Levels by George Maciver


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth, with the help of Doggett TV's video walks. This walkthrough covers Version 5 that was released on August 27, 2020.


Level 1: DAWN


After a brief opening flyby, Lara is told by the Guide that his assistance from time to time is essential for the lighting of the dragons' heads. When he lights the first one, the N gate opens, so go on through and meet the oncoming wraith. The floating cadaver near the entrance apparently doubles here as the more traditional bird statue, so run around to avoid the pursuing wraith until it loses interest in you and self-destructs on the cadaver. More wraiths follow, but they're interested only in the cadaver and won't bother you.


Go to the back N wall to find the GUN FOR NASTY ANGELS and nasty gun ammo on the plinth. Note the glass-covered gem near the E wall and go to the SW corner. Climb the block next to the fountain and jump N to the higher block. Jump SE to the slope, slide and grab and shimmy right around the corner and pull up into the S passage. Follow to a hub and turn right into the lighted W side passage. Continue to a lava pit, take a running jump and grab over it, pull up, run forward while ignoring the wide opening to your left (timed run, soon), go up a ramp and loop around right to find a button that opens a gate behind you.


As you go down the E steps the gate closes behind you. Stay left to avoid awakening the wraith sleeping on the plinth near the N opening. The nearby button to the left of the entrance is timed, so save your game before pushing it. Hop back, run between the wall and the plinth and take an immediate left into the N hallway. Push the button on your left to open the gate to the hub area. Go through, turn left this time into the lighted passage, get across the lava pit and turn left into the opening you ignored earlier. The timed door is diagonally to your right and around the corner left.


When you enter the next room a flame blower is activated. Take the nasty gun ammo from the corner plinth and when the flames subside in the SW alcove, climb the ladder, shift left and drop down into an upper passage. Follow around and engage an ahmet at close quarters. It explodes when it dies, so you don't have to worry about getting around its flaming carcass. At the end of the passage is a floor hole. Drop down, jump into the water hole and swim to where you can pull out in front of an opening to a deep room.


Turn around, hang from the edge, shimmy right along the crack until you reach an opening. Pull up to raise a block directly below. Ignore that for now. Run forward and loop around right past a closed gate to an opening. Jump the gap and push the button in the S alcove to open that gate. Turn around, jump back across and past the opened gate, turn left and hop down to the NW opening. Follow the N passage, turn right at the end and shoot the ahmet that's coming your way. Continue to a small room and time your way past the spears into the E opening.


Go down some steps and loop around left to find a button. Push it to lift the glass barrier you saw earlier. Continue along the passage until you reach an opening overlooking the large room where the Guide is waiting patiently below. Hop to the lower ledge and jump NW to the platform where you can now take the RUBY from the plinth. For a secret, jump SE back to the ledge and go back the way you came, up the steps and past the spears, up the next steps and left into the S purple-tinted passage. Just past the first rays of light, pull up left into a dark opening and slide down a couple of slopes to come to a plinth bearing a SILVER ROSE for SECRET #1. A door opens to provide a convenient shortcut to the previous large room.


Run past the Guide and take a second RUBY from the nearby plinth. When you do so four wraiths appear, so run away from them and they'll soon mate with the floating cadaver. Place the Rubies in the S snake-head receptacles where the Guide is waiting. The gate between them opens and the Guide politely waits for you to go in first. Enter and allow the Guide to take the lead. Follow him into a large room with many ledges and watch him do something that causes blue sparks to appear above a gate. Go back to the entrance (where the gate has closed) and find the SHOTGUN on a plinth in the SW corner.


Return to the Guide and find him waiting patiently in front of the electrified gate. Apparently you need to do something to open it, so find and push the button on the E side of the entrance. The Guide negotiates the ledges and electrifies a second gate, opening the large SW gates that he passed. Follow the passage to a room with a lurking yeti in the SW corner. There's a large medipack on the plinth in the S alcove. As you explore this fairly large room a wraith emerges and heads immediately for the floating cadaver.


From the entrance, loop around right into the NW and find a button that opens an underwater gate in the deeper W pool. Jump in and swim partway into the S passage to lure out an ahmet. Get out and push the button again to keep the ahmet from taking refuge in the passage, shoot it until it explodes and open the gate again. Swim through the passage, pull out and grab up to the overhead ledge. Go through the S opening and follow the passage up a ramp to a ledge overlooking a large pool. Jump into the water to flush out an ahmet. It can't reach you if you stay above the floor, but for a secret you do need to pick up the GOLD SKULL between the columns near the E wall. Pull out SE, kill the ahmet if you wish and find the ladder on the column. Climb up to the upper ledge and take the GOLD ROSE (it appears only if you picked up the Gold Skull) from the plinth for SECRET #2.


Jump back into the water, pull out SW and find a companion ladder on the column. Climb up to the W ledge, hop into the S passage and follow around and down a ramp to a lower ledge. Hop down, jump into the water hole and swim along the long N passage until you can surface and pull out into a previous room. Near the SW corner where you encountered the yeti earlier is a button that raises a block at the corner of the pool. Use it to access the upper ledge and pull up into the N alcove. Take the GOLD SKULL from the plinth, jump back to the ledge and go through the S opening.


Follow the passage to a lava room. Stop just before the next S opening and hop left onto a safe tile for another GOLD SKULL. Hop back to the ledge, go through the S opening and follow around to a spear trap. Time a jump over the lava pit, repeat and continue to an opening at the lava room. Stand jump to grab the slope, pull up and slide down the other side, jump three slopes in succession to land on a flat ledge with another spear trap. Turn left (N), take a running jump (low ceiling) to grab the slope, pull up and slide jump three more times to land on another ledge with a spear trap. Save your game.


Stand left well back from the spears, wait for the spears to retract and take a running jump to the E slope. Jump off with a left curve onto the next slope, then continue with three jumps off slopes until you reach the next flat ledge with a spear trap. Save your game again. Time a jump past the spears onto the N slope, jump off to grab the ceiling and monkey swing toward the next slope. Hang left three rungs from the end, drop, slide and jump to the next slope, jump off with a left curve and jump off the final slope onto a ledge in front of a W opening.


Follow the passage to an opening, take a running jump W to the first ledge, use the connecting ledge against the S wall to reach the next W ledge, take a running jump to reach the next W ledge (note the closed gate to your left), go N to the raised tile and turn right to jump and grab the top of the E column. Pull up, turn around and jump up to grab a higher ledge. Pull up, go left and take a running jump SW into the alcove. Continue with a running jump NW toward the W opening and enter to find a GOLD SKULL on the plinth.


Now it's time to address that closed gate you passed. Jump back to the next E ledge, using the S alcove as before, and safety drop from the E opening. Hop to the lower ledge, go to the closed S gate, hang from either side of the ledge and drop to grab the block below, pull up and turn into the short S passage. Reverse roll at the wall, jump to grab the ledge and pull up at the back side of the plinth for the fifth and final GOLD SKULL


Drop to the floor of this room and go to the lava room at the NE corner. Stand jump N onto the first column and take a running jump to grab the next one. Pull up, hop down to the N ledge and place your five Gold Skulls to open the W gate. Run to the end of the passage and push the button to open the next gate. You're back in the ledge area where the Guide is electrifying another gate and waiting patiently for you to do something.


In the process of electrifying the gate the Guide has also caused spears to retract against the N wall, allowing access to a button that lifts the electrified gate so the Guide can march onward. He electrifies and lifts the next gate, proceeds past the closed SW gates and electrifies yet another gate that remains closed. However, the large gates he passed have opened, so go there and follow the wide passage (the gates close silently behind you) to a pool room.


Jump into the water and come to a large underwater area where an ahmet is prowling around on the lake bed. Swim W to a ceiling hole, surface and pull out. One or more wraiths may or may not have been aroused by this time, but they don't seem to bother you. Take the CRYSTAL THISTLE from the plinth, jump back into the water. Swim down to the bottom and evade the ahmet while grabbing another CRYSTAL THISTLE near the SW corner. Find the opening in the S wall and swim inside and up the shaft to emerge in a lava room with four receptacles. You need two more thistles, so return to the large underwater area.


You can always return to one of the ceiling air holes as needed, but for now locate the opening in the upper W wall for a large medipack. Down on the floor, just below that opening, is another CRYSTAL THISTLE lying in plain sight. Near the NW corner is an opening near the floor that leads to an air hole and a mini-maze. Go W to the wall, loop around right, proceed to the N wall and take a left, continue around right until you reach a relatively open area with an air hole.


Continue E and around to your right to find a plinth with the fourth CRYSTAL THISTLE. For a secret, turn right at the S wall into an alcove and pick up the RUBY ROSE for SECRET #3. Return the way you came, grab some air on the way out and make your way to that S passage with the shaft leading upward.  Pull out and place the four Crystal Thistles to open an underwater gate you may have seen near the NE corner. Swim there and up the long shaft to pull out into a passage. Go down the steps at the end into a wooded area patrolled by an ahmet.


Go to the opening near the SE corner and push the button to open a nearby gate. Exit to the wooded area, turn left and find the ladder just past the trees growing out of the S wall. Climb up into the opening and run forward into the sparkling blue light to be transported up to the ledge near the Guide. Follow him to the next gate, wait for him to open it and continue to watch him light the dragon's head and open the N gates. Follow him inside to be taken to the next level.


Level 2: LOST


Wait for the Guide to light his torch. He'll then walk to the dragon's head and light it to open the N gates. Go on in to face a lava room. There are closed gates and a receptacle on your left, and that's where the Guide stops. Jump the ledges N (not hard at all) until you reach the plinth with the RUBY. Go back the same way, place the Ruby in the snake-head receptacle and the W gates open. Go on in (the Guide is reluctant to follow) and up the steps to your left into a little oasis surrounded by lava.


Go through the W opening into a lower room. The W gate is closed. Use the higher second step to jump over and trigger safely the E spear trap so it won't be as much of a hazard. Step on the marked trigger tile nearby to open the W gate. Don't try to go there directly via the steps, or the gate will close. Go around to the right and hop up to the opening, then go down the steps to a yet lower room. Grab the small medipack against the S wall and go across to the NW corner for shotgun ammo. Near the NE corner is nasty gun ammo. There's another spear trap in this part of the room, and you may wish to trigger it as well before going up the steps to the E opening.   


An ahmet attacks as you enter the next room. Grab the nasty gun ammo near the NW corner and the shotgun ammo near the SW corner. Go E up the steps to push a button and reverse roll to exit W to the previous room. The flames in the W alcove have been extinguished, so push the button there to open the SW gate. Again, don't try to reach it directly, but rather go around the marked floor tiles to the left and avoid any similar tiles on the steps. Don't try jumping over them, either. When you successfully navigate your way past the SW opening, step on the trigger tile to open an unseen gate farther along.


Go around either right or left and jump over the marked tile without stepping on it. Proceed past the opened W gate and find the Guide waiting for you down below. Approach him to trigger a long flyby through the next area. Run forward (W) to the first fountain, face the panther head that's spewing water into the pool and fire at it with your pistols until you hear a grinding sound. Turn around and head N toward the plinth. The glass cover has lifted, allowing you to take the SILVER ROSE for SECRET #4.


Go down the nearby SW stairs, jump into the pool and locate the underwater N opening about halfway down. Swim inside to alert an ahmet, flip turn and swim S to the raised tile where you'll be safe while pouring lead into the ahmet. Swim back into the N passage and follow to a shaft leading upward. Pull out, take the RUBY from the plinth and return to the pool. The water-spewing panther heads at either end of this pool can be shot, with a little patience, in the same manner as the one you shot earlier for the secret, but it's uncertain at this point whether it's necessary to do so.


Go up the NW steps, pass a closed gate and a receptacle, and make your way to the structure in the NW corner of this large area. In the center of it is an artifact surrounded by flames. Stepping on the four marked corner tiles turns off the flames, allowing you to take the IRON THISTLE from the plinth.


For your next task, go all the way over to the NE corner of this area for a pushblock exercise. Your obvious goal is to lift the glass cover on the plinth, and the spear traps act as inconvenient obstacles. Push the cage onto the only available tile, and the adjacent spears retract. Move the cage along the track onto the second marked tile, and the next set of spears also retracts. Move the cage all the way around onto the third marked tile, and the glass cover lifts to give you access to a second RUBY.


Now go all the way across this area to the pool near the SW corner, where you see a vacant plinth, a cage and two raised blocks, in that order. Again, the panther head here can be shot, but to what end if any is not clear. Place the Rubies in the snake-head receptacles to lower the blocks, move the cage S onto the marked tile and a CRYSTAL THISTLE appears on the plinth. Look at the nearby E structure and see the triangular opening up in the SE corner. Hop inside to find a GOLD SKULL on a plinth.


Get back out, head NW from the plinth and loop left around the stone building to find the receptacle for the Crystal Thistle. The gate opens, so enter to find a second GOLD SKULL. Return to the SE entrance, where the Guide is hopefully still waiting, and locate the receptacles on the nearby stone structure. Place the two Gold Skulls to open the gate and enter the structure. Don't step into the blue light, but turn left at the entrance and push the button to extinguish the flames and neutralize a spear trap at the central plinth outside. Go there to claim a second IRON THISTLE.


Now it's appropriate for you to step into the blue light inside that previous structure, so go there to be transported onto a roof in the large outdoor area. Jump the roofs E, grabbing as necessary, and hop onto a block at the SE entrance. Take a running jump S to grab the corner block and pull up to push a button to activate a moving platform. Turn around, jump back to the previous block and hop onto the platform when it's low enough for you to do so. Run off onto the adjacent block and continue N along the blocks until you can hop down NW onto the roof of the stone structure.


Jump up the slope and fall down through a hole in the roof. Step into the blue light and you'll be transported to a ledge in the shape of a cross. Slide down S and cross the bridge to a ledge with a small medipack, shotgun ammo and nasty gun ammo. Go back halfway across the bridge, note the pickups below and take an angled jump down there for a large medipack, nasty gun ammo and shotgun ammo.


Go around to the other side and take a running jump N to grab the next structure. Pull up, walk toward the central hump and stand beneath a ledge next to the jutting tree. Facing N, jump up to grab the ledge, pull up and hop into the partially obscured W opening. Follow the passage to a room with a central plinth bearing a RUBY ROSE for SECRET #5. Go back, drop down to the roof of the previous structure, take a running jump from the N edge to slide and grab the roof of the next structure, then shimmy right around the corner until you can pull up at a flat spot. Go around to find a plinth with a GOLD ROSE for SECRET #6.


The safest way to get back is to shimmy to the S edge of the roof, pull up and back flip to the previous structure. Make your way to the plinth you can see in the distance toward the E. Take the IRON THISTLE and return to the moving platform near the SE entrance. Hop onto it and get off on the adjacent block. Jump the blocks N as you did earlier, hop down NW to the roof of the stone structure and jump NW onto the larger fenced structure. Locate the ladder in the E structure and take a running jump to grab it.


Climb to the top of the structure and jump to grab the opening in the E wall. Pull up inside and push the button. Hop down to the previous structure and look down NW to see a rising platform next to the structure that's supported by stilts. Get down there and use the platform to get up to a plinth upon which rests an IRON THISTLE. You now have the four that you need, so jump down S to the roof of the fenced structure, drop to the ground and go around to the E side to find four snake-head receptacles.


Place the Iron Thistles to open the gate and go inside. When you take the DRAGON from the plinth the flanking lamp stands ignite. Exit this building and run SE to the two giant dragon's heads near the entrance. You'll notice that a Dragon is already in the mouth of the one on the left, so place your Dragon in the mouth of the other one. The Guide suddenly awakens, comes your way and lights a dragon's head to open the E gate. Enter the passage and you'll be taken to the next level.




The Guide walks down the path, lights his torch and then just stands there. Run past him toward the closed E gates and note that one of the dragon's heads has an empty mouth. In the alcove on the right are explosive arrows; in the alcove on the left is a button that causes a minor earthquake, signifying the rising of a nearby block. Go around to the far NW corner to find the raised block. Use it to climb up higher onto a ledge with a flaming bowl to your left and a spear trap to your right.


Jump NW for a large medipack and more explosive arrows. Carefully jump back, avoiding the spear trap, and turn to jump into the nearer SW alcove for nasty gun ammo. Run off SE onto the ledge below and hop over to the S opening. Go on through, pull up right, grab up N but don't pull up immediately. Instead, shimmy right past the spear trap and then pull up. Grab the nasty gun ammo next to the flaming bowl and jump into the nearer NW alcove for a SILVER ROSE and SECRET #7.


Jump carefully back to the previous ledge, turn and jump to the SW corner for shotgun ammo. Climb the nearby block to a ladder and continue up to the roof, where you'll find a plinth bearing the DRAGON. Go to the N end of the ledge, slide down a couple of slopes and use the blocks to drop back down to the floor. Place the Dragon with the expectation that the W gates will open. They will, once the Guide lights the other dragon's head. Enter the wide passage and go up the stairs a bit. Pull up right for flares, jump to the other side for a small medipack, then continue up the stairs to a pool room.


Loop around left to find the CROSSBOW on a plinth. Run W past the Guide into a room with a closed gate and a plinth with a spare NASTY GUN. The Guide comes in behind you and lights the dragon's head to open the gate. Proceed to an outdoor area where you're attacked by three yetis. The Guide watches dispassionately while you deal with them, then he walks across this area through a NE passage into a larger outdoor area. A wraith makes an appearance but will soon self-destruct on the floating cadaver. In the meantime, the Guide stops in front of a closed NW gate flanked by two dragon's heads.


Head over to the E end of this area for a pushblock exercise. Move the cage N onto the first marked tile to disable the nearby spear trap and summon a yeti. Move the cage painstakingly counterclockwise onto the second marked tile, and prepare to deal with another yeti just before you get there. The glass cover lifts from the nearby plinth, so grab the GOLD SKULL and head back W toward the lava pool you may have seen earlier.


Take a running jump S to grab the first platform in the lava. Hang left, pull up, slide down the other side and jump from platform to platform, swerving right or left as necessary, until you reach a ledge with a plinth bearing a RUBY. Use the platforms near the E wall to get back across the lava. Turn right and run E until you reach the steps leading up to the S opening. Follow the passage to the previous outdoor area. Turn right just past the pool and find the snake-head receptacle in the W wall. Place the Ruby to activate the moving platform to your right.


Ride the platform up to the ledge and run to the other end. Jump the ledges in a clockwise direction until you reach a bridge. From the middle of the bridge take a running jump to grab the S column for a large medipack. Jump back to the bridge and continue around the corner past a closed gate to meet an ahmet. When you reach the end of the ledge, hop around the corner and hop once more in front of the E opening. Enter the small room for 2 x explosive arrows and 2 x nasty gun ammo, then continue through the E passage to a gate that opens upon your approach.


Don't go through, but instead turn around and go back E to the previous area. Hop S to the corner ledge and safety drop onto the block below. Hop down SW to confront a new pushblock exercise. You know the drill by now, move the cage onto the marked tiles to disable the spear traps, and along the way you'll have to pause and deal with three yetis. When you reach the end the SW gate opens, so go there and find an IRON THISTLE on the plinth in the next room. Push the button in the W wall and return to the previous area to find that you've activated a moving platform near the S wall.


Ride the platform up to the ledge and follow E, preparing yourself for the ahmet that comes charging from around the corner. Continue until you reach a plinth with a second IRON THISTLE. Jump N to the next ledge and continue around, jumping gaps as necessary until you reach an opening in the E wall. Hop inside to find a plinth with a RUBY ROSE for SECRET #8. Run off down to the previous ledge and go back S until you're close enough to the pool that you can jump down into the water.


Pull out and run across to the NE opening. Follow through the passage to the next open area and go NW past the flaming bowl to the closed N gate. Place the Iron Thistles in the snake-head receptacles to open the gate and go on through. Follow the passage to the room with the flaming bowl. Drop down through the floor opening onto a block in a lower lava room. Hop down N, jump to the next block and jump the NE slopes to reach a ledge with a GOLD SKULL on a plinth. When you pick it up the lava changes to pure water, so hop down and splash your way to the S blocks.


Pull back up to the previous room (face E from the higher block) and exit W to the outdoor area. Run back SW and up the steps through the opening you came from earlier, follow to the previous outdoor area and run toward the SE corner. Place the Gold Skulls in the E receptacles to lift the gate between them and enter a room with a grated floor as you hear the sound of a door opening across the room. It will close again if you try to run to it directly, so look down through the grated floor and jump over the rows of marked tiles. When you get to the E wall, push the button to activate a moving platform in a previous area.


Exit W to the outdoor area, turn right at the pool and run all the way across and through the NE passage. The moving platform is right at the entrance to the next area, so hop on it and get off E on the ledge. Follow around in a counterclockwise direction, but beware of the spear trap on the E section (best to shimmy past it). Use the higher section against the N wall to jump up and grab the monkey bars. Monkey swing W and drop down next to a bridge. Go across the bridge and take a running jump W from the other side to grab the ledge.


As you pull up spears are activated on the W bridge ahead of you. Take a running jump to grab the safe section and don't attempt to shimmy right past the spears. Pull up and arm yourself with the nasty gun. There are safe areas between the spears, so time a run to the first such area, turn around quickly and shoot a yeti. Jump N past the next set of spears and stand next to the wall. Hop W over the flaming tile and take a running jump to grab the next ledge. Pull up and face a series of slopes. Save your game and take a running jump to the first slope, slide and jump three times in succession and grab the ledge near a flaming bowl.


Pull up, enter the room on your right and go to the NE trigger tile. Step on it to extinguish for a few moments the flames protecting the NW plinth. Sprint there, grab the DRAGON and hop back before the flames return. Exit this room to the ledge, hop back from the W end with grab to glide onto the block below and follow the N passage around to a room where you'll find a GOLD ROSE on a plinth for SECRET #9.


Go back, drop to the floor and place the Dragon in the empty mouth of the nearby dragon's head. The Guide will light the other dragon's head to open the gate. Go inside as two bowls erupt in flames. Jump into the hole between them to finish the level.




Lara drops down onto one of many islands dotting this area, separated by a deadly red field and connected in some instances by bridges. The Guide is nowhere to be seen. Pick up the nearby large medipack and run S across the bridge to the next island and then W to an island with a central structure. Hang from the S edge, find the ladder and climb down to an opening. Pull down the wall switch to disable traps that were protecting a gold skull (destroying the skull in the process) and climb back up to the structure.


Go E to the previous island, then all the way S to where the gold skull was. Save your game in front of the disabled spear trap. When I ran through the portal the first time (without having saved first) there was a nasty explosion, but when I saved and reloaded just in front of the portal this didn't happen for some reason.


Go down the ramp to a lava room where the Guide is waiting. Note the closed gates at each of the four corners (there's a large medipack near the SE corner), hop into the SE alcove and pull up into the opening. Face W and jump to grab the higher ledge. Pull up to greet a jackal and note the cluster of burning dragon heads on the central column. Hop to the SE corner ledge, jump up higher SW and go around to the lower ledge in the SW corner where you'll find a ladder. Climb to the top of the column, jump E to the next column and NE to a flat spot. Hang from the edge and shimmy left to a column at the other edge of the slope.


Jump NW with grab to land on the next column and do the same to reach the next column W. Take the RUBY from the plinth, hang from the edge, shimmy around to the other side and safety drop to a ledge and from there to the floor. Go back N through the portal and across the bridge, turn left (W) at the island with the leaning tree to the island with the stone structure and place the Ruby in the snake-head receptacle to your left. A flyby shows something similar to what happened when you pulled down the wall switch earlier.


Hop down N to the bridge and proceed toward the portal. As before, save your game in front of the portal and reload before passing through. Continue N to the next island, go to the back edge and look down to find some shrubbery where you can drop down safely. Crawl into the opening and follow around for a SILVER ROSE and SECRET #10. Go back, pull up to the island and face the W slopes. Stand jump to grab the first one, pull up, slide a bit and jump five times in succession. Grab the sixth slope, shimmy left, wait for the flameblower ahead to subside, pull up and jump four times in succession off the remaining slopes, using the arrow keys as appropriate. You should be able to reach and grab the ladder in the S structure before the second flameblower is activated.


Pull up into the structure and loop around left to find a wall switch that lifts a gate somewhere. Shoot the black cat statue and take the SKULL (1 of 4) that has materialized on the plinth. Jump over the E fence onto the block below (grab not necessary) and jump forward down to the next island. Proceed S across the bridge toward the stone structure where you placed the Ruby earlier and go around it to the right. Hop down just past the tree, find the E opening partially obscured by shrubbery and follow the passage down to an opening where the gate you saw in the flyby lifted. Take a running jump E down to the island and face the moving platform.


You can't hop onto this platform and ride it as you can the vertically moving platforms. Save your game and take two standing jumps in quick succession, one to the platform when it reaches the far shore and the other toward a plinth bearing a RUBY. When you pick it up a spear trap is disabled somewhere. Return in the same manner and take a running jump (no grab) into the W opening. Go through the passage, loop around left at the other end and pull up into the stone structure.


Run straight across E to the next island, turn left and cross the bridge N to the next island. Drop from the W edge next to the tree in front of an opening. Shoot the jackal waiting inside and head E down the ramp to where that spear trap was disabled in the NE corner. Climb the N ladder, pull up and turn around to find the receptacle for your Ruby. Hop there and place it for another portal-clearing extravaganza, but not the one N of you.


Go the other way and slide down S next to an opening. Hop down and proceed to the plinth bearing yet another RUBY. When you pick it up, spears retract to provide access to its corresponding receptacle. To get there, pull back up to the island, go around left and head E across the bridge, save and reload in front of the portal and proceed through the passage to an opening. Take a running jump down to the island ahead and use the same technique described earlier to use the moving platform to get across S to the next island. This time, however, you also have to time a flameblower.


Grab the large medipack at the other end and use the next platform to reach the small island with a SKULL (2 of 4). Get back across and take a running jump (again, no grab) into the W opening. Follow through the passage and turn left on the bridge just after you pass through the portal. The stationary platforms below are breaktiles, so navigate your way across by starting with a stand jump down to the first one, followed by stand jumps or running jumps as appropriate, and adjusting your position between platforms as appropriate. You may wish to save your game in a different slot along the way, although this too is risky. With a little practice you should be able to make it in one go.


When you reach the small island, take the RUBY ROSE from the plinth for SECRET #11 and as your reward for having come this far. You're not finished with breaktiles, however, so save your game again and make your way W along the next gauntlet. The last breaktile is straight ahead, higher than the other ones, and jump from there onto the bridge. To your left is a portal cleared previously, so turn right and follow the bridge to the SW stone structure. Two jackals are waiting inside, so dispose of them before placing the Ruby in the now-safe receptacle to clear another portal.


Go to the W opening, take a running jump to the bridge and light a flare to locate a translucent platform up NW. Take a running jump onto it and hop down W for the GOLD ROSE and SECRET #12. Stand jump E to grab the platform, pull up and jump down to the bridge. Save in front of the S portal, reload and go on through. Run down the ramp to an opening where again two jackals are waiting just around the corner. Go around to the SW corner for a large medipack. Walk E along the ledge past the flameblower, turn left and jump down to the SE depression in the central structure.


Note: The builder surely intended that the water at the bottom of this pit be deadly, but as José has pointed out, in the version he's playing it isn't. José may be playing a release earlier than Version 5, but even if he isn't, the oversight may well be corrected in a future version). If the version you're playing doesn't have deadly water in the pit, and if you want to bypass all the hard work described in the next couple of paragraphs, you can simply dive down into the water and pull out to grab the third skull. Otherwise, continue reading.

There's an opening down below, but it's too far for you to hang, drop and grab. You can get there by standing at the S or E edge facing in the opposite direction, taking one step forward, hopping back and pressing the action key after clearing the edge. You'll glide down safely into the lower alcove. There's some dispute as to whether this constitutes cheating, but since the maneuver is allowed by the game's normal physics I consider the matter to be academic.  

You can now reach the S opening with a running jump and grab, but you don't yet have the Ruby you'll need in there. Instead, take a running jump with grab slightly NE to glide into the alcove in the E wall. Climb down the adjacent ladder or simply drop down and stand right facing the central structure. Take a running jump W down to the alcove, stand with your back to the N edge and wait for the flameblower to subside. Hop back, grab the edge and shimmy right around two corners. Pull up into the opposite alcove, turn around and take a running jump with grab into the opening in the W wall.


Do the hop back and glide trick to land inside a still lower opening, stand right and do the same thing to land inside a smaller opening not far above the surface of the deadly water. Turn around and stand jump E with grab to land in an alcove with a SKULL (3 of 4). Jump up to grab the crack, shimmy right around two corners and pull up into an alcove. Take a running jump to the N opening, turn around and take a running jump slightly SW to grab the higher alcove. Pull up, jump into the opening in the W wall, turn around and   jump to grab the higher E alcove. Turn around and jump to grab the larger and higher W opening. Pull up, face SE and jump to the nearer opening in the S wall. Hang from the edge, shimmy left to the next opening and pull up.


Turn around, jump N to grab the alcove in the central structure, and without pulling up shimmy right around two corners to pull up into the opposite alcove. Jump slightly SW to grab the higher opening, pull up, stand left and jump E to grab the alcove. Again, without pulling up shimmy left around two corners, time the flameblower and pull up. Hop forward onto the block, turn left and jump into the E opening with the ladder. Climb up, shift left and drop onto the block. Turn around, jump slightly SW to grab the alcove and pull up. Jump to grab the S opening that you ignored earlier.


Pull up, turn around and jump slightly NW to grab the alcove to the right of the flameblower. Pull up twice to the top of the central structure and find that all your hard work has somehow caused a RUBY to materialize on the plinth. You know where that goes, so hop back down to the lower alcove, use the hop and glide trick to get to the lower opening, then jump to grab the opening in the S wall. Pull up, go inside and place the Ruby to clear another portal in the main room.


Get back to the top of the central structure, jump N over the gap and go up the ramp to return to the main room. Follow the bridge to the E stone structure, go through and continue along the bridge to the E island, turn left and continue to the far N island. Hop down W to the opening next to the tree, follow the passage to the disabled spear trap and climb the ladder to an opening. This time go N across the bridge, save and reload in front of the portal and go on through into a stone structure.


Go right for a large medipack and take a running jump N through one of the openings to the barren island below. From the jutting ledge in the middle take a running jump N to grab the block. Pull up twice and run forward to come to a deep pit with a central column bearing an empty plinth. Use the column to jump across to the N ledge. What appears to be a spear trap isn't, and the adjacent spears are really a disguised pushblock. Pull it onto the spear "trap" and a block lowers W. Jump there and follow the passage to another deep pit.


Take a running jump SW to the S ledge. Run up the ramp to a portal, turn around and slide down the slope, grab and drop down to an opening. Light a flare and walk N down the passage to a slope. Slide down to an underground area featuring lava and spears. The remote set of spears is a disguised pushblock, so shoot the black cat statue to remove the other set of spears and push the spear block as far S as you can. Pull it W once and N once to lower a block in the E wall.


Run through the E passage and jump the ledges in a counterclockwise direction around the lava to a shimmering artifact on the NW platform. You're transported to a previous area where a jackal awaits. Use the central column to reach the W passage once again. Go to the pit and use the S ledge (on the N ledge the cat statue is in the way) to reach the W alcove. It's easier to jump to the slope, slide and grab and shimmy right until you can pull up. Pull down the wall switch, jump back to the S ledge and jump to the E entrance (again, using the slope to shimmy and pull up).


A block has lowered in the E passage of the other pit. Use the central column to get there and follow the passage to yet another pit. This time the cat statue is on your left, so jump to the S ledge and go up the ramp to a portal similar to the one you encountered earlier. Turn around, slide and grab and drop down in front of a passage. Enter, slide down at the end and wind up at an island with more spears. The pushblock spears are on your left, so shoot the cat statue to retract the other spears and move the pushblock to the NE corner.


A block lowers in the W wall, so go on through to find yourself in a familiar area. Take a running jump NW to that shimmering artifact to be transported back to that deep pit. But now, the plinth on the central column bears a SKULL (4 of 4). Jump to it, grab it, turn around and jump back S. Run up the ramp toward the main room, hop down at the end to the alcove and jump forward to the barren island. Use the jutting ledge to jump to the S stone structure and continue S across the bridge to the next island.


Turn around and climb down the ladder, follow the underground passage W to the next island, turn around at the opening and pull up onto the top of the island, go S across the bridge to the next island and continue S through the portal and down the ramp to the lava room where the Guide is still waiting patiently. Place the four skulls in the corner receptacles to open each of the corresponding gates. You can take them in any order you wish.


NW Gate


Come to a lava pit with a rising and falling platform. Jump to it when the time is right and follow through with a running jump into the W alcove. Pull down the wall switch and get back the way you came.


NE Gate


Come to another lava room. There are two moving platforms here, one on either side. Jump to the farther one on the left and from there to the E alcove. Pull down the wall switch and use the other platform to get back.


SE Gate


In this lava room the two platforms are moving in different directions. Stand jump onto the nearer one, walk to the far edge and time a standing jump to the next platform, followed immediately by a standing jump into the E alcove. Pull down the wall switch, turn around and take a running jump onto the farther platform. Time a jump into the W opening.


SW Gate


The lone platform in this lava pit is stationary, so use it to jump across to the W alcove and pull down the wall switch. I was expecting the platform to start moving at some point, but it never did. Jump back across and return to find the Guide still in a stupor. To get his attention, hop up to the SE opening next to the lava pool, hop up into the E alcove, turn around and jump to grab the ledge and pull up to find that the flames formerly protecting that cluster of dragon heads have been extinguished. Jump over there and take the DRAGON from the top of the stack.


Get back down and go through the central S opening where you see the blue light. The dragon's head on your left is the one with the vacant mouth, so insert your Dragon and the Guide will come running to light the other dragon's head. A block lowers at the blue light, so step inside to be taken to the next level.




Lara drops down to another island setting. These islands, however, are floating in space. Slide down E and run across the bridge to an island where the Guide is waiting. He can do nothing for you at the moment, so return to the beginning island and run S to the next one, where you see a burning skull on a plinth. Pull the S wall switch to open the W gate, go on through and look down left on the next island to find another wall switch. Pull it to open an E gate a little farther on.


Continue on to the next island, drop down on the other side of the clustered statues to find another wall switch. This one is timed, so save before you pull it. Hop back, turn slightly right or left and jump out of the alcove. Go around the clustered statues and sprint back E to the burning skull you saw earlier. The flames have been extinguished temporarily, so grab the GOLD SKULL and hop back before they return.


Go back to the clustered statues and turn right to the next island. Loop around right at the column to find the receptacle for the Gold Skull. Place it to open a gate in the W stone structure, go there and find a wall switch on your right. But first, pull up left to find the SILVER ROSE on the ledge for SECRET #13. The wall switch opens a timed gate. Pull it down, run W across the bridge, turn left and take a running jump to grab the block where the timed gate lifted, pull up and continue S to a plinth with the CRYSTAL THISTLE. Slide down W onto a ledge next to the tree for a small medipack, explosive arrows and nasty gun ammo.


Jump back up the slope, drop down E of the plinth through the shrubbery and pick up the RUBY ROSE for SECRET #14. Pull out, face E and save your game. Slide and jump three times in succession off the suspended slopes to reach a small island with the timed wall switch you pulled down earlier. No need to use it again, so hop up left, go N across the bridge and turn right past the column. Hop down E and note the spear trap ahead. Jump to the blocks with the snake statues to get past it and continue with jumps to the E structure.


The receptacle for the Crystal Thistle is on the S face of the block to your right. Place it to open the gate in the next E structure. Jump into the opening and take the GOLD SKULL from the plinth. Go back W, being mindful of the spear trap, and continue past the column through the opened gate to the end of the bridge. Drop down the W side and place the Gold Skull to open the N gate. Take a running jump and grab to the opening, pull up and take a running jump down to the block.


Continue with a jump N to the next island, take a right and go across the bridge past the flaming bowl. Continue with a running jump and grab to the block, pull up and follow to the large E structure. Jump to the N block and follow the bridges W to a smaller structure with a block and a timed wall switch on the other side ("Let's go as fast as we can").  The switch opens a timed gate and turns off some flames for a while, so if you want all the secrets you'll have to use it twice.


For the secret, pull down the switch and retrace your steps E to the large structure. Go around to the S side and hop down into the SE alcove for the GOLD ROSE and SECRET #15 and jump back out before the flames return. Use the timed switch again, and this time continue E with two jumps (the second one with grab) past the large structure and through the timed gate in the next structure.  Continue with jumps to the small stone structure E, go around and jump the blocks to the more elaborate E stone structure where you'll find the FOREVER IS REAL gem on the plinth.


Back flip to the previous block, jump S to the next block and take a running jump SE to the slope. Slide and jump S to find that the Guide has gotten there ahead of you. Place the gem in the receptacle, and the Guide will step forward to light the dragon's head which in turn opens the gate. Go on through to the next level.




Go through the passage into a bleak outdoor area. Follow the path upward as it winds to your left. You'll pass an opening on your right with a closed gate before you arrive in a clearing. The gate ahead opens as you approach it, so go on through to trigger a flyby featuring a lake with deadly water and the Guide perched on a ledge. The gate closes behind you as you step out facing a portal and a bridge spanning the lake. Go across the bridge and turn left at the intersection in the middle of the lake.


Continue N through the passage to the next area. Pull up onto the ledge ahead, go around left and hop NW in front of an alcove. Go inside for a RUBY ROSE and SECRET #16. Slide down to the floor and go through the W opening. You can't pull up onto the ledge, so follow the path around but watch out for the spear trap just around the corner. You'll probably arrive at the fire tile before it activates. When you reach the cage near another spear trap, push it forward and go around past the second spear trap to the other side of it.


Pull it one time S, go around clockwise and push it two times S. Go around the other way and push it two times E onto the marked tile. The flame on the tile behind you goes out. Turn around and make your way W to a second cage. Push it once, go around to the right and pull it onto the marked tile to kill the flame on the tile ahead. Go past the now safe tile and continue to the N wall, where you'll find a spike ball and a flame that starts moving toward you when you shoot the spike ball.


Wait until the flame moves away from you, follow it and turn left into the alley. Another moving flame ahead is activated, so when it passes you to the right go left and follow to a spear trap. Get past it and a fire tile to find a third cage. Push it, go around left and push it again to its original position. Go around the other way and pull it onto the marked tile to disable the nearby spear trap. Continue to a timed wall switch. Pull it, reverse roll and follow the path, using the sprint key as appropriate, until you're past the timed gate.


Loop around right to the other side of the cage to find another cage adjacent to it. Push the first cage, go around it and push the first cage again, go to the second cage and pull it two times to get it out of your way. Go around and into the passage that was formerly blocked by the second cage. Follow past a cage and a spear trap until you reach another cage. Push this one three times to reveal a side alcove with a large medipack.


Go back the other way and take the first left to the cage you passed earlier. Push it two times, return to the first cage and pull it four times. Reverse roll, get past the now-disabled spear trap and follow around to the N wall. Turn right and follow the now-cleared path past a cage and a S marked tile. Push the cage W, go around and move it onto the marked tile (going back and forth as necessary) to turn off the flame blocking your way. Continue past a spear trap on your right to a cage.


Push the cage onto the marked tile ahead to disable the spears, reverse roll and go around to find another cage. Push it two times to disable another spear trap, go around and move the second cage onto the W marked tile (again, going back and forth as necessary). The flame on the tile ahead E has gone out, so go past it and follow until you meet up with four ahmets that have no difficulty clambering over the ledges. After dealing with them, continue to a corner alcove for a small medipack, explosive arrows and nasty gun ammo.


Continue along the winding path to trigger two more ahmets, look for an alcove with a small medipack and nasty gun ammo, pause for nasty gun ammo in the NE corner and eventually come to a plinth with a GOLD SKULL. When you pick it up the S exit gate opens, so return to an earlier cavern and leave via the S passage. Back at the lake, cross the bridge, turn left at the central intersection and continue through the E portal to a receptacle for the Gold Skull.


The gate lifts, so go on through and see a wall switch to your right. Pull it down to open a nearby door N, go forward to find two plinths, one on your left and one on your right. Take 2 x nasty gun ammo from one and a large medipack from the other, continue N and shoot the charging yeti, look right for another wall switch that opens two doors in the next section N (one right and one left). The previous door closes as you move forward, and you detect a pattern starting to emerge here.


Turn left through the N door which closes behind you. Pull down the NW wall switch and prepare to greet an ahmet as the W door opens. Go straight ahead and pull down the W wall switch (I won't mention doors opening and closing anymore). Go back E, turn right, right again and left to push the wall switch back up. Go E down the main hallway to the end, turn right and go S to another intersection where two yetis attack from your right.


Go where they came from, turn left and pull down the SW wall switch. Go back E, turn right to another intersection, loop around right to find another wall switch and pull it down. Go back W, shoot a yeti and find 2 x explosive arrows on the plinths to the right and left. Pull down the W wall switch, reverse roll and take the first left where the plinths are and go N to another intersection. Go left, pull down the W wall switch, reverse roll and push the SE button that's easy to miss in the dark, go E, then N to an earlier intersection near the entrance, find the wall switch and pull it down again, go E to the next wall switch on your right and push it back up, go E and left to the next intersection, go right (E) to the end and turn right (S) to the next intersection, pull down the E wall switch and reverse roll.


Go S to the next intersection, shoot the yeti coming at you from the right, continue S to the next intersection and find the ELEVATOR KEY on the plinth in the E alcove. Reverse roll, go left at the intersection and pull down the S wall switch. Reverse roll, run across to push the NE button and go W to the end of the hallway. Loop around right, push the wall switch back up, go W to the end and push that wall switch back up as well, go back E and take the second left where the plinths are to the next intersection N, turn left and push the wall switch at the end back up, go back E and take the second left to the next intersection N near the entrance.


For the next secret, loop around left and push the wall switch back up, go E past the plinths and pull the SE wall switch back down, go E and left to the next intersection N, go right (E) to the end and go right against to the next intersection S. Loop around right to find a plinth with the SILVER ROSE for SECRET #17. Go back and push the E wall switch back up. Go S to the next intersection and continue on to the next intersection, turn right and loop around right at the end to pull down the wall switch there. Reverse roll, run W to the end and pull down the wall switch in the alcove. Reverse roll, go back E and take the second left where the plinths are, turn left at the next intersection and pull down the wall switch in the W alcove, reverse roll and take the second left to the N intersection where the plinths are, turn left and leave this area.


Go W across the bridge and turn left at the central intersection. Go through the portal, pick up the flares, small medipack, nasty gun ammo and explosive arrows in the alcove, go back to the bridge intersection, turn left and go through the W portal. Place the Elevator Key in the receptacle while Lara is looking to her left. The W gate doesn't open, so go back along the bridge until you see a rising platform on your right (at the spot where you can see the S waterfall in the distance). Get on it, stand at the W edge facing W and jump up to grab the ledge when the platform gets there. Pull up to see the waiting Guide.


You still need a Dragon to use up here, so you'll return later, but for now go around past the Guide and hop onto the short block. Hop S up the slope and take the GOLD THISTLE from the plinth. Use the platform to get back down to the bridge and return to the S section where you acquired all those goodies a little earlier. The receptacle for the Gold Thistle is back in the SW corner, so place it to open the adjacent gate. Go down the ramp past two portals to a maze-like area that resembles the one you explored earlier.

Go right to the W end, hopping over a water hole, to find two buttons at the N end that activate two moving platforms. Get on the lower one, jump to the higher one (takes a bit of timing) and take a running jump to the E alcove. Push the button to activate a third moving platform behind you NW. Jump to it, face E and jump to grab the wall opening the instant it comes into view. Push the button there to activate a fourth moving platform to your right. You can reach it with a running jump. Turn and hop into the W opening and jump across to the W alcove. Push the button to activate the moving platform to your left, hop to it and ride it up to the W opening.


Turn around and take a running jump NE into the opening, followed by another running jump NE into the next opening, followed by a final running jump into the NW opening. Slide down two slopes and run through the N passage to a ledge overlooking a deep room with a lake below. Take a running jump down to the bridge, turn left to find the DRAGON on a plinth and drop down into the water. Swim through the W opening and follow to the end. Pull out into a glade and run forward for the GOLD ROSE and SECRET #18.


Climb the N block and follow the passage to a gate that opens upon your approach (the one you passed by at the beginning of this level). Hop down, turn right and go up to another gate that opens upon your approach, bringing you back to the lake with deadly water. Run partway across the bridge to the moving platform on your right, get on it and ride it up to the ledge, jump, grab and pull up N as you did earlier. Place the Dragon, wait for the Guide to light the other dragon's head and open the gate, then go on through to finish the level.




Run down the dark passage to a canal with deadly water that's divided by a bridge. Run past an initial structure and stop at the second structure. There are openings to your left and right, one tinted red and the other tinted green. Nothing bad happens if you jump to the red one, but there's a closed gate there. So take a running jump W to grab the opening. Pull up twice and go around to face a timed wall switch. Look left to see a flame at the other end. Pull down the switch to turn off the flame briefly, turn left and sprint S down the tunnel.


Pull down a second timed wall switch at the green tile on your right, reverse roll and sprint to the plinth. Take the RUBY and hop back before the flames there return. Go N down the parallel tunnel toward a gate that opens upon your approach. Turn right toward the opening and jump back to the structure in the canal. Note the closed gate and the snake-head receptacles and take a running jump E to grab the opening on the other side.


Pull up left and follow the passage past a flaming bowl to a room with a central structure and a deep pit on the other side of it. Go to the middle of the E side of the pit, slide backwards, grab, release and grab the opening below. Turn around and jump into the pool at the bottom of the pit. Pull out NW and go to the N wall. Look left to see an opening, but to your right is a column with a ladder on its N face.


Climb the ladder and pull up into a passage facing some steps. Go up the steps to a plinth with a RUBY ROSE for SECRET #19. Climb back down and go through the W opening. Vault onto a corner of the raised tile as a flameblower is activated. When the flames subside, pull up through the ceiling hole to find a similar raised tile. Repeat what you did before to find a third raised tile. Repeat once more and push the N wall button to open a door somewhere.


Go to the SW corner of this room and the gate there opens upon your approach. Step down to the red-tinted opening you saw earlier and jump W to the central structure. Loop around left and jump back across E. Pull up left, return to the E room with the deep pit and do the slide and grab routine from the S side once again. When you pull up this time, the door ahead is open, so follow the passage to a second RUBY. Go back, jump into the water below, pull out and return to the opening near the NW corner.


Negotiate the three flaming tiles back up to the third level, exit SW and jump back to the central structure. Go left, place the Rubies to open the S gate and continue along the bridge. Take a running jump across the gap and pull up to find 2 x nasty gun ammo on a plinth. The S gate opens, so enter the next room, shoot a yeti, take nasty gun ammo and a TORCH from the plinth and light it on the nearby wall sconce. It appears that the torch is a red herring, as you won't make use of it in this level unless you'd just like to have it for additional light, so you can leave it here or bring it with you as you choose.


Go around the columns either right or left to the W wall and push the button in the S alcove. Go straight back E to the wall, look back and see another button SW to push. Go through the nearby SE opening into the next area, go a little to your right and find a small medipack in the S alcove. If you go all the way to the E wall you'll see a skull receptacle and a closed gate to your right, and a yeti will come at you from the far side of this room. Go W past the alcove with the medipack to find a third button on the column to your right. Continue to the W wall and push a fourth button in the last alcove to your left. A second yeti quickly arrives on the scene.


Go back E, and just past the plants you can climb the central structure into an opening with the GOLD ROSE for SECRET #20. Drop down either side and continue E until you reach the S opening just before the closed gate you noted earlier. Go in and push the fifth button on the S wall. Exit to the previous area, go left (W) just past the central structure to find that a gate has opened in the S wall. Go in and take the GOLD SKULL from the plinth.


You know where that goes, so exit N to the previous area, go right and to the SE corner, and place the Gold Skull in the receptacle to open the adjacent gate. Enter and follow to a door that opens for you and closes behind you. In the next area three yetis and two ahmets attack in force. Go to the NE corner, note the closed gate and hop into a disguised hole against the E wall and push the button to open that gate. Jump out of the hole and go past the opened gate to a room with deadly water. Save your game and negotiate the breaktiles with standing jumps and running jumps as necessary. It may take several tries before you figure out the route, and it may help to save in a different slot along the way.


When you approach the N wall and begin making a counterclockwise loop around to the left, you can pull up right into a S opening for some respite, not to mention the SILVER ROSE for SECRET #21. When you've had a chance to catch your breath, stand jump N onto the next breaktile and make your way around to the last one (not too difficult) where you can jump to the N opening in front of a row of spear traps.


Jump onto the slope to your left and jump back and forth between the slopes, using the right arrow key to bring Lara safely onto the NW block at the other end. Hop down and go N down the steps to a ledge overlooking a lake with deadly water. Go to the far opening near the N wall and take a running jump E down to the ledge below. Continue with a jump SE to the ramp and take a left at the top. Follow the dark passage to a room where the Guide is waiting.


Go past him to take the RUBY from the plinth, go around the dragon's head to place the Ruby in the NE receptacle and wait for the Guide to step forward and light the dragon's head. After a brief flyby you're taken to the next level.




The Guide stands with his back to you, lights another torch and walks away from you. Follow him around the corner and go through the W gate that he's opened. The gate closes, leaving the Guide standing on the other side.  Turn left and run to the S wall to find a timed wall switch next to a closed gate on your left. Pull it down to extinguish the flame briefly on the green tile you passed and rush back there.


Turn left into the passage before the flame returns and approach the next flame to make it start moving toward you. Hop back to a safe spot, wait for the flame to start going back in the other direction and follow it to an opening to your right. Slide and jump over the fire pit, and the block lowers to provide a short cut on your way back.


Loop around left to a cage and push it one time. Go around right to another cage and pull it one time. Turn around and take a running jump over the lava pit. Loop around to the previous cage and push it two times to clear a path. Turn left, pull the next cage one time and go around left, jumping the lava pit again, to a third cage. Push this one all the way N past a lava pit and onto a marked tile that disables a spear trap to your right. Go past the spear trap and pull down the timed wall switch on your left. Reverse roll and sprint when you can to the plinth bearing the SILVER ROSE for SECRET #22 before the protective flames return.


Go back the way you came, past the spear trap and over the lava pit to your right. Follow to an intersection, turn right and save before stepping on the timed trigger tile to briefly snuff the flame on the next trigger tile. Reverse roll and sprint around left to the second trigger tile to douse for a few seconds the flame on the third trigger tile that you passed along the way. Reverse roll, get past that third tile and jump over two lava pits. Wait for the spears ahead to trigger, then time your way past them.


Turn left at the intersection, jump over the lava pit and continue around to the next intersection. There's a spear trap to your left, so go right and pull the cage once. Reverse roll, go around clockwise, jumping over the lava pit once more, and pull the cage once more. Turn right and loop around counterclockwise, jumping over the lava pit, until you reach the N wall switch that disables the nearby spear trap.


Go around clockwise once more, turn left at the disabled spear trap and follow the path a fairly long distance until a block rises to block your path. Don't go too far left, or you'll run into a flame that's moving your way. Hop back and wait until it starts going back the other way, follow it, jump over the fire pit and scoot to your right in front of the returning flame. Pause for a small medipack, slide and jump over the lava pit and the block lowers behind you.


Continue S and another block will rise ahead of you. Go right around, slide and jump two lava pits in succession, continue around and you'll meet up with two ahmets. Jump over the fire pit and the previous block will lower. Move along the path for a small medipack and face an easy pushblock exercise.


Two cages are blocking your way, so go around right and pull the second one, go back around and push the first one two times. Follow the cleared path to a moving flame. This one goes up and down instead of laterally, so time your way past it and turn right at the flaming tile. Continue to the W wall, turn right and loop around a strange contraption. You'll come to a wall switch. As you might suspect, it turns off the flame on the green tile, and it's timed so save your game first. Pull the switch, retrace your steps to the green tile, using the sprint key whenever you can, and continue past it. When you do so successfully, the flame won't return.


Continue to a plinth with the RUBY. It's a long way back, but there's really only one main path to follow so you shouldn't get lost. Just remember that you're working your way E. You'll have to get past the vertically moving light and jump over several fire pits, and your first real glitch is when you come to two cages that are blocking your way. Push the one on your left, pull the other one two times, go around (jumping over a fire pit) and push the first one to clear your path. Continue past that moving flame to the E wall and exit to the room with columns where the Guide is waiting.


Locate the snake-head receptacle on one of the columns near the S wall and place your hard-earned Ruby to activate a moving platform to your right. Get on it and ride up to the top of the SW column. Jump the columns E, timing the spear trap along the way, until you reach the column with the flaming green tile. When the flames subside, jump with grab into the E opening.


Run forward and down the ramp until you reach an indoor pool. Go around it and continue E to another pool with a waiting ahmet. If you want a pickup, shoot the second ahmet in the pool and swim down for a small medipack. Pull out and find a floor lever at the far side of the pool. Push it to raise a block around the corner. Use it to access the W ledges and climb the column in the NW corner. Turn around and jump to grab the slope. Pull up, slide and jump twice and grab the gap in the SW column. Pull inside, face NE and jump to the highest column.


A flame ignites on the next column E, so stand jump to grab the edge, shimmy right around the corner and pull up in the far corner. Turn around and stand jump S to grab the opening in the fence. Pull into the passage, go to the other end and pull up right into a higher passage with a spear trap. If you get too close to it the timed door ahead will open and close before you can reach it, so take five steps forward and save your game. Sprint forward when the spears retract and continue past the timed door into the column gap (being careful not to fall to your death).  


Jump E to grab the higher ledge, pull up and make your way clockwise around the perimeter of this room, timing a spear trap and a flaming tile to pull up onto the SE column. Jump the W slopes to the SW column, jump two more slopes N to the NW column and stand jump E to grab the flaming tile. Pull up, hop into the N alcove and face SW. When the flames subside, jump to grab the higher ledge in the NW corner. Pull up and jump five slopes in succession until you reach the SE ledge with that whining jackal you've had to listen to for the past few minutes.


Jump two more slopes W and land in front of a S passage. Follow to an opening that overlooks a deep room. Shoot the black cat statue SE to disable the spear trap on the next column, jump the column tops to the SE corner, hang from the edge and shimmy left along the crack until you can drop down onto the corner column. Push the button to disable a spear trap below and stand with your back to the N wall. Stand jump to the ledge below, turn around and stand jump slightly NW to grab the crack in the wall. Shimmy left and drop down to the corner ledge.


Hop to the S ledge, hang from the edge and shimmy past the spear trap, pull up and hop to the next ledge, jump two slopes E and land on the SE corner ledge. Drop down N, safety drop from the N edge to the ledge below, time a running jump N to the ledge with the spear trap, continue with an immediate stand jump with grab into the NE gap, hop W to the next ledge, drop from the W edge to the block below and hop down W to a vantage point from which you can safely shoot two jackals and an ahmet.


Don't go through the W opening yet. Locate the wall switch on the SW column, pull it down to disable the previous spear trap, climb back up the way you came down and claim the RUBY ROSE for SECRET #23. Get back down to the floor and go through the W opening. Follow to a room with three openings, one leading to an accessible slope, one at floor level and one at the top of giant steps.


Go up the steps and follow N over a bridge and around the corner up a ramp. Continue around the corner and down another ramp to a plinth with the CRYSTAL THISTLE (try to say it fast three times). Go back around and across the bridge and down the steps to the previous room, turn right and go through the W opening and up the ramp to a room with two ahmets. Place the Crystal Thistle in the S receptacle to lower a block beside you. Drop down the hole to the pool room below and note two similar receptacles in the W columns.


Jump into the water to flush out an ahmet, swim near the surface where it can't reach you and stay high while swimming S and then E to another pool room. Pull out, shoot two jackals and take the RUBY from the SE plinth. If the ahmet has followed you, shoot him from here before jumping back into the water. Swim into the S opening, notice the current dragging you forward, pull out into a third pool room and shoot two jackals. A second RUBY is on the NW plinth.


To get back to the first pool (remember that current), go through the E opening and up the ramps to engage two ahmets. They won't follow you down the ramp, making your job easier. Continue to that inaccessible slope you encountered earlier and slide down to greet two jackals. Go through the W opening and up the ramp to a previous room, drop down through the floor hole and place the two Rubies to open the W gate. Go on through and follow up to the W wall. An ahmet is waiting around the corner to the right.


Continue along the N passage until you see an alcove on your right. Take the GOLD SKULL from the plinth and the gate to your left opens. Go on in to see the Guide waiting there for you. Look for a receptacle on the NE column and place the Gold Skull. The Guide steps forth to light the dragon's head. A moving platform is activated next to the column with the receptacle. Ride it up facing N, and at the top jump to grab the opening in the wall. Pull up to deal with four ahmets.


Locate and pull two wall switches on two of the inner columns (NW and NE). The N gate opens, so follow the passage and turn the corner to face a flame. It starts moving away from you as you approach it, so jump over the first hole and into the second hole. The flame passes by harmlessly overhead on its way back. Stand with your back against the E wall of the hole, time a jump past the spear trap and continue along the passage to another ledge maze of the type you've seen twice already.


Follow to a lava pit, slide and jump over it, hop NW for shotgun ammo and slide/jump E over the next lava pit. Continue around to a third lava pit, and this one has an active spear trap just beyond it. You need to begin your slide just as the spears are popping up, so it might be wise for you to save your game before making the attempt. When you get by safely, pause for more shotgun ammo and time your way past another spear trap while two ahmets try to sneak up on you from behind.


There's nasty gun ammo on the green tile. After picking it up, continue along the path until you reach a flaming spear trap. To your right is a flaming green tile, which means that the nasty gun ammo tile was a timed trigger tile. Go back there and step on it to douse the flame briefly on the green tile (which is also a trigger tile that disables and turns off the flame at the spike trap. Get past the trap, jump over the fire pit, continue around it and slide/jump over the lava pit. Continue past more such hazards and deal with two ahmets.


Further along you'll come to a gauntlet of fire and lava traps that aren't too hard to get past with a series of jumps. But to collect the last secret in this game, you first need to slide and jump E past two lava pits. When you hit the slope at the NE corner, don't continue jumping but allow Lara to slide into a safe hole where the GOLD ROSE can be picked up for SECRET #24.  Pull up S and jump the next lava pit. When you reach a dead end shortly thereafter, turn left and take the HEY RAIDERS! from the plinth (you can examine it for an evangelistic message). When you do so the spear trap behind you is disabled, so go past it to a green checkered tile.


Look left to see a moving spear trap. It stops just before the green checkered tile, so run after it and scoot left into the opening. At the intersection, turn left and wait for two jackals to arrive. Continue along the path to an open area where the Guide is waiting. The camera becomes fixed when you advance. The Guide walks forward and then stops. Run past him toward an E passage until you trigger a concluding flyby that ends with Lara atop a pyramidal structure and surrounded by flashing blue electrical lights.