TR2 Level by ShadowyJaw

Walkthrough by Treeble


Welcome to Lakeside Manour. You begin by the fireplace of a small bedroom, with a locked closet, so let's procure a key, shall we? Throw the lever to open the nearby door (making a quick stop at the bathroom if necessary), then run across the TV room to a button. Enter the library and observe the beautiful moonlit night as you step on the table to pick up a first aid kit.


Head towards the kitchen and ignore the button you'll see, that's the alarm button. As it's currently off, let's keep it that way. You can explore the walk-in freezer, although there's nothing of interest inside, and in the end of the hallway with the suits of armor you can spot a locked door in a small room to the left. Without any keys in hand, all that's left to do is push that button.


Enter the next room and, before going up the steps, pull the wooden block once to reveal a bottle of medicine hidden beneath. At the top, three more blocks. Pull the rightmost one once and hop around it to find the golden dragon (SECRET #1); then pull out the lone block on the left hand side of the room to reveal the EXIT GATE KEY beneath it. The other block hides nothing, but you could push it aside to make navigation easier.


Climb down the ladder and move the block to the side so you can collect the MAIN HOME EXIT KEY. The block is now resting in front of a trapdoor, so push it back towards the wall and head up the small passage to find a button which opens the door to a lovely backyard garden. Follow down the stairway and at the end of the backyard you'll find two locked gates, and behind the railing on the far corner of the area is the ARMOURY TRAPDOOR KEY. Retrace your steps back inside the house and use this key to open that trapdoor by the block.


Get the famas ammo off the floor and climb back out and up the nearby ladder as well. Go down the steps and enter that small room right across to unlock the door to the terrace. Head to the opposite end and flick the switch to open a door; while there's nothing inside this room, the window reveals a key next to a wooden platform, so go outside and loop around the wall to find an opening in the railing, do an angled jump to that very platform and claim the PERSONAL CLOSET KEY.


Back inside, run past the suits of armor and through all the rooms until you're back in the bedroom. Unlock the closet. Once you climb inside, the invasion will finally begin, so hurry up and pick up that FAMAS RIFLE and turn around so you can gun down a flamethrower thug and a shotgun thug before they get too close for comfort. Retrieve the flares and the ELECTRICAL FUZE, then work your way down to the backyard, making a quick stop at the dead bodies for ammo. You can switch off the blaring alarm sound with that button, now.


Open the garage with the fuse. It's rather dark inside, but bright enough to spot flares as well as the nearby switch, flick it to open the trapdoor and drop into the drains. Carefully walk past the glass shards and pull into an alcove to find a switch, it opens the door next to the trapdoor inside the house, so head all the way back there and enter the pool room. In the water lies the second EXIT GATE KEY, but before going back to the backyard garden, loop around the perimeter of the pool to find an extra bottle of medicine.


Use both keys to partly open the big gates. Just outside, a shotgun thug is expecting you. Then head further down the path and follow the narrow corridor left before opening the door. Climb the ladder to the upper floor, where a goon and a rifle thug are guarding the UNIVERSAL HOUSING KEY. Climb back down and proceed to open that door you just walked by to a neat plaza. First things first, go all the way to the right and jump off the docks into the small water pooled against the wall. Swim to the opening underneath the building for the silver dragon (SECRET #2), then swim back and out the canal current will push you away.


You can climb back onto the dock on the other end, do so and gun down a shotgun thug coming from the alley in front of you, then relieve him of his goodies. Unlock the door to a small apartment building and run around to find a wooden block on the corridor; pull it once to use it as a stepping stone to reach the opening in the ceiling and find a ladder to climb even higher.


On the other side, drop down one floor and deal with the goon. Ignore the ladder going down for now (it leads you to the speedboat, we'll only need it when we're ready to leave) and head towards the balcony instead. Hop through the opening in the railing to grab the rooftop ahead, then shimmy right to land in the slope by the gap of the railing below. Run across to the other end and through the alleyway where two rifle thugs will instantly open fire.


As you go past the waterfall fountains and around the corners, a shotgun thug and two flamethrower thugs will attack. Get the ammo they leave behind and run through the open gate to the stacked crates in the back, throw the switch in that room to open a trapdoor. It's located in the third waterfall fountain in this area, so back out and head left to dive in.


Swim through the winding tunnels to surface in the sewers. This would be a good time to save your game if you haven't done so. Swim to the left corner, in the very opposite end of that deadly fan, for ammo, then proceed to swim down the shaft in the middle. At the bottom, swim as close as possible to the right hand wall to avoid being sucked into the fans. Just keep swimming and climb out when you can.


Use the metallic box in front of you to reach the opening in the ceiling and loop around the wall. If you look down, you'll see lots of shattered glass all over the place, so do a running jump to the breakaway wooden tiles and quickly run and jump to a safe spot close to the waterfall. Get the soaked MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT and press the nearby button to disable the last two fans. Safely wade over the glass and pull back in the entrance, then retrace your steps back.


When you get back in the water, swim into the alcove of the fan straight ahead of you and claim the jade dragon (SECRET #3), which also nets you some grenades if you've found all three secrets in the level. Swim back to the sewers and pull out of the water. Near the very active and very dangerous fan is an opening in the wall, get in there and use the circuit to power up the switch, which in turn opens a trapdoor right above you. Climb up the ladder and enter the building.


Go up the ramp to some sort of control room. Flick the nearby switch to open a trapdoor (for later) and keep going through the corridors to handle two shotgun thugs, one of which leaves ammo behind. Proceed until you get to a huge room with a water pit in the middle. You can take a running jump from this side of the room to the block next to the pillar ahead of you, from where you can jump and grab the ladder on the opposite end and climb up. (Should you fall into the water, there's a single platform you can climb out of the water, a series of shimmying and sliding jumps will get you to that same block by the pillar.)


On the opposite mezzanine, flick the nearby switch to raise the trapdoor as well as the switch below the pipes to flood the room. Dive into the water and swim through the narrow crevice in the wall to a small room with an INCA RELIC. Swim back out and retrace your steps to that control room.


Once you unlock the door with the relic, the final showdown begins, so quickly take the bundle containing the GRENADE LAUNCHER, grenades, a first aid kit, and a pair of GOLDEN ROSES for Lara's collection. Immediately equip the grenade launcher as three mafioso bosses rush in. Keep an eye on your health bar to ensure you blow all of them to smithereens before you're done for.


Now go back down the ramp and head left to find that trapdoor you've opened earlier. Climb the wall to the top and backflip, at the end of this passage is a zipline to cross the canal. Head to the right and into that apartment building again, through the opening in the ceiling and up the ladder again. When you reach the top, this time around go down the ladder on the left all the way to the bottom to the speed boat. Flick both switches to open the gates and speed across the canal into the exit gateway in the other end to wrap things up here.