Level by Kubsy


Walkthrough by José



The Old Library Key


After the flyby open the small door in the building to your left, shoot the killer, pick up his small medipack and climb the wooden table to get flares. Note the darker tile in the N wall under the window sill and move the table near the entrance there to lower a block in the SW corner. Go down the steps to the basement, shoot another killer, pick up his uzi clips and the revolver ammo on the table too; shoot the grate in the N wall and go inside the crawlspace to get more flares. Take a look to the small shelf with the bottle attached to the S wall and get the OLD LIBRARY KEY. Go back to the streets and use the key to open the door in the E building.


Movable Harps Puzzle


There are three wall switches near the entrance, and each one of them raises/lowers some blocks; there are also two movable harps at the top of two of these blocks. Your goal here is to place the harps on the marked tiles you can see on the solid blocks next to the N and S walls, so start by pulling the switches 1 and 3 (from left to right, facing the entrance from inside) and move the harp E and N onto the lowered block under the window sill; now pull the switch 1 up to raise that block and move the harp onto the marked tile. For the second harp, pull the switch 2 down and move the harp once S, now pull the switches 2 and 3 up (all three switches are up now) and move the harp S, W and S onto the lowered block; finally pull the switch 3 down to raise that block and move the harp onto the marked tile. A nearby trapdoor lowers, so go to the opening in the SE corner and climb up the ladder to the roofs.


The Laser Sight


Spot the hanging rope and slide down the sloped roof to a flat part in front of it, use the rope to swing to the N balcony and take running jumps from balcony to balcony until you reach the W one; here you can open the windows with your hands, enter and near the fireplace there's a plinth with the LASER SIGHT and a small medipack, jump to the SE window sill near the entrance and pull the book-switch to open a trapdoor somewhere and get a secret later. Now go S and around the corner to find the Uzis and uzi clips on the table; continue to the end of the room to see the trapdoor you opened moments ago in the corner; but don't go there yet because you still need a crowbar, so pull the book-switches in front of the big double gates to open them.


Rotating Statues Puzzle


Enter and pick up the SCROLL just in front of you; it contains a hint about the puzzle in this room. According to this scroll, the statues have to face each other horizontally. There are 4 chains in the 4 corners of the room, but they are on the ledges high above, so you’ll need to climb the bookcases in the corners or use the central bookcase to get there (the central bookcase is climbable too). What you must do is to pull: SE chain 2 times, NE chain 3 times, SW chain 2 times and NW chain 2 times. The N double gates open.


Room with Wide Stairs


In the new room a thug and a doberman will attack; run up the central stairs and if you want extra pickups go right and to the very corner, take running jumps to the ledges over the columns above the entrance to get revolver ammo and uzi clips. Go up the stairs again and turn left; continue to the opening near the SW corner, shoot the barrier and open the door. Beware of the falling debris, climb the wooden block in front of the entrance, jump to the next block to your right, turn right and jump to grab the ladder; shimmy left around the corner, climb and grab the monkey ceiling, swing to the very end and drop onto a safe ledge.


First Secret


Take a running jump to grab the horizontal pole and swing to the other side; in the next room more falling debris; go to the right side of the vertical pole, jump to grab it, climb a bit and time the fire emitter to climb up higher and quickly jump back onto a safe ledge.


Pull the floor lever to release a boulder in the pool room and time the fire emitter again to go back down safely (this time I didn’t use the pole). For a secret: don’t drop down into the pool room, but approach to the opening and take a running jump to grab the horizontal pole, swing to the ledge in the corner and take a standing jump with grab to the opening where the rolling ball came from; inside there’s a crawlspace to your left with the SECRET #1: a small medipack, uzi clips and a Golden Rose. Go back to the pool room.


Room with Hanging Crates


Jump into the water and swim to the door the rolling ball opened, continue swimming (beware of the falling debris on your way) to a room where a killer and a brawler await; pick up the flares left from the entrance and quickly get out of the water to dispatch them, pick up the large medipack and the REVOLVER they dropped; there is revolver ammo near the corner where they came from too. Pull the wall switch in the E wall to open a grated door in the opposite side of the room (W wall). There’s no way to get there and even more, that door is timed, but note the suspended hanging crates over the water; combine the revolver with the sight and shoot the chains above those crates so they fall and you can use them to cross the pool and reach the W open door; pull the timed switch and quickly jump from crate to crate to reach the opening in time.


Room with UW Levers


In this room pull the jumpswitch to open double UW doors in the N side of the previous room so go back there and swim through. Advance and a camera shot will show a door opening in the previous room; also an on-screen message tells you to look for clues in another room, so go back to the previous room and find the open door in the N wall. Enter and approach to the computers to receive the hints (not very useful, of course). Back into the water and in the room with several UW levers, facing S, pull the 1-3-4 levers (from left to right) and finally pull the lever in the W wall to release a boulder somewhere. Now go all the way back to the library with the 4 rotating statues puzzle you solved time ago and to the W wall where the gates are now open.


Torch Business


Enter and fight with a dog and a killer, pick up his uzi clips and jump to the W opening; turn around and climb up the ladder; once up jump and climb even higher to the wooden beams at the top of the room; turn right and take a long running jump to grab the bottom of the ladder in the SW corner, climb a bit, take a backflip with twist to grab the opposite ladder and climb up to the top. Pull up into the attic, shoot two rats, look for uzi clips on a box near the W wall and pull the nearby floor lever to see a camera shot of a trapdoor moving up and down over the entrance of the main room.


Exit through the hole in the NE corner, drop onto the bricked ledge at the top of the ladders, jump to the E chandelier and to the next one, face the high jumpswitch on the E wall and take a running jump to grab it timing the trapdoor below so when you fall the trapdoor is up; safely drop to the floor and jump to the central ledge with the movable block to prepare the next timed run. Move the block once to the N, drop down and go to the opening with the open door in the N wall behind the balustrade, climb the bookcases and jump to reach the high wall switch in the S wall and save your game (timed). Don’t worry about this timed run, there are several minutes and some tasks to do with the torch, but if you are not be able to do it in one go, you’ll always can get back here and use the switch again to complete the remaining tasks. Your goal now is to light two wall lamps in the N and S sides of the room, but in high ledges.


Pull the switch to raise trapdoors so you can use timed buttons high up near the wooden beams and open the door of the room with the torches too; go back to the main room, jump into the W opening again and climb up the ladder, pull up and take a standing jump E to grab the higher beams, run to the button on the N wall and press it, run back to the ladder and jump to the high opposite opening, where you’ll find a TORCH. Approach to the opening and throw the torch against the ladder so you can easily find it below, climb down the ladder and note the now raised movable block, jump to the ledge to its left and move it twice N, retrieve the torch and jump to the top of the block, a long running jump NW to the raised trapdoor, jump over the balustrade, light the torch with the nearby fire and light the chandelier attached to the wall a bit to the E. Now jump over the balustrade to ground floor, leave the torch in a place you can easily find it later and climb up the ladder again, up to the higher beams and this time run E and S to press a second button on the S wall, back to the ladder, down to the floor, pick up the torch and jump to the wooden blocks near the SW corner where a block has raised; from here a running jump to the SE raised trapdoor, jump over the balustrade and light a second chandelier attached to the S wall.


The Crowbar


Jump to ground floor and exit through the E opening. In the library with rotating statues, climb the central bookcase and spot the open door in the S wall, take a running jump S to grab the horizontal pole (not from the very edge) and swing to the niche, pull up and pick up the CROWBAR from the plinth. Drop to the floor losing some health. Detour for a secret: exit this library through the E opening and turn left, to the corner with the trapdoor you opened a long time ago, climb to a dark room, pull the crowbar switch to open the next door, time the steam emitters in the crawlspace and at the end of the passage find a small room with a door you can open with the crowbar, enter and get the SECRET #2: a small medipack and a Golden Rose. Go back to the corridor the way you came.


The Sewers


It’s time to go back to the starting area so run S taking a U-turn and jump into the water canal, locate the UW lever on the S wall and pull it to open a nearby floor trapdoor just opposite the lever. Swim there until you can get out of the water, shoot a couple of rats and go through the E opening in front of the flares, cross the tightrope and pull the switch in the niche to open the trapdoor at your feet, continue swimming to a storage room with a dog and a brawler, exit E to another storage room and locate a wall switch in the SE corner behind some crates (not sure what this switch triggers), now climb the central crates and take a tricky running jump (low ceiling) to pull the high jumpswitch in the N wall. Back to the previous storage room, the trapdoors at the top of the ladders are now open, so climb them and push the movable crates out of the metal platforms so they fall onto the trigger tiles below: the trapdoor in the SE corner opens so swim to the next room.


Deadly Pool Room


Preparation for a secret: jump from block to block (deadly waters here) until you reach the one near the SE corner, pull the jumpswitch there to open a door somewhere. Go back to the W side of the room the way you came. Now pull the timed wall switch in the SW corner and jump from block to block, this time timing the fire emitter and jump with grab into the E opening before the door closes. Use the crowbar to pry the VALVE off the pipe and the rooms will flood, swim back to the previous room and through the opening in the floor next to the W wall; the next door will open as you approach and you’ll find yourself at the bottom of the room with the tightrope. Climb the ladder and go back to the start of the sewers where you shot the rats time ago.


Using the Valve


Now locate a movable shelf near the NE corner and move it to the W so you can climb it and take a running jump to grab the high crack in the W wall, shimmy left and around the corners, go inside the crawlspace and pull the switch to open a trapdoor outside. Go back there, jump into the water and swim to a room where you can use the Valve (press “Ctrl” twice) to open a door in the outside canal. Swim back to the previous room, jump into the S pool and if you used the jumpswitch in the room with the deadly waters a door should be opened in the NW corner with the SECRET #3: a Golden Rose. Swim back to the starting area with the canal.


Driving the Boat


The open door is in the E side, swim there and enter into the room with the BOAT. Pull the wall switch in the corner to raise the exit door, shoot a couple of killers from the entrance if you want and mount the boat; drive W and N. If you want the last secret, once you jump over the first mound, dismount (left or right arrow keys + “Pg Up”) and swim down near the corner to get the SECRET #4: a Golden Rose. Mount again and continue up the next mound.


Exiting the Level


In the next room shoot a last killer on the pier and climb the ledge with shallow water in the SE corner, take a running jump N to grab the ladder and continue shimmying/climbing/swinging (the movement “ladder to monkeyswing” is available here) all around the room until you eventually reach a high crawlspace in the SW corner. Go through and in the next room pull the switch to finish the level.


December – 13 – 2021