Level by DaroRaider


Walkthrough by José


Going Outside

After the conversation with the imprisoned man shoot the killer and a trapdoor will open in the corner; drop through the hole and in the room below look for a wall switch to open a door in the initial room (note the red keyhole in another small room, for much later), so climb up the ladder and in the next room jump into the water to get automatic pistols ammo, get out and through the passage opposite the open door, slide down the slope in the dark corridor (with grab) to finally reach a big outside area.


Lowering a Trapdoor

Go straight ahead and drop into the trench to get a large medipack; in the lake with the lonely cascade in the corner there’s a small medipack too; further on, following the water canal there’s an opening with flares. Go to the opposite area with the big tree, climb the rocks, shoot a tiger and go in the direction of the next big tree, jump into the next lake and swim to the end where the big UW grate is, swim left and get out of the water, climb the rocks and once outside take a curved running jump to the right onto the sloped rocks, slide/grab/shimmy left and pull up; take a tricky running jump to the opening in the wall, standing jump onto the next greenish rock and to the right to pull a switch: a trapdoor opens above, for later.


Under the main Tower

Now go outside and directly to the… Great Wall? Climb the wall, a door will open releasing a killer; nothing to do in the room where he was at this moment, so go through the cascade in the small pool and pull the switch at the end of the passage to open the opposite door; go there, shoot a brawler and try to pull the switch, fall onto a ramp, try to slide backwards, drop into a raised trapdoor and quickly roll and take a running jump to grab the wide ladder before it lowers, climb to the top and climb down the next long ladder.


The Moss-Covered Key

In the room with five switches don’t try to pick up the key, but pull first (from left to right) the second, the third and the fifth ones; now you can safely pick up the Moss-Covered Key; shoot a brawler, climb up the long ladder and drop through the hole to your left. In the next room shoot the small spiders and pull the block out and aside to clear the way, go left to pull a switch and open a door somewhere, go to the other side of the corridor, shoot the spider and get back in the outside area.


Movable Block – Timed Run

Climb the wall again and now you can go to the first door that opened, pull/push the movable block outside (here is the door you opened moments ago), run up the stairs, drop through the hole and continue moving the block to the very end of the ledge.


Now go to the lake under the first big tree and the three deadly tiles (in the first part of this outside area), jump into the water and follow the UW passage until you can surface, continue climbing blocks, a ladder, more blocks and eventually reach a pit you must jump, drop through the hole at the other side and save the game in front of the timed switch; pull it to raise a trapdoor outside, quickly drop through the hole, go outside directly to the opposite side to climb the wall again, left to the place where the movable block is, climb it and take a running jump to the raised trapdoor, finally climb the tree branch.


Back to the Beginning

Go through the opening in the wall and continue through the passage until you find a room with a wall switch, pull it to raise doors left and right; go back outside, again climb the wall for a last time, go to the room where the movable block was, run up the stairs and jump over the hole to reach the ledge with the zip-line; use it to reach the very end of the slide and find yourself in one of the first rooms you explored in this level, locate the corridor with the keyhole and use the key to open the door.


The Interior Passage key

Advance (beware of the falling debris; better take a curved running jump from the entrance) and in the corridor with the moving blades use the climbable wall in the right side to get across; in the next corner climb the high opening to find a room with the Uzis. Back to the watery corridor, use the same tactic with the next moving blades (this time the climbable wall is in the left side), continue and eventually you’ll find a room with the Interior Passage Key. When you pick it up a door opens, enter and pull the switch to open the remaining door but also release a couple of killers, they will drop a large medipack and automatic pistols ammo.


First Secret

Exit and drop into the water hole, at the end of the UW passage get out of the water and quickly run and jump to avoid the moving spiked walls. To get the first secret: when the walls stop go back to the hole in the floor between them, jump over it, drop/grab the edge (the other side is higher) and safely drop from the very corner to get the SECRET #1: the Jade Dragon.


Room with Moving Wheels

Advance and climb the ladders to return to a familiar room; shoot the brawler, pick up his small medipack and locate the keyhole to use the key, slide down the ramp and jump in last moment over the moving blades. In the room with the moving wheels jump to the corner with the large medipack and the flares, jump back to the floor with the less shallow waters and time the wheel to jump to the recess in the left side and climb the left block from the very right side, pull the switch, go down and time the wheel again to cross to the other side of the room. From the higher tile under the lamp take a running jump to the ledge in the corner with the moving blade, climb higher and pull the switch to open a trapdoor somewhere; time the moving wheel again to cross to the other side of the room and locate the ladder in the pillar next to the raised door, climb up and go to the end of the corridor (note the closed door to your left and the green texture in the wall in front of it) to get the Gong Hammer.


Second Secret

Go back the way you came and a door will fall at your back, another door will open in front of you, quickly don’t wait so the door is totally open but run to its left side and right to pull the switch opening the trapdoor or you’ll never avoid the rolling ball, drop/grab the edge and let the ball runs over Lara. Pull up and continue some meters through the corridor; when you reach the part with the green tiles in the walls (music starts) quickly go back down and try to cross the opening before the timed door to your left closes, pick up the SECRET #2: the Stone Dragon and go back to the corridor.


Using the Gong Hammer

Advance and when you hear the ominous music step onto the breakable tiles and fall into a room with shallow waters, quickly turn right and walk escaping from the moving spiked wall, climb the safe ledge, pull the switch, jump into the water hole and swim to the outside area where a killer is waiting for you. Now go up to the opening at the top of the cascade in the middle and make your way to go back down to the room where you get the Moss-Covered Key time ago; use the hammer to ring the gong and kill the yetis. Climb up the long ladder and go right to climb down the ladder in the hole and land inside the room with the dead yetis. In this room take care of the gray tiles (they are deadly), walk onto the tile with spikes and pick up the Automatic Pistols (facing the nearby spiked wall) to open the exit door, jump there, drop into the hole and slide down the ramps to the…


T-Rex Lair

When the big reptile is dead, explore the room to find a large medipack near a skeleton, go through the nearby opening with the torches, avoid the rolling ball and pull the switch to open the exit door. Exit and go there (left wall), shoot small spiders, climb up the ladder and slide down the ramp backwards, grab the edge at the end, shimmy to the very right side, pull up and jump back with roll and a left curve lo land onto the green ledge.


Platform Puzzle

In this room take a look to your left to see what tiles you can step on, after step onto all five tiles the door opens.


[Note:] This puzzle is not well built, because all the tiles are repeated in the platform and you can’t jump onto any tile, but only onto certain tiles (at least I was not able to get the hint about the tiles I could jump, so I needed to ask for help here). It’s a bit “obscure” for the players that the builder thought the order is: first wall tile – first row, second wall tile – second row, etc. [End Note]


The tiles you must step onto (looking to the closed door):

- First row – third column.

- Second row – first column.

- Third row – fourth column.

- Fourth row – fifth column.

- Fifth row – second column.


The Main Tower Key

Once you are succeed take a running jump to the opening with the open door and in the next room pick up the Main Tower Key, but quickly take a sidejump to avoid the falling debris. There is also a wall switch to pull in a corner to open the exit door in the T-Rex Lair. For an extra pickup, if you want you can take a standing jump from the central tile where the key was to a part of the wall (facing the entrance) with the same texture of those in the dark corridor with the moving blades, climb up the ladders to the very top to get uzi clips on a raised trapdoor overlooking the outside area. Go back down the way you came to the room where the key was.


Third Secret

Go back to the T-Rex lair (a trapdoor was raised in the left side to cross the deep pit), soot two tigers and locate the open door in the left side. Enter, pick up the small medipack and the automatic pistols ammo in the corners, locate the UW opening in the center of the room and swim through the UW passage to a room with many ladders in the left wall.


To get the last secret: counting from the corner where you came from, climb the sixth ladder (note the opening to your left) and take a backflip with twist to grab the crack in the opposite wall, shimmy left, pull up in the corner and follow the corridor to get the SECRET #3: the Golden Dragon, a large medipack and 3 X uzi clips.


Up the Main Tower

Anyway, in the room with the shallow waters, counting from the corner where you came from, climb the fourth ladder, go through the opening and continue a short ride to find yourself at the top of the great wall. Now go to the door in the left side and once inside the tower always left to find the keyhole, open the door, enter, shoot the killer, climb up the ladder and from the tile with the spikes jump left or right to reach the top of the tower. Locate the movable crate with the sign under the unlit torch and move it all around clockwise to the very end so you can climb it and pull the high wall switch to raise the door to your left.


The Last Zip-Line

Go back counterclockwise shooting a killer on your way and I ran off the edge of the pit to grab the edge of the spiked tile, then I took a curved running jump (gray deadly tiles) losing some health to grab the edge of the ledge with the zip-line.


Grab the zip-line, slide but not to the very end (the last raising trapdoor is a trap); simply try to drop onto the very final part of the slope (last tile, not deadly), slide and drop through the first raising trapdoor and onto the very edge of the spiked rock; from here turn left, climb two blocks and quickly turn right and take a running jump to a safe ledge escaping from the rolling boulder; take a running jump over the next pit, drop down onto the next rock and take a standing jump to the opposite sloped rocks, shoot a tiger and pull the switch in the niche to raise the doors getting access to the final room.


Final Fight

When entering, doors low at your back; if you run to the right side of the door with the lightened torches a lot of enemies will emerge from the left and right black openings (flamethrowers included); draw powerful weapons and once you defeat the final Boss you can use the Talion (always in your inventory from the very beginning) in the center of the door flanked by torches to finish the level.


March – 16 – 2024