you (an ominous sign indeed).  Follow the passage past a receptacle and be ready for your encounter with an abominable snowman


Hop over the hole and slide down into a familiar area.  Go to the hole in the floor and drop down to engage three abominable snowmen.  When all is quiet again, pull back up and enter the nearby open gateway.  Pull down the wall switch once more to re-open the gate to your left (which is on a timer).  Enter, go to the left and insert the Folklorist Mask in the receptacle.  A wooden face door opens, so reverse roll, go around clockwise again and slide down into the open area.  Drop down through the hole in the floor and retrace your steps to the now-open passage.


Hop up into the passage and greet the abominable snowman coming down the stairs toward you.  Go up those same stairs and note the closed gate at the end of the passage down to your left.  Continue up the stairs and climb the block at the end.  Jump a couple of blocks to a ledge with a wall switch.  Pull it to lift that gate you noted just now.  Go back and drop down into the passage.  Go past the lifted gate and shoot an abominable snowman.  In the next room pick up the 2 x uzi ammo between the spikes, then enter the side passage with the gold ceiling. 


Follow the winding passage until you come to a wall switch.  Pull it to open a face door further on.  Continue until you reach some water.  Jump in and watch out for the pair of barracuda.  Swim to the hole in the ceiling and pull out.  Follow the passage to a small medipack and uzi ammo.  Continue into a maze-like area and wait for two abominable snowmen to appear.  Keep to your right and you'll soon come to the end of a passage where you'll find another FOLKLORIST MASK.  Go back to the entrance to the maze and this time keep right, through what looks like cobwebs.  You'll soon meet up with a leopard.  Turn right at the connecting passage and pull up to some stairs.  An abominable snowman comes charging down after you. 


Continue to the top of the stairs and find a receptacle.  Insert the Folklorist Mask to open the gate ahead.  Go forward, slide down and jump over the spikes to grab an opening.  Pull up and hop down the other side for some shotgun ammo and a large medipack.  Pull up, jump to the ledge and pull down the wall switch to open the gate to your left.  Before leaving, reverse roll and run to the wall for some AP ammo


Hop into the opening and find an alcove with two wall switches.  Pull them both and head down the passage to meet an abominable snowman.  Continue along the long winding passage until you finally come to a wooden face door that opens upon your approach.  Another abominable snowman comes your way.  Head up the winding stairs and come to an opening that faces another closed door.  Hop down and find a wall switch to your right.  First pick up 2 x uzi ammo and 2 x shotgun ammo, then pull down the timed switch to open the exit door.   


Reverse roll and jump up into the opening before the door closes.  Slide down into the next area and you can hear an unseen enemy stomping about. 

Pull down the wall switch to release the Chicken Monster.  When it is vanquished the adventure ends.