Level By Matt Albrecht

Walkthrough By Anya Marie McDonald

NOTE: I have not listed any of the secrets or pickups unless they are essential puzzle pieces.

As the level starts, Lara is sliding down a sloping passage. When she stops at the bottom of the passage, she is in a room with two openings. Head through either one, but take out the ninjas first. Now pick an opening and go through it. When you get around to the corner you come to a closed gate which will open as you near it. The gate opens to a sloping passage. Slide down the passage into the next room.

When you reach the next room, to your right is a door that needs a hand of sirius to open it. To the left is a room with several columns, statues of a man sitting, a pair of griffins guarding a bridge with a door on the other side of it. There are also four openings, two on the left and two on the right. Head to the second opening on your right to the green passage, follow the passage til it ends and jump down to the next passage. Follow this passage and take the second left, then go to the southwest corner of the room and into the next room. Climb the blocks to the next room, move the statue in front of the gate to the left and the gate opens. Now go in and get the hand of sirius. Next, head back into the previous room and turn left, you come to a sloping passage. Follow this passage til you come to an opening high above the room with the door that needs the hand of sirius to open it. Now just walk across to the opening in the wall on the other side of the room and get the eye piece.

Ok, now leave here, avoid the mummies and go to the second opening on the left in the main room, follow the passage til you come to a room with a big pool and a ramp going up. First take the ramp going up til you are on a balcony overlooking the main room. Jump from the balcony you are on to the ledge across from you, then jump to the next ledge and get the hand of orion. Next, head back to the pool area you just came from, dive into the water, swim to your rightsurface and exit the water, then use the floor lever, watch the flyby. Now head to the gate you saw opening in the flyby.

Swim through the gate, through the underwater passage, surface and exit the water. Head to the opening into the bluish room. In this room are four openings: one on the west wall (red), one on the north wall(blue), one on the south wall (no color) and one on the east wall (the way you entered this room). So, head to the the opening in the west wall; you will come to a room with a dark burning floor with three ropes hanging down from the ceiling and half of a cartouche resting on a raised block on the other side of the room. Jump to the first rope, then align Lara with the rope to your right, swing/jump/grab the next rope, then swing to the ledge on the other side of the room. Grab the cartouche peice and head back to the previous room.

Once you are back in the main room, head to the opening in the south wall; you will come to a room with some dangerous jumps. Turn to your right, then run/jump/grab/pullup onto the floating ledge. Next run/jump to the next floating ledge which is below Lara, next run/jump to the floating ledge with the climbable wall. Once you have made it to the ledge, turn around and jump down to the catwalk where the second cartouche piece is.

After Lara has the cartouche piece in her possession, jumpup/grab/climb the floating block, face the south then run/jump/grab/pullup to the ledge. Now head up the sloping passage, dealing with the ninjas and avoiding the spiked ball. When you reach the top of the sloping passage, go to your left, turn around and jumpback/grab/drop to the passage below. You are now back in the south opening, so go back into the main room and to the opening in the north wall (blue). Combine the two cartouche pieces and use them to open the double doors. Go through and collect the eye piece.

Next, head to the next double doors, which will open as you near them. You emerge back in the main level room on the other side of the bridge. Head across the bridge to the door that requires the hand of sirius to open it and place the hand in its receptacle. The door opens, go through the now open door, turn around and deal with the ninjas, ignore the mummy, combine the two eye pieces and use the eye of horus to open the door. Go through the open door and deal with more ninjas, head towards the jeep and the level ends.