Levels by Seth94 (Richard Hill)


Walkthrough for Level 1 and Level 4 (using José's notes) by Phil Lambeth; walkthrough for Levels 2 and Level 3 by José


The compass is still backwards, so I'll indicate directions according to where the red needle is pointing.  Also, as of this writing the download does not install a save folder, so be sure to create one before starting or you'll not be able to save your game.





Begin underwater in a canyon lake dotted with palm trees.  Surface for air and swim E toward a waterfall in the distance.  Go past one rock structure and pull up onto the second rock structure.  Hop to the highest part for some MP5 ammo and have a look around.  You have a number of choices as to how to begin your quest, but quite frequently a task accomplished in one area will bear fruit in another area, so this walkthrough will strive to keep your backtracking to a minimum.


Jump into the water and swim a short distance to the S island.  Grab the small medipack from the top of the lone rock and continue to the S beach.  There's a temple ahead and to your left, but you need a key to gain entrance.  Locate the S opening near the fat palm tree and go down the ramp into an area where you'll meet a lizard man.  Note the closed W gate and pull up onto the blocks opposite it.  Turn right and take a running jump N to grab the tree ladder.  Climb up past the leaves and back flip onto a stable surface.


Jump SE onto the sloped rocks, slide down and grab the edge, and shimmy left until you can pull up near the wall.  Take a running jump W down to a lower ledge.  Face S, hop back and grab the edge, and shimmy left as far as you can go.  Pull up and take a rolling back flip with a sharp curve to the right to land on the temple roof.  Hop up onto the higher ledge and turn the wheel to lift the gate below.  Shoot a vulture and drop down to the ground.  Enter the temple and turn right to find uzi ammo and shotgun ammo in the next room.  There's nothing more to do here at the moment, so exit the temple and go across the clearing to enter the E cave.


When you reach a pit, safety drop onto a slope to break your fall.  Locate the nearest pillar SE.  You can hop up onto a block behind it, against the E wall, and find a climbing surface on the pillar.  Climb up to near the top and back flip into an opening.  Go E and drop down into a temple area.  Pull out the N block and pull it aside.  Enter and pull down the wall switch to open a door to your right beyond the grate.  You'll get there via another route.  Pull up onto the E ledge for uzi ammo, then pull up into the W opening and exit this area.


Jump to grab the pillar and climb down.  Slide down to the floor and walk around a bit to attract the attention of another lizard man.  Now you've got to find a way out of here. Locate the tall pillar near the W wall and climb up onto the block behind it.  Grab the climbing surface of the pillar and climb up near the top.  Take a rolling back flip and grab the edge of the slope.  Shimmy right until you see a ledge below you.  Release and grab the edge, and pull up.  Take a running jump S and grab the next ledge.  Pull up, turn right and go to the E end.  Take a running jump down to the block in the SE corner.  Turn to face NW and take a running jump in that direction to grab the climbing surface on the pillar.  Climb all the way up and take a rolling back flip.  Grab the ledge and pull up.  Walk to the NW corner and stand jump in that direction (save your game first, because if you miss you'll fall to your death) to grab the ceiling.  Monkey swing along the track until you can drop down into the upper cave from whence you came.  Return to the temple area and exit up the N ramp.


Back in the outdoor beginning area, run NE along the sandy shore toward the waterfall.  Just before you get there, take a left into an opening in the E wall.  Follow the passage to a clearing, where you'll find the wreck of a giant cargo plane.  Kill the lizard man and two vultures that greet you, then climb onto a block between the tail of the wreckage and a waterfall.  You can shoot another lizard man in the distance NW from here.  Turn to face the wreckage and take a running jump S to grab the brown part of the wing.  For future reference, another way to get onto the plane is simply by running around to the SE side and hopping onto the nose.


Pull up and run forward to find an opening near the front of the plane.  You can drop down and explore the interior a bit if you like, but there's nothing you can do inside until later. Pull back out and run along the left wing to the W wall.  Locate the crawl space in the wall and simply run off the wing to grab the opening.  Pull up inside and lower Lara down the other side for SECRET #1.  Grab the uzi ammo and return outside.  From that block you used to access the plane, go to the E wall and locate two closely spaced short pillars.   Pull up onto the sloped one to your right and back flip onto the taller one.  Take a running jump N and grab the vines.  Climb up and take a running jump slightly NW onto a ledge.  Walk to the W edge and stand jump slightly SW down to a block below.  Take a running jump NW into the opening and pause for 2 x grenade launcher ammo.


Take a running jump SW past the waterfall onto a block.  Pull up W two times and follow the passage to an opening where you shot the lizard man from afar earlier.  Stand jump slightly NE to grab the vines and climb up to face a wheel.  Face the W wall and jump to grab the crack.  Shimmy left, drop down and turn the wheel to open an underwater trap door.  Hop back, slide down and make your way to the water below.  Swim down into the opened trap door and follow the passage to another door that opens for you and closes behind you as you enter a subterranean area.  Turn left and swim quickly toward the E wall as two crocodiles give chase.  Pull out onto the ledge and kill the crocs.  Jump back into the water and locate the arched structure in the S wall.  There's a hard-to-see underwater lever on the wall beneath the arch.  Pull it to open a nearby grated door.


Pull back out onto the E ledge and take a running jump NW to the ledge beneath a burning torch.  Take a running jump W and grab the next ledge.  Pull up and jump up to grab the underside of the bridge.  Monkey swing across the lake and drop down onto the sloped ledge.  Run up to the W end and take a running jump N past the spike trap, curving a bit right so you slide down backwards.  Grab the edge and shimmy left nearly but not quite to the wall.  Pull up and stand jump NE with grab into the opening for SECRET #2. Crawl forward and pick up the flares and uzi ammo.


Drop down into the water, swim back to the E ledge and repeat the moves described in the previous paragraph to get back onto the sloped ledge.  From the W end, turn around to face E and jump up to grab the monkey bars.  Monkey swing E and drop down on top of the bridge.  Walk N along the bridge until a lizard man pops out, then hop back with your back against the wall while firing at it.  Cross the bridge and enter the N opening.  Run straight ahead and pull up higher at the NE corner.  Kill another lizard man before picking up the desert eagle ammo.  Follow S along a higher bridge past the grated door you opened earlier. 


Drop down into the hole and follow to a crawl space.  Lower Lara down the other side and follow to a cave.  Climb up onto the W ledge and turn the wheel to lower a nearby trap door that you can't reach from here.  Another lizard man comes calling, so deal with it.  Return to the crawl space and exit this area.  Slide down to the ledge.  Go to the W end and use the monkey bars to reach the top of the bridge.  Run across and jump to the crack to the left of the bridge. Shimmy left until you can pull up.  Use the vines in the N wall to climb up higher and drop off right.  Face S and monkey swing over the lake to the opening.  Slide down, pull up and find yourself overlooking the crash site.  Run off SW onto the pillar and safety drop to the ground.  Run past the left side of the plane and find some shotgun ammo in a SW alcove.  Run all the way around the plane and enter the SE opening.  Shoot a lizard man and enter an area with a pushblock puzzle.


Number the blocks 1 - 4, counting from left to right.  Push Block #3 and Block #4 one time each.  Move Block #2 against the S wall.  Push Block #1 once.  Pull Block #5 (which was in front of Block #2) once and push it S to reveal Block #6.  Pull Block #1 and get around it to push it once E.  Move Block #1 at least two squares toward the S wall.  Pull Block #6 two times and go around it into the revealed W passage.  Pull down the wall switch to lower a nearby trap door.  Drop down into a lower passage and follow past the door you opened earlier (when you pulled down the wall switch that you can see on the other side of the grate). 


Climb the ladder and vault up into an ornate passage.  Take a running jump over the E gap for some flares.  Stand jump onto the S ledge and go around to follow the passage to an opening that overlooks the crash site.  Hop to the N ledge and safety drop to the tree limb below.  Pick up the UZIS and climb the ladder in the tree trunk.  Just past the leaves, back flip to the previous ledge and jump to the limb extending to the S wall.  Face SW and save your game for a fairly tricky jump.  Take a running jump and grab the crack in the S wall.  Shimmy left to the end, drop and grab, and pull up into the opening.  Hop down to a lower ledge, make your way to the S end and pick up the TEMPLE KEY.


Drop down to the floor of the crash site and exit this area via the opening in the W wall.  Return to the lake area where you began this level.  Your Temple Key fits the keyhole allowing access to the temple, but you're not ready to use it yet.  Instead, get into the water and locate an opening in the N wall opposite the E waterfall where you can pull out.  Climb the blocks and follow the passage until you slide down into an enclosed area.  Vault up onto the E ledge and pick up a large medipack and the SHOTGUN.  Hop down N into the water and swim along until you locate the trap door you lowered earlier.  Pull out and find the NW alcove for the COMMANDER'S KEY.


Swim back to the ledge, pull out and jump S to exit, then return to the beginning area and from there to the crash site via the opening near the E waterfall.  Go around the wreckage to the right and climb up onto a ledge against the E wall near the nose of the cargo plane.  There's a vine ladder there in the E wall.  Climb up into the opening, run forward and drop down into a lower passage.  Follow to a trap door that would have been closed if you'd tried to explore this area earlier, and likely opened when you picked up either the Temple Key or the Commander's Key. 


Hop down into a new area and run forward to flush out a lizard man.  Go into the N opening from which it came and find another lizard man inside (or maybe its mate).  Pick up the flares and climb up into the E opening.  Turn the wheel inside to open a grate elsewhere.  Return to the semi-outdoor area and climb onto the block behind the tall pillar near the N wall.  Note the closed grate W, which is obviously not the one you want.  There's a ladder surface on the pillar.  Climb up and take a rolling back flip near the top.  Grab the crack in the wall and shimmy left until you can pull up into an alcove. 


Face SW and save your game.  You need to take a tricky running jump with a left curve to a triangular ledge, and if you miss you'll likely fall to your death.  When you arrive safely, take another curved running jump to the S ledge.  Safety drop to the ledge below.  Hop S to the small triangular ledge and take another curved running jump to the E ledge.  Hop NE to the next ledge, pick up the uzi ammo and continue to the far end.  Jump to the NE corner ledge, then around the corner W to the next ledge, and finally jump W to grab the ladder surface in the pillar.


Climb near the top and back flip to an upper ledge.  Turn and jump SE to a long ledge.  Run to the far end and jump SW to the next ledge.  Go around the corner and grab the ceiling to monkey swing across W to the opened grate.  Go inside and arrive at a pit surrounded by a ledge.  Pick up the large medipack and drop down at the NE corner onto a ledge.  Look down from there at the spike trap you need to avoid.  Hop down W onto the triangular ledge and from there onto the S block where you can reach the ground safely. 


Grab the small medipack near the N fence and exit S.  Hop down and shoot another lizard man.  Vault up into the W alcove and take a running jump E to grab the pillar.  Climb up and back flip near the top onto a ledge.  Take a running jump S onto a moss-covered ledge.  Locate the crack in the S wall and jump up to grab it.  Shimmy right and pull up into a crawl space.  Follow around to the right and lower Lara down the other side.  Drop down onto a ledge, reverse roll and stand jump N to grab a higher ledge.  Stand jump N down to the lower ledge and face W.


Take a running jump and grab the pillar.  Climb all the way up through a hole in the ceiling.  Pull up and follow the passage to a hole near the N wall.  Run off to land on a slope, slide and grab, and shimmy left until you can pull up onto a flat surface.  Turn left, climb the block and turn the wheel to open the grate below you and to the left.  Hop back, drop down and jump with grab SE so you'll glide into the opening. Climb up left, then jump N to grab the opening.  Pull up and find the LIEUTENANT'S KEY


Drop down to the floor, pull out N into the spike-trap area and get up onto the block next to the spikes.  Jump up to grab the S ladder, climb up three rungs and shift left.  Back flip to the triangular ledge and jump E to grab the higher ledge.  Pull up higher and exit NW.  Get down to the ground and once more climb onto the block behind the tall pillar near the N wall.  The grate up in the W wall is now open, so take a running jump to grab the opening, pull inside and hop down to the ledge below for SECRET #3.  Hop over the spike trap for grenade launcher ammo and shotgun ammo (thanks to José for pointing out this secret).


Get back out and pull up onto the W ledge.  Pull up through the lowered trap door and return to the crash site.  Get up onto the plane and down through the central hole.  Go S to the cockpit and use the Commander's Key and the Lieutenant's Key in their respective receptacles.  Go to the tail section, drop down through the hole and find that the S door is open.  Pick up the EMBALMING FLUID on one side of the anti-aircraft gun and the MP5 on the other.


Exit the plane and the crash site area, and return to the beginning area.  Run SW to the temple, go up the steps and use the Temple Key to open the door and enter. Climb the ladder into a small ceremonial room.  Pick up the flares and the small medipack, then stand in front of that short W block and place the Embalming Fluid on it to open a nearby door.  Exit to the shore, loop around to the left and slide down into an area you explored earlier.  Enter the temple through the side door W and find the opened door.  Pull up inside, time a run past the spinning blades and turn the wheel to lower a trap door behind you.


Get past the blades again and drop down into some water.  Swim into the next room to finish the level.   






Swim to a wider area and pick up the flares on the E side of the arch over the entrance, continue W to a very large area and swim up to the central air hole in the ceiling to take a breath. In this big UW cave there are a couple of frogmen I never could kill (they're too smart to swim up near the air hole), so just avoid them.


Swim through the big opening in the SE corner and continue until you can surface.  In the dry area climb the block attached to the S wall, turn right and take a standing jump E to grab the edge of the ledge above, take a running jump to the NE flat ledge and from there a long running jump N to a flat area on the right side of the sloped ledge below. Climb the ladder to your left and jump back to land on the ledge behind, jump to the next NW ledge and pick up a small medipack in the niche. Now comes a tricky curved jump to the W ledge in the corner (no grab), another long running jump to the S and a final jump S with a left curve to the big opening in the corner (beware of the sloped ceiling).


Continue through the passage to a large cave with a raft down below (that appears to be inoperable). Take a running jump to the W ledge, drop to the ledge below, take another jump to the N ledge and one more jump to the next one NE; turn right, jump to the N ladder and climb up (or climb down first and back flip for shotgun shells if you want).  One rung from the top, back flip to the upper ledge and from there a long running jump to the E ledge below. Now another long running jump SE to the lower ledge near a ladder, jump S to it and climb it to the top, turn around and jump to the high N ledge to pick up uzi clips in the E opening; jump back to the ledge with the ladder and climb the ladder in the E wall, shift left and go up to an opening.


Follow by crawling to a hole.  Drop down, reverse roll and climb up S.  Stand jump slightly NW and grab the higher opening.  Pull up into a crawl space, crawl forward until you can stand up, and follow the path until you eventually reach a hole overlooking one of the ledges you visited before; turn around, drop/grab the edge, climb down the ladder to the bottom rung and back flip with a roll and grab into the N opening. Continue, jump into the water, swim down N to attract a crocfish and you can see the obvious hole by which you can enter the ship.  But first, swim to the NW corner and locate a ceiling hole.  Swim up the long shaft and surface for air.  Pull out N for SECRET #4 and locate the 2 x grenade launcher ammo, shotgun ammo and uzi ammo.  Swim back down to the hole in the vessel and enter.  Pull out and shoot an enemy in the passage, then jump to the W ladder and climb down to get the CIRCUIT BULB. Go all the way back up (the crocfish is still lurking about) to the large cave and swim through the hole under the raft to get back to the main room N.


Surface for air if necessary, then swim through the small opening in the NE corner (below the larger NE opening that leads to an Egyptian mural) and continue until you find an UW room with a big crocfish; look for a triangular opening in the SE corner of this room to get SECRET #5: flares. Swim out and through the opening in the N wall until you find yourself again in another dry part of the ship. Shoot the enemy in the passage and continue W past the corridor with fires, time a couple of teeth doors; at the T junction, shoot another enemy and go right to pick up shotgun shells, go now where the enemy came from and save in front of the timed switch.


Pull it and run back to the corridor with the fires, enter and pull the switch in the right wall to open a nearby door; go back and to your right (E) to find the open door. There is another timed switch inside; pull it, quickly run back all the way, timing the teeth doors again, to pull the first timed switch again and now all four fires are off and you can use a last wall switch next to the door to open it. Push the movable crate at the end of the passage to the very end, now place the other crate to the S so you can push the first crate one more time, climb it and use the switch to open a door in the small room where the second timed switch is; go back there (climb the ladder near the open door to avoid the fires) and get the second CIRCUIT BULB. Go all the way back to the main room.


Now from the air hole in the ceiling follow the dry passage there to a deep pit. Use the ledges attached to the walls to safely reach the bottom and continue to another part of the ship. Shoot the enemy and pull the switch, continue through the open door, shoot another enemy, pick up the uzi clips and pull the switch behind the fire tile to open a door in the first room. Go there and jump into the water, fight the strong current and in the left niche you can pick up some flares; continue and in the next niche to your right pull the UW lever. Back to the corridor, swim through the left passage and immediately turn Lara to the right and try to swim through the right passage from the very right side near the floor 'cause if you approach too near the second fan you'll never get it.


Once you reach this right passage, look back and see that there’s a passage left of the second fan where you can see a small medipack. However, you can't access it because of the strong current, so folIow this passage in the other direction and use the UW lever to open the trapdoor overhead.  Pull out and shoot an enemy who drops shotgun shells (hopefully not in the fire).  Follow the passage around left to the other water hole.  Jump in and swim back to the fan area.  Make your way into the niche on the right and pull the UW lever again to turn off the second fan.  Swim back against the current the way you came (N) and pull S out of the hole.  Run to the fire and turn right to jump into the other water hole.  Swim along the passage and cross over diagonally into the NW alcove for that small medipack and SECRET #6Many thanks to manarch2 for explaining how to obtain this secret.


Swim across SE to the exit passage, get out of the water, turn around where you pulled out of the water and jump to the crawlspace. Shoot another enemy in the next room, continue and climb to the hole in the ceiling; push the crate inside the next room and continue pushing/pulling it around until you can climb it to reach the high switch in S wall. This switch opens a door in the previous room, so go there and continue to a pit where you can get the third CIRCUIT BULB. Go all the way back to the deep pit with the shallow pool (through the S crawl space, pull W out of the water, left at the flame tile, shoot an enemy for grenade launcher ammo, right at the W corridor and up left).


Start by climbing the ladder in the N wall (on the other side of the shallow pool), shift right, climb and back flip to the ledge; take a running jump and grab    to the E ledge, run up the ramp and climb the opening in the corner;  take a running jump and grab N, pull up higher and climb up to the next opening in the corner (from left side, Ctrl + up arrow). Now comes another tricky jump: face S and take a running jump with a twist in midair to the sloped ledge, quickly jump off and grab the edge of the high N ledge. From here you can take a long running jump to the S ladder almost to the top, backflip with twist to grab the ledge behind and go back E to the main room.


Now it’s time to swim to a small hole at the very bottom of the cave, near the remains of the shipwreck and near the big N opening blocked by a sort of submarine. The frogmen are still down there. In this part of the ship you need a key, so go through the corridor to your right, climb down the ladder, shoot the enemy and move the green crate to the opposite side so you can use the switch to open the SW door; shoot another guard, time the burners, pull the next switch, kill another guard and pick up the small medipack he drops.


A nearby trapdoor is open now, go down and also down the next hole. Move the crate in the SW corner to the center of the room so you can grab the monkeyswing and reach the opening with the switch in the N wall; pull it to open the SE door. In the next room shoot a couple of baddies, climb the ledge in the very NE corner (from the right side, Ctrl + up arrow), jump to the S upper ledge and use the next ledges to reach the high opening in the S wall, avoiding the moving cranes.


Now grab the monkeyswing (be sure that you don't have a flare in hand and you'd better check the health bar and fill it if necessary) and approach the first crane as near as you can from the left or right side of the ceiling tile; when the crane is about to move to the N, quickly swing diagonally to the tile to the left or the right of the crane. This is a tricky task, and you’ll need to do it twice; you'll surely lose some health but it’s doable and eventually you’ll get it (when hanging, use the “9“ or “0“ keys to fill the health bar if necessary and save often in the safe tiles). At the end of the monkeyswing, drop/grab the edge, hoist up and use the switch to open the S door on the ground floor; drop, grab the large medipack, go there and climb several ladders to finally get the CABIN KEY.


Now go down, exit W to the previous room, climb the movable crate and take a running jump to the crack in the W wall next to the opening, shimmy left and pull the switch to open the trapdoor above the mound in the E wall; go up there and climb to the upper room. In this room climb the N mound from its left side, turn right (W) facing the open trapdoor in the ceiling, take a standing jump onto the slope and don’t slide but immediately jump again from the very top to grab the edge of the floor above. Go back to the door with the keyhole near the water hole (via the E opening opposite the crate you moved earlier), climb the ladder and back flip to the upper corridor.


Open the door with the Cabin Key and shoot a guard inside, place the Circuit Bulbs in their receptacles and the submarine blocking that N UW cave opening will move toward the main room; go there and continue to a dig site with two frogmen, swim to the opening in the ceiling at the SW corner, climb to a dry area and pick up the MP5 ammo N and the small medipack E; in the W branch pull the switch to open a door in the hole with the crane. Take a very deep breath (you’ll have to continue underwater when beginning the next level), swim there and follow the passage to finish the level.




Quickly continue swimming W, turn right at the wall (ignore the lower W opening for now) and continue S where you can surface for air in a pool room with blocks and flame emitters.


First Mask - Pool with burning ledges


Avoid the croc while swimming right to the NE corner, pull out onto the ledge and now you can shoot the croc. Swim back, climb into the opening in the middle of the N wall, shoot a lizard man and pull a switch to open a nearby door. Back to the water and onto the NE ledge, now run and jump to the first S ledge with the fire emitter when the flame is off. You know you can position Lara in the corners of this kind of ledge with no harm, even when the fire is active. Jump to the next ledge and to the long S ladder, climb it until you can see the higher ledge behind you and time the light in the pillar to jump back to the burning ledge below, jump with grab to the top of the cascade, to the next burning ledge to the N and finally W to the ledge with the ladder. Climb it, drop off right and jump N to the next burning ledge. From here you have two options:


1 - Take a long running jump N with grab at the end to land onto the rocky ledge with the open door losing health (restored with a small medipack).

2 - Take standing jumps down to the burning ledges E and W (this last one near the water) and from here a curved running jump to grab the edge of the rocky ledge with the open door. This way you don’t lose any health.


It’s your choice. Anyway, go to the open door, climb a couple of ladders and follow the passage to the very top of the room. Time the fire under the grate at your feet and take a running jump to the central burning ledge (E), another running jump to the E opening, crawl under the circular blade, climb up left and grab the monkeyswing; time the central fire and continue to the W opening, drop/grab, pull up and go through the hole at the end and get the EGYPTIAN MASK.


Detour for a secret: go down and to the E side of this high platform, turn right (N) and standing against the N wall jump and grab an invisible crack, shimmy left to the opening in the corner and get SECRET #7: the GRENADE LAUNCHER.


Room with the Receptacles for the Masks


Jump into the water and back to the junction near the beginning where you could choose the W or the S openings. Swim through the W opening this time to take a breath in a room with a small pool. Climb out of the water and shoot the lizard man. Climb the block in E wall and up to the first ledges; pull the switch in the N wall to open the door below and release another lizard man: there are two blades very difficult to avoid, and trying to cross them with jumps is suicide. I approached the first one from the right side as far as I could and when the blade was starting to retract I ran, losing some health. Pick up the SHRINE KEY. To go back out, almost from the tile where the key was, I started running and sprinting near the left wall when the blade was touching the right hand wall, losing some health too.


Again, climb the block in E wall and up to the first ledges; pull the switch in the S wall to open the door below: this time there are two circular blades easier to avoid, simply sprinting just in time. Climb the ladder, drop off left and use the switch to get a camera shot of a closed door with a keyhole.  Go back down.


Pick up the grenade launcher ammo and for a third time, climb the block in the E wall and up to the first ledges; this time climb the E ladder and drop off right.  At the S side of the wooden bridge pick up uzi ammo; on the N side you can use the Shrine Key to open the door; inside there are five receptacles to place masks (three down here and two on the upper ledge), so you must search for four more.


Second Mask - Room with the Zip Line


Go outside and climb the ladder near the SW corner; in the NW corner of the grassy ledges there is some shotgun ammo to pick up. Now go through the opening in the E wall and down to the top of the narrow cascade (notice the closed door you passed by).


For a secret: slide back and grab the edge of the cascade, drop and grab an invisible crack below, shimmy to the right and go inside the crawlspace for SECRET #8: shotgun shells and flares.


Drop into the water, climb to the safe cascade ledge and shoot the croc. Continue through the N dark passage, don’t drop into the dark room, but prepare a heavy weapon, light a flare and throw it to light the area, now you can drop down and fight with the poisonous beast. Once calm is restored pick up the much-needed flares in the S niche, uzi ammo and MP5 ammo in the W room where the beast came from and pull the switch outside in the NE corner to open the E door and release another beast. Pull one more switch in the SW corner to open the N door and fight with two more creatures, go to that N room, pick up the large medipack and pull the switch in the N wall to open a trapdoor outside. Finally go to the E room and move the block out to the center of the room so you can climb it and reach the SW opening in the ceiling to go back outside.


Find the open trapdoor in the S side of the room, climb the ladder and jump to the central platform to get the shotgun ammo; now go back and pick up the flares in the SE corner. Near this corner, in the lower ledge there is a movable block you can pull out of the wall only once; do it so, climb it and take a running jump in a NE direction with a final left curve to grab the crack in the E wall, shimmy all the way right to the ledge in the NE corner and take a running jump with grab to glide into the W opening. Continue up the ramp to the top of the cascade, jump up W and use the zip line; from the central ledge you can take a running jump (left or right) N to the ledge with the second EGYPTIAN MASK.


To get out of this room, from the tile with the mask, jump up facing N to grab the upper ledge, in the E and W ledges near the corners there are uzi clips and a small medipack if you want; jump S to the central ledge and make your way to the high block in the SE corner where the switch is; pull it to open the high W door and leave this room back to the main area with the wide cataract (turn right into the corridor and pull up left).


Third Mask - Inside the river


Now you need to go up to the very top of the cataract, so climb up to the blue ledges and jump to either of the blocks left or right of the waterfall and take an angled running jump with a left or right curve, depending on which block you jump from to reach the top.


Run W over the rocky ledge near the river and near the end take a long running jump W-SW with a left curve to grab the edge of the block in the water; from here another running jump SW with a right curve to grab the ladder in S wall, shimmy left and climb into the opening. At the end of the crawlspace, jump to grab the monkeyswing, a bit further drop/grab the ladder to your right, climb down a bit and jump back to land onto the block at your back.  Shoot the croc in the water, then take a running jump N to the block in the corner, another running jump to the W sloped block with a left curve, slide/grab the edge/shimmy right/hoist up/jump back.  Shoot another croc, grab the S crack and shimmy left, go through the crawlspace and in this new part of the river shoot a lizard man, jump to the wooden bridge and go N to pick up desert eagle ammo.


Now jump into the water and let the current take you all the way down to the end of the river.  Pull out and shoot a croc and a lizard man, go inside the E opening, sprint to pass the circular blades, avoid the rolling ball, climb the ladder and climb to the next opening from the right side to avoid the blade. Finally hop over to get the third EGYPTIAN MASK.


Detour for a secret: drop only one block and from the very SW corner of this structure, light a flare and take a running jump SW to the (hard to see without binoculars) opening in S wall, follow the short passage and when you find yourself outside, turn around to face S, jump up and grab the crack, shimmy left and go inside the crawlspace to get SECRET #9: MP5 ammo. Go back outside and this time swim across and climb up onto the N bank of the river.


Advance W and when you find a slope to your left, back flip to it and jump off to grab the edge, pull up and take a running jump to the S stone bridge, run up and take a last running jump to the E ledge. Now another tricky jump comes: take a running jump with twist in midair to the E slope, jump without sliding to grab the monkeyswing; swing N and drop down on the far side.  Go through the passage and continue jumping S to the next ledge on the other side of the waterfall, climb the ladder, drop off left and jump across N to pick up the flares in the alcove.


Now you need to jump to the right side of the W sloped block in the water so you can slide/jump/grab the crack in W wall; shimmy left and from the next block take a last running jump to the E crawlspace, go inside (Lara can’t shimmy around the corners in TR3), drop from the other side, grab the ladder and jump back with a twist to grab the edge of the ledge behind.


Pull up, turn left and use the ladder to get up beyond the waterfall.  Jump S across the river and go halfway across the bridge.  Jump NE and enter the N opening.  Crawl through and simply drop into the water, as there's no current here.  Swim back to the other end and pull out N.


Fourth Mask - Underground Crypt


Now let’s explore the N cave, so drop down from a corner of the brick wall and make your way N down the sloped passage.  Don't run too fast, or you'll fall to your death.  At the chasm jump to the corner ledge and use the ladder to get safely to the bottom of the pit. When reaching the courtyard area, start by dragging the movable block in the opening to your left and place it near the entrance, then push or pull it N or S so you can climb it and go up to the ledge above. Take a running jump SW to the ledge over the entrance of this area, another jump to the W ledge, through the opening there and pull the switch to see a camera shot of the outside area (a door opens high up in the N wall but perhaps you can’t see it 'cause of the darkness).


Drop to the ground floor and press the buttons in the NW and SE sarcophagi to open the E door; run down the stairs and jump into the water. In the next room swim into either the NE or the NW corner while a croc gives chase and up to a place where you can get out of the water; continue, jump to the next ledge and to the wooden bridge. Pick up shotgun shells in the N opening, run to the S side of the bridge and jump to the pillar to your left (W), grab the monkeyswing and cross to the E side to pull a switch and open a door somewhere. Now you can go all the way back to the main room (dropping down to the bridge along the way to dispose of that croc).


This time press all four buttons (pressing the buttons in NE and SW sarcophagi opens the W door, but only when all four buttons are in their initial position); run W up the stairs and jump to the ledges attached to the E and W walls to pick up uzi clips and a large medipack. Now go through the opening in the NE corner (it's mighty dark up there) to find the door you opened moments ago and find yourself at the top of the watery room you came from. Hop down to the stone bridge and pull the switches in the E and W pillars, but each time quickly jump back to avoid the falling boulders. Go back the way you came to the top of the main room and at the top of the stairs climb into the N opening and use the monkeyswing (being mindful of the steam blowers) to get the fourth EGYPTIAN MASK.


Detour for a secret: from the ledge with the mask, go to the lower NE corner (on the same level as the nearby spike trap). Face N and drop/grab/drop/grab the edge below.  Pull up, follow the passage, light a flare and crawl through to get SECRET #10: shotgun shells and uzi clips.


Get back out, drop into the water and swim back S.  Pull out of the water and follow the passage to a door that opens upon your approach.  Two poisonous beasts are now guarding the room with the sarcophagi.  Exit S and make your way back to the river banks (use the corner block to jump to the ladder, climb up and drop off left).  When you reach the wall, get on the SW mound and pull up by using only the action and up arrow keys.


Fifth Mask - Four Tall Columns Room


Now let’s explore the S cave (S side of the brick wall). Get down into the pit and down through the SW opening.  Use the ledges to get down the deep shaft and follow past a grated wall to an outside area with four big columns. Shoot a couple of poisonous beasts. Climb the SW ladder and drop off right, jump NE to the top of the nearby column, then jump to the W slope, shimmy left, jump back to the next column, monkeyswing to the E and drop onto the ledge, run S and pick up MP5 ammo at the top of the next column, finally pull the switch near the corner to open the S door in the ground floor.


Go there and shoot another poisonous beast; continue through the S opening, slide down backwards from the very left side of the ramp, grab the edge at the bottom and quickly shimmy right and hoist up before being impaled by the descending spiked ceiling.  When the coast is clear, take a running jump to the S ladder and climb to the top, drop into the water and pull out E. First of all, pull the switch in the corner to open the exit door at the other side of the pool; now pull the left block out of the wall and push it N twice against the switch, do the same with the revealed SE block but this time place it in the opposite corner (SW), directly opposite the first block; go inside and push the last block once to the N to reveal a switch, pull it to open a trapdoor in the room with the big columns.


For a secret: from the switch, turn around and push the block to your right once to the W and pick up the DESERT EAGLE; now pull the block in front of the switch once to the S and push it once to the E to discover SECRET #11: grenade launcher ammo.


Go all the way back to the room with big columns through the opened door N, climb again the SW ladder and also the next one. Drop off right, kill the lizard man and pick up the small medipack near the N wall past the metal bridge. In the S room pick up the flares near the E wall and jump S to the familiar structure to pick up the fifth EGYPTIAN MASK. Drop down the ledges to the ground floor, shoot a poisonous beast and return N to the main room. Go all the way back up to the river banks (through the N passage and pull up right).


Now it’s time to go to the room with the mask receptacles, so from the top of the E waterfall safety drop to the lower cascade, jump across to the wooden bridge below, go into the N room with the receptacles and when you place all five masks the trapdoor opens. Drop down, use the wheel switch and see that the cascade has disappeared, go back there and through the W opening that the waterfall was concealing to finish the level.




Step forward onto the trap door, which gives way beneath you.  As you slide down two slopes, be ready to jump over a blade trap on each one.  When you reach the ledge below, jump to the E ladder and climb down to ground level.  Find the shotgun shells on the NW block.  Pull up into the W opening, draw a weapon and engage a poisonous beast in the passage ahead. 


Emerge in a large room where there appears to be plenty to do.  We'll call this the Main Room.  Begin by going to the SW opening near the ladder and finding another poisonous beast in the long passage.  Near the end of this passage (closed door) is a see-through grate with a switch on the other side.  Return to the Main Room and enter the SE passage.  Light a flare in the dark room beyond and pick up the shotgun shells and the grenade launcher ammo


In the NE corner is a passage leading to another poisonous beast.  In the small chamber at the end is uzi ammo and MP5 ammo.  Pull the block from the S wall and move it to the NE corner of this chamber.  Get up on it and take a curved running jump into the N alcove.  Pull up higher, turn around and jump up to grab the ceiling.  Monkey swing S, turn right around the corner and drop down in the passage.  Pull down the switch to lower a trap door in the Main Room.


Go there, loop around right and climb the NE ladder past the lowered trap door.  Two rungs from the top, back flip with a roll to land on an upper ledge. Run forward and pick up the LIZARD ARTEFACT from the raised tile.  Use the ladder to get back down and run across the room to the SW ladder.  Climb it and drop off right to slide down into alcove.  Pull out E and follow to a switch that opens a door high up in the N wall.  Hop back from the W end of this ledge, using the glide trick (hit the action key as soon as you clear the edge), and hop down from the lower ledge to the ground. 


Go the N wall on the left part of that green mound in the NW corner.  Put your nose against the wall and sidestep as far right as you can before Lara starts turning when she hits the higher slope.  Turn to face due E and back flip to the green mound.  Jump off immediately and grab the upper ledge.  It may take you several tries, but it can be done. Pull up and go through the opened N doorway.  Jump to the ladder and climb down.  Drop off right above the spike trap and pull down the switch you saw earlier from the other side of the grate.


Jump back to the ladder, climb up and drop off left.  Return to the Main Room and find the SW opening you explored earlier.  The door at the end of the passage is now open, so pull up S and follow the passage, encountering a lizard man along the way, for the second LIZARD ARTEFACT on the raised tile outside.


While you're here, walk out to the NE corner, light a flare and look up to see the ladder.  It appears to be an easy jump, but I could never make the grab and finally used the flycheat to get up the shaft.  José says you can make it by taking a standing jump from the NE corner to the extreme left side of the ladder.  Even then, however, Lara's animation is faulty, making the upward climb awkward, so I attribute all of this to one of the few bad level design decisions made by this builder.  Anyway, however you decide or are able to get up the ladder, SECRET #12 awaits you, along with a large medipack and desert eagle ammo.


Get back down (climbing down the ladder is a breeze) and safety drop to the ground.  Exit the Main Room through the E opening and return to where you began this level.  Use the block in the middle of the N wall to jump to the E ladder.  Climb up, drop off right and take a running jump S and grab the ledge.  Pull up and place the Lizard Artefacts in their receptacles to open the S door below.  Safety drop to the ground (or use the glide trick described earlier) and enter.


A gate slams shut behind you while something snarls at you nearby.  Draw weapons and do battle with two lizard men while the Von Croy look-alike boss fires bolts at you from a high W pillar.  There's a large medipack in the NE corner to grab, then climb the nearby ladder that shields you from the boss's fireballs.  A little more than halfway up, back flip to a pillar and take a running jump S to the next ladder.  You're not protected here, so climb up quickly and step forward out of harm's way. 


Jump to the ledge in the SE corner, pick up the MP5 ammo and safety drop to the ledge below and pull the switch.  Drop to the ground and run back to the first ladder near the NE corner.  Climb up, back flip, jump to the S ladder and get back to the ledge in the SE corner.  This time jump to the broken pillar NW and hit the action key to glide into the opening.  Take a running jump W, curving left so that you land on the sloped pillar and slide down backwards.  Grab the edge, shimmy right, pull up and take a rolling back flip with a left curve to land on the sloped surface below.  Slide and jump to the ledge in the SW corner.


Jump N to the ladder, climb up and drop off right, and follow the passage to a lizard trinket glued to the wall.  Shoot it.  Get back down to the ground and return to the first ladder near the NE corner.  Climb up, back flip to the pillar and this time jump to the lower NW ledge.  Runjump W to the next ledge, pull up and from the right side take a running jump W with a midair flip so that you jump off the slope in position to grab the higher ledge.  Do so and pull up. 


Pick up the small medipack and jump E with a right curve to the slope.  Slide down, grab the edge, shimmy left and pull up.  Jump to the NE corner block and pull down the switch.  Stand jump S with action to glide down onto the pillar below.  Take a running jump to the lower NW ledge, then repeat the jumps described earlier to reach that higher ledge near the NW corner.  Take a running jump SW from the higher part of the ledge and grab the opening in the S wall.  Pull up inside and find another brittle lizard trinket on the wall to shoot. 


Jump out NE, make your way to the NE block with the switch as described earlier, jump down S with grab to glide onto the pillar, jump to the S ladder and climb up to the top.  Jump to the SE ledge, jump NW with grab to glide onto the broken pillar, and from there pour continuous lead into Boss man seated on his throne.  Eventually he'll stop firing at you, he'll make some unintelligible guttural sounds and finally he'll expire in flames as Lara's theme music plays. 


Get back down to the ground floor (easiest way is by continuing to the SW ledge in the same manner as described earlier).  The door in the W wall is now open, so enter, hop up onto the mound, pull up onto the ledge and continue until you reach a raised tile with something on it.  When you stoop to pick it up the game ends.