Angry Spirit of the Knot

Level by Tamar Leibovich (June, 2001)

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

You fall into a room losing a bit of health. Go forward and open the doors. Pick up a large medipack from the center platform. Kill the two knights that attack. One of them will drop a crowbar. In the pool there is an opening but the current is against you. Ignore the back wall ladders for now as well.

Go to the south-east and open the door. Pull the snake switch and see a near pillar go down and a far pillar go up. Go forward and turn left to open up a trap door on the floor. Climb down and pick up flares. Go about halfway down the tunnel pull a switch and get a cut scene of a door opening. Go back and climb the ladder. Loop around to the left to enter that door. At the end turn left to see a gate and a circle on the floor. Laboriously move a globe over to that circle and the door opens. Open the floor trap door. This is a shortcut back to the snake switch. Go back and use the switch and the pillars change again. Go down the tunnel, climb the other side, loop though the door and go left to another snake switch. Use it and get a cut scene of a block rising. Go back to the first snake switch. Climb the block and the block next to it. Pull up west into a crawl space. Enter a stand up space and pry a Golden Star #1 from the wall. Get back down to the main room.

Go to the south-west and open the door. Pass a closed gate in the corridor. Enter a room and get a flyby of the area. Use the snake switch and a block rises in the middle of the room. Get on the bridge and see two globes. Pull the North globe to the middle and get down. Use the snake switch and it drops. Move the globe to the north-west corner and hear a door opening. Go back to the entrance corridor and into the open gate. Get secret #1 and pick up flares, small medipack and Uzi ammo. When you step on a fancy tile on the floor, you get a cut scene of a gate opening. Problem is that when you move off, the gate closes. Move the globe from the corner onto that tile for now. Get on the bridge and move the globe from the south end to the north end and get a cut scene of a door opening. Get the globe from the floor and put it back on the bridge, Move it to the south end and get a cut scene of a gate opening. Get down and stand behind the fancy floor tile. Run over it and sprint down the corridor into the end tunnel before the gate closes. Pry a Golden Star #2 off the wall. If you see a opening in the north-east that is for getting back in case you got here with the two gates not being opened. Go back to the main room.

Go to the north-west and open the door. Go to the end and climb a pole. Back flip at the end and slide down a slope. Pick up Uzi ammo and the door opens. You get a cut scene of the Horseman mounting his horse. Fight him and at the end pick up his Horseman's Gem. Go to the north wall and use it to open a door. Pry a Golden Star #3 from the wall and run east up some stairs. At the end, the gate opens, so slide down the pole. Go back to the main room.

Go to the north-east and open the door. Go inside and face a blue maze. Just go left as much a possible until you reach a dead end. Look up and pull up into a room. Get a flyby showing 17 stars. Go to the star directly opposite the entrance to the east. Pry the Golden Star #4 off the wall. To the north there is a different designed floor tile. Walk on it to trigger a block to drop. Get back to the entrance. This time go right as much as possible. Light a flare so you see an opening to the north-east. Go inside and jump over a deep pit. If you were here before a block would have blocked the way. Get into the crawl space for secret #2 and the Uzi's. Go back to the main room.

Climb either ladder at the back besides the pool. At the top use the four Golden Stars and a gate opens behind you. Enter the tunnel and an earthquake happens. Go to the end and pull the switch on the wall and get a cut scene that shows all the doors in the room below being blocked with with raised blocks. The underwater gate closes as well so the room floods. Dive into the water and swim to the south wall of the room. Look for a hole and pull up into a tunnel. Go to the end and enter a room with a pool. Across the pool you can see two water sprouts and two gem holders. In the pool are two crawl spaces.

Swim into the north crawl space. It is a long swim but finally pull up into a tunnel. A gate opens for you and promptly closes once you are inside. You see a gem surrounded by fire. You can also see a jump switch on the north-east wall just above a crevice. Start there and grab the crevice. Shimmy to the right and pull up. Jump the gap to a crevice. Shimmy to the right and pull up. There is a second jump switch beneath you. This raises a block that you need to continue. Drop and pull the jump switch. Immediately roll, slide, and jump to grab a crevice. Shimmy to the right and pull up. Run and jump to pull the first jump switch. You get a cut scene of the door opening and the fire going out. Get the Horseman's Gem and get out to swim back to the pool.

Swim into the south crawl space. Just follow the tunnel to an underwater maze. Keep swimming to the right and you will find a place for air. Look up at a close gate. Dive in and continue swimming to the right to another place for air. You should see a slope. Pull up, back flip, and jump forward to grab a rope. Swing forward to pull a jump switch. Be careful since if you go too far forward you end up stuck in a wall. Swim back to the entrance. Just go to the right and a current carries you back there. Now swim to the left direction as far as possible and look up for an air hole. Pull up and go down the tunnel. At the top drop to a slope and jump into the gate you opened. Go to the end for a Horseman's Gem. Swim back to the pool and pull up on the west side.

Use the two Horseman's Gems and water flows from the sprouts on the water. The hole beneath them is filled with water. Drop into the water and swim down and up into another room. Pick up flares from the floor. There are two holes at the sides. Go to the south hole and dive into the water. There are many music scrolls. The only Music Scroll you can pick up is towards the north-west direction. It is on the floor so try a few until one works. Swim back up and go down the ladder in the other hole. Start climbing blocks until you reach a holder for the music. Use the music scroll and an earthquake starts. The door in front of you opens. When you pick up the Pharos Knot, the level ends.
