Search for the Golden Mask

Levels by Seth94

Walkthrough by G&D Productions

Due to a Hard Disk crash I lost the saves I made for these levels, if you're in need of one, ask on the forum

 To the separate levels

1- The Base

3- Temple of Gold

5- Cascade Forest

7- Escape with the Tornarsuk

2- The Dig site

4- Catacombs of the Tornarsuk

6- Molten Palace

8- Nightmare in Venice

1- The Base

Go right round the wall and find a closed gate left, go into the passage SE and pull up onto the sloped block in front to back flip to the passage above. Go use the switch there and get down to the now open gate.

Go through to a square in front of a base, two Bald Eagles attack. Afterwards go into the passage N and shoot a Thug coming out, pick up his Shotgun ammo. Go right into the passage and find a small medipack in the corner of the room. In the left hand window is a switch, throw that to open the door to another room and a Thug there will drop the Shotgun. Throw the switch on the pump to open a gate on the square, go back out to the square. Into the gate you opened SW.

The Key Card.

Follow through the next gate too and shoot the two dogs, coming out of that tunnel, go right into the passage to a ladder and climb up. Follow through and run to the far corner of that steel walkway, slide down and run jump to grab the roof of the steel tunnel. Go up another ladder N and swim left through the cold water to climb up to the right at the other end. Shoot the Thug and get his Shotgun ammo. Further inside a second Thug will leave a Medipack. When you go out, you're on the roof of the base; a Bald Eagle comes for you. Go W to the large roof and shoot that bird, on a lower roof SW you'll find the Key Card. Drop from the corner of this roof onto the sloped rocks below and use the Key Card for the small door in the corner of the brick building.

The Loading Docks, a Key Card and a Quadbike.

Shoot the Thugs, dogs and rats and go left around the car. From the wooden crate jump onto the car and get the M16 ammo. Go to the W end of the car and drop down into the caged one, pull two crates from the left hand side and one from the right hand side so you can go to the last crate in the back and push it away from the Key Card.

Go onto the roof of this car and place that Card on the back of that grey crate to open the hatch in the other car. Go there; down the hatch and use the switch on the S wall, a small door opens up.

There's a Quadbike in here, we'll be back for it. Back up to the roof and jump to the wooden crate SW, hop into the open door and climb up N inside. Shoot a Thug, grab his Uzi Ammo and use the switch at the boilers to open that door for the Quadbike. Get back to the bike and ride it out, right around the corner out of the car and to the door E (there's NO Reverse on the bike, so be careful in corners and save often).

On the square, go left around the corner and into the passage SW, make a Savegame, go straight and speed up after the steel tunnel to jump over a pit into the passage, keep the speed up to jump another pit. Leave the bike there and go up a ladder N, down at the other end. In the next Loading dock, shoot the rats, dogs and a Thug and pick up the Automatic pistol ammo.

Pull the crate standing near the NE wall around those crates to an opening in the ceiling and get up there, shoot the Thug. Throw a switch to open the car on the tracks and go out to climb in there. Pick up the Uzis and get out and to the left, shoot the resistance while going W along the N side of the track, pick up a small medipack dropped by one of the Thugs and go around the back to the S side of the track, shoot another Thug and get the Flares. Climb the crate to get onto the car and pick up a Medipack.

Move the Train, The Factory.

Run jump from the car to the ladder W and follow to a large factory hall. Jump to the right (W) onto the ledge and jump to a ledge up SW. Get into the opening on the right to a room with burners in a pool. Dive in and swim to two Timed underwater levers. They will stop the burners, pull the left one first and then do the other one (hold the Look key to skip the camera view), swim back to the N, pull up and roll. A run jump to the first pillar, a running jump to the next and a stand jump to the third, take a last running jump to grab the last pillar and hop to safety.

Pull the switch to open a door, swim back to the hall. Down onto the ledge and they're shooting you. Make your way to the W side ledge and drop down onto some crates, shoot two Thugs and about 3 dogs. Pick up Automatic pistol ammo and head for that open door W, follow through, up a ladder to the top and back flip into the passage. Go over the top of the factory shooting two Thugs (Automatic pistol- & Shotgun ammo) and get in a room on the other side (E) to throw a switch after you shot the dog. The train moved in the loading dock.

The Key Card.

Back to the Factory and notice the burners NE, we need 3 Circuit Breakers to kill the burners. Go to the left (N) to find the door in the N wall, remember where it is. Go to the ladder W, up to the walkways and up to the E side ledge where you'll find a switch for that door below. Use it and go down into that door, down N and grab the Key Card down there. Notice the big propeller behind the window.

2 Circuit Breakers.

Go back up to the factory hall, up the ladder W (or jump to the ledge from the crates NW) and over the ledges to the SE corner where you came in before and get back to the loading dock. To the E where the last car went into the ground... On the track is a Circuit Breaker.

Detour for a Secret: Go to the S side of the track, pull the crate on the right (E wall) to the opening and jump in there, push the block, turn right and push the block, turn left and push the last block twice to reach Secret #1, Gold Bars. Back out to the track.

Get into that caged car and use the Key Card to the right, the door in the next car opens up. Go in there (jump from the crates next to the train to the train tracks) get in and find another Circuit Breaker #2 and a Thug with a small medipack. On the N wall of the car is a switch, use it to open a gate near the Quadbike.

Third Circuit Breaker.

Get out to the door of the car, jump and grab the grated car and shimmy right to the corner, drop and go E, right around the corner, find an alcove and in there go up the ladder in the passage leading back to the bike.

No need to take the bike this time, but instead go into the passage S where the gate opened and up the path along the rocks, jump over and continue this pat to a closed gate that need a Key.

Running jump ump to grab the ledge N (mind the low ceiling). Stand at the outer corner at the end and face the wall, jump and grab that crack in the wall to shimmy left and pull up into an opening.

Detour for a Secret: Turn around and run jump with a curve and Ctrl into the lower opening in the N wall, follow through, ladders and a pit to get Secret #2, Gold Coins, Flares and Ammo. Get back the way you came and at the canyon with the path, jump out left to grab the opening on the left (W) where you came from.

At the building a Bald Eagle attacks, climb up NE, up left and get to the crack in the S wall. Shimmy to the roof of the building to get a Key Card. Drop from the roof, shoot the Thug and get his Shotgun ammo. Open the door with the Key card; get some Automatic pistol ammo in one corner and the last Circuit Breaker around the other corner.

Using the Circuit Breakers, stop the Propeller.

Shoot the Thug outside and get back down with a couple of safety drops to the Quadbike. Get back to the Loading dock using the ladders (NW) and up the ladder at the back of the train (W) to the Factory. Down to the ground floor and to the NE corner, place the Breakers to stop the burners so you can move the push block on that ledge to the N side. Climb up N and find the switch in that room, it will stop the Propeller. Go back out, then get back up to the ledges in the hall and from the S side you can jump up (N) into the central cage.

Through the Tunnels, an M16 and the Rusty Key.

Hop into the hole in the floor and swim underneath that Propeller, all the way to where you can climb up in a courtyard. Shoot the dog and a Thug and pick up Flares. Go S passing another trapdoor and shoot the next Thug and get his Medipack.

Go up the ledge S and right, right at the closed door and in the corridor open the first door right using a switch (W wall), up a ladder and grab the Grenades. Go S and up to the roof, shoot an Eagle and in the far NE corner is the M16. In the far NW corner you'll find the Rusty Key.

Timed Run, open a door at the Loading Dock.

Get back down to the corridor, to the right and open the door with the Rusty key, throw the Timed switch inside to

open that closed door in the end of the corridor. Run out, left and sprint to the S end and to the right through the door. Push the crate and use the switch to open a door at the Loading Dock. Get out then go straight (W) to the end and left around the corners to a switch at the window, that trapdoor outside opens up. Somewhere in the corridors is another thug and he carries Shotgun ammo.

Loading Dock, the Gold Key.

Go outside, down in the open trapdoor, shoot a Thug and get Flares, follow through to the door you opened and you're back at the Loading Dock. Shoot another Thug and get the Uzi ammo, go to the SW side of the tracks and into a now open door there. Step on the different tile SE and the burner will stop so you can get the Gold Key.

To the Canyon again, use the Gold Key.

Get out and go to the N side of the tracks, to the E and right around the corner into the alcove with the ladders to get back to the bike.

This time use the bike, go S to the canyon and up the path along the rocks again, keep speed up to be able and do a jump over a gap NW and follow around to the next corner where the path is wide enough to step off the bike and open the gate (SW) with the key.

Take the bike inside and just circle around a bit till a Bald Eagle shows up and kills himself.

Detour for a Secret: Park the bike in a safe spot and go up the path S and grab up to the right (E) as soon as you can, shimmy right to the flat corner and jump NW onto the slope to shimmy to an opening in the wall. Follow through and down to a basement, go to the N and climb from the block there into the ceiling, follow through and drop into the cage to get Secret #3, a Gold Skull and some Ammo. Get back to the bike the way you came.

The Dig site Key.

Go up the path along the E side and speed up to jump from the end over the gorge below. Leave the bike near the gate and climb up to the cave NW, into the tunnel and carefully make your way down the tunnels to the bottom of the gorge where you'll find the Dig site Key on a steel block, get back to the gate and open it, the bike stays behind.

2- The Dig site

Follow through till you reach the Dig site; shoot the snow leopards and a Thug (Shotgun ammo) might also show up while checking the place out.

Take the tunnel left (E): Shoot two leopards and keep going left until you reach the wall of a building, at the end go in and up the stairs. Find Flares NW and a button SE to open the door at the Dig site. Go back out, keep to the left and come to a pit. You might meet a Thug (Shotgun ammo) that came from the building at the Dig site.

To the Bridge.

Safety drop onto the block (NE) in the pit and go to the snow ramp W, up the icy ladder and up to a zip-line.

Use the zip-line to get to the Bridge (release Ctrl just before you hit the rock), shoot the two eagles.

Detour for a Secret: Jump over the railing to a block SW, jump to grab the crack left of it and go all the way to the end, drop and grab, drop again to slide to the bottom of the gorge. Shoot two leopards and get into the opening N for Secret #1, Gold Bars and a Medipack. Leave through the tunnel SW and get back to an opening overlooking the gorge, shimmy left along the crack till you can drop on the Bridge.

Go to the NE corner and jump to grab the block, jump from the block to grab the ledge at the building and throw a lever inside to open the shortcut door S for later.

Go through the fenced passage (N) and shoot a Thug (Uzi ammo), throw a lever left in the N room (notice the ceiling hatch) to open the door SW. Go outside. Run down S and curve left to get out of the way, big spiked rollers come down behind you. Shoot the Thug up in the passage above the entrance (N) and jump up to grab up to a block NW. Walk close to the W wall and face S, a run jump with a bit of a left curve at the end to get onto a flat ledge on the upper ridge. From there jump to the block S turn to the right and get to the ledge with the lever (SE). The lever will open the other door in the room N.

Get down, go in N and shoot two leopards, go through the door and left to the next door (SE). Climb the ladder at the other side (on the left) and at the top do a back flip/roll/grab the block, from the block a run jump to the flat ledge NE. Follow through to a sloped part, stand at the right hand side, take one step back and hop back, facing straight N. (a little trick) Hop straight up once and run jump over the sloped part onto the higher flat rock (no Ctrl). From there jump to the metal ledge and get into the building, shoot a Thug and throw the lever to open the ceiling hatch in the N room. Get down, go into the N room and climb up through the ceiling hatch.

Follow through to a roller trap, go into the pit, climb up the other side and immediately hop back grabbing the edge, drop and let the rollers pass over. Go up the passage to trigger another set of rollers and hop back into the pit again. Now go up all the way. Down into the lower passage and shoot a leopard, pick up the small medipack and go for the zip-line W.

Use it all the way to the end where you'll land in a cave with cranes.

Room with the Rollers.

Open the door straight ahead (W) with the lever and go in.

For a Secret: If you want to go for a secret get onto the first slope and trigger a roller and jump back. When it is gone, jump onto the slope and go up. Then jump down on the right (onto the second roller ramp) as close to the wall as possible. There is a lever and by pulling that a secret door opens. Turn and run up the slope and go immediately to the right to avoid the next roller. In the SE corner is the secret door and inside is Secret #2, a small medipack and Gold Coins.

Then run over the middle of the roller ramps to get to a crate in the far right corner (SW), pull it to the middle of the room and climb on. Jump and grab up into the room above and throw the lever there to open a door near a pool. On one of the ramps you can find Pistol ammo.

Get out of this place; shoot two Thugs on your way (one has Shotgun ammo) and at the cranes go right around corners into a passage for a Medipack. Turn around and go straight to the pool where you opened that door N, inside that room we need a Relay Box.

Dive into the pool, swim left (N) and use the underwater lever, roll and swim right into the open door, follow through and get to another underwater lever which will open a door near the cranes. Turn right and swim out of these tunnels to the pool, climb out SE. Leave left (E) to the cranes and go to a door on the left (SW) in the building, left are Flares and right is a lower storage room.

Storage Room, Up to the Ledges, the Automatic Pistol.

Get down and move a crate on the right (SE) to the gap between the metal blocks W so you can now pull the crate SW out of the corner. Hop over it and push the next crate into the S wall and go left. Down and to the left is another crate, push it once and return to the storage room. Move the top crate to the NW corner and the lower crate to the gap N. Move the top crate under the lever N and use it to open the hatch.

From the lever jump and grab up left (W) and follow to the top of the crane cave. Jump left onto that rock ledge and run onto the next to jump to the roof of the building, go S and jump from the higher roof to grab a rock ledge E. Jump down E and then to a sloped ledge NE, jump from that sloped one to land on a ledge behind the pillar and jump to grab the higher one N. To the next N and then to that arch W, walk up to the N and grab the Automatic Pistol.

The Relay Box.

Jump W, grab the ledge at the last moment and go slide down left, shoot a Thug without ammo and climb onto the roof of the structure for a Medipack.

Jump from the roof onto a ledge behind the higher block SW and climb up left, jump up to the SW corner ledge. Walk to the lower corner and face straight E, run jump and curve left at the end so you will be able to grab the edge of the rock as you slide off (you have to be just past a low part, otherwise you won't be able to shimmy right). Go to the right and drop on a ledge in the corner, go up to the entrance of a passage E, drop from the ledge and run N. Climb up left to a lever (opens a trapdoor in the structure where the Medipack was) and get down to the ground safely (OR just jump to the roof of the structure). Climb the structure; get through the trapdoor for the Relay Box.

Use the Relay Box, move the Crane, a Circuit Board.

Climb out, shoot a Thug below and make your way back up to that passage E, shoot a Thug there. Follow through, drop down and you are back on the ledges at the cranes. Make your way down to the ground and go into the NW side door, left to the pool and left into the room. Place the Relay Box in the Circuit board and the crane over the pool moves, go to the pool.

Jump to that plate in the crane and aim a bit left or right of that metal beam on the ceiling so you will be able to jump and grab the other side, up the ladder into a passage, follow through and shoot a Thug. In the other end of the room, at the window is a Circuit Board. Throw the lever close to that pick up to open a trapdoor at the cranes. A Thug shows up and will drop Automatic Pistol ammo. Leave through the passage and down the ladder, first wait for a Thug to shoot before swimming through the pool and get out to the cranes.

The Long Way Home.

Now you have to get back to the first Dig site with the single crane, so go to the crane in the middle and safety drop down to where a trapdoor opened. Get down and up a ladder at the other end, dive into the deep pool and swim through that icy tunnel N. Out at the end and shoot an eagle, you're back at the rollers.

Go in N, left around the corner into the fenced passage to a room with a lever, if the door S is open you don't need to use it again. Go out S and right, down the ice ladder and up the blocks to the cave and two Thugs show up, one leaves Shotgun ammo. Go out S and left around corners to get to the Dig site.

Use the Circuit Board.

Back at the Dig site into the open door in the building W. Get the Medipack and Grenades on the left (N), turn back and notice the circuit board near the window right, put the Circuit Board in and get a screen of a door with a roller behind it. Go to the SW end to use the lever. That roller is now released and drops into the pit under the crane. An explosion occurs.

Go out and to a tunnel in the N wall: Follow down into the pit under the crane. That roller broke the ice here, dive in and swim W into the tunnel. Follow through, dropping down into other caves and go around the corner when you are in a larger cave.

For a Secret you’ll get later: look for a push block in the W wall, push it in till you opened that passage and get back out.

Go to the end of the cave (W wall) and left into an opening in the red wall, up a ladder to a large cave, to the right is a small medipack, SW are M16 ammo and Flares, NW Uzi ammo. For the Gold Key: Throw the lever on the S wall to open a trapdoor.

Detour for a Secret: Throw the Timed lever (tight run) N to open the door to the Secret. Sprint out E drop quick down the ladder and get out to the cave, to the right to the pushblock passage and follow through to that timed door to get Secret #3, a Golden Skull and Uzi ammo. Return to the cave.

Get the Gold Key.  

Now go to the far S end, right around the corner and up through that trapdoor you opened before. Climb up in the corner there and find a cage, pull it out twice and go in the passage. Jump down and in the next room, back flip on a block to jump and grab into the cave above. Pull up on the highest end of the sloped block at the S wall, jump and grab the corner pillar, jump around to get to the one SW and hop left into the passage to get the Gold Key.

Use the Gold Key.

Return to the cave with the two levers, open the door W and slide down....

3- Temple of Gold

Once down sprint forward as the spiked ceiling is coming down. Jump into the opening and the door closes behind you. Climb up to a room with Flares to the right and some cracks in the walls; continue straight (N) and shoot 2 wolves and a crow when you enter a large room. Over to the right (W), behind that skeleton is Shotgun ammo, go back to the entrance ledge and left around the corner behind another skeleton is Uzi ammo.

Detour for a Secret: Go to the N end and on the left ledge hang down from the edge, drop on a sloped block and jump into the opening to get Secret #1, Gold Coins. Jump W over the blocks, then right to the big area and turn right to jump to the higher pillar with a Medipack. From here either jump back up to the ledges or continue.

Open a Door.

In the central pool is a pillar with a Medipack, go get that. Jump into the opening E and left around the corner to a ledge inside. One more jump to the left from the end to get the Grenade Launcher from the opening.

Jump back inside, and get back to the pillar where you got the Medipack. Hop down to the blocks W and turn right to the wider one S and turn left, (W) stand on the higher part and run jump with a bit of a curve around the pillar to grab the block W (under the floor). Jump into the opening to the right (S) and use the lever to open a door. Go jump back to the block, stand left and jump with a bit of a left curve so you can grab the higher part of the ledge.

Pesky Fish, the Crystal Key.

Jump SE and then SW, onwards to the higher block S, follow the tunnel in to an icy cave and find the passage in the back (W). Follow through to water and dive in after you saved, there's a nasty fish. Swim into the tunnel E and left into the next, swim up quick and throw the lever there to open a grate.

Swim straight back to the room and straight under the opposite cage, up through the grate you opened and get out. Shoot a bunch of rats, pull 2 cages out of the corners for a small medipack and Uzi ammo. Then push aside another cage in the other side of the room (E) and push the one behind it all the way in, follow the passage down a ladder and an icy passage to where you can get the Crystal Key. Make your way back to the water pool, dive in and swim down the cage, go up and find the opening in the middle and swim up. Follow through and in the ice room go straight (E). Jump the block in the lava pool in the Main Room and from highest point of the Medipack pillar up to the ledge E.

Dark Blue Caves, the Gold Key.

Use the Crystal Key in the blue lock E, go in left or right to the back, here is what looks like a door, but it isn't. Push that block all the way in and follow the passage, careful! Nasty clanking doors here, at the end of the passage you can hang out and shimmy left to drop on a ledge.

Jump from that ledge onto a block below (E) and make your way to the ground floor. Go to the NE corner to shoot some wolves. Up the ladder E and turn around in the back to go up yet another ladder. Turn right at the window and follow through to a ledge in the Big Cave (Up right is a Secret door that will open later).

Jump straight ahead (N) to the ledge and onwards to the ladder ledge; go up the ladder and left as far as possible. Drop onto the slope and back flip from the end to get on a ledge. Then jump onto the slope N and jump again to get to a ledge (or jump there directly). Go to the SW corner and jump to a ledge S, then to the next one S and get the M16 ammo.


Jump back to the corner ledge and enter the opening N, jump two pits and come to a breakable floor over a lava pit. Save here and just run following the path and jump over the gap to get to the opening W, just run in and turn right, sprint down the slope turning left a bit and slide into a passage, jump from the end of the slope to get running again and to the end. Either run into one of the corners of the pit in the back (boulder won't touch you), or jump over the pit to grab an opening.

Go up to another one of those long ladders and you arrive on top of a block in the room above. Go straight and climb the next one then grab up to the right (E) and follow to a lever, the door will open. Jump from this opening to grab the ledge at the ladder and go up, another dark passage with deadly doors and finally the Gold Key on a balcony overlooking the lava pool. Make your way back, down the ladder (wait for a crow to appear) stand facing W and jump down to the ledge under the opening with the door, run off the SE tip to a block below. Wolves roam around, so be careful.

Detour for a Secret: Up the two ladders E, follow the passage as before to the ledge overlooking the Big Cave. To the right and up is the open door, go in for Secret #2, a Gold Skull and Automatic Pistol ammo. Get out, jump the ledges N to the ladder and Face W and hang in the left corner and safety drop down.

Go to the SW corner, up the two blocks, up to the ledge W and grab the crack on the right (S), shimmy right to get to the exit. Get back to the Main room with the lava pool.

Using the Gold Key, Lava Caves and Nasty Traps; First Gold Nugget.

Shoot a crow and get over to the yellow house at the opposite side (W), get in and shoot a wolf, use the Key in the lock and go slide BACKWARDS down that passage W. Grab the edge and drop to a block, jump SW, get on the higher block and jump across (N), mind the low ceiling and go on like this to jump the sloped block SW and make sure you can jump left from this one to grab the edge of the opening. Get through the swinging prayer wheels to the lever on the right and open the door left with it. Go around the bell into the door and save again.

Stand right facing the traps, run jump over the Knife, run through the swinging prayer wheel trap and turn right against the slope, the boulder should pass as it did in my game (maybe you have to jump onto the slope). At the pit where the boulder went in, turn around and light a flare. Hop back onto the slope below and jump over the spikes, slide and jump a spike pit, throw the flare away and jump to grab the ladder, almost to the top and back flip/roll grab another ladder, do this a couple of times more till you get to a cave.

Follow through to where you came down into this cave before and jump the blocks up the lava falls, at one point you'll have to shimmy along a wall and a crow will also pay his respects.

Jump to the ledge left and go into the passage to a pool, you can't pull up at the other side. Swim into the tunnel NE, climb out and where you can stand up turn left against the wall, grab up into a passage, turn around and run jump/grab to an alcove with a small medipack.

Jump back and follow the passage to a safety drop into the room with the pool, on the opposite side. Go into the passage to the right of that ladder (E) and slide forward down a slope into a room with a spiked ceiling coming down.

Quickly use the two levers to open the door and get through, up the ladder and familiar sounds give away the next surprise.

Up the ladder and into the alcove, turn around and stand right (viewers left), hop back and run jump to grab the opposite ladder. If you loose too much health, try again. Hang right and go up to about 3 steps under the knife, back flip/roll/grab the ladder and go up and to the right onto the floor.

Go in and hop over the ladder hole to grab the lever ledge, throw the lever to open a ceiling hatch at your left, leave it for now. Turn around and run into the hole grabbing the ladder and get down to where you can jump to the block in the lava river. Go up the ladder above and into the passage on the left and come to a balcony overlooking the Main Room.

First Gold Nugget.

To the right (SE) is some Automatic Pistol ammo, go to the other end to open that floor grate with the lever next to the ladder and shoot that wolf below. Get down and grab the First Gold Nugget in the window E. Throw the lever to open a door where we'll go next.

For a Secret: Climb back up the ladder to the floor above. Hang from the W side of the floor and drop/grab the alcove with the lever below, the lever opens a ceiling hatch in the yellow house W. Safety drop down and jump over (S) and go into the open door of the yellow house, stand on the red tile NW and turn around, jump/grab up to the ladder (maybe you have to shimmy left or right a bit before she climbs up). Climb up to the roof, go straight a bit (S) and climb up left into a cave to get Secret #3, Gold Bars and M16 ammo (you cannot get this Secret after you flood the Lava pool later). Get out and slide backwards down the roof, grab and safety drop to the ledge (or use the ladder).

For the Second Gold Nugget.

From where you used the lever (without going for the lever for the secret), drop down from the S side of the floor and jump over the ledges to the building S. Go to the right around the corner where that skeleton is.

Jump to an opening in the E wall and inside is the door you opened with the lever at the Nugget pickup.

The Pit with the Bridge.

Follow through straight ahead to a large pit, try to shoot the crow first and then slide backwards, grab the edge and shimmy right to a flat part. Run jump up to the SW corner ledge and from there to a ledge on the right (E) with Flares. Jump onto the sloped ground and jump to the rock in the middle of the pool, then to straight ahead (N) and left up to the corner ledge.

Jump to the ladder ledge and climb up to the top. Run jump straight S to a flat part and then go up to the lever on the right (E), it will raise a platform up in this place. Go down one ledge and hop to the left (N) over the ledges and the lava fall to get back up to the ladder pillar. Run jump and grab straight ahead (N) (mind the ceiling) and follow this path to the bridge over the pit. Jump over to that platform and run forward a bit. Quickly hang from the side as a boulder comes down.

The Trapdoor Key.

Jump with a grab onto the block SW and do a curved running jump left (NW and hard to see) to get onto the ledge under the big ledge at the W wall. Jump/grab up N to that large ledge and go into the cave, shoot the wolves. The trapdoor S is closed so go to a passage NW, follow through to what must be the highest part of the Main Room. Do a couple of running jumps over to the W to get the Trapdoor Key there.

Jump back and go back inside to that cave where the trapdoor S now opened, safety drop down and go out W to the Main Room. Jump over to the skeleton and use the Key there to raise the platform behind you.

Ladder and Platform, Upper S Side.

Jump to the ledge left (N) and from there left again to the ladder on the E wall, go up to the top and back flip/roll grab that platform. Go to the right and left into the building, shoot the wolf and get the Uzi ammo. Go around to the other side of the building and up the ladder to the roof, shoot another wolf. Then go around to the front (closed door) and jump around to the left (SE), in the corner is a ledge, climb up the passage to a room with a lever and a swinging prayer wheel at the ceiling.

Timed Run Up the Block.

Save at the Timed lever SW, pull and roll to run jump onto the gold block in the other corner. Turn S, jump grab up to the ledge and run jump grab past the bell to the other side ledge where the two hatches opened, turn either left or right and jump grab up to the floor above.

Upstairs use the two cages S to move the upper cage S onto the N side gold block (you can pull the cages along the W wall to the N side of the room) using the central block also. Climb up the cage and grab up N, follow through, down a long ladder and drop in a room with a wolf, the wolf will drop Flares... Grab the Second Gold Nugget from the windowsill and use the lever in the window E to open the exit.

Use the Nuggets.

Shoot a crow and get out, you can drop down the front and jump to the roof of the W house to safety drop to the ledge. Go to the N side building and place the two Nuggets to open the big gates. To the right is a small medipack, to the left a lever.

The lever will flood the lower rooms, go out and take a left to the corner of the building.

Last Caves, On the Rocks, the Gold Key.

Dive into the water and swim into the tunnel N, follow through to a canal, climb up right or left and shoot two wolves. Dive in again and swim into the tunnel W, roll as soon as you see a nasty fish, climb out of the water left or right and shoot it.

Back in the water and swim W to a room and left around the corner is an underwater lever opening up a trapdoor. Have a look through the window W to get the clue for a puzzle later (better make a screenshot of the symbols). Swim back and climb out to the right (N), go to the rocks E and start climbing up, jump over to the S side. Start climbing there as well and shoot a crow. When you are near that lava stream, jump back to the N side and follow the rocks up to a building.

3 Thugs come for you as you approach, they will leave Automatic Pistol- and Uzi ammo, there are also some Flares in the corner. To the S is Shotgun ammo and SW is where you have to go to get to that ladder with the trapdoor you opened. Jump and grab the ladder; climb up to get the Gold Key.

Use the Gold Key, room with the 5 levers.

Back to the ladder, all the way down and safety drop, jump to the N side, go up to the building again and use the Key in the back (E). Go inside and find 5 levers with symbols, remember the ones you saw before? No need to panic, just walk back to the exit and a screen will pop up with the symbols. Pull from left to right the levers 1.3.4 and that gate in the room with the underwater lever will be open. Get down into the canal and swim in W, to the right and another fish appears, take him outside if you can or just get up on the hole in the ceiling and climb out W, go through, over a trapdoor and down in the room with the clue, use the lever to open the trapdoor and get back there, swim through to the next level...


4- Catacombs of the Tornarsuk

First Hall, Getting to the Top.

Swim through to a large pool, climb out and go up a ladder NE, a screen shows the top of the room...

On the left (S) is a lever on a block, when you throw it, a Yeti will come for you, one grenade up close should do it. In the passage NW they came from are some Flares for you.

In the SE corner is a push block, move it to a ledge on the SW pillar in the middle of the room (push once S and 6x W and once N).

Get onto the ledge turn around and then jump to the right (W) to the lower ledge along the wall, go left and at the end jump to the ledge E. Go almost to the corner and jump on the platform then climb the pillar and pull a golden block (S) once. Get down, go back up the push block to the SW ledge and now jump to the ledge along the S wall, go to the NE corner and jump to grab the place opened by pulling away the gold block. Look to the left (E) and spot a crack in the wall, jump and grab to it and go left to an alcove, turn around and jump to get to the ledge. From here, jump to the yellow beam and the central floor.

The Yeti Cages.

E is a Keyhole, W a door and an opening, go in there and follow through. Shoot a Yeti and go left where you see a cave. Shoot another Yeti, in the back is a hole in the floor, face E, hop back and slide down, grabbing the end of a slope, safety drop down. In this dark room are 3 gates and a push block straight (E), push that all the way and find a lever in the E side of the new room.

For a Secret: Push the block to the side and find Secret #1, Gold Coins.

Notice the ladder and hatch (exit later), then throw the lever and turn around to shoot the incoming Yeti, then go out straight and into the cage he came from to find Automatic Pistol ammo and a Medipack. There's a closed door and also a lever left of it. Pull the lever and another Yeti is released from the cage on the right (N), go in there to open the S cage with the lever on the W wall. Shoot the Yeti there and the gate opens releasing two more Yetis. After the battle is over, go into the last cage and throw the lever.

Pit with the Bridge.

That door in the W cage is now open, so enter and come to a bridge, cross it and spot a flat ledge on the right (S). Just off the other end of the bridge turn right, run jump to the sloped corner of the pit so you can jump right with a hard left curve, just hitting the higher slope. Grab the edge and shimmy to the ledge to get the M16 ammo there (if Lara won't get to the ledge, go back a bit, shortly release Ctrl, but still hanging on and try again). Jump back to the low part of the bridge look for a spot where you can simply drop down into water far below. Get out and shoot the Yetis, use the lever in the corner to open a door near the bridge and go out N, follow through, up a ladder and blocks to the Bridge area, jump to the ledge right and then to the Bridge.

The Catacombs Key.

Go left (W) into the passage where you opened the door. Follow to a room with a block and climb up to the floor above. A lever at the E wall will open two doors in the rooms below (S side). Go up the Gold block climb upon the rafters above, NE are Flares, then go into an opening straight ahead (S), all the way down the stairs and keep left to come to a room with a leopard and a lever. Pull the block out of the wall and under that lever so you can use it. Back to the stairs and just keep left to get to another room with a leopard. In the now open pit is the Catacombs Key on a block.

Use the Catacombs Key.

Back up the stairs, shoot some leopards and on the rafters a door opened at the other side (W), inside is a lever opening a trapdoor near the first Hall.

A Mercenary shows up, shoot him and get his Shotgun ammo. Go back down and follow the route back to the Bridge, over the Bridge into the Cages and into the room straight ahead (E). In right corner is the open trapdoor, go up the very long ladder and you are back in the passage next to the Main Hall top floor. Go out, shoot a Mercenary and use the Key at the other wall (E) to open the door on the right of the entrance (W).

Catacombs, Cage Labyrinth.

In one of the windows left as you follow the passage is a lever; this will open a door further on. Go into the first right passage and find the open door to the right, follow through and drop into the first cage. Look at the Diagram.

1.   On the left of the block is lever 1, opening two gates A&B.

2.   Go to room B (S) and use lever 2, opening up gates C, D&E.

3.   Go through gate D (N) and shoot the leopard there, go through gate E and use lever 6 to open gate F&G.

4.   Go through gate F, shoot the leopard and get Shotgun ammo SE, go through gate G and grab the small medipack NW. We have to open the door S (X)

5.   Back to lever 3 and use it to open that S door, go there and into door X.

Follow the passage down and save at the drop off, hop down, slide and jump to the gold ledge, slide and jump to grab a crack. Go left and drop, back flip/roll, slide again and jump to grab the brick ledge. Jump S and go up into the passage, up a long ladder and throw the lever in the next room to open a wall in the First Hall.

Go NW and drop back into the labyrinth. Shoot a Mercenary, there's one more in here. Now we have to open the exit gate (Y), so go back to the start and shoot that guy to get the Automatic Pistol ammo.

Use lever 3 again, then return to the other side to exit (W) and take a right. Then left into the passage with the windows and follow back to the First Hall.

Safety drop from the SW corner of the central floor onto the red ledge below and jump W, go up to the new opening in the W wall. Go through to a large staircase.

In the NW corner is Uzi ammo, then go down the stairs to trigger two Mercenaries so you can shoot them. At the bottom of the stairs is a Timed lever that opens the door on top of the stairs. Sprint up the stairs and use the lever you find in here to open the trapdoor downstairs.

Climb down a long ladder and shoot two Yetis.

Top of the Cave, open the Small Door.  

Stand on the hill near where you come in and jump to a block in the NW corner, hop into the opening in the W wall. Follow up to a ledge with a zip-line, ride it down to a thin ledge. Jump NE to the ledge behind the pillar, then to a ledge on the pillar N. From there take a jump to grab the edge of the rocks W and shimmy left to where you can pull up (up W is an opening with a closed gate). Run jump to the sandy ledge left of the pillar S and climb up S, turn right and find a ladder on the pillar, climb it up to the top. Down again 4 steps and back flip/roll/grab a rock ledge. Get up and hop E to a flat part, from there stand jump into a window NE for Automatic Pistol ammo.

Hop W to the thin ledge left of the pillar and run jump N onto the sloped ledge, slide and jump to grab that ladder. Go up to throw the lever in the opening, go down the ladder, slide over the block and back flip onto a ledge you've been on just before.

Grab the rocks W again, go left and pull up, now climb up W as the gate in that passage is now open. Jump some spike pits and jump out to a ledge in the top of the cave. Turn to the right and jump to a ledge (N), then to the NE and NE again to the roof.

Go left and into the passage at the end (S), follow to the attic of the red house and use the lever there to open that door down SW in the cave (and the gate to a Secret). Shoot the Yeti and without the secret: safety drop down at the S side. Go down the stairs, down the trapdoor and SW through the cave into the open door.

Detour for the Secret: Go back out S to the roof and look down W, run down from the roof to land on the corner of the large ledge. Turn NE and look down then jump with Ctrl against the red wall, so you’ll be able to grab the sloped part over that yellow ornate. Shimmy right and back flip onto a ledge. Run jump with ctrl into a passage S where the gate opened. Follow through, over a pit to Secret #2, Flares and the Gold Bars. Go back, drop to the ground of the cave and go down W into that small door you also opened.

The push block on the left (N) goes to the other (S) end, climb up and jump to grab the ladder in the hole in the ceiling. Go up the next elongated ladder too and 3 steps down from the top. Back flip (no roll) and you should end up on a ledge, turn and go up to a room where you can only go down again to a small room with 4 gold blocks. There are also two receptacles on the walls left and right.

E side: Cave with the Bridge, a Silver Mask.

Go down the trench at the S end of the ledge with the blocks and into a passage E, on the left wall is a Timed lever for the door at the end of the bridge. Start turning right while Lara is pulling the lever and sprint through (maybe hit "roll" just before the door to launch through.) Shoot a leopard and go down the ladder to come to the cave with the bridge.

Go up the ladder in the left corner (NW), one step down from the top and hang in the middle. Back flip/roll and jump from a sloped block to the bridge. To the left is Shotgun ammo, at the other end a Medipack. Jump up to the right (NE) to grab a crack, shimmy to the alcove and use the lever to lower a platform at a ladder SW.

Jump back to the bridge, go jump back to the ladder NW and go down, shoot a Yeti and go to the SW corner. Onto the block, grab up E and turn around and run jump grab to the ladder.

Go up and to the right and over the slope where you can't go further, back flip into an alcove. Jump to the passage with the deadly doors and follow through to a lever opening up the door at the ladder. Run out to the right and go over the bridge to get the Silver Mask E (For a Secret: Jump into the alcove SE and throw the lever to open a door under the first lever you used (NE), but it will also close the door in the bridge, so you will have to use this one again).

Jump out left to the bridge (use Ctrl) and go to the other end (W), hop down onto the sloped ledge under the ladder and slide to safety drop down to the ground.

Detour for a Secret: Go up the ladder NW and onto the bridge again, to the NE and jump into that opening under the lever alcove, follow through to get Secret #3, a Shotgun, M16 ammo and a Gold Skull.

Go back and safety drop out to the Cave with the Bridge. Make your way back up the ladder SW, through the deadly doors and out onto the bridge. Jump into the alcove SE to throw the lever, secret door closes and the exit door opens up.

Leave through the passage SE, over the bridge to the room with the Gold blocks. Go into the passage straight ahead (W).

W side: Gold Cave, a Silver Mask.

Slide down into a cave with molten gold, turn left, jump to the sloped block and jump with Ctrl to get on the next, slide and jump to grab a crack. Go right and drop to the ledge, stand jump onto the sloped block and slide far before you jump to get into a hole in the floor.

Slide forward if possible and jump to grab the ledge behind the pit, follow through with a jump over a wider pit to get back into the cave. Jump to the block on the right (W) and then to the one next to the wall, turn around and jump to grab the floor above (E), left is some Uzi ammo, at the other end over a trapdoor is another M16 rifle.

Jump to grab the ladder NE, go up and back flip/roll/grab from the ladder to get to the pillar behind you, jump to the ledge W. On a block SW is a lever to open that trapdoor below. Slide backwards down E, safety drop on the floor below and go down into the cage to throw a lever opening the trapdoor at the ladder above. Make your way back up, to the ladder above. Climb up to the floor above and shoot the Yeti and grab the Silver Mask (#2). Go out E and drop into the room with the blocks to place those masks E and W, the door opens S.

Up the ladder and when you approach the door, the next level starts...

5- Cascade Forest

Slide down and go to another slide, take that one sliding backwards and safety drop from the end into a cage with a trapdoor and a Mask receptacle.

The Silver Key.

So to the N it is, shoot the Mercenary (Automatic Pistol ammo) and come to the room with a Golden block. Go in straight ahead (E) and to the right for a Medipack and a Keyhole. In the other side of the room is a lever; it will open the two doors in the room with the block (nothing in there). Looking through the window W you can see two Monks killing a Mercenary. Go out and to his corpse to get the Silver Key.

Back into the room E and to the right to use the Key, the hatch over the block opens up so go back there. Climb up N, turn and jump up S and jump to the ledge on the S wall, there's a lever. A gate opens up NE, drop from the ledge, shoot two Mercenaries (Shotgun ammo) and climb up into the open gate. Go through the deadly gates and climb up to the Forest.

Forest I, the Silver Mask.

Shoot the two Yetis and drop onto the ledge in front of the building. Turn to the right (W) and jump right around the corner onto a ledge (S), climb the ladder to a lever and a trapdoor opens up at another ladder. Get down again and jump N to the bridge, go to that windowsill NE and throw the lever there to open a gate.

Hop back once, step left to the edge and turn left a bit. Stand jump out down to a flat ledge near the lava and climb up right to that gate (or take the long way around to get there). Shoot a Mercenary and take a right inside, up the ladder where you opened the trapdoor before. Climb off to the left and go to an opening left (W). Jump to the tip of the roof, go up a bit and jump back to the E window for Uzi ammo, jump back landing on a ledge just under the roof to get Flares. Jump E again to get Shotgun ammo from the window. Hop down NW and follow back up to that opening where you jumped to the roof.

Run jump NW to get to the branch behind the tree, then turn and jump up another branch. Then take a jump to the window E for a small medipack. Jump back and run down onto the branch behind the tree (W), jump to the ledge with the ladder and climb up.

Open the Gates, a Push block.

Go in and to the left are 3 closed gates so go down the tunnel S and shoot two leopards, follow through over a bridge and finally down to a room with a gold floor you can stand on and a push block. Move the block to the three different looking tiles, the gates way back open up. Go back as you came, up the wide tunnel and into the passage N with the open gates. Follow through to the top of the Forest, jump to the highest short branch and jump SE to the opening.

Detour for a Secret: Side flip onto the sloped block left, grab the edge and go left to pull up in the middle, jump to the S and get Secret #1, Gold Coins. Go back the same way to the other side.

Enter the passage and find the Silver Mask. Go jump back to the tree, safety drop down and run down onto the W branch, off W onto the bridge and jump to the entrance on the right (S), follow back inside and to the room with the Golden block. Out to the left (W) to the first room where you can use the Mask E to open the gate, the Monks are no real threat, as scary as they think themselves.

Forest II.

Through the gate, over the bridge and to the right, go down the ladder there and shoot the leopards. To the W wall and up on the green block, climb up S and over to the short tree SE. Onwards to the ledge with the ladder and up into the alcove, run out with a right curve to land on a stone ledge W, jump over to the tall tree and from there to the roof E. Throw the lever there to drop a trapdoor on another ladder (SE) for later.

Mangrove Forest.

Jump over to the ledge with the big gate NW. Then over to the cave in the W wall, follow in and at the mangrove forest run out left and grab the roots next to the tree.

Climb up the ladder there and off to the right onto the leaves. Run jump down E onto the sloped trunk and slide down. From the lower part a curved run to jump to a safe gold ledge S, turn right and go up the ladder there and as soon as you climb through some green leaves, save and back flip onto the branches. I ran into the SE corner and when the Yeti came he got stuck in the wall so easy to kill. Jump to a green ledge SW and go down the ladder there. Jump to the S the ledges through the cave and come to an abandoned structure.

Abandoned Building, a Silver Key.

Jump down on the left and to the end, shoot the three leopards and go from the trees into the structure (NE) to a lever lowering a trapdoor near the gold river. Go back to the river and jump across, climb up N and jump over to the highest block. From there jump across (W) to get on the roof and get a Medipack on the right (SW). Jump to the branch W and over to the one behind the tree NW and jump to the hidden passage left (N). Follow through, up a ladder

to a bridge and down a ladder and shoot a Yeti, careful he doesn't push you off the ledge.

Walk into the NE corner of this cave and look right around the corner for a well concealed opening, you can't get there from the ledge, but from his corner it is possible. Follow through up a ladder and down to a closed gate ([color=blue]Timed Run later) go right and shoot the Yeti. Throw the lever to open a gate at the abandoned building, so make your way back to the hidden opening and jump straight out to the ledge. Go left, up the ladder and over the bridge, down another ladder and drop to the ground floor into the cave and follow back to the abandoned building, go inside and get the Silver Key. Two Mercenaries (2x ammo) show up, run out and to the far corner of the forest to shoot them before the open fire on you.

Timed Run To Get Back.

A Gate opened in the S wall of the forest, go jump over the river, up the blocks and onto the roof, over to the branch and jump SW to that open gate. Inside is a Timed lever; it will open up the gate where you shot that last Yeti.

The Route: Out left back onto the branch, to the branch NW and into the opening N, up the ladder and over the bridge, down the ladder into the Yeti alcove, and a jump around the corner to get into the hidden passage. Follow through to the end where that gate is straight ahead.

Run straight ahead (E) off this ledge and get Secret #2, Uzi ammo and Gold Bars as a nice bonus. Drop from the ledge to the gates below and now we have to open those.

Open the Big Gates.

Jump to the red building, go left and jump back to the tall tree (W), down to the short tree and safety drop down. Up the ladder NE and over to the ladder SE, up the next one too and a back flip, to throw a lever there to open a trapdoor to the roof where we go next. Back down one ladder and from the red ledge hop down W onto the ledge on the pillar, from there into the building and inside up a ladder to the roof. Turn and hop over (N) and jump over to a ledge at that sand slide. Jump up the flat parts to the upper SE corner and into an opening in the wall where the lever is located to open the Big Gates. Back to the sand slide and down to the ledge sticking out, safety drop down to the red roof and jump to the Gates NW.

Use the Silver Key, Timed Platform Jumps.

Shoot the Yeti and go up the ladder in the back, jump to the ledge on the left (E) and up the block left. From here jump and grab the opening at the other wall (W) and open the gate.

To the left is a Timed lever operating a platform in this room. You have to pull, roll and back flip to the entrance turn to the low block and jump on landing on the right hand side, slide a bit so when you jump you'll hit the tip of the next block, one more jump and you are on the platform, quickly get on the floor. You can always look for a more suitable way to do this.

Cascade of Gold, from the Basement to the Roof.

Jump around to that lever on the block NW and open the gate S with it, get in there (better not use that golden slope) and drop down to a cascade of gold. Go straight S carefully and then down along the S wall to an opening S.

The next room has Flares near the window on the right (E) and a lever on the left (W), the lever will open a door here with a Monk inside. No real danger, but I shot him to silence him.

Go back N to the cascade of gold, hop out left and go around to the open gate N, inside is another lever opening up the W gate. Run jump out left onto the gold hill.

Detour for a Secret: Jump up to the upper NW corner of the hill and grab up E and follow through and grab up to the roof, go to the S end and walk over an invisible ledge to that gold block for Secret #3, a Gold Skull. Go back as you came and slide down the hill in the cascade of gold.

Get into the W gate with a run jump from the hill and follow through up a ladder to the attic. Shoot two incoming Mercenaries (M16 ammo) and go out and jump on a block SW, to the ledge N and up over the roof to the passage SE.

Slide down forwards and jump with Ctrl at the opening in the ceiling to grab a ladder and go up (Turn around and look up, that's the way back later).

Underground Gold River.

Go straight and around the corner, down a ladder and jump the blocks to the river, jump across the river and head into that passage S and at the end look down left for a safe ledge in the gold, jump there and over to the red floor. Throw the lever to open a trapdoor below the floor where the Monk was.

Careful, three Yetis show up now. Jump back to the ledge and into the opening, carefully jump back across the river (Lara might catch on fire at the strangest places though) and go back to the ladder N, up and back flip into the green passage. Go to the end and jump up N, drop down from the other end, turn around and follow through (N), drop down to the ground floor, shoot the Mercenary and go back inside the house, down the ladder to the cascade of gold.

Basement, Gold Caves.

Run jump to the left (SE) and make your way into the S opening. Down the ladder on the left (W) and get a small medipack and Shotgun ammo before going down the next ladder under the open trapdoor. All the way down and just run out onto a ledge, jump straight (N) and then to the right (W), again a jump to the right, to another block at the opening on the left (W) and go through to a Huge Cave. Nothing much to do at this time, so go left up the hill (ignore that opening in the floor at the corner pillar) and jump to the open gate (E wall) to go to the next level.

6- Molten Palace

Main Cave.

Follow through, keep left and jump over to the other corner, go on like this till you come to a small ledge SW, jump to the right onto the slopes and up again to get on the corner block. Turn around then jump and grab to the ledge E, jump up S and go left around to the NW corner, jump over the fall. On this floor are 3 closed doors.

Detour for a Secret: Go on to the SE corner and find a push block in the S wall (don't push it!), facing the block step back to the edge of the floor and stay one step from the edge. Hop back and hit Ctrl as soon as you passed the edge of the floor and land in a passage below, get Secret #1, Uzi ammo and Gold Coins. Drop out of the passage and make your way back up and to the NW corner as before.

Up the Lava River, Timed Platform.

Go into the opening in the N wall, slide and jump to grab the ladder, go down and left all the way, back flip onto a slope and just slide down. Jump to the NW ledge and then go left to the ladder E, climb up and turn around, jump down to the ledge on the right and over to the other side. Grab up left and save at the Timed lever, it enables you to get to the ladder over the opening E.

Pull and run off right, jump back E and up into the opening E, left corner. Take a side flip onto the corner of the Timed platform. Turn left and jump to grab the upper ladder and go up.

Open the First door in the Main Cave.

Follow to where you can jump NW to a block (notice the door W), follow the blocks up river but do mind the low ceiling and also be careful lining up. On the last low block you can see the Gold Skull, that's for later if you want to go back for it...

Jump to the corner block NE, just grabbing the corner of it and use the lever to open that door W at the river. Jump back to the low block and from that (stand in the middle) straight to the sloped one S, landing on the lower side, jump and get to the low ledge next to it. Now you can find your way into that door left, follow down to yet another lever, opening up the SW door in the Main Cave. Make your way back along the path SE and down the ladder to the opening in it, climb in there.

SW Door, Access to the Upper Ledges.

Follow through up the slope, and once a door opens a Yeti will come for you. Go up after you shot it and you are back in the Main Cave. Go left around to the SW door and go in to a cave with Shotgun ammo on the ground. Two Yetis have to be taken care of, climb up to the SE corner, another Yeti attacks in the next place, get the Auto Pistol ammo and use the lever, head back into the previous cave and jump to grab to the opened door N. Inside and down is a push block, push it (the one you saw at Secret 1).

Go back to the Main cave and all the way around to the SE corner, onto the block and from there, jump to the roof W. Grab up on the right (S) to the ledges above.

Stop the Gold Flows to open Gates.

W Side, Push Blocks: Jump over to the W wall and in the corner find a Medipack. At the other end (N) are Flares and a gate opens when you pass, get in there and push the block once. Turn right and push that one twice. Pull the first block (W wall) to the S and move it into the corner (SW). Pull the right hand block (N) once and push the left hand one so you can reach the NW corner passage.

Up the ladder and off to the left, onto the block in the end and turn to jump and grab up into the upper passage, follow through to a lever that will stop the S side gold flow. A Yeti shows up, deal with him and make your way back to the push blocks and out on the Main Cave.

N Side, Timed Trapdoor: Jump to the N side and get into the automatic gate, climb up on the right, stand at the edge, back flip and jump up to hit a trigger tile, just grab the edge and drop down, quickly climb up again, run to the Timed trapdoor and pull up (W). Climb up some more to a lever freezing another gold flow. A Mutant shows up, deal with him and jump to the ledge N, to the left is a Medipack, use the slopes behind the ledge to safely get down and go out to the ledges. Jump over to the E wall and around the corner get a small medipack there and go to the other end (S) for Uzi ammo, then back to the E gate that opened too.

E Side, Pillar of Gold: Drop down and shoot the leopards, go use a lever NW to open a trapdoor on top of this pillar. Hop on the lever block and h jump back into the entrance. Turn and jump to the SE, landing on the flat part of the gold. Take another jump SE to grab a crack in the wall (very hard to see) and shimmy all the way right to a sloped block below. Drop and almost immediately back flip and roll to grab a pillar behind you. Jump N and a bit left to a flat part

of the golden roof, then a stand jump NW to a flat part in the corner and one more time to the next flat part W. Climb up (S) and through the trapdoor you opened, up through the ceiling in the corner. Turn around and another jump to the opening there (S).

Follow up to a lever freezing another gold flow. Yet another Yeti shows up, deal with him.

Make your way to the ground floor and get out to the Main Cave.

S Side, the Trapdoor Key: Somewhere along the line 3 gates opened in the passage S, get in there and up the grated floor, jump S to the lever. It will raise a platform in the pit below, jump back N, go left and jump to a ledge down E. Jump S to the corner block and grab it, shimmy left around to drop on the platform and hop down W. Turn around, go down a bit and jump over E. Up a long ladder and turn to jump W, go shoot a Yeti if possible, he's running about on these ledges. Jump to grab the ledge N and go around to get a Medipack SW. Go back and onto an elevated ledge S, opposite a ladder. Jump to grab the ladder and climb up. Almost at the top the camera changes, back flip after you saved and get ready to rumble. Best try to get to a corner as there are two Yetis and a bunch of holes in the floor. After the battle you can go get the Trapdoor Key. If you're brave enough you could try and get it and get back to the ladder without shooting those Mutants.

Use the Trapdoor Key.

Down the ladder, slide and back flip, go NW and safety drop to the ledges below, go out NW to the Main Cave. Get over to the N ledge and drop down to the Golden Keyhole, the trapdoor (NE) on the ledges below will open up. Jump E, drop down and go to the open trapdoor.

Detour for a Secret: Before you go into the trapdoor you can go for the Skull secret. Enter that open door NE, follow down and you have to do the Timed platform run again to get to the upper ladder and up to the Lava river. When you jumped to the first block in the gold, you can just jump off N and run up the solid gold to get Secret #3, the Gold Skull (numbering of secrets isn't quite right, you'll get #2 later). Run back then jump on the last block and to the safe path right. Go down the ladder into the opening and back up to the Main cave.

To the Top of the Main Cave and down to the Gold Caves.

Just follow through climbing up a shaft to get to the bridge in the top of the Main Cave, cross the bridge and follow the steep passage down. Safety drop at the end after checking the health and you are in the Gold Caves of the previous level. Go down E and to the left hand pillar on the E hill, down the hole, shimmy left along a crack and get in again. Out at the other end to shimmy left to another opening.

Detour for a Secret: Drop to the block below, jump N and right around the corner you can jump into a large alcove with Secret #2, Gold Bars. Get back to the block where you can grab up to the opening.

The Mask of Tornarsuk.

Follow through, jump the blocks to the crack in the W building and get in. Go down and climb the block to get the Mask of Tornarsuk. The shaking of the room doesn't sound promising. Go back the way you came and climb back up through the hole at the pillar.

Shoot the Giant Mutant Eagle and the level ends.

7- Escape with the Tornarsuk

Slide down W, back flip on a sloped block NE to jump and grab the pillar. Go through the passage and three leopards and a Bold Eagle attack at the same time.

Canyon with the Barack.

Go down in the cave and climb the frozen waterfall on the left (E), jump S for Shotgun ammo. Go back and jump to the roof of the Barack, get the Medipack and climb a block N, jump to grab the crack in the N wall, go right and drop on the ledge to jump to the W ledge on the pillar. Face SW and jump onto to the ridge along the W wall, sliding down onto a ledge behind the pillar, jump and grab S. Follow this path to the last pillar, then turn and jump up to a ledge (NW). Turn again and take a running jump E and grab the end. Pull up and at the end jump down to the left. Go to the end and take a left again and jump to that opening (S).

Get up and in, shoot a Leopard and go through straight ahead and drop down at frozen waterfall.

Detour for a Secret: Just before the end you can climb up left. Turn around and jump over the steep part E to the flat SE corner, get some Flares there. Go up NW from the Flares and pull up W to where you get Secret #1, Gold Coins. Pull up on the W side and slide down onto the waterfall.

Open the Shack.

Go down the waterfall and climb up left, go down left to a ledge W. Jump over W and then jump to grab a sloped block on the right (S), pull up over and slide jump to grab the ledge ahead (the opening you see up on the left (W) is a way back to the start). Go to the right (E) and jump to the block next to the ladder S, go down this ladder to the bottom of the cave. To the NE is a lever; it will open a door. Three thugs show up (Shotgun ammo, small medipack and M16 ammo), go to the water hole SE, dive in and get an extra M16 rifle.

To the Shack, a Gold Key.

Back to the blocks and the ladder (S) climb up and off on the left and jump E to that sloped ledge, go up to the highest part and jump over to the crack in the E wall. Shimmy right to the opening and go up the ladder to the shack, inside is a Gold key. We have to backtrack to the canyon with the Barack. Get down the ladder; jump to the sloped ledge and to the opening W over the blocks and ledges. Go through that passage, jump down on the right onto the ledge and over to the waterfall E, Get back up by jumping around left and follow the route back N to the Canyon with the Barack.

The Barack.

Go straight nd near the N wall on the left is a door you can open with that Key, go inside and left around the corner for Uzi ammo. Throw the lever on the block to open a gate in the passage N, left as you go outside. But better wait inside for the bad guys to come in one by one (Flares and Auto Pistol ammo).

The Base.

Go into the passage N, push the block and go right through the opened gate. Two Leopards and a Bald Eagle attack here; go down the steps and another pair of Leopards will show up.

NE is a block behind a pillar, push/pull it around the pillar and outside, climb it and grab up N to a lever opening a door NW (for later).

Head into the NW ground floor passage, swim through the tunnel and get out. There's a goon shooting you from above, try to take him out or wait. Grab up to a corner ledge W in the NW corner and get Uzi ammo. Now go climb up the ice wall (E) where the goon is (was) and go into the passage on the left (SE), follow to a balcony with a lever opening up a gate on a balcony S. Go back as you came or jump from the balcony losing some health. 2 Thugs show up (M16- and Auto Pistol ammo).

Go onto the entrance staircase SE and grab up to a crack in the S wall, go left to the opening and follow through to where you just opened that gate. Into the next passage and over the low block left is another closed gate (Secret Gate). Jump up (W) and go slide through to a balcony with a lever. This one will raise a platform N of where you are (to reach the door NW first floor). Jump down from the balcony and go N a bit to a block on the right. Climb it and jump onto the platform and to the open door N. A Thug will come for you, deal with him and find a Timed lever just left around the corner where you came in.

Timed Run to the Gate.

Pull the lever once, wait it out and save. Pull again (no camera this time) roll and sprint (E), right into the opening and grab up N, back flip with a roll and run forward through the gate onto a ledge outside. Go to the right (E) and grab up to that ledge above then go through a cave with a fence and a Keyhole. Go out to the ledges again and looking SW you can spot a metal block on a lower ledge.

Go to the S ledge, near that tall ice pillar there, hang down and drop/grab to the block below, pull up and drop at the lever. This one will raise a series of platforms on this level an also higher up in the cave. Follow the ledges around to the N side snowy ledges and grab up W, go over the ledge back to the SE, shoot a Thug (Uzi ammo) from a distance and go to the opening E, hang from the ledge where you are, shimmy right along a crack to get to an alcove.

For a Secret: Use the lever in there gate to the Secret opens up, well get there later.

All for another Gold Key.

Drop from the alcove to the platform below and jump to grab the ice ladder on the near by pillar (W), go up to the top and down a bit till you see the ledge behind you. Back flip and jump to the ledge on the right (S), from there to a sloped block W (try to get as far as to the right as possible) and slide jump to grab the platform W. Jump N and stand on the left corner (NE), look N around that pillar and spot the next ledge and to the next E, jump and grab the crack in the wall (N) and shimmy left to an opening.

Follow the tunnels to where you reach the upper level of the canyon with the Barack. Jump to the right (E) twice, then left (S) and stand one step from the right hand wall, line up and jump with a roll onto the tip of the sloped ridge, grab the edge and shimmy left. Back flip to the next ledge and jump W (no Ctrl) over a ledge then the last jump to the opening W. Follow in to get to some water, get a lung full and swim down, then up at the end and in this passage keep looking for the opening S. In the back is an underwater lever, roll and swim up through the shaft where the trapdoor opened, follow through, get out and come to another pool of water. In the E wall is an opening; remember that.

Open a Gate.

Swim down and follow through, climb out and turn left to the pillar, grab up from the higher ground and a goon starts shooting you from above (E), stand back on the pillar and shoot him. Jump/grab up W, turn left to jump NE, slide and jump/grab the pillar.

Jump straight (E) onto the slanted block and slide down onto the lower block, jump/grab up E, turn left and jump there (S) to a ledge and an opening a bit further. Through the passage and jump to the pillar, then to the ladder on the right (W), go up and left onto the ledge. Jump to the ledge with the goon and go in to the right (N) to a lever opening up a gate to reach the Gold Key. Go out, stand on the ledge on the left (W) and drop down into the water below. Swim back to where you wade out.

The Gold Key.

Go in to the opening on the left (E) there and follow through, down an enormous ladder and down some more. At the junction go right and grab the Medipack. Then go the other way (E) and shoot the Leopards, follow the long tunnel to the opened gate and grab the Gold Key, you can shoot the Leopard(s) or just run back to get to that long ladder. Go up the tunnels to the water and take a left (N) to the long swim back down the shaft and up the other.

At the canyon; jump out right to grab a sloped block, hang left and pull over, slide and jump to grab the ledge. Jump to the opening (N), follow the winding tunnel back to the Base. Jump out right onto a sloped block and jump to grab the next, go over and jump to the ledge at the icy ladder.

Detour for the Secret: Go all the way down the ladder, to the crack in the S wall (at the SE corner) and follow through to that gate you opened a long time ago to get Secret #2, Gold Bars and a Medipack. Go back the way you came, drop to the ground and go to the block W to jump to the platform, into the door N and do the Timed run again to get to the snowy ledge N.

Use the Key, the Helipad.

Without the Secret, go down the ladder to the level of the ledges (seen to the right) hand on the right hand side and back flip/roll with a right curve landing on the platform. Jump to the snowy ledge N.

Grab up E and go inside to the Keyhole, use the Key. Shoot the goon, climb up NE and see the chopper waiting, go up the ladders to the helipad.

For the Secret: Go along one of the walls to the E behind the chopper and in a hole is Secret #3, a Gold Skull.

Go to the chopper...

8- Nightmare in Venice

Seems you lost your weapons, all your precious Medipacks too except for one.


Go downstairs and out to the canal, swim into a small tunnel on the left (N). Follow through wading over shallow parts. You'll end up in a pool surrounded by buildings, at the S wall are Flares, then swim to the pillar NW and climb up to the roof. Go all the way around jumping from roof to roof to get to an opening NE. Push the button left of the fireplace and quickly get behind it and push the back wall. Follow that passage to knife traps, jump through and go up right to retrieve the Pistols.


Shoot the window and get out, swim back into the tunnel NE and follow back to the pool with the brown block and get out on the right (E). Shoot some joker with a mask (Shotgun ammo) and go straight up the stairs, left around corners onto the landing and shoot a window in the end. Shoot another guy on a balcony and jump over the awnings to grab up to that balcony and claim the Uzis. Go back to the window and down the stairs, into the opening on the right and shoot the window to get to the lower square (or safety drop from the awning).

Go straight, shoot a Thug with a stick and go in to the right (E). In this street is a ladder N, go up to the arch left and get a Medipack NE before you shoot the window there. Go in, shoot a thug (small medipack) and use a switch on the S wall to close a trapdoor. Remember the closed door W. Get out, shoot a Thug and a dog in the street from standing on the arch.

A Gold Key.

Get down to the street, go into the passage SE and shoot a window to go into the S room, climb the block, up to the chandelier and grab up S onto that trapdoor you closed. Go around to the stairs N and hop out onto a balcony, go inside the other house. Into the room on the right (N), shoot the Thug and get Shotgun ammo from the block. Back to the other room and make your way down to the ground floor, shoot a baddy and a dog. Go into the end behind that fence and to a switch in the window, a door opens in the room above. Go back, climb up NW and go around to jump to a corner ledge then onto the wall, W up to the ledge and out N to the next room again. The door to the other balcony opened up, go out and get a Gold Key there.

The Shotgun.

Jump from the balcony to an arch or awning below and get down to the street, as you go W, a baddy will show up behind you, it is worth while to go shoot him as he is the one that took your Shotgun.

Go W and then left and into the house, left up the stairs shoot a baddy and this time right around the corners to a door you can open with the Gold Key. Go in, through the lower part of the room to a switch that will open the door in the room you see SE through the window. If you wait a bit another goon shows up (Medipack).

Town Hall, the Rusty Key.

Go back, down the stairs and back S to that street, up the ladder N and left into the same room as before. This time the door on the right (W) is open. Go up a ladder and left on the balcony, down another ladder and shoot a goon to get his Automatic Pistol.

Throw a switch near the ladder you came from and big doors open near a canal. Hop over the balustrade to a roof below and safety drop down. Go N a bit and then to the right into the passage to another part of the canals. Dive in and swim straight N, at the end right into the grey structure and right up the wooden boat ramp. Climb up onto the grey wall right and shoot that goon W (Shotgun ammo).

Now climb the grey arched wall and run to the SE corner, where you can dive into a sealed of section. First go straight up the wooden ramp, climb up on the left and get Uzi ammo there, Back in the water to the lever you must have seen next to that door.

Open the door; swim through to a flooded basement. Take a right and then a left in the end and climb out. Up left and shoot the rats. Look left (E) and jump over to the other side, go left for a small medipack. Back to the other side and to a ladder on the right. Climb up and pull a block straight ahead (N) out and aside. Go through and left onto a balcony, jump to the one W and finally a jump down N into those big doors you opened a while back.

Go up the stairs of the Town Hall, shoot a dog and head left (N) into the large hall, shoot a goon (Shotgun ammo) and climb up a ladder E. Jump over to the ledge over the entrance S and grab that Medipack, jump back and shoot a goon on the W balcony.

Go to the other end of the balcony you are on and pull/push that block to the SW corner, climb on. Jump over to the W balcony (no Ctrl) and go use the switch. Shoot a Thug from above and maybe also some dogs you can see down in the NE corner. Get down there and enter the door you opened, over a bridge and find a switch up left. A trapdoor opens behind you, so hop over the hole and safety drop down. Go up another couple of ladders and shoot a window. Jump out onto the bridge and grab the Rusty Key.

Use the Rusty Key to get the Theatre Key.

Run off to the S of the bridge and climb out E, go into the passage E and shoot a goon (Auto Pistol ammo), on the square go left (S) and in the end to the right to get on the street. You can climb SW onto the wooden walkway along the S wall and follow around a structure. To the left is a ladder up the structure, go in and up the stairs to use the Rusty Key. Go up the steps (behind the door) and run straight out into the canal below, up the S side wooden ledge and shoot the goon. Under this walkway is a lever, use that to open a trapdoor and roll to swim straight to the N, wade out and pull up on the floor. Up the ladder that is on the left, get off left and face S near the closed door, grab up through that trapdoor you opened. Use the switch to drop another trapdoor and run down into the water, swim to the left (W) a bit and left around the corner to wade out and pull up on the floor again.

Go right this time, walk out onto the ledge and face S to grab up to the ledge above. Go up the ladder, off to the right and jump onto the balcony W. Go to the other end, jump over to the walkway with the crate E and hop into the opening.

In the middle of the room is a high ceiling, you can stand jump over the glass to the S side and get the Flares left. Go to the E side and walk slowly through the glass to the switch NE, walk through the glass and left around the corner to the door you opened there and a Thug will come from behind the crates, shoot him to get the Theatre Key and push the button NE to open a shortcut gate back to the other canal section.

The Theatre, another Gold Key.

Go over the crates and out the now open door NW, run-jump into the canal and swim into the far left corner. Here is the shortcut gate, go through and wade over the shallow part. On the next shallow part you can climb up to the right and use the Theatre Key to open the back door. Go in along the left wall, as a sandbag will drop. There are more of these bags, so keep an eye out. Shoot the goon and go into the Theatre, along one of the sides and jump into the pool below.

Get out and from one of the side ledges, jump to the stage, shoot the dog and go into the room left. A switch will show a door on ground floor. Go to that door NE and it opens, a Thug (Flares) and a dog come out. Inside is a switch and you'll see a trapdoor open up in the section of the canal where you got the Theatre Key. Make your way back up to the upper floor shooting goons as you go along (last one has Auto Pistol ammo). Go out to the canal, left and back through the shortcut gate. Swim straight S into the opening and immediately to the right and climb out through the open trapdoor. Jump to the other side, avoiding the bag, and you are back at the Theatre, at the back stage top floor and jump to grab the ledge at the sandbag. Pull up in the corner and wait, then jump left onto the balcony to get another Gold Key.

The Warehouse.

Jump to the ledge E, over to the N and out to the back door and alley, take a left through the alley and the shortcut gate. Into the opening S again, this time to the end and climb out where you can use that last Key.

Go into a warehouse and drop down to the floor, shoot a goon and his dogs. Climb a crate W, up onto the crates and jump to the stack of crates E. Go shimmy to the E side and jump to the crates N with a button on top. Use it and get down from the crates to get to the opened door SE, follow through and run straight into the dark passage....

G&D, Nov. 5-2013.