Levels by Levy Henrique Goncalves Borges (levyhgb)


Walkthrough for Level 1 - Caves (named Cairo City the first time around) by David Dibble (dmdibl)


Walkthrough for Part 2 by José








Slide down the ramp and turn right to shoot the crawling atlantean (you're safe from this position). Now take a running jump to reach the top of the arm of the sphinx in front of you. Once under the head, you can climb to both sides of the sphinx to find a closed door in each side and get the clues to know the switches you must pull on the ground floor to open them. So go to the sandy floor in between the arms of the sphinx to find four switches (thanks, vimmers).




You noticed that on the right side of one of the doors are the textures of the tips of the wings of the eagle and on the right side near the other door are are the textures of the central part of the eagle. We are to begin with the tips of the wings, so pull the first and fourth switches (from left to right, down-up-up-down) and jump again onto the arm of the sphinx as you did before and climb to the door back in the right side. Climb and pull the switch behind the open door to open a bars door somewhere (for much later). Perhaps you wanna go down and open the door on the other side of the sphinx, but that's for much later, near the end of the level, and you're now in the correct position to avoid backtracking. (If you want, you can drop to the sandy floor on this side of the sphinx to pick up a small medipack; go up climbing the arm just past the rocky ledges that sheltered the medipack).




From this side of the sphinx, take a running jump directly to the brown rocky ledges under the bars door in the nearby wall, turn right and continue running, jumping and climbing over the rocky ledges (shoot a winged atlantean on your way) until you find a small opening high in front of the face of the sphinx. You can continue to a rectangular opening in the far wall, but let's go through this small opening first to avoid backtracking. At the end of the passage you'll find a water room with a rocky bridge.




Drop onto the rocky bridge and time the teeth doors to cross to the other side (if you fall now into the pool below you'll have to reload). Jump through the opening and slide down a ramp, at the middle of it jump to grab a high ledge in front of you, pull up, run and jump to the ledge in the left side to get SECRET #1: uzi clips and a large medipack. Jump back to the previous ledge and drop/slide the rest of the way down the ramp to the ground. Kill the centaur and look for a moveable block attached in the wall in a corner left of the entrance. Push it several times to the corner, climb it and take a running jump to grab the edge of the ledge to your right; hoist up, slide down the small ramp and pick up shotgun shells. Now grab the low edge of the sloped ledge, hoist up and jump back to land on the ledge with the switch. Pull it to open a door outside and drop from the side opposite the slope to find another moveable block; push it once and go back to the ledge with the lever and take a running jump over the sloped  ledge to the corner with the first block. Drag this block several times and situate it under the high open door.




Go up and in this new room run through the corridor in front of you to find uzi clips and a large medipack. Go back, climb the tall steps and drop/grab at the top, shimmy right to a ledge with a switch; pull it to open the big double doors.




Go there and take a running jump and climb to the top of the wall; go left for some uzi ammo. Run to the opposite side and climb the ledge; turn right and take a curved running jump to the dark alcove in the corner for SECRET #2: uzi clips. Jump back to the previous ledge and another running jump to the opposite corner, time the teeth doors and take another running jump to the lower ledge (no grab) and from here a last running jump to the ledge to the right of the switch. Pull it to see an UW door opening.




So jump into the water hole and locate the UW lever around the corner to your right to open the next door; continue diving to reach the pool room with the high bridge with teeth doors you visited time ago. Dive through the open door to your right and pick up the SILVER KEY. Now dive through the UW crawlspace to pick up a small medipack and uzi clips; also look for the UW lever to open a door in the blue room with the big double doors. Make your way back there, but beware when you go out of the water 'cause a crawling atlantean is waiting for you. Once in the blue room, climb again the tall steps but this time jump to grab the crack, shimmy right and go up to find that open door.




Time another set of teeth doors and jump to the ledge with the switch in front of the entrance; pull it but this time there is not camera to show what it did. If you fall to the ground floor you can always reach the pillar with the switch by jumping onto the sloped pillars in this room. Look for shotgun shells in a corner, go back to the entrance and from the ground floor take a standing jump, timing again the teeth doors, to go out of this room. Locate the new open door in one of the corners of the blue room.




This door takes you back to the room with the ramp and the moveable blocks you visited before. Now go to the other side of the room, locate the second moveable block you pushed once and place it in between the nearby blocks against the wall of the ramp so you can climb and drag the high block to reveal an opening with a switch. Pull it to open the high door nearby. Go back and move the high block one more time, climb it and jump onto the sloped pillar against the wall, slide and jump to grab the edge of the ledge where the open door is and use your key there.




Climb and run through the corridors to the end, slide down the ramp and kill a couple of  crawling atlanteans. Use the flatter ledges to reach the high catwalk where one of the crawling atlanteans was (notice the closed door here), then a running jump to the hole in the other slope and pull the switch there to open the exit door.




In the pool room grab the crack left of the entrance (Ctrl + up arrow) and shimmy right until the end, hoist up and take an angled standing jump to the higher ledge near the wall, run to the opposite corner and behind the wall; there's a switch to open the big grate in the main pool room with the stone bridge. Now go back and jump to the pillars to reach the switch in the corner; this one opens the small door in the previous room.




Nothing to do there, so jump into the pool and look for an UW lever in the pillar near the big grate to open the last door in the main pool. Swim there (turn around from the lever and swim forward and around to your right) to find another UW lever. Perhaps you didn't notice it, but the stone bridge above has changed its position. Now it's time to go back to the previous room with the small pool, to the room with the sloped walls and use the flatter ledges again to reach the small open door you ignored before. (Note from Moderator: When I pulled out of the pool I was attacked by an atlantean.) Advance over the bridge, timing the teeth doors again, climb the opening at the end, turn around and jump/grab/hoist up to the room above.




Right of the entrance there's a pointy block; you can't climb it as usual, but if you stand against it (lowest part, in the corner), jump back and stand jump to the lowest part of the edge with no grab you'll get it. Continue using the ledges near the walls in a clockwise direction until you can jump and grab the edge of a high ledge above. Pick up the SCARAB and the door opens; slide down the ramp, turn left and you're back in front of the Sphinx. Shoot the winged atlantean.




This time turn left and spot a big high rectangular opening in the far wall. Make your way there and go through the rectangular opening, slide down a small ramp and a camera will show you the objective in this room: at the top of a very tall pillar is the Ankh. Also in this room there is the bars door you opened ages ago with the switches at the bottom of the sphinx, do you remember?




Slide down the ramp backwards, grab the edge at the end and safety drop to the ledge below. Kill the centaur from this safe position and take a running jump to the small ledge attached to the central pillar to pick up uzi clips. Now take a running jump to the ramp next to the wall and slide/jump/slide to the bottom of the room. Don't use the switch in the central pillar, but pull the moveable blocks to reveal two openings; you can use them to reach the high ledges in the central pillar later. In the left opening you'll drop into a room with shotgun shells and a switch to open the exit door (for later). Back up to the main room, inside the right opening run to the very end and turn around; look down to the corner of the last tile and find SECRET #3: shotgun shells (thank you, Moritz). Go back out and now you may pull the switch in the central pillar; the doors will change their position and you can pick up more shotgun shells.




Now it's time to go through that grated door you opened when starting this level. In the next room with the sandy floor, in one of the corners there is a tile which is a bit higher that you can use to climb to the ledge above. Perhaps the intention of the author was to shimmy to an opening in a corner so you can climb to the ledge above, but if you want you can directly take an angled standing jump from here to grab the edge of the upper ledge. Once above, take a running jump to the central ledge to pick up uzi clips; jump back to the ledge against the wall and look for a high thin ledge attached to one of the walls; situate Lara at the very edge of the ledge below and jump several times until she grabs the thinnest part of the upper ledge, hoist up and jump to the central wooden ledges: behind the central pillar you'll find a switch to flood the hole at the bottom of the room. Make your way to safety drop to the ground floor and dive into the hole; pull the UW lever to see a camera shot of a closed door in the main room (1 of 2).




Now go back to the main room and use one of the blocks to climb to the ledges attached to the central pillar, take a running jump to the ledge with the switch and save your game (timed), pull it and take a long running jump to land onto the blue block under the door.  (Note from Moderator: If you find the jump to be too long, simply move the nearer of the two moveable blocks one square away from the blue block, pull the switch, turn right and jump down to the moveable block and from there to the blue block.) Climb up and follow to a room with a moveable block and a couple of crawling atlanteans. Draw a heavy weapon 'cause they're very aggressive and in this case you can't retreat to a place to safely shoot them. Once they're in another world move the block under the switch and use it to open the nearby door; re-use the block to climb to the opening and once inside the exit door opens and when you pull the switch you get a camera shot of the same door, this time opening (2 of 2).




Back to the main room, you can jump to the open door by taking a running jump with a slight right curve from the ledge where the timed switch is. Pick up the uzi clips to your right when going up the wide stairs; turn left at the top and climb the opening in the corner. In this room pull out and aside three moveable blocks and follow the passage to a ledge overlooking the main room with SECRET #4: a large medipack and uzi clips.




Back to the wide stairs and climb the other side of the brown ledge. Continue and follow the path over the catwalk to the opening in the corner; inside, climb several ledges till you find a closed door (don't forget the small medipack in the corner), time the teeth doors, pull the switch and time the doors again to go back to the now open door; continue climbing and drop through the hole at the end. Pick up the ANKH and take a running jump to the ramp near the entrance of the room; continue sliding and jumping to safely reach the ground floor. Now go to the brown rectangular opening opposite the timed switch and climb several ledges (don't forget the small medipack here, too) to finally find the door you opened some time ago in one of the rooms behind the moveable blocks.




Go back to the switches at the bottom of the sphinx and now it's time, according to the hint on the left side door, to use the two central switches and take back the lateral ones so they are up-down-down-up. Climb the sphinx again as you did before and this time go to the left side to find the open door and a switch. This one opens the nearby bars door but it's timed so pull it, roll and run and jump to the top of the pillar to your left, turn right and take a running jump to the rocky ledges under the open door and go inside.




Dispatch the crawling atlantean and pull/push the block three times against the wall; now push it only once to the corner right of the entrance door and climb it (there is a bug here, if you push the block twice, it even go further off the ledge and you never can drag it back so you'll have to reload). Take a running jump to the niche in the corner and get the SILVER KEY. Back to the ground floor, pull the block back once, climb it and jump to grab the edge of the high ledge. Continue until you find the keyhole and the closed door. If you go through the dark corridor in front of the door you'll find SECRET #5: a large medipack and 2 x uzi clips.




Open the door and go outside, there is a winged atlantean waiting for you; climb to the top of the head of the sphinx and place the items in the receptacles to open the door in the corner. You can safety drop/slide/grab/drop from the side of the sphinx where the door is, jump to the rocky ledges and go inside. The gate closes behind you, and in this pool room you'll find an old “friend”: Larson, but he does not offer too much resistance. Pick up the SILVER KEY in the corridor near the keyhole and use it to open the exit door in a corner inside the pool.


One would think from the download's title that this is the end, but we're unexpectedly treated to...





Walkthrough by José





Start by being boosted by a water current into the main water room; continue diving straight ahead to the waterfall and when you reach the rocky wall, turn around and swim to the bottom to find an UW lever disguised in the rocks near the bottom. Pull it to raise a nearby platform. Swim back to the opposite side of the room and right to climb onto the small wooden boat near the corner. From here, turn right and take a standing jump to the nearby rocky ledge to your right. Turn right again to see the platform you raised when you pulled the UW lever; take a running jump and grab it, hoist up and jump to your left.




Climb the crates to your left and watch three boulders in the ceiling poised to smash you. What I did was situate Lara in the right side of the passage, then ran down the ramp and when I heard the sound of the rolling ball at my feet, turned left to trigger the center rolling ball, and when the first rolling ball ran further by my right side, turned right to avoid the center one. Once the rolling balls are quiet, run and jump between them to reach the top of the gray platform behind and turn right to climb to the roof of the stand and pull the lever there to see a camera shot of a door opening. Drop to the ground floor and use the switch near the drill machine to see a camera shot of another door opening in the same room. Now return to the main water room, jump into the water and swim to the corner opposite the wooden boat near the entrance and climb out. Follow the passage to the room with the open doors.




First go to the open door to your right. There are several breakable tiles but you need to cross to the other side where the switch is without breaking them all. So take a running jump over the first breakable tiles so they don't break and you'll be able to go back the other way. Pull the switch at the end of the passage and go back using the tiles you didn't break. Up through the open trapdoor near the entrance, you'll find a switch to open another wooden door in the nearby room.




Go out and right/right to the next open door. There is a timed switch in a corner, but before pulling it you'll want to clear the way. Climb onto the TNT crate and jump to the N (you can check the compass, but the timed switch is in the S wall) rocky ledge; turn left and continue until you trigger a rolling ball that forces you to run off left to the ground floor. Again,  climb onto the same TNT crate and jump to the N rocky ledge; turn left and continue to the corner, turn left and continue until you trigger another rolling ball that forces you to run off left to the ground floor. Now it's time to do that timed run. Go to the corner where that timed switch is and pull it, quickly roll/run/jump onto the TNT crates to your left and jump to grab the N rocky ledge; continue running all the way around the path to the end where the (hopefully) open door is. At the end of the passage pull the switch to explode the TNT and change the room.




Back to the main room, jump into the water and pull the UW lever next to the closed door; this opens the closed UW door but also opens another door in the adjacent room above. Let's explore the UW maze first.  Take a deep breath and dive through the open UW door to a junction; turn left and keep going left and left all the way, going back when you find a dead end until you find SECRET #1: shotgun shells. There is an air hole to take a breath here. Go back the way you came to the start to take another breath.  Dive again through the open UW door to the same junction; turn right and keep going right and right all the way, going back when you find a dead end until you find an air hole in the ceiling; climb up and pull the switch to open the last door in the room you've already visited. Retrace your swim to the exit, get out of the water and go back to the room with the open wooden doors. (I don't know if there are some pickups in that UW maze, but I didn't want to explore it closer 'cause I hate mazes and labyrinths, so it's your choice if you want to do it).




In the room with now all open wooden doors you'll find an old acquaintance from TR1: the Bald Guy. Dispose of him and go to the S building to get the first FUSE and a small medipack. Go out and to the open door to your right and pull the switch at the end of the passage; there's not a camera shot this time but you've opened a door in another room we'll visit soon.




Go back to the previous room and this time go through the last (N) open door; in this room is the door you opened with the last switch, but first look for the moveable crate left of the far N opening and pull it four times; climb the crate and climb the rocky ledge near the corner, turn right and take a running jump to the next ledge, turn right again and take another running jump to the ledge attached to the white building, climb, get inside and pick up the SILVER KEY. Make your way to safety drop to the ground floor and go to the N open door.




Start by jumping from pillar to pillar to reach the alcove in the left side of the room, pull the switch to change the position of the pillars; use them to reach the pillar in the corner and get the second FUSE. Jump back to the alcove and use the switch again so the pillars are in their original position and you can exit this room. Go back to the main water room via the dark tunnel, climb again onto the small wooden boat and jump again to the raised platform to the area with the tall crates.




This time go through the E opening behind the sandy blocks, turn left at the junction and use your key to open the door. Another old acquaintance awaits here: the Cowboy (what is a cowboy doing in this place?). Once he's dead pick up the MAGNUMS he left. Go down the stairs and on the ground floor you'll find three moveable crates. The first one hides magnum clips, behind the second one there is a low passage, but it's inaccessible at this moment, and behind the third one there is a timed switch. Move this third block against the stairs and to the left to clear the path, pull the switch, roll and run out, go right/left and take a standing jump onto the wooden slope, quickly climb the next crate before the trapdoor opens. (If the timed run is hard for you, you can always place one of the moveable blocks in front of the slope, climb it and take a running jump to the switch.) Pull the switch there to open a door somewhere. Now go up to the platform with the receptacles for the fuses and climb the metal structure to your right (facing the receptacles), turn around and jump to grab the edge of the hole in the ceiling, hoist up and explore the corridors to find shotgun shells and a switch. Pull it but it doesn't open the nearby door. Return to the main room and see it's partially flooded now.




Do you remember that crawlspace behind one of the crates? Now you can swim there and get SECRET #2: a small medipack and uzi clips. Go back to the main room and try to swim to the crawlspace in the wall near the surface; it was very hard for me dive there, but don't despair, try to do it from the center and eventually you'll get it. In the next room try to go out of the water at the far side of the pool, 'cause another cowboy wanders in this area; dispatch him and get his MAGNUMS (magnae?). Now go up the left ramp and when the boulders fall in the central ramp, jump there and pull the switch at the top. There's not a camera this time, but this switch opens the door near the switch you used earlier to flood the room. Go up there and follow the rocky passage to the very end where you'll find a ramp. Slide down the ramp backwards, grab the edge at the end, drop/grab the edge of the building below and hoist up. Run onto the breakable tile in the corner and fall to find the third FUSE. You can't go up to the roof, so go down and move the crates back and aside to find an exit.




Now go back to the room where you can place the fuses and see what's the next route. Back to the room with the drill, run up the ramp and shoot the Skater Boy. Pick up his UZIS and pull a moveable crate in the middle of the ramp to find a switch. This switch opens a door in the crates area near the boat, so go all the way back there and find uzi clips on the crate in the corner; place the moveable crate under the other one attached high up in the rocky wall and move the other one over the first so you can climb it and push the crate in the wall. Here you'll find a small medipack and another moveable piece; push it once to reveal a switch. This one opens the door at the top of the ramp in the skater area, so go all the way back there.




There are shotgun shells in a corner behind a moveable crate. Don't try to pick up the large medipack and the magnum clips in front of the entrance; the only way I found to get them was to place a moveable crate over the pickups, taking care not trigger the boulder with the maneuverings (yes, in TR4 this is not possible, but in TR1 you can place a moveable piece onto items); then trigger the boulder and when it stops against the crate you can move it again to pick up the goodies. Move the crate in the other corner under the switch and save 'cause this timed run is not easy. Pull it, roll and run and jump to the second switch, pull it, turn right, take a couple of steps and jump to the wooden tile under the first trap door, trying to land 1/3 to the right of the left border, turn right, jump back and forward to grab the high trap door (you cannot drop/grab quickly to avoid Lara's swing), hoist up, take a running jump to the other trap door trying to grab the very right side, hoist up and quickly jump with a right curve to the safe ledge. Now follow the obvious route jumping from ledge to ledge until you eventually reach the far left corner; take a standing jump onto the slope next to the pillar, slide/grab and safety drop onto the tile with the switch.




This switch opens the door in the corridor opposite the room where you placed the fuses, so (again) go all the long way back there and dispatch another cowboy in this new room.  He drops artillery that you no longer need, at least not in this level. Climb the low ledge left of the entrance and take a standing jump to the next one, turn around and continue running/jumping, following the obvious route, until you reach the far left corner. Pick up a last SILVER KEY and safety drop to the ground floor. Open the door and find yourself behind the cascade in the main water room. Pull the switch to move the boat, swim over and climb onto the boat to jump to the ledge where the big gates are. There is a switch there to open those doors, so use it and run like a fool through the sandy passage to avoid the rolling balls and finish the level.


May - 31 - 2015